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MEDICAL CARE (STCW, A-VI/4-2) – IMO Model Course 1.



This model course aims to provide the training for candidates to provide medical first aid on board
ship, in accordance with Section A-VI/4, Table-VI/4-2 and IMO Model course 1.15 “Medical

This syllabus covers the requirements of the 2010 STCW Convention with Manila Amendments,
Chapter VI, Section A-VI/4, Table A-VI/4-2. On meeting the minimum standard of competence in
medical first aid, a trainee will be competent to apply Medical care in the event of accident or
illness on board.

Entry standards
For admission to the course seafarers should have completed IMO Model Course No. 1.14,
Medical First Aid.

Course certificate
On successful completion of the course and demonstration of competence, a document may be
issued certifying that the holder has met the standard of competence specified in Table A-VI/4-2 of
STCW Convention.

Maximum number of trainees will depend on a number of teaching staff, teaching facilities and
equipment, but no more than 6 trainees per teacher for practical exercises and no more than 12
trainees per teacher for lecturer hours and audio-visual presentations.

Instructors have appropriate training in instructional techniques and training methods (STCW
Convention Section A-I/6). An assistant instructor and instructor have similar experience for
practical exercises.

Training facilities and equipment

Classrooms are equipped with computer equipment, projector, viewgraph and whiteboard and/or
interactive whiteboard for theory lecturers and group discussions. There are also smaller rooms for
practical exercises.

Practical part of the course is carried out in General Hospital Izola, In high school premises (ex
Secondary School of Nursing), lecturer hours, audio-visual presentations and radio medical advice
exercises are carried out on the faculty.


Lectures are held from Monday to Saturday, arranged throughout the day and supported by practical
examples, diagrams, pictures, graphs and video-presentations where appropriate.
Description of the course
Bigger parts of the course are practical exercises.

With this training, the participants will gain in-depth knowledge on how to take care for the patient
or injured person on board.

Assessment: 100 % attendance for the successful completion of the training and obtain a certificate.

Trainees: All seafarers who will take charge of medical care on board the ship.

Planned period of training: monthly, when 6 or more candidates apply for the course.

Duration of the course: 5 days or 7,5 hours per day, together 50 school hours or 37,5 hours.

Course Outline Duration (in hours)
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Lecturers, Practical part
demonstrations (practice)
First aid - overview 3 3
Care of casualties 3 4
Aspects of nursing 3 0.5
Diseases 2 3
Alcohol and drug abuse and psychiatry 3 -
Dental care 3.5 -
Gynecology, pregnancy 2 -
Medical care of rescued persons, including 3 -
distress, hypothermia and cold exposure
Death at sea 1 -
Hygiene and medical education on board 2 -
Keeping of records 0,5 -
Medicines and medical equipment 2 2
Surgical equipment, instruments and supplies 2 2
32 14.5
SUBTOTAL Part 1 46.5

Course Outline Duration (in hours)
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency Lecturers, Practical part
demonstrations (practice)
External assistance - 1,5
The transport of sick and injured 0.5 0.5
Medical care of the patient and injured person 1 -
1.5 2
SUBTOTAL Part 2 3.5

TOTAL (Part 1 + Part 2) 33.5 16.5

Teaching aids (A)

A1 Instructor Manual (Part D of IMO Model course 1.14)

A 2 Vi d e o
V2 FIRST AID PART 1 (COVERS STCW 1995 TABLE A-VI/1-3), Videotel Marine
International Limited
V3 FIRST AID PART 2 (COVERS STCW 1995 TABLE A-VI/4-1), Videotel Marine
International Limited

IMO Conventions and other references (R)

R1 The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for

Seafarers, 1995 (STCW 1995), 2010 edition.
R2 Medical Section (pages 11 1 to 148) of lnternational Code of Signals, 1987 edition.
R3 Assembly Resolution A.438(XI) - Training and qualification of persons in charge of medical
care aboard ship
R4 ILO/IMO/WHO: International Medical Guide for Ships (IMGS), 2nd edition, (Geneva,
World Health Organization, 1988) (ISBN 92-4-154231-4)
R5 ILO/IMO/WHO: Medžunarodnoe rukovodstvo po sudovoj medicini (IMGS), 2nd edition,
(Geneva, World Health Organization, 1988) (ISBN 92-4-154231-4)
R6 IMO: Medical First Aid Guide for use in Accidents Involving Dangerous Goods (MFAG),
2010. ISBN: 978-92-801-1514-7
R8 IMO: A pocket guide to cold water survival. 2nd ed. London: International Maritime
Organization, 1992. 20 str., ilustr. ISBN 92-801-1273-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 1325923]
R9 MARITIME AND COASTGUARD AGENCY: Training in First Aid and Medical Care for
Fishing Vessel Personnel, Boatmaster’s Licence Holders and Small Commercial Vessel
Personnel (Not covered by the International Convention on Standards of Training,
Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers as amended in 1995 (STCW95)) MGN 147
R10 MARITIME AND COASTGUARD AGENCY: Radio Medical Advice For Ships At Sea.
MGN 225 (M+F)
R11 MARITIME AND COASTGUARD AGENCY: The Dreadnought Medical Service, St
Thomas’ Hospital, London. Notice to all Shipowners, Employers, Manning Agents, Masters
and Seafarers and Skippers and Crews of Fishing Vessels MGN 370 (M+F)
R12 H. M. STATIONERY OFFICE: The ship captain's medical guide : 1952. 19th ed. London: Her
Majesty's International medical guide for ships : including the ship's medicine chest. 3rd ed.
Geneva: World Health Organization, cop. 2007. XIX, 469 str., ilustr. ISBN 978-92-4-
154720-8. ISBN 978-92-4-068231-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 2116069]

Literature (L)

L1 Course Compendium – abstract from ILO/IMO/WHO lnternational Medical Guide for Ships
(Ref.: R7)
L2 AHČAN, U., [et al.]: Prva pomoč. Priročnik za voznike motornih vozil /; [avtorji fotografij
Uroš G. Ahčan ... et al.]. - 1. izd., 1. ponatis. - Ljubljana : Rdeči križ Slovenije, 2008. - VII,
177 str. : ilustr. ; 21 cm. ISBN 978-961-6103-21-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 237652992]; (in
L3 AHČAN, U., [et al.]: Prva pomoč : priročnik s praktičnimi primeri. - 1. izd. - Ljubljana :
Rdeči križ Slovenije, [2007]. - XIV, 736 str. : ilustr. ; 31 cm + 1 optični disk (DVD). ISBN
961-6103-20-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 28922885]; (in Slovene)
L4 HRASTNIK, V.: Prva pomoč in nujna medicinska pomoč : učbenik za srednje zdravstvene
šole za program Tehnik zdravstvene nege pri predmetu Zdravstvena nega in prva pomoč v 3.
letniku, za program Tehnik zdravstvene nege (PTI) pri predmetu Zdravstvena nega in prva
pomoč v 2. letniku, ter program Bolničar/negovalec pri predmetu Pomoč in oskrba v 3.
letniku / Vera Hrastnik, Marija Košak ; [ilustracije Simona Cimerman ; fotografije Vlado
Korošec]. - 3. natis. - Maribor : Pivec, 2007 (Maribor : Ma-tisk). - 100 str. : ilustr. ; 30 cm,
ISBN 978-961-6494-11-3. [COBISS.SI-ID 58968065]; (in Slovene)
L5 Ustanova za održavanje pomorskih plovnih putova: MEĐUNARODNI SIGNALNI
KODEKS 1969. Split: vojna štamparija, 1971. str.162. (in Croatian)
L6 Martin SPACAL: Psihologija in psihiatrija. skripta. str.101. 2010. (in Slovene)

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