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Student Feedback Survey 2nd Grade

Harris Brooke Elementary School Physical Education

Ms. Ryan


Yes Sometimes No

1. Students help
each other to learn.

2. When asked, I
can talk about what
I am learning.

3. When I am stuck,
Ms. Ryan wants me
to try again before
she helps me.

4. I have to explain
my thinking when I
answer questions.

5. When Ms. Ryan

is talking, she asks
us if we understand.

6. After I talk to
Ms. Ryan, I know
how to do better.

Do you have any

comments about
Ms. Ryan’s time in
the classroom or her
Data: The data shown is results that came from 144 of Ms. Ryan’s students in Physical

Percentage of students that selected the smiley face for each question:

Question 1: 91%
Question 2: 76%
Question 3: 63%
Question 4: 65%
Question 5: 97%
Question 6: 89%

During the closure of all my physical education classes, I explained to the students
the purpose of this form is to help Ms. Ryan understand where everyone is at, how she
can help everyone and guide each student in future lessons. The students were to fill out
the form at home and bring it back to Ms. Ryan the next time they have PE. If students
struggled filling it out at home, I gave them the option to come to me and have me read
the questions to them. By selecting the smiley face that means yes all the time, the
straight face means sometimes and the frowny face means not really or almost never.
For Question 1, “students help each other to learn”, I’m glad that most of my
students selected the smiley face because we spend a lot of time in PE doing activities
that involve collaboration and cooperation. We base a lot of activities off of their squad
lines which are their designated attendance spots, but as the teacher I plan to make new
teams in the future that involve mixing the grouping of students.
For Question 2, “when asked, I can talk about what I am learning”, the percentage
went to 76% for the smiley face. This made me realize that I should be providing more
exit slips/cognitive assessments to guide the students in their learning. If they are just
doing the activities without understanding what they are doing, their learning isn’t at its
full potential. In order to increase this score, I want to implement these cognitive
assessments and do some more turn & talk activities to keep students engaged and on
For Question 3, “when I am stuck, Ms. Ryan wants me to try again before she
helps me”, the proficient category (smiley face) went down to 63%. This shows that as
the teacher, I need to let my students perform in the category of guided discovery more
rather than just giving them direct feedback. I want to let the students try to figure out
how to do a skill on their own so they can familiarize themselves. I plan on doing this
during my instant activities to better help my students.
For Question 4, “I have to explain my thinking when I answer questions”, out of
the 144 students, 93 put a smiley face, 27 put an in between/straight face and 24 put a
frowny face. Seeing these results wants me to ask my students the why question or give
them more critical thinking prompts. I find that a lot of the time, I do the explaining for
the students; from now on I want them to explain to me so I can better understand where
they are coming from and what level they are at.
For Question 5, “When Ms. Ryan is talking, she asks us if we understand”, I was
pleased to see the percentage for the smiley face was at 97%. I always ask the students if
they understand after I give instructions by verbally asking or telling them to show me
with their thumbs; thumbs up = yes I understand, thumb in between = I kinda understand,
and thumbs down = I don’t understand, I need help. The few students that didn’t select
the smiley face were those who have a disability or are an ELL student. In order to get
their rating to be in the smiley face, I want to come up with modifications and provide
additional opportunities to understand the content knowledge.
For Question 6, “After I talk to Ms. Ryan, I know how to do better”, the students
were at a high 89%. This number allowed me to see that my instruction and feedback is
purposeful to the students. To get this number to be even higher, as the teacher, I plan to
provide more reminders on the white board and around the gymnasium.
The last section on the feedback form was for the students to put any additional
feedback or commentary that they thought I should hear. This was interesting because
students gave me some new ideas while also telling me which activities they like/dislike.
Overall, this feedback form completed by my 2nd grade students has allowed me to
reflect on my teaching, see what’s working vs not working and gives me the chance to
make changes to my classes.

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