Production and Applications of Activated Carbons As Adsorbents From Olive Stones

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Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2019) 9:775–802


Production and applications of activated carbons as adsorbents

from olive stones
Junaid Saleem 1 & Usman Bin Shahid 1 & Mouhammad Hijab 1 & Hamish Mackey 1 & Gordon McKay 1

Received: 2 September 2018 / Revised: 9 June 2019 / Accepted: 1 July 2019 / Published online: 9 August 2019
# The Author(s) 2019

Olive stones have been widely used as a renewable energy biowaste source. As they are rich in elemental carbon (40–45 wt%),
much research focussed on effectively converting olive stones, as precursors, into activated carbon adsorbents. However, only a
few studies have concentrated on summarising the various techniques used to produce activated carbon from olive stone. This
article reviews the research undertaken on the production and application of activated carbon as an adsorbent from olive stones
for wastewater treatment. Various physical, chemical and physico-chemical treatments to remove heavy metals, organics and
dyes are discussed, and the resultant adsorption capacities are reported. In several cases, very high adsorption capacities are
recorded. Finally, the future prospects of these materials as adsorbents are discussed, and after further development work, olive
stone-derived activated carbons have great potential especially in the area of organic polluted wastewaters.

Keywords Activated carbon . Olive stones . Adsorption . Wastewater treatment

Abbreviations activated carbon. Nowadays, the sources of activated carbon

AC Activated carbon are extensive and are ever expanding. Any low-cost material
AOP Advanced oxidation processes with a high carbon content and low in inorganics content can
MB Methylene blue be used as precursors to produce activated carbon [2–5]. Most
of the literature refers to the production of active carbons from
coal [6], bamboo [7–10] and other lignocellulosic materials
[11–14]. Activated carbon is the most widely used adsorbent
1 Introduction because of its low cost, exceptionally high porosity, tuneable
pore size and high adsorptive capacities [15, 16]. The raw
The term ‘activated carbon’ or AC defines a category of amor- materials widely used initially for the production of commer-
phous carbonaceous materials with high porosity and internal cial activated carbon are coal, bone char, peat, petroleum coke,
surface area. Activated carbon can be produced from any car- lignite, wood and other biomass sources.
bonaceous material, and until recently, anthracite and bitumi- However, today the range of precursor materials is diverse
nous coals have been the major sources. Activated carbons are and widespread. Nearly all organic materials with relatively
the most widely used adsorbents for the treatment of waste- high carbon content may serve as raw materials, ranging from
waters and emissions. conventional materials such as wood, coconut shell or coal to
Environmental awareness has also shaped the manufactur- natural or synthetic polymers. For commercial grade carbons,
ing of activated carbons by introducing the concept that nor- the values of surface areas typically vary in the range between
mal everyday waste materials, such as agricultural by- 500 and 1500 m2/g or even as high as 3000 m2/g [13]. They
products and old tyres [1], are potential precursor sources of can be further separated into two sub-categories in accordance
with their applications, namely, gas phase and liquid phase, in
* Junaid Saleem which the former is usually microporous (pore diameter <; 2 nm) in granular form (2.36–0.833 mm, or 8/20 in mesh size)
and the latter is mesoporous (pore diameter lies between 2 and
Division of Sustainable Development, College of Science and 50 nm) in powdered form (0.150–0.043 mm, or 100/325).
Engineering, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar Foundation, Both granular and powdered activated carbons have been
Doha, Qatar
776 Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802

shown to be effective in wastewater treatment in which acti- around 16 and 47 wt%, respectively [30], which is considered
vated carbons play an important role in decolorising, odour as one of the highest values of carbon among various stone
removal, and metal recovery as well as organics adsorption. fruits.
Alternatively, adsorption, as a flexible, simple and inexpen- To date over one hundred research articles have been pub-
sive approach, can be used for process wastewater treatment, lished on the production of activated carbon from olive stones.
thus reducing the concerns over high operating and capital However, only a few review articles [32–37], mostly 5–
costs, efficiency and the need for secondary treatment 10 years old, have been published in the last 15 years covering
[17–19]. A wide range of adsorbent materials have been de- the area of olive stone, and none of them presents the detailed
veloped and tested over the years and applied for the efficient study of the production of activated carbon from olive stones.
treatment of various effluents, such as dye removal, heavy Consequently, this review covers the available studies on the
metals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and a wide range of organ- production and application of olive stones to produce activat-
ic compounds. The intensive search for naturally occurring ed carbons.
adsorbents began around 40 years ago using peat [20, 21],
wood ([22, 23]) plant residues such as Jatropha curcas [24],
mineral zeolites [25], textile wastes [26] and agricultural 2 Adsorption technology
wastes [27, 28] Recently, adsorption onto activated carbon
prepared from a wide range of low-cost biomass precursors 2.1 Adsorption
has been reported ([29–31]). All these studies have found that
the produced carbons have comparable and higher adsorption Adsorption has long been used as a purification and separation
capacities than commercially available varieties. However, process on an industrial scale. Highly porous adsorbents with
economic feasibility and locality of supply have limited their good selectivity such as activated carbon have shown excel-
commercial production. lent ability in the removal of organic compounds such as dye-
In addition to the naturally occurring adsorbent materials, stuffs, phenolics, endocrine-disrupting compounds, pesti-
many biomass wastes have been the subject of investigation: cides, pharmaceuticals and several metal ions [28, 38–40].
The phenomenon of adsorption follows one of three gen-
Shells and husks from nuts and other agricultural eral types, namely, diffusion, surface chemical reaction in-
products cluding ion exchange and surface complexation. Diffusion
Fruit stone waste processes are described in terms of pore diffusion, surface
Adsorbents from other wastes such as vehicle tyres, waste diffusion or a combination model of the two mechanisms;
plastics and seafood shell waste frequently, an external boundary layer film resistance is incor-
porated into these models. For chemical surface reactions,
These categories of wastes are presented in Section 2 of this several kinetic models are available depending on the
review and some of the adsorption performance data are com- adsorbate–adsorbent functional group order of reaction; ex-
pared with the results of the olive stone-derived activated car- amples include pseudo-first-order, pseudo-second-order,
bons for similar compounds in Section 3.5 of this study. Elovich, Avrami and Bangham models [41–44]. Surface com-
These results from these biomass waste studies indicate plexation mechanisms have been proposed for many adsorp-
that some of these materials are suitable precursors for the tion processes and especially in the case of heavy metal re-
production of activated carbons possessing high surface areas moval from wastewater. This process includes the coordina-
and pore volumes, a range of pore size distribution, appropri- tion of the heavy metal ion with a number of functional sur-
ate hardness and bulk density. The criteria used when choos- face groups and takes place via lone pair electron donation or
ing a carbonaceous raw material include the potential for hydrogen bonding [45]. The type of adsorption mechanism
obtaining high-quality activated carbon with a low inorganic therefore depends on the nature of the adsorbate and the prop-
content, volume and cost of the raw material, workability of erties of the adsorbent.
the raw material, minimum environmental impact and storage Adsorption of dye onto adsorbents is a physical phenome-
life of the raw material. As waste materials represent the feed- non in which dye molecules attach onto the adsorbent surface
stock to the activated carbon plant, then the raw material has a under the influence of van der Waals forces and hydrogen
very low cost. bonding. In a continuous contact system, each contact point
Olive stone is an essential by-product generated in the olive is equivalent to an equilibrium stage or theoretical plate, of-
oil extraction industries. In terms of production scale, olive fering adsorption as a unique advantage because it is possible
stones are produced by far on the largest scale, and a vast to achieve complete separation within a short fixed-bed col-
market includes the sale of stoneless olive products. It repre- umn. Adsorption can help significantly [26] with the serious
sents roughly 10% by weight of olive fruit and the amount of issues of coloured/dye, pharmaceutical or metal ion contain-
fixed and elemental carbon content within olive stone are ing effluents being discharged due to the toxicity, high
Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802 777

chemical stability and the presence of colour in water Coagulation with the addition of flocculants has been ap-
inhibiting the natural photosynthetic processes. plied to organic loaded wastewaters but removal efficiencies
are only 80 to 90%; also, very careful pH control and sludge
treatment after the process are disadvantages for organics [59]
2.2 Advantages of adsorption in wastewater and heavy metals [60].
treatment The major drawback in using electrochemical destruction
[61] is the cost. Conventional aerobic methods such as acti-
Several technologies are available for removing pollutants vated sludge have been successfully applied in domestic
from wastewater and can be broadly divided into three cate- wastewater treatment, but it depends on the pollutant affinity
gories, namely, physical (including adsorption), chemical and to the biomass [62]. The toxic nature of many organics and
biological processes. These treatment techniques, including their strong molecular structure in the case of dyes and phar-
coagulation–flocculation, membrane separation, chemical ox- maceuticals enables them to be highly resistant to microbial
idation, reverse osmosis and solvent extraction, have been degradation [63–65]. Anaerobic digestion results in the gen-
used to process problematic polluted wastewaters [7, 46]. eration of methane and hydrogen sulphide in the absence of
However, several of these treatment technologies generate oxygen which is acceptable for azo, diazo and reactive dye
their own problems including the associated high cost, large decolouration, but toxic aromatic amines in wastewater
volumes of sludge formation and the subsequent disposal remained non-sensitive to the treatment [66].
problems. To further understand the advantages and disadvan- In the case of applying adsorption technology for wastewa-
tages of adsorption, it is essential to review the other available ter treatment, the first step is to target the most appropriate
wastewater treatment technologies and their disadvantages. adsorbent for the pollutant in terms of capacity, the rate of
Membrane filtration, such as ultrafiltration and reverse os- uptake and the specific adsorbent cost. Furthermore, in a
mosis, involves the physical separation of dissolved dye mol- well-designed adsorption system, the pollutant can be totally
ecules from effluent through permeable membranes under removed for large volumes of wastewater treated before
pressure and exhibit a good ability in separating solutes from breakthrough occurs. These properties are interrelated with
wastewater. The major disadvantages of this process are the the adsorbent cost and the ability, or not, to regenerate the
cost of the filter media and the occurrence of clogging, that adsorbent with respect to the regeneration operating costs.
most likely occurs in the case of build-up of a concentrated The capital investment and installation costs for a
dye layer, which gradually reduces the overall removal effi- commercial-scale adsorption system, usually fixed-bed col-
ciency with a lower flux rate [47]. Other physical separation umns containing granular activated carbons, are not high
options include irradiation [48] and electrokinetic coagulation and the operational costs, mostly for the pumping process,
[49]. They both exhibited good removal efficiency for certain are also reasonable as the pressure drops through granular
dye species but were less effective in others [19], and further carbons are relatively low and often downflow gravitational
in-depth studies are needed. force can reduce this cost even more. Consequently, most of
Most chemical techniques such as chlorination, ozonation, the criticism with regard to adsorption systems is with regard
wet air oxidation (WAO) and advanced oxidation process to regenerating the adsorbent. However, depending on the
(AOP) [9, 10, 50] for organic and dye wastewater treatment adsorbate–adsorbent, selecting the optimum regeneration ap-
aim to break down the complex chemical molecules into rel- proach can overcome much of the criticism. If the adsorbate is
atively simple and less toxic substances such as carbon diox- a highly toxic material, e.g. arsenate, arsenite, chromate, mer-
ide or water via a series of oxidative reactions. However, dye cury, cadmium, etc., which cannot be regenerated for re-use
molecules, in particular, usually possess good structural integ- therefore requiring in situ disposal, a very low-cost high ca-
rity, making them highly resistant to biodegradation or oxida- pacity adsorbent should be selected; this can be stabilised or
tion. Consequently, there is the additional generation of cer- vitrified and sent to a hazardous waste landfill. Volatile sol-
tain potentially toxic side products requiring further attention vents can be steam stripped off or hot gas stripped off the
[51, 52]. adsorbent in situ and then condensed for recovery and re-
WAO operates at high temperature and pressure, involving use. Heavy metals can be regenerated in the same manner as
high operational costs, in order to convert diluted organic ion exchange columns; solvent stripping can be applied to
pollutants [53–55] to acetic acid, carbon dioxide and other various adsorbed species. A novel method is to pass a micro-
resistant by-products [56]. As an alternative, AOP using bial broth through the spent adsorption column, containing a
Fenton’s reagents, titanium oxides or ferrous ions as catalysts species of micro-organisms that will biodegrade the
has been adopted in the degradation of organic pollutants, adsorbate—similar in principle to biosorption processes. For
such as dye and phenolic compounds [7, 12, 14]. High remov- the more refractory stable organics, such as dyestuffs, the
al efficiencies have been reported [57], but a ferrous sludge is more expensive process of thermal regeneration is required
generated and requires disposal [58]. and this usually requires transport offsite to a thermal
778 Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802

regeneration facility and the loss of approximately 10% of the 2.3.2 Naturally occurring resources
The early studies on the application of biomass resources as
both adsorbents and precursors for the production of activated
2.3 Adsorbent types and characteristics carbons were in the application of naturally occurring biomass
resources, and some of these are currently used for commer-
2.3.1 Characteristics of adsorbents cial scale production of activated carbons. There is increasing
pressure on these applications to be limited, as they represent a
The selection of the adsorbent in the utilisation of adsorption consumption of very slowly replaceable natural resources.
process is primarily dependent on the uptake capacity of the Such materials that have been used as precursors include peat
adsorbent for an individual substance as well as the contacting ([20, 21, 90]); lignite ([80]); various wood types, for example,
system design. Ideally, the adsorbent should satisfy four re- Eucalyptus tree [22, 91], spruce wood [23, 92], sawdust [93],
quirements [67, 68]: compressed wood [46], fir wood [94], oil palm wood [95],
olive tree wood [96], tamarind wood [97], bamboo
& Reasonably high surface area or micropore volume to [98–100], Jatropha curcas [24] and wood biochar [101];
achieve a high adsorption capacity. and sugarcane bagasse ([27, 28, 102]; McKay 1998; [68,
& The pore diameter must be sufficiently large appropriate to 103]).
the size of the adsorbate molecule. Other common naturally occurring and widely used adsor-
& The appropriate surface functional groups to attract the bents are the zeolites [25, 104], which have an aluminosilicate
adsorbate molecule (or the large surface area may become structure and come in various forms, and some are quartz,
of secondary importance). clinoptilolite, mordinite, chabazite and calcite.
& A relatively large porous network providing access to the
internal surface area by diffusion. 2.3.3 Shells and husks

For the first aspect, the number of active sites is pro- Waste by-products from the food crop sector have become one
portional to the surface area, or more precisely, the mi- important source of activated carbon precursors in recent
cropore volume due to its dominant contribution to the years. This has been associated with the environmental issues
surface area; therefore, a larger surface area adsorbent is caused by large quantities of agricultural wastes. Much work
apparently advantageous in adsorption. The functionality has been done in the study and preparation of activated car-
of the surface groups will create a positively, neutral or bons from these cellulosic materials such as rice husk ([26];
negatively charged surface capable of attracting the [66]; [30, 31, 105]), almond shells [106–109], chickpea husk
adsorbing species. The reasonably large porous network [110], coconut shell [9, 81, 111, 112], durian shell [53], oil
also plays a significant role as it allows a higher diffu- palm shells [40, 54, 113], peanut hulls [107, 114, 115], pista-
sion rate that is critical to adsorption kinetics and process chio nut shell [67], hazelnut shell [106, 116], Eucalyptus
design. It is important to determine the molecular dimen- globulus [22, 117], macadamia nutshell [118, 119] and pine
sions of the pollutant adsorbate and ensure that the acti- cone [110].
vated carbon produced has sufficient pores of sufficient
pore diameter to achieve the removal of the adsorbate. In 2.3.4 Fruit stone wastes
addition, a large and cheap source of precursor is also
required. Across the world, stone fruit markets have been developed
There are numerous adsorbents in commercial or laborato- particularly for olives, dates and fig seeds. The stones of these
ry use, and some common examples are activated carbons products are hard and contain significant percentages of lig-
[69], zeolites [70], silica [71] and activated alumina [72]. nin, thus making them ideal as precursors for activated car-
Other examples include bone char ([73–76]); agricultural bons. Among various stone fruits, olive stones have been
wastes or by-products, for example, wood meals, bagasse, widely studied as a precursor for activated carbon production
nutshells, rice husks, fruit stones or maize cobs ([77, 78]); mainly due to the high quality of activated carbon and the
inorganic minerals, for example, bentonite, Fuller’s earth or presence of high percentage of elemental carbon (40–
clay ([79]); lignite ([80]); coconut shell ([81]); plastic wastes 45 wt%). But these studies have focussed on the production
([82–84]); chitin/chitosan [85, 86]; and aluminophosphate of the AC followed by testing for one or sometimes two pol-
molecular sieves [87]. In recent years, some novel adsorbents lutants, rather than selecting a pollutant compound first and
such as carbon nanotubes or related structures are also being then trying to tailor-make an olive stone-derived carbon with
tested in adsorption applications [88, 89]. More details are the most suitable adsorbent characteristics for that specific
presented in the following sections. pollutant.
Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802 779

The canned fruit industry has been producing stoneless Combinations termed physico-chemical treatment may also
products for many years with the majority of these extracted be used. The overall process may be carried out as a one-stage,
fruit stones being discarded as wastes. In recent years, several two-stage or three-stage process. The one-stage process in-
of these stones have been used as precursors for the produc- volves adding the activating chemical to the precursor mate-
tion of activated carbons. The fruit stones are rich in lignocel- rial at the beginning of the process and placing this mixture in
lulose which provides a suitable base structure for the produc- a furnace to be heated up to the preset activation temperature
tion of activated carbons. The range of fruit stones and related in one cycle. The two-stage process involves the charring of
materials studied include apricot stones [120], date stones the precursor material in stage 1 at a temperature in the range
[121], plum stones [122–124], peach stones [125–127], cherry 400 to 550 °C, followed by cooling to produce a high carbon
stones [128–130], olive stones [131], Macore fruit [132] and content char as the raw material for stage 2. Stage 2 involves
corn cob [118, 133–135]. the addition of the activating chemical to the char followed by
the furnace activation stage 2. The three-stage process is the
2.3.5 Adsorbents from other wastes same as the two-stage process except for an initial stage 1
pretreatment step which, for example, could be the solvent
Several studies have been undertaken to convert carbonaceous extraction of some impurities in the precursor.
and other wastes into activated carbons or other adsorbing
materials. The carbon containing wastes include vehicle tyres
[136–138], plastic wastes [139, 140] and textiles, for example,
silk waste [26]. 3 Olive stones
Other waste materials have been used as precursors to pro-
duce effective adsorbents, for example, printed circuit board The main components of olive stones are presented in Table 1
(pcb) e-waste has been treated with potassium hydroxide at [30, 35, 150] which include ultimate, proximate and lignocel-
200 °C producing a cation exchange resin [141–147]. Another lulose analysis. It represents roughly 10% by weight of olive
widely investigated adsorbent is chitosan produced by decar- fruit [36]. The high percentage of carbon makes olive stone an
bonation followed by the deacetylation of seafood crustacea attractive precursor for activated carbon production.
shells [85, 86, 148]. Furthermore, there is a large industry in the production of
seedless/stoneless olives, and this industry provides a signifi-
2.4 Advantages of activated carbons as adsorbents cant, continuous supply of waste olive stones. Figure 1 depicts
activation process of olive stone. In practice, these technolo-
In general, the adsorption capacity of activated carbon is pro- gies may be used solely or in a cocktail mix in order to obtain
portional to the internal surface area, pore volume, pore size optimal balance between economic benefit and technical effi-
distribution and especially the surface chemistry. There are ciency during the course of water pollutant removal.
numerous reports of more organic adsorption in pores that
are barely large enough to admit the adsorbate molecule; for
example, it has been pointed out [149] that dyes and humic Table 1 Main
components of olive Analysis %
acids have dimensions (1.5–3.0 nm) that favour their adsorp-
tion in mesopores. Hence, the difference in pore size distribu- Ultimate analysis
tion affects the adsorption capacity for molecules of different C 46.5
sizes and shapes. The removal efficiency can be further en- H 6.4
hanced by the electric force between the carbon surface and N 0.4
the adsorbate. In some cases, adsorption depends upon disso- S 0
ciation of particular functional groups—which in turn depend Cl 0.34
on the activating chemical and the conditions of application. Proximate analysis
Fixed carbon 16.2
2.5 Activation methodology Volatile matter 72.7
Ashes 2.3
The activation process to produce an activated carbon in- Moisture 8.8
volves treating the carbonaceous precursor with a physical Cellulose 28.1–40.4
process such as heating in the presence of an inert gas or Hemicellulose 18.5–32.2
carbon dioxide or steam at temperatures in the range 500 to Lignin 25.3–27.2
1000 °C. An alternative process is the chemical activation HHV* (MJ/kg) 19.4
method whereby a chemical is added to the precursor prior
to the thermal treatment in the same temperature range. * Higher heating value
780 Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802

Fig. 1 Activation process routes

for olive stones Acid, Base, ZnCl2
Chemical Activation

Olive Stone
Physical Activation Activated Carbon

Heating, Pyrolysis, Solvent Extraction

Most successful olive stone-derived activated carbons are dropped to 9.01 mg/g at pH = 2 due to the competition from
based on the application of chemical, physical or physico- hydrogen ions, and phosphoric acid was used to produce this
chemical as activation processes as presented in Tables 2, 3 activated carbon from olive stone with a 1169-m2/g surface
and 4. area. A zinc chloride-activated olive stone carbon only report-
ed a capacity of 1.85 mg/g [158]; the surface area was 790 m2/
3.1 Chemical activation of olive stones g but the pH was not provided—the positive charge on this
carbon surface would repel the approaching cadmium ions. A
Table 2 shows the wide range of chemicals used for the acti- complex chemical activation treatment using succinic acid
vation of olive stones and include phosphoric acid, nitric acid, and sodium bicarbonate [165] produced an activated carbon
sulphuric acid, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, with a significant cadmium uptake capacity of 200 and
steam, potassium carbonate, zinc chloride, hydrochloric acid 128 mg/g at pH = 4 and with a basic surface, but no surface
and hydrogen peroxide. area was provided. The capacity differences were due to the
Activated carbons are excellent adsorbents due to their high different activation times of 1.5 and 1.0 h, respectively; there-
surface area, microporous structure and high surface reactivi- fore, a knowledge of the surface areas would have been par-
ty. Table 2 reflects the significance of chemical activation of ticularly interesting.
olive stone. High surface reactivity, presence or absence of Another phosphoric acid (PA)-activated carbon [171] from
different functional groups especially oxygen groups, causes olive stone also had a significant cadmium adsorption capacity
the phenomenon of ion adsorption on activated carbon as of 51.1 mg/g and the surface area was 1194 m2/g at pH = 5.
evident in the literature presented in Table 2 [153, 156]. The uptake of cobalt, nickel and copper on activated carbons
Oxygen groups with acidic character are hydroxyl and carbon- obtained by treating olive stones with PA and PA + O3 (ozone)
yl groups and they play an important role in the uptake capac- provided capacities in the range 10 to 17.9 mg/g, but treatment
ity of adsorbent. Another important aspect of AC is their high with PA + HNO3 (nitric acid) increased the nickel and copper
surface area which can be increased with chemical activation, capacities to 20.5 and 34.2 mg/g, respectively, by creating
time and temperature as reported in Table 2 [154]. In a few more oxidised sites in the form of surface carboxylic acid hy-
cases, a combination of activating agents have been used, for drogen ions for exchange with the metal ions [163]. In this
example: sulphuric acid and ammonium thiosulphate, phos- study, the high capacity-activated carbon had the lowest sur-
phoric acid and nitric acid, succinic acid and sodium bicar- face area, 173 m2/g, indicating the importance of surface func-
bonate, sulphuric acid and sodium hydroxide, zinc chloride tional groups on carbon for heavy metal ion adsorption–ion
and nitric acid, and hydrochloric acid and zinc chloride. exchange. Two studies reported lead capacities of 148.8 and
The data in Table 2 show the results of the chemical acti- 147.5 mg/g using PA to activate the olive stone [168, 171], and
vation of olive stone and other olive industry-related products, time, temperature and pH were the same and the only differ-
such as olive pulp, olive pumice, olive cake and olive mill ence was a small difference of the surface areas which were
waste. The latter four materials are mainly comprised of olive 1081 and 1194 m2/g, respectively. In another study on lead
fruit residues: all lacking the high carbon content and hardness removal, Blázquez et al. [172] treated olive stones separately
of the olive stone. with two acids, namely, sulphuric and nitric and sodium hy-
The uptake of heavy metals onto chemically activated olive droxide, but the specific surface areas were extremely low as
stones has been widely studied. In the case of cadmium re- 0.51, 2.45 and 0.25 m2/g, respectively, with correspondingly
moval [16], the capacity at pH = 5 was 24.83 mg/g but low lead capacities of 14.1, 15.3 and 16.2 mg/g, respectively.
Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802 781

Table 2 Adsorption capacities of various olive stone AC obtained via chemical activation

Precursor Activation method Pollutant Adsorption Removal Time (h) Temp (°C) pH Area (m2/g) Ref.
capacity efficiency (%)

Olive stone Chemical (H3PO4) Cadmium (II) 9.01 68.0 4 20 2 1169 [16]
24.83 – 4 20 5
Olive mill waste Chemical (KOH) with Chromium (III) 0.61a – * 25 7 1641 [151]
carbonisation Bisphenol A 2.58a – * 25 7
Chemical (KOH) without Chromium (III) 0.47a – * 25 7
carbonisation Bisphenol A 1.75a – * 25 7
Olive stone Chemical (KOH) Toluene 720.00 – – – – 883 [152]
Olive pulp Chemical (H2O) Arsenic (III) 1.39 – – – – 1030 [153]
Olive pulp Chemical (K2CO3) 0.86 – – – – 1850
Olive stone Chemical (K2CO3) 0.74 – – – – 1610
Olive pulp Chemical (HNO3) 0.21 – – – – 732
Olive seed Chemical (KOH) (800/1 h) Methylene blue 190.00 – – – NA 367 [154]
Chemical (KOH) (800/2 h) Methylene blue 217.00 – – – 419
Chemical (KOH) (800/3 h) Methylene blue 208.00 – – – 401
Chemical (KOH) (800/4 h) Methylene blue 255.00 – – – 492
Chemical (KOH) (900/1 h) Methylene blue 236.00 – – – 455
Chemical (KOH) (900/2 h) Methylene blue 263.00 – – – 508
Chemical (KOH) (900/3 h) Methylene blue 241.00 – – – 465
Chemical (KOH) (900/4 h) Methylene blue 262.00 – – – 506
Olive cake Chemical (HCl) Cadmium (II) 0.10 – 1 – 6.5 NA [155]
Chromium (III) 1.05 – 1 – 6.5
DBSNa 0.57 – 6 – 6.5
Phenol 0.40 – 16 – 6.5
Silver (I) 5.03 – 1 – 6.5
Methylene blue 0.40 – 16 – 6.5
Chemical (HNO3) Cadmium (II) 0.08 – 1 – 6.5
Chromium (III) 0.58 – 1 – 6.5
DBSNa 0.48 – 6 – 6.5
Phenol 0.25 – 16 – 6.5
Silver (I) 0.39 – 1 – 6.5
Methylene blue 0.42 – 16 – 6.5
Chemical (H2SO4) Cadmium (II) 0.17 – 1 – 6.5
Chromium (III) 2.93 – 1 – 6.5
DBSNa 0.52 – 6 – 6.5
Phenol 0.13 – 16 – 6.5
Silver (I) 72.00 – 1 – 6.5
Methylene blue 0.31 – 16 – 6.5
Solvent-extracted Chemical (H2SO4) Iodine 494.00 – – – 6–7 NA [156]
olive pulp Chemical ((NH4)2S2O8 in H2SO4) Iodine 270.00 – – –
Zinc (II) 4.61 98.0 – –
Olive stone Chemical (H2SO4) Iodine 570.00 – – –
Olive seed Chemical (H3PO4) (400 °C) Methylene blue 110.00 – – – – NA [157]
Chemical (H3PO4) (600 °C) 112.50 – – – –
Chemical (H3PO4) (800 °C) 115.00 – – – –
Olive stone Chemical (ZnCl2) Cadmium (II) 1.85 – – 20 – 790 [158]
Olive pomace Chemical (H3PO4) Copper (II) 0.50* 1.5 – 5 NA [159]
Cadmium (II) 0.10* 1.5 – 5
Chemical (H2O2) Copper (II) 0.19* 1.5 – 5
Cadmium (II) 0.05* 1.5 – 5
Olive stone Chemical (ZnCl2) Remazol Red B 790 [131]
Olive tree pruning Chemical (HNO3) Lead (II) 25.54 – – – 3–5 425 [160]
Chemical (H2SO4) Lead (II) 23.87 – – – 3–5 611
Chemical (NaOH) Lead (II) 26.63 – – – 3–5 3526
Olive stone Chemical (H3PO4) Amoxicillin 57.00 93.0 116 20 – 1174 [161]
Olive stone Chemical (H3PO4) Phenol 110.30 – 4 30 – NA [162]
Olive stone Chemical (H3PO4) Cobalt (II) 10.25 – 10 30 5 1194 [163]
Nickel (II) 12.91 – 10 30 5
Copper (II) 14.16 – 10 30 5
Chemical (H3PO4) + O3 post-treat Cobalt (II) 16.20 – 10 30 5 798
Nickel (II) 12.44 – 10 30 5
Copper (II) 17.91 – 10 30 5
Chemical (H3PO4) + HNO3 Cobalt (II) 14.08 – 10 30 5 173
post-treat Nickel (II) 20.49 – 10 30 5
Copper (II) 34.16 – 10 30 5
Olive stone Chemical (H3PO4) Phenol 32.36 – – – 6 1242 [164]
Methylene blue 454.54 – – – 6.8
Chemical (H3PO4 + 2 M HNO3) Phenol 28.57 – – – 4.95 1163
782 Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802

Table 2 (continued)

Precursor Activation method Pollutant Adsorption Removal Time (h) Temp (°C) pH Area (m2/g) Ref.
capacity efficiency (%)

Methylene blue 625.00 – – – 4.45

Chemical (H3PO4 + 3 M HNO3) Phenol 24.39 – – – 4.35 614
Methylene blue 666.66 – – – 4.25
Chemical (H3PO4 + 4 M HNO3) 666.66 – – – 4.05 222
Chemical (H3PO4 + 5 M HNO3) 526.31 – – – 3.8 13
Olive wood** Washing (ethanol) Phenol 1.09 67–84 72 20 7 78 [96]
2-Chlorophenol 6.54
3-Chlorophenol 7.69
4-Chlorophenol 9.09
2-Nitrophenol 0.64
4-Nitrophenol 2.25
2,4-Di-nitrophenol 0.57
Washing (tetrahydrofuran) Phenol 1.11 13–84 72 20 7 103
2-Chlorophenol 6.85
3-Chlorophenol 10.42
4-Chlorophenol 11.36
2-Nitrophenol 0.67
4-Nitrophenol 2.31
2,4-Di-nitrophenol 0.63
Washing (ether) Phenol 1.05 17–81 72 20 7 135
2-Chlorophenol 7.19
3-Chlorophenol 9.71
4-Chlorophenol 10.87
2-Nitrophenol 0.62
4-Nitrophenol 2.36
2,4-Di-nitrophenol 0.57
Washing (dichloromethane) Phenol 1.10 33–53 72 20 7 123
2-Chlorophenol 7.30
3-Chlorophenol 9.90
4-Chlorophenol 11.36
2-Nitrophenol 0.66
4-Nitrophenol 2.46
2,4-Di-nitrophenol 0.62
Washing (hexane) Phenol 1.05 28–68 72 20 7 106
2-Chlorophenol 7.09
3-Chlorophenol 9.26
4-Chlorophenol 10.64
2-Nitrophenol 0.63
4-Nitrophenol 2.40
2,4-Di-nitrophenol 0.59
Olive stones Succinylation (succinic acid + Cadmium (II) 200.00 – 1.5 20 4 NA [165]
Olive stone Chemical (H2SO4 + NaOH Cadmium (II) 128.20 – 1 25 4 NA [166]
reflux) Safranin 526.30 – 1 25 6.8
Olive stone Physico-chemical (ZnCl2 + CO2) Ethanol 73.70 – – – – 1448 [167]
Chemical (ZnCl2 + HNO3) 97.60 – – – – 1264
Chemical (ZnCl2 + HNO3) (400 °C) 81.50 – – – – 1319
Chemical (ZnCl2 + HNO3) (700 °C) 70.70 – – – – 1444
Olive stones Chemical (H3PO4) Copper (II) 17.78 62.0 10 30 5 1081 [168]
Nickel (II) 24.07 78.0 10 30 5
Lead (II) 148.77 100.0 10 30 5
Olive stones Chemical (HCl + ZnCl2 0.5 g) Phenol 78.74 40.4 48 25 7.5 834 [169]
Chemical (HCl + ZnCl2 1 g) 84.03 41.9 1093
Chemical (HCl + ZnCl2 2 g) 85.47 44.8 1266
Olive stones Chemical (H3PO4) Cyanide 57.35 – 5 20 10.9 680 [170]
Olive stones Chemical (H3PO4) Copper (II) 17.67 68.0 10 30 5 1194 [171]
Cadmium (II) 57.10 23.0 5
Lead (II) 147.53 – 5
Olive stones Chemical (H2SO4) Lead (II) 14.11 2 25 5 0.51 [172]
Chemical (HNO3) 15.33 2.45
Chemical (NaOH) 16.25 0.25

Millimoles per gram
*Till equilibrium was reached
**(l/g) reported instead of (mg/g)
Table 3 Adsorption capacities of various olive stone AC obtained via physical activation

Precursor Activation method Pollutant Adsorption Removal Time (h) Temp (°C) pH Area (m2/g) Ref.
capacity (mg/g) efficiency (%)

Olive stones Conventional heating Copper (II) 17.83 98.6* 3 – 4.5 883 [173]
Iron (II) 57.47 99.3* 3 – 4.5
Lead (II) 22.37 98.8* 3 – 4.5
Olive stone waste Conventional heating Cadmium (II) 7.80 95.0 * 30 5 886 [174]
Nickel (II) 8.42 99.1 * 30 5
Zinc (II) 11.14 99.2 * 30 5
Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802

Olive cake Thermal Cadmium (II) 0.14 22.5 1 – 6.5 NA [155]

Chromium (III) 2.09 90.4 1 – 6.5
DBSNa 0.67 34.5 6 – 6.5
Phenol 0.73 22.5 16 – 6.5
Silver (I) 6.72 82.7 1 – 6.5
Methylene blue 0.72 – 16 – 6.5
Solvent-extracted Physical (H2O/N2) Iodine 478.00 – – – 6–7 364 [156]
olive pulp Zinc (II) 32.68 68.6 – –
Olive stone Physical (H2O/N2) Iodine 550.00 – – – 474
Zinc (II) 16.08 – – –
Olive mill waste Thermal Methylene blue 14.95 – 2 – – [175]
Olive waste cake Physical (H2O/N2) (70 min/800 °C) Methylene blue 373.00 – 4 20 NA 1201 [176]
Iodine 1261.00 – 2
Physical (H2O/N2) (30 min/800 °C) Methylene blue 115.00 – 4 514
Iodine 796.00 – 2
Physical (H2O/N2) (60 min/850 °C) Methylene blue 490.00 – 4 1271
Iodine 1495.00 – 2
Physical (H2O/N2) (40 min/750 °C) Methylene blue 121.00 – 4 687
Iodine 741.00 – 2
Physical (H2O/N2) (60 min/750 °C) Methylene blue 197.00 – 4 700
Iodine 996.00 – 2
Physical (H2O/N2) (40 min/850 °C) Methylene blue 364.00 – 4 1127
Iodine 1017.00 – 2
Physical (H2O/N2) (50 min/800 °C) Methylene blue 285.00 – 4 1025
Iodine 930.00 – 2
Olive pomace Untreated Copper (II) 0.18* 1.5 – 5 NA [159]
Cadmium (II) 0.03* 1.5 – 5
Olive cake Untreated Cadmium (II) 65.36 66.0 24 28 6 NA [177]
60.61 61.0 24 35 6
44.44 50.0 24 45 6
Olive pomace Solvent extracted and incompletely Total phenols 11.40 90.0 24 – 4–10 NA [178]

Table 3 (continued)

Precursor Activation method Pollutant Adsorption Removal Time (h) Temp (°C) pH Area (m2/g) Ref.
capacity (mg/g) efficiency (%)

Olive pomace Solvent extraction, packed bed Methylene blue 13.85 52.0 7 – – NA [29]
Olive stone Thermal (with CO2 and steam) – – – – – – 1187 [179]
Olive stone Plasma enhanced (N2 plasma 30 min) Phenol 635.20 – 4 30 – 988 [162]
Plasma enhanced (N2 plasma 10 min) 323.26 – 4 30 – 1055
Plasma enhanced (N2 plasma 5 min) 226.35 – 4 30 – 1140
Olive stone No treatment Alizarin Red S 16.10 – 72 20 7.2 0.16 [180]
Methylene blue 13.20 – 72 20 7.2
Olive stone Physical (H2O) Nitrogen dioxide 131.00 – – – – 807 [181]
Olive wood** Pyrolysis (100 °C) Phenol 0.80 13–87 72 20 7 110 [96]
2-Chlorophenol 4.51
3-Chlorophenol 5.00
4-Chlorophenol 5.53
2-Nitrophenol 0.49
4-Nitrophenol 2.46
2,4-Di-nitrophenol 0.47
Pyrolysis (150 °C) Phenol 0.78 12–77 72 20 7 9
2-Chlorophenol 4.05
3-Chlorophenol 4.93
4-Chlorophenol 5.38
2-Nitrophenol 0.48
4-Nitrophenol 2.38
2,4-Di-nitrophenol 0.45
Pyrolysis (200 °C) Phenol 0.72 47–76 72 20 7 176
2-Chlorophenol 3.34
3-Chlorophenol 4.00
4-Chlorophenol 4.44
2-Nitrophenol 0.46
4-Nitrophenol 2.16
2,4-Di-nitrophenol 0.44
Pyrolysis (250 °C) Phenol 0.76 22–75 72 20 7 26
2-Chlorophenol 3.66
3-Chlorophenol 4.35
4-Chlorophenol 4.76
2-Nitrophenol 0.48
4-Nitrophenol 2.34
2,4-Di-nitrophenol 0.45
Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802
Table 3 (continued)

Precursor Activation method Pollutant Adsorption Removal Time (h) Temp (°C) pH Area (m2/g) Ref.
capacity (mg/g) efficiency (%)

Pyrolysis (300 °C) Phenol 0.72 13–55 72 20 7 18

2-Chlorophenol 3.66
3-Chlorophenol 4.41
4-Chlorophenol 4.88
2-Nitrophenol 0.46
4-Nitrophenol 2.28
Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802

2,4-Di-nitrophenol 0.43
Olive stone Untreated Cadmium (II) 4.90 45–82 2 25 7 NA [182]
5.71 2 40 7
6.00 2 60 7
Chromium (III) 6.96 86–90 2 25 4
6.99 2 40 4
7.03 2 60 4
Lead (II) 6.66 76–88 2 25 5
6.06 2 40 5
5.40 2 60 5
Olive stone Untreated Chromium (III + VI) 2.17 5 25 2 NA [183]
2.45 5 60 2
3.67 5 80 2
Chromium (VI) 1.73 5 25 2
2.35 5 60 2
4.82 5 80 2
Olive stones Untreated Cadmium (II) 0.93 96.0 1.3 25 7 0.38 [184]
0.92 1.3 30 7
0.90 1.3 50 7
0.88 1.3 70 7
0.86 1.3 90 7
Physical (CO2 1 h) 78.74 44.8 NA
Physical (CO2 1 h) 83.33 43.7
Physical (CO2 1 h) 156.25 61.5
Olive stones Untreated Iron (III) 1.50 90.0 – 20 – 0.6 [185]
Olive stones Untreated Lead (II) 4.57 2 25 5 0.16 [172]
Olive stones Pyrolysis (500 °C) Sulphonic compounds 570.00 – 2 25 – 760 [186]
Phenolic compounds 500.00 –
Physical (CO2) Methylene blue 2.66 – 300 25 – 760 [31]
2.75 60
786 Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802

Several studies are presented in Table 2 for the adsorption of
phenol from water using olive stone-derived carbons. Soudani
et al. [164] treated olive stones with PA only and PA with four
Area (m2/g)

different molar concentrations (2, 3, 4 and 5 M) of nitric acid

and these five activated carbons had surface areas ranging from
1242 to 13 m2/g from PA treatment only to PA + 5 M HNO3
treatment. Three of these were tested for phenol adsorption—
PA, PA + 2 M HNO3, PA + 3 M HNO3—with relatively low

capacities of 32.4, 28.6 and 24.4 mg/g, respectively. The ca-

pacity trend follows the surface area trend but was not propor-
Temp (°C)

tional to the large surface area change of 2:1; phenol can adsorb
due to the negative polarity on its hydroxyl group but is more

frequently considered as adsorbing via the π-electron cloud on

the benzene ring. Therefore, the nitric acid treatment is adding
Time (h)

some positive functionality to the olive stone-activated carbon.

All five activated carbons were used for the adsorption of
methylene blue with capacities of 454, 625, 667, 667 and
efficiency (%)

526 m2/g, respectively. Again, the capacity trend is not propor-


tional to surface area, although the pH for the PA-only-treated

carbon was much higher than in the other four systems. For the
three systems involving 2, 3 and 3 M HNO3 sufficient, for
example, carboxylic or OH for 3 exchange with H+, sites must
capacity (mg/g)

have been generated to remove the very high amounts of the


positively charged coloured ion of the methylene blue mole-

cule. In the case of the 5-M HNO3-treated carbon, the lower

capacity, but still 526 mg/g, could be due to the surface area
reduction—now only 12% of the 2-M nitric acid treated
Other dye adsorption studies have been reported for safranin
yellow [166] and Remazol Red B [131], and both basic dyes
have capacities of 526 and 9 mg/g. A single study for toluene

adsorption on KOH-activated olive stone [152] produced a very

high uptake of 720 mg/g, but no pH data was provided in this
study. Iodine adsorption, a standard test for activated carbons on
H2SO4-treated olive stone, yielded a high capacity of 570 mg/g,
but the activated carbon surface area was not reported. Most of
the remaining studies summarised in Table 2 relate to olive
industry wastes not involving olive stones.
Bautista-Toledo et al. [151] treated olive mill waste with
KOH and studied the adsorption of Cr(III) and bisphenol A;
Activation method

all the capacities were below 3 mg/g. Budinova et al. [153]

treated olive pulp with KOH and K2CO3 for As(III) removal,
but all capacities were less than 1.5 mg/g. Stavropoulos and
Zabaniotou [154] treated olive seeds with KOH at various
temperatures and contact times and obtained reasonable ad-
sorption capacities for MB, in the range 190–263 mg/g.


Cimino et al. [155] treated olive cake samples by three

80% OS/novolac resin/

60% OS/novolac resin/

methods—HCl, HNO3 and H2SO4‑—and tested several ad-

Table 3 (continued)

sorbates, namely, Cd(II), Cr(III), DBSNa, phenol, Ag(I) and

MB, and in all cases, the capacities were less than 3 mg/g
except the HCl-treated olive seed for Ag(I) which had a ca-



pacity of 72 mg/g. This could be attributed to the affinity of

Ag(I) for the U-impregnated surface. Lafi [157] obtained MB
Table 4 Adsorption capacities of various olive stone AC obtained via physico-chemical activation

Precursor Activation method Pollutant Adsorption Removal Time (h) Temp (°C) pH Area (m2/g) Ref.
capacity (mg/g) efficiency (%)

Olive stone Chemical (KOH) + microwave Cadmium (II) 11.72 95.3 The maximum capacities were determined 1281 [187]
Copper (II) 22.73 98.6 via the Langmuir isotherm model by
Iron (II) 62.50 99.3 modelling of experimental data with
various experimental factors and levels.
Lead (II) 23.47 98.8
Nickel (II) 12.00 98.2
Zn (II) 15.08 98.4
Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802

Olive stones Microwave (KOH impregnated) Copper (II) 22.73 98.6 3 – 4.5 1281 [173]
Iron (II) 62.50 99.3 3 – 4.5
Lead (II) 23.47 98.8 3 – 4.5
Olive waste cake Physical (H2O/N2) (70 min/800 °C) Methylene blue 373.00 – 4 20 – 1201 [176]
Iodine 1261.00 – 2
Physical (H2O/N2) (30 min/800 °C) Methylene blue 115.00 – 4 514
Iodine 796.00 – 2
Physical (H2O/N2) (60 min/850 °C) Methylene blue 490.00 – 4 1271
Iodine 1495.00 – 2
Physical (H2O/N2) (40 min/750 °C) Methylene blue 121.00 – 4 687
Iodine 741.00 – 2
Physical (H2O/N2) (60 min/750 °C) Methylene blue 197.00 – 4 700
Iodine 996.00 – 2
Physical (H2O/N2) (40 min/850 °C) Methylene blue 364.00 – 4 1127
Iodine 1017.00 – 2
Physical (H2O/N2) (50 min/800 °C) Methylene blue 285.00 – 4 1025
Iodine 930.00 – 2
Olive stone Thermal Methylene blue 38.00 – – – 9 368 [188]
Iodine 238.00 – – – 9
Olive pulp Thermal Methylene blue 46.00 – – – 9 396
Iodine 294.00 – – – 9
Olive stone Thermal + K2CO3 Methylene blue 394 1610
Iodine 1540
Olive pulp Thermal + K2CO3 Methylene blue 420 1850
Iodine 1720
Olive stone Thermal and chemical (KOH) Lead (II) 100.0 6 1203 [189]
Thermal and chemical (ZnCl2) Lead (II) 34.0 6 735
Olive stone Physico-chemical (ZnCl2 + CO2) Ethanol 73.70 – – – – 1448 [167]
Olive stones Physico-chemical (HCl + ZnCl2 0.5 g + CO2) Phenol 126.58 67.4 48 25 7.5 985 [169]
Physico-chemical (HCl + ZnCl2 1 g + CO2) 147.06 68.5 1546
Physico-chemical (HCl + ZnCl2 2 g + CO2) 158.73 73.0 1793
788 Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802

capacities of 110–115 mg/g on PA-treated olive seed at vari- More conventional physical activation using steam/
ous temperatures, but no surface areas were provided. PA- and nitrogen was performed [156] by producing an AC with a
H2O2-treated olive pace showed capacities lower than 0.5 mg/ surface area of 474 m2/g. No temperature was provided and
g for Cd and Cu adsorption [159]. Other treatments in Table 2, the loading capacity was high at 550 mg/g, but again the
for example, the organic solvent washing of olive wood [96], heavy metal uptake capacity, in this case zinc, was only
showed low capacities, less than 12 mg/g, for a range of 32.7 mg/g. High surface area olive stone applications were
chlorophenols and nitrophenols. One interesting result is the reported for this carbon [179]. An interesting study applying
adsorption of the pharmaceutical amoxicillin onto PA-treated N2 + plasma was performed [162] by using treatment times of
olive stone [161] because of the recent awareness of the accu- 5, 10 and 30 min and produced ACs of surface areas 1140,
mulation of pharmaceutical personal care products, PPCPs, in 1055 and 988 m2/g, respectively. The high phenol adsorption
drinking water sources. capacities for these three ACs were 226.4, 323.3 and
635.2 mg/g, respectively. Interestingly, the longer the treat-
ment time, the lower the surface area, but the higher the phe-
3.2 Physical activation of olive stones nol adsorption capacity. The prolonged treatment opened up
micropores into mesopores causing the reduction in surface
For the physical activation processes in Table 3 direct thermal area with time and also changed the surface functionality,
treatments such as pyrolysis, nitrogen and steam, carbon diox- generating more nitrogen surface groups and decreasing the
ide and steam, nitrogen with plasma heating and carbon dioxide number of oxygen surface functional groups. Both of these
alone are widely used. Ion exchange sites and functional groups effects favoured a high affinity for phenol adsorption.
sometimes become more important than surface area [180] es- Albadarin and Mangwandi [180] used olive stone directly
pecially for the removal of dyes. Also, some pollutants have without any activation treatment to adsorb two dyes, MB and
affinity with particular elements which can enhance uptake ca- Alizarin Red. Consequently, there are no significant surface
pacity as it was reported that increase in phenol adsorption was groups available to adsorb the large positively charged basic
highly dependent on nitrogen content [162]. Moreover, pyrol- dye coloured ions, and consequently, very low uptake capac-
ysis was also employed to increase the surface acidity and de- ities of 13.2 and 16.1 mg/g, respectively, were obtained.
crease the surface basicity. This is due to the release of volatile Ghouma et al. [181] used steam activation of olive stones to
basic compounds attached to the surface of the material [96]. obtain an AC surface area of 807 m2/g, which was found to
Pyrolysis at above 100 °C resulted in the increase of carbon have an adsorption capacity of 131 mg/g for nitrogen dioxide.
content due to the loss of volatile components and water; hence, Both basic and acidic functional groups on the AC surface
the recovery of phenol decreases mainly due to the loss of allow the reduction of NO2. Olive stones activated with CO2
water. At high temperature (250 °C), recovery decreased due were used to remove Cd from water [184] under various con-
to the depolymerisation of lignocellulose material [96]. In ad- ditions. Good capacities of 78.7, 83,3 and 156 mg/g were
dition, particle size plays an important role in increasing the obtained due to the additional –COOH groups created by the
surface area and uptake capacity of adsorbent as smaller particle CO2 treatment, but no surface areas were provided.
size offers a larger surface area [178]. Fewer studies used olive stones directly without pretreat-
The data summarised in Table 3 are based on olive stones ment. Hernáinz et al. [182] performed three temperature iso-
and related olive industry waste materials, which have been therms for Cd removal at 25, 40 and 60 °C with low capacities
activated by thermal treatment only or other physical activa- of 4.90, 5.71 and 6.00 mg/g. Similar studies were undertaken
tion means. Alsaibi et al. applied thermal treatment to produce for Cr(III) and Pb(II) and all the adsorption capacities were
an activated carbon of surface area 883 m2/g (Alslaibi et al. less than 7.5 mg/g [182]; all the experiments were conducted
[187] and a second carbon of surface area 886 m2/g [174]. The at pH = 7. Calero et al. [183] studied the removal of Cr(III) and
first AC was used to remove Cu (17.8 mg/g), Fe (57.5 mg/g) Cr(VI) using untreated olive stones, Moubarik and Grimi
and Pb (22.4 mg/g), and the second AC was used to remove [184] studied the removal of Cd (II) and Hodaifa et al. [185]
Cd (7.80 mg/g), Ni (8.42 mg/g) and Zn (11.1 mg/g). Although studied Fe (III) removal and Blázquez et al. [172] studied
no activating agent is present, the presence of the major con- Pb(II) removal—all these investigations used untreated olive
stituents—cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin—enables some stones but all these capacities were less than 5 mg/g.
surface active sites and porosity to be developed due to ther- Olive stones pyrolysed at 500 °C (SA of 760 m2/g) dem-
mal treatment only. These metal adsorbing/ion exchanging onstrated a high capacity for phenolic compounds, 500 mg/g,
functional groups –COOH, –OH enable the metal ions to be and sulphonic compounds, 570 mg/g, due to their ability to II-
removed from the solution, but to a lesser extent than the bond on the positive carbon surface [186]. Several other olive
chemical activation methods described in Table 2. The tem- industry wastes have undergone physical treatment/activation.
perature for thermal treatment was not mentioned in many of Cimino et al. [155] used the same pollutants they studied in
these papers. Table 1, this time using thermally treated olive cake, but all
Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802 789

capacities were less than 6.75 mg/g. Baçaoui et al. [176] using 12.0 and 15.1 mg/g for Cd, Cu, Fe(II), Pb(II), Ni and Zn.
steam/N2-activated olive waste cake, prepared at various times Although these results are quite good, they are lower than
and temperatures, studied the adsorption of MB and iodine. the values obtained by Bohli et al. [168, 171] in Table 2 for
The surface areas generated were between 514 and 1271 m2/g, Cd, Zn and Pb, although the Cu result is higher. The results are
and the very high iodine capacities reported were in the range only slightly higher for Cu, Fe(II) and Pb(II) than the thermal-
741 to 1495 mg/g and the high MB capacities ranged from ly treated date stones in Table 3 [187].
115 to 490 mg/g. Al-Anber and Matouq [177] obtained high Petrov et al. [188] used K2CO3 treatment with thermal
capacities of 65.4, 60.6 and 50.0 mg/g for Cd adsorption at 28, activation to produce carbon with MB and iodine capacities
35 and 45 °C, respectively, for untreated olive cake. Solvent- of 394 and 1540 mg/g compared to the thermal treatment only
extracted olive pumice had a capacity of 11.40 mg/g for mixed results in Table 3 of 38 and 238 mg/g for MB and iodine,
phenols [178] and 13.85 mg/g for MB [29]. respectively. Spahis et al. [189] studied the removal of Pb
A wide range of chlorophenols and nitrophenols were test- from water using olive stones treated as (i) thermal and
ed using pyrolysed olive wood at 50 °C temperature intervals KOH and (ii) thermal and ZnCl2; the results were presented
from 100 to 300 °C, but all the capacities in Table 3 are less with respect to % removal of Pb with time and it was conclud-
than 5.6 mg/g. The results in Tables 2 and 3 for the olive ed that KOH-treated samples gave better capacities as com-
industry wastes excluding olive stones used as raw materials, pared with ZnCl2. They did not present values in milligrams
namely, olive cake, olive wood, olive pomace, olive seed and [96] and extended their studies on olive wood-chemical treat-
olive pulp, in almost all cases, using relatively low tempera- ment only in Table 2 and thermal treatment only in Table 3 to
ture treatment, < 300 °C, had very low capacities. This sug- include the two integrated techniques in Table 4. However, it
gests only a low concentration of surface functional groups can be seen from the results that all the capacities are less than
has been created for both physical and chemical activation. 6.54 mg/g and are typically in between the two sets of results
Furthermore, for the heavy metals, some fraction of the ad- in Tables 2 and 3. Furthermore, all the surface areas for all
sorption uptake will occur by surface complexation, which is a three treated olive woods lie in the range 70–195 m2/g. In
widely recognised mechanism in biomass adsorption systems. these studies, the thermal treatment temperatures are too low
to generate significant porosity, and normally, temperatures in
3.3 Physico-chemical activation treatment of olive excess of 600 °C are needed to develop high porosity. Also,
stones the chemicals used are conventional solvent extraction
chemicals rather than the normal activation chemicals.
Table 4 presents the physico-chemical activation studies using Olive stones treated with ZnCl2 and CO2 yielded an AC
olive stones. The processes include potassium hydroxide and with a high surface area of 1448 m2/g and significant ethanol
microwave treatment steam and nitrogen mix, heat treatment adsorption capacity of 73.7 mg/g [167]. Temdrara et al. [169]
with potassium carbonate/potassium hydroxide/zinc chloride used a treatment of HCl + ZnCl2 + CO2 and obtained very
and washing with selected organic solvents followed by py- good capacities of 126.6, 147.1 and 158.7 mg/g for phenol
rolysis of the resulting residue, zinc chloride and carbon diox- using various ZnCl2 loadings.
ide, and zinc chloride with hydrochloric acid. The use of zinc
chloride in activated carbon production has decreased in re- 3.4 Experimental details of the various treatment
cent years due to its classification as a toxic heavy metal and studies
its potential to leach out of the carbon into the treated water.
Thermal–chemical activation led to the formation of more Tables 5, 6 and 7 show the experimental conditions for the
developed pore structure and larger surface area [188]. There three previous ables 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Determining the
are some results reported in Table 4 that show very low uptake most effective process conditions from an economic perspec-
capacity [96]. It is mainly due to the fact that olive woods do tive depends on a number of interrelated factors:
not fall under the category of AC and there is very little func-
tionality and surface area. 1. Reaction temperature and time: The higher the tempera-
Table 4 summarises the results of physico-chemical treat- ture and the longer the reaction time, the more expensive
ment studies using olive stones and olive industry wastes. the process.
These treatments mostly involve a chemical treatment coupled 2. Activating agent ratio to olive stone mass and the cost of
with a thermal or microwave treatment. Alslaibi et al. [187] the activating agent.
produced an olive stone-derived activated carbon with a sur- 3. Product yield and surface area: A high activated carbon
face area of 1281 m2/g using KOH and microwave treatment. yield from the activation stage provides a large quantity of
The maximum capacities reported for this AC for six metal adsorbent; also, a high specific surface area is often an
ions were determined based on the Langmuir model analysis indication of a high adsorption capacity and this is directly
of the experimental data as follows: 11.7, 22.7, 62.5, 23.5, enhanced by increased product yield. The high surface

Table 5 Chemical activation methods and the variations used in literature

Carbonisation Impregnation characteristics Comments Ref.

Temp (°C) Time (min) Chemical Ratio


400/500/600 60 Phosphoric acid 0.75/1.0/1.5:1 – [16]

500 120 Potassium hydroxide 2:1 After impregnation of KOH, mixture was heated to 300 °C for 1 h and then at 800 °C for 2 h [151]
– 120 Potassium hydroxide 2:1
840 60 Potassium hydroxide 1/2/4/5:1 Samples were pyrolysed at 300 °C for 3 h followed by 800 °C for 2 h in N2 posterior to KOH [152]
800 60 Potassium hydroxide 2:1 impregnation
800 10 + 120 Water vapour – Carbonisation of raw olive stone at 800 °C for 10 min, further activated with water vapour at 800 °C for [153]
950 720 + 10 Potassium carbonate 1:1 Chemically activated olive pulp and olive stones are considered different
800 10 + 120 Nitric acid 3:1 The carbonised raw olive stone was treated with HNO3 for 1 h, then washed and dried
700 60 Hydrochloric acid 1:1 Carbonisation was carried out at 700 °C for 60 min and activation carried out using 2 N HCl and HNO3 [155]
700 60 Nitric acid 1:1
700 60 Sulphuric acid 1.8:1 Air-dried olive cake was treated with conc. H2SO4 and then carbonised at 700 °C for 60 min
600/900 60/60 Potassium hydroxide (75% w/w) 1:1 Carbonisation at 600 °C for 1 h followed by chemical activation with KOH, and further activation after [190]
Potassium hydroxide (50% w/w) 1:1 drying at 900 °C for 1 h. The activated carbon was then washed and dried
400/600/800 60 Phosphoric acid (85%) 0.2:1 The seeds were treated with 85% pure H3PO4 (for 1 l of seeds, 200 cm3 of acid was added) for 2 days and [157]
then activated at 400/600/800 °C for 1 h
650 120 Zinc chloride – Olive stone samples were mixed with ZnCl2 (10/20/30% conc.) and then carbonised in a muffle furnace at [158]
650 °C for 2 h, subsequently washed and dried
– 1440* Phosphoric acid (50%) 5:1 50 g of olive pomace was added to t250 ml of chemical of varying concentrations. (* contact time for the [159]
180* Hydrogen peroxide (1 M) 5:1 chemical/olive pomace)
170/380 30/150 Phosphoric acid 1:1 Impregnation with H3PO4 was carried out at 110 °C for 9 h, followed by carbonisation at 170 °C for [161]
30 min and then at 380 °C for 150 min
170/410 30/150 Phosphoric acid 1:1 Impregnation with H3PO4 was carried out at 110 °C for 9 h, followed by carbonisation at 170 °C for [162]
30 min and then at 380 °C for 150 min
500 120 Phosphoric acid 4.5/5.3/6:1 Impregnation was carried out at 85 °C for 4 h [191]
410 150 Phosphoric acid 1:1 Impregnation with H3PO4 was carried out at 110 °C for 9 h, followed by carbonisation at 410 °C for [163]
150 min. The AC were post-treated with ozone and HNO3
25 240 Ozone treatment – AC was exposed to O3 at room temperature for 4 h at 12 mg/l conc. in an air–ozone mixture, washed and
dried after treatment
100 600 Nitric acid – 500 ml 2 M nitric acid was added to 50 g AC sample and then washed and dried after treatment
170/380 30/150 Phosphoric acid/nitric acid 1:1 Impregnation with H3PO4 was carried out at 110 °C for 9 h, followed by carbonisation with steam and [164]
nitrogen at 170 °C for 30 min and then at 380 °C for 150 min. The samples were then further activated
using 2/3/4/5 mol/l HNO3
90 1440 Succinic anhydride + NaHCO3 – A suspension of olive stone and pyridine (30 ml) in toluene (200 ml) heated at 60 °C was added at once to [165]
succinic anhydride (20 g). The resulting mixture was stirred overnight at 90 °C. After cooling, the solid
was filtered off and washed thoroughly and treated with NaHCO3
400/500/600/700 60 Phosphoric acid 1/2/4:1 [192]
20 1440 8:1 [166]
Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802
Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802 791






area needs to be supported by the adsorbent having the
correct functional groups for the specific pollutant adsorp-

Olive stone AC was further oxidised using 6 M HNO3 for 1 h and heat treated at 400 and 700 °C under He

Raw milled olive stones were impregnated with a phosphoric acid solution (50% by weight) at 110 °C for
Olive stones and ZnCl2 (0.5/1/2 g ratios) were both carbonised at 800 °C for 1 h followed by chemical
tion and pores commensurate with the size of the pollutant

Olive stones are carbonised at 300 °C for 1 h followed by H3PO4 impregnation. Further activation is
Olive stones were impregnated in H3PO4 at 110 °C for 9 h, followed by carbonisation at 410 °C for

OS was chemically treated by soaking and shaking in a 2-M H2SO4, HNO3 or NaOH (Merck p.a.)
The olive stone was mixed with conc. H2SO4 at rtp for 24 h and then neutralised using NaOH and
molecule. Furthermore, solution pH influences the acti-
vated carbon surface charge.
4. Porosity and surface functionality: The properties of the

Olive stones were impregnated in a ZnCl2 solution at 85 °C for 7 h under constant stirring
adsorbate have a major effect on the uptake capacity, and
based on the chemical nature of the adsorbate (e.g. anionic

solutions in a rotary shaker for 24 h, at 50 °C, followed by washing and drying

or cationic), the surface functionality of the activated carbon
will play a significant role. The molecular size of the adsor-
bate molecule is important with respect to the pore size
treatment (reflux) with HCl for 3 h and washed and dried afterwards distribution/porosity of the adsorbate. A large adsorbate
molecule, for example with a molecular diameter > 2 nm,
carried out at 700 °C for 2 h followed by washing and drying
will be best accommodated in a mesoporous adsorbent. For
9 h, followed by thermal activation at 380 °C for 2.5 h an adsorbate species with a molecular diameter around
0.5 nm, normally, we would be looking for a mainly micro-
porous activated carbon, but it should also be accompanied
with a large overall porosity and, hence, a large surface area.

A literature review offers an excellent opportunity to re-

subsequently washed and dried

view the available studies, experimental conditions, character-

isation data and adsorption results for the range of adsorbates
studied. This enables researchers to decide which conditions
or range of conditions are likely to lead to an optimum adsorp-
tion treatment system design; examples are as follows:
150 min

i. qe versus temperature: However, temperature is not an

independent variable and is strongly dependent on reac-
tion time and activating agent (if any).

ii. qe versus specific surface area: This relationship is a good

indicator of the quality of the activated carbon itself but
does not indicate whether the percentage product carbon

is in the range of 10 or 50% of the original biomass olive


stone raw material.



iii. qe versus (specific surface area divided by fractional

yield): This combined parameter relates the adsorption
Impregnation characteristics

capacity to the original unit mass of raw olive stone feed-

Sulphuric acid + NaOH

stock. It is probably the best overall indicator of adsorp-

Zinc chloride + HNO3

Zinc chloride + HCl

tion performance quality.

Sodium hydroxide
reflux for 1 h

Phosphoric acid

Phosphoric acid
Phosphoric acid

Sulphuric acid
Zinc chloride

However, it should be noted that there are still omissions in

Nitric acid
Time (min) Chemical

relation to establishing the optimum economic value since

reaction temperature, reaction time and the amount and cost
of the activating agent are not included in these relationships.
Furthermore, kinetic studies should be included in the apprais-
al for economic design. The more rapid is the approach to




equilibrium, and hence, the maximum adsorption capacity is

Table 5 (continued)

reached, then the more polluted water can be treated in a fixed

500 + 400/700

amount of time. This means that the size of the treatment plant
Temp (°C)

can be reduced with a subsequent saving on the capital invest-

ment cost of the treatment plant. Consequently, in the present





review, a number of the most frequently studied adsorbates

792 Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802

Table 6 Physical activation methods and the variations used in literature

Carbonisation Impregnation characteristics Comments Ref.

Temp (°C) Time (min) Chemical Ratio


715 120 Potassium hydroxide 1.53:1 – [173]

715 120 Potassium hydroxide 1.53:1 – [174]
840 60 – – Samples were pyrolysed at 300 °C for 3 h followed by [152]
800 °C for 2 h in N2 posterior to KOH impregnation
700 60 – – No chemical activation for this olive cake carbon [155]
850 90 Steam/nitrogen – Activation of carbon was carried under steam/nitrogen [156]
mixture at 800 °C for 0.66/1.5/2 h for different samples
150 Until colour – – – [175]
changed from
brown to black
400 60 Steam/nitrogen – Activation times were varied between 30 and 70 min and [176]
temperatures between 750 and 850 °C. Activated
carbons were boiled in distilled water for 30 min, dried,
ground and sifted
510–850 850 CO2 – Carbonisation carried initially at 510 °C at 1 °C/min, and [193]
further from room temperature to 850 °C/min, followed
by CO2 activation at 800 °C
600 60 Steam (70%) in N2 – Activation of the obtained char is realised at 750 °C under [181]
70 vol% H2O in N2 during 360 min
100/150/200/ 60 – – Sample was placed in a furnace under N2 flow and [96]
250/300/400 temperature raised to the desired set point and
maintained for 1 h
800 60/120/180 Carbon dioxide – Olive stone powder was carbonised at 800 °C for various [169]
times (1/2/3 h) in CO2 to obtain various activated
800 60 Pyrolysed at 500 °C – OS was pyrolysed at 500 °C then activated at 800 °C for [186]
1000 30 Carbon dioxide – OS/novolac/hexamethylenetetramine mix was formed into [31]
small cylinders and cured at 170 °C for 30 min, then
was carbonised at 1000 °C. After the carbonisation, the
samples were activated using CO2 at 900 °C

have been tested using the above qe correlative relationships is very difficult, a simple comparison of olive stone capacities
when the data is available in the open literature. shows that olive stone has the potential to surpass many other
adsorbents, such as in the cases of the removal of safranin,
3.5 Comparison of olive stone AC with other iodine and phenol. E-waste adsorption capacities of heavy
adsorbents metals were higher than that of any other adsorbate.
However, e-waste-derived adsorption applications are limited
A number of the highest olive stone-derived activated carbon to a much shorter range of adsorbates than that of olive stones,
adsorption capacities from Tables 2, 3 and 4, are compared but the e-waste sorbent is a cation exchanger and the mecha-
with other adsorbents for the same chemical species adsorbate nism follows metal ion exchange with potassium and calcium
in Table 8. It must be emphasised that making comparisons of ions. Agricultural by-products are known for being potential
this nature is very difficult, since the range of capacities for sources for the production of activated carbons with high sur-
any specific adsorbate varies by a factor from 10 to 100 de- face areas and adsorption capacities. Compared to other agri-
pending on the AC production conditions (and therefore the cultural products in Table 8, olive stones outperformed all of
specific olive stone AC properties) and, in particular, the ad- the agricultural products in several studies reported and in
sorption contact conditions, including contact time, pH, initial many other literature studies. But it must be emphasised that
concentration, temperature, adsorbent mass to solution the success of the adsorption capacity depends on the method
volume/concentration ratio and adsorbent particle size. and conditions of activation relative to the adsorbate. In the
The results in Table 8 show that olive stone can be a com- literature as a whole, there are few studies in which the
petitive precursor for the production of activated carbon. biomass-derived activated carbon has been prepared with a
Although comparing the activation and adsorption conditions specific adsorption duty in mind.
Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802 793

Table 7 Physico-chemical activation methods and the variations used in literature

Method Carbonisation Impregnation characteristics Comments Ref.

Temp (°C) Time (min) Chemical Ratio


Microwave 600 – Potassium hydroxide 0.5/1.25/2.0:1 Microwave with a frequency of 2.4 GHz at [187]
power levels from 264 to 616 W was used
for 4/6/8 min for activation of impregnated
Microwave 600 1440 Potassium hydroxide 1.87:1 Microwave with a frequency of 2.4 GHz at [173]
power levels from 565 W for 7 min was used
for activation of impregnated char
Pyrolysis and 800/900 60/120/ Potassium hydroxide 4:1 Char created by pyrolysis at 800 °C and then [154]
chemical 180/240 activated by KOH and consequently washed
activation and dried
Physico-chemical 850 90 Steam/nitrogen → 10: 1 Further activation after the steam/nitrogen was [156]
sulphuric acid carried out in 10% H2SO4 solution for 6 h at
25 °C
Physico-chemical Steam/nitrogen → 10: 1 Further activation after the steam/nitrogen was
(NH4)2S2O8 in carried out in (NH4)2S2O8 in 1 M H2SO4 for
H2SO4 10 h at 25 °C
Hydrothermal 160–240 60/120/240/ Water 8: 1 One hydrochar was further carbonised under N2 [194]
360/480 at 900 °C for 3 h
Succinylation 90 1440 Succinic anhydride – A suspension of olive stone and pyridine [165]
+ NaHCO3 (30 ml) in toluene (200 ml) heated at 60 °C
was added at once to succinic anhydride
(20 g). The resulting mixture was stirred
overnight at 90 °C. After cooling, the solid
was filtered off and washed thoroughly and
treated with NaHCO3
Physico-chemical 825 20/40/60/ Carbon dioxide – The chemically activated carbons were [167]
72/80 (h) physically activated using CO2 for different
periods of time
Physico-chemical 800 60 Carbon dioxide + 0.5/1/2:1 Zinc chloride and olive stones were both [169]
zinc chloride + carbonised together under CO2 for 1 h using
HCl the same ratios as in the chemical method,
followed by the same chemical treatment
with HCl afterwards

4 Criteria for producing quality activated activated carbon examination of Tables 2, 3 and 4 provides a
carbons from olive stones good insight. For chemical activation in Table 2, both acid
treatment, particularly phosphoric acid, and alkali treatment,
The definition of a high-quality activated carbon is relative particularly KOH and K2CO3, produce surface areas in the
and should include the terminology: it has a high removal region of 1100 to 1200 m2/g and even greater. However, fur-
capacity for the adsorbate or adsorbates required to be re- ther inspection reveals that additional factors influence surface
moved/adsorbed. The properties that need to be assessed to area. Therefore, the temperature–time dependence is impor-
fulfill this definition are surface functionality, surface charge, tant: for studies at 700 °C, the thermal reaction contact time
zeta potential and point of zero charge, surface area, pore should be 4 h or more; for studies at 800 °C or above, the
diameter, pore size distribution, density, hardness and thermal contact time is over 2 h. The alkali reaction is com-
regenerability. Features of a suitable raw material source for plete in a slightly shorter time than the acid activation process.
activated carbon production should include a high carbon con- The other contributing factor is the activating chemical im-
tent; a low ash content; a low sulphur content; low content of pregnation ratio. At a 1:1 ratio, there is often not enough
other impurities, such as chloride and heavy metals; availabil- activating chemical to complete the surface functionality and
ity; and cheapness. The typical composition of olive stone porosity development, and the surface areas are on the low
listed in Table 1 demonstrates that it possesses a range of side; consequently, the high surface areas reported for chem-
high-quality properties indicating its suitability for activated ical activation use a ratio of 2:1 or greater. In general, 2:1
carbon production. To make an assessment of the process seems an optimum value for the impregnation ratio in terms
conditions to achieve a high surface area olive stone- of providing a high surface area and still remains relatively
794 Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802

Table 8 Comparison of olive stone AC adsorption capacities with other adsorbents

S. no. Adsorbate Capacity (mg/g)

Olive stone Adsorbents

Reference Reference

1 Safranin 526 [166] Spirulina sp. algae 54 [195]

Clay 18 [196]
MgO on graphene 14 [197]
Fe3O4 nanoparticles 92 [198]
2 Bisphenol A 2.7 [151] Ulva prolifera 9 [199]
Chitosan 35 [200]
Vermiculite 93 (Liu et al. 2017)
Montmorillonite 4 [201]
3 Cadmium 200 [165] Diplotaxis harra 32 [202]
Glebionis coronaria 58 [203]
Pcb e-waste 236 [143]
Furnace slag 19 [204]
Montmorillonite 22 [205]
4 Copper 34 [163] Orange peel 9 [206]
Sludge 46 [207]
Pcb e-waste 190 [141]
Chitosan 188 (Kalra et al. 2018)
Orange peel CNPs 17 [206]
Sugarcane bagasse AC 13 [208]
5 Lead 149 [168] Sludge 64 [207]
Pcb e-waste 704 [141]
Red mud 65 [209]
Clinoptilolite 18 [210]
6 Nickel 24 [168] Sludge 9.1 [207]
Pcb e-waste 205 [143]
Chitosan 105 [211]
Brown algae AC 64 [212]
Green algae AC 92 [212]
7 Methylene blue dye 667 [164] Sludge 137 [207]
Bamboo 454 [213]
Fox nutshell 968 [214]
Biochar 114 [215]
Milled biochar 354 [216]
8 Chromium 7 [182] Sludge 15 [207]
Alga Pterocladia 66 [217]
CNTs 113 [218]
Magnetic biochar 8.4 [219]
Amino-crab shell 41 [220]
Biochar 21 [221]
9 Cobalt 16 [163] Pcb e-waste 212 [143]
Diplotaxis harra 26 [202]
Glebionis coronaria 46 [203]
Spirulina sp. 96 [222]
Activated charcoal 50 [222]
10 Zinc 16 [156] Bagasse pith 147 [223]
Pcb e-waste 124 [143]
Chitosan 104 [211]
Furnace slag 18 [204]
Zeolite 55
11 Iodine 1540 [188] Desert plant 1178 [224]
Acorn shell 1209 [225]
12 Phenol 635 [162] Fox nutshell 75 [214]
Sludge 42 [207]
Avocado kernel AC 90 [226]
Bentonite 66 [227]
13 Chlorophenol 11 [96] Filtrasorb AC 140 [228]
Wheat husk biochar 9.3 []
Muscovite-CTAB 111 []
Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2019 ) 9:775–802 795

cheap for the activation chemicals. Higher chemical impreg- decide what properties of the activated carbon are needed,
nation ratios may result in a loss in surface area if the reaction then optimise and design the industrial-scale system.
contact time is too long as micropores are transformed into
mesopores and mesopores are transformed into macropores. The following areas are lacking in terms of pollution appli-
In the case of physical activation treatment only, higher tem- cation studies:
peratures, > 800 °C, are required and there is usually less
surface functionality. & More detailed temperature studies to establish more ther-
modynamic parameters such as enthalpy, entropy, Gibbs
free energy and activation energy.
& More experimental conditions need to be investigated in
5 Conclusion both equilibrium and kinetics, especially the effect of pH
and, in particular, the reporting of the final pH, which has a
Olive stones have been proposed and studied as a suitable major influence on metal adsorption capacity.
precursor for the production of activated carbons for wastewa- & More fixed-bed and regeneration studies are essential to
ter treatment applications. Many adsorption applications have enhance the development and application of olive stone-
been reported including the treatment of wastewaters contain- derived activated carbons on a commercial scale.
ing phenol, chlorophenol, nitrophenol, ethanol, iodine, meth- & It is also important to test more equilibrium, kinetic/mass
ylene blue dye, remazol red B dye, safranin, amoxicillin and transport and fixed-bed models to enable accurate simula-
several heavy metals. Most researchers have focussed their tion and design models to be developed.
attention on the method, conditions and characterisation of
the derived activated carbons and their adsorption capacities In conclusion, most studies have focussed on equilibrium
for these various pollutants. Three of the classical standard isotherm analyses and adsorption capacities, but beyond these
activated carbon tests, using methylene blue, iodine and phe- studies, only a few investigators have reported batch kinetic
nol, have generated excellent high adsorption capacities, studies. In order to take the development of olive stone-
namely, 667, 1495 and 635 mg/g, respectively. These repre- derived activated carbons to the next stage of development,
sent some of the highest values ever reported for activated more kinetic studies are required and more studies on a labo-
carbons. Another extremely high capacity has been recorded ratory scale or small pilot plant scale fixed-bed columns are
for safranin dye as 526 mg/g. Furthermore, some tests, for the required with their associated regeneration studies. In addi-
removal of heavy metals, have also yielded very good capac- tion, optimisation studies are required for targeted pollutants,
ities, namely, lead with 148 mg/g and cadmium with 200 mg/ and preliminary simulation process designs and cost estimates
g, but in general, activated carbons do not have high uptake should be carried out.
capacities for metal ions.
In terms of the olive stone activation experiments them- Funding Information Open Access funding provided by the Qatar
National Library.
selves, the following criticisms are made regarding the current
literature: Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://
& A lack of reporting of all the experimental details, for, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appro-
example, heating rate, activation temperature, activating priate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
agent concentrations, yields and inert gas flow rates. Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
& A lack of reporting or determining all the characterisation
parameters; in most cases, the surface areas are provided,
but frequently mean pore size, pore size distribution and
porosity are omitted; these are very important to ensure References
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