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Submitted to: Submitted by:

Mrs. Smriti Singh Chauhan Disha Sharma (A3211120306)

Visiting Faculty Sec -D

Amity Law School 3rd year, 5th semester

AUUP Program- B.A.LL.B (H)

Batch: 2020-2025

I would like to express my sincere gratitude towards my Professor Mrs. Smriti Singh
Chauhan for her valuable guidance, suggestions, encouragement and timely help
throughout the completion of my assignment. I would also like to thank her for helping
and supporting me throughout the completion of the assignment.
I am grateful to my friends and family members for their support, encouragement and

5TH OCT, 2022

This is to certify that Ms. Disha Sharma has satisfactorily completed the assignment on

“India Bangladesh Diplomatic Relationship”

in the partial fulfillment of her extra-curriculum as a part of syllabus for B.A.LL.B(H) for the
Academic Year 2020-2025 as prescribed By Amity University, Noida. This work has been duly
acknowledged and done by my own. It has not been submitted anywhere else for any rewards
and paper publishing.

5TH OCT, 2022
India Bangladesh Diplomatic Relationship:- ........................................................................................ 5
Introduction:- ........................................................................................................................................... 6
History:- .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Indo – Bangladesh Relations under PM Modi’s Regime:- .................................................................. 9
Bilateral Trade Relations between India and Bangladesh:- .................................................................... 12
 Economic Cooperation:- .............................................................................................................. 14
Power cooperation:- ............................................................................................................................. 16
 Political Prisoners Extradition:-............................................................................................ 17
Challenges to Indo-Bangladesh Diplomatic Ties:- ............................................................................. 17
Conclusion:- ............................................................................................................................................ 19
India Bangladesh Diplomatic Relationship:-

The People's Republic of Bangladesh and the Republic of India are neighbors in
South Asia, and their bilateral ties are known as Bangladesh-India relations,
Bangladeshi-Indian relations, or Indo-Bangladeshi relations. India's recognition of
an independent Bangladesh in 1971 marked the official start of their diplomatic
relations (which was formerly known as East Pakistan).
Despite the fact that there are certain outstanding conflicts, the relations between
the two nations have been described as special. On June 6, 2015, the historic land
boundary agreement was signed, putting an end to border conflicts that had persisted
for decades. However, discussions over the distribution of water from Trans
Boundary Rivers are still ongoing. Due to the Indian government's alleged anti-
Muslim and anti-Bangladeshi actions, such as India's interference in Bangladeshi
politics, the killing of Bangladeshis by the Indian BSF, the Citizenship Amendment
Act, the rise of Hindutva in India, as well as India's reluctance to resolve the water
disputes in common rivers with Bangladesh, Bangladesh has seen an increase in
anti-Indian sentiments among its citizens in recent years. Due to India's Citizenship
Amendment, numerous Bangladeshi ministers postponed their planned state visits
there in 2019.
SAARC, BIMSTEC, IORA, and the Commonwealth all share Bangladesh and India
as members. Numerous cultural linkages exist between the two nations. Bengali is
primarily spoken in Bangladesh and West Bengal, an East Indian state. East
Pakistan and West Pakistan engaged in the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971;
India intervened in favor of East Pakistan in December 1971 and assisted in
securing its independence from Pakistan as Bangladesh. Since Indian Prime
Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Bangladesh in 2015 and Bangladeshi Prime
Minister Sheikh Hasina's return trip to India in 2017, notable developments include
the resolution of long-pending land and maritime boundaries.

India-Bangladesh shares historical, geographical, cultural, social and economic ties over
civilizations. Bangladesh, antecedent geographical region, accustomed be a district of Asian nation
and then Asian country. After, {Bangladesh | People's Republic of Bangladesh | Bangladesh | East
Asian country| Asian country | Asian nation} got independence in 1971 through associate armed
struggle against Pakistan with large contributions from Asian nation. Asian country wholeheartedly
acknowledges India’s contribution throughout liberation war 19711. Despite such cultural, historical
and geographical closeness, and India’s cooperation throughout crisis times of Asian country,
Bangladesh-India relations haven't invariably been sleek (Maini, 2015). In reality, the bilateral
relations between these 2 states have usually been bitter, tension-mounting, and difficult and
inundated by allegations and counter- allegations (Kashem & Islam, 2016). Widespread perception
regarding Indo- Bangladesh relation is that it gets a new momentum once Asian country Awami
League (BAL) and Indian National Congress (INC) regime are in power as a result of a historic
recent relationship between BAL and opposition. It was the Indira Nehru Gandhi of opposition
WHO unfold her arms and embraced world- forsaken Asian country throughout and when the
liberation war. On the contrary, once the Awami League (AL) and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
acquire power, India-Bangladesh relations worsen that will be mirrored in their foreign policies.
Unfortunate although, once Nationalist Party (BNP) forms the govt. in Bangladesh, Dhaka-
Islamabad relationship strengthens to a larger extent instead of Dhaka-Delhi. Therefore, once BJP-
led Narendra Modi (Hereafter ‘Modi’) came to power in 2014, the majority of the folks of Asian
country as well as academicians and policy-makers involved that India-Bangladesh relations won't
fancy a deeper sense of relationship because of the BJP’s philosophical predisposition towards
Hindu nationalism.

[EFSAS] [,-birth-of-bangladesh-and-comparison-with-
present-day-pakistan/] [Last Visited Date: 3rd October, 2022]

Economic, social, cultural, and civilizational ties exist between Asian country and Asian nation.
There square measure several things that bring the 2 nations along, together with their shared history
and cultural heritage, affinity for music, literature, and therefore the arts. In front of Indian and
Bangladeshi military personnel, Lt. Gen. AAK Niazi signed the surrender document to finish the
1971 war.
Additionally, in 1905 and 1911, severally, the national anthems of Asian nation and Asian country
were composed by Bengali-Indian savant Rabindranath Tagore.

The 2 countries cast shut ties throughout the 1971 Asian nation Liberation War. However, since the
Centre of the Seventies, relations have gotten worse as Asian nation has grownup nearer to
monotheism countries, joined the Organization of the monotheism Conference, and placed a lot of
price on its monotheism identity than its ethno linguistic heritage. There is no denying the actual
fact that the contribution of the Indian government and folks were indispensable for the emergence
of People's Republic of Bangladesh as a sovereign state. Despite historic non-alignment policy of
Asian country, on twenty seventh March 1971, national leader, a attractive leader and also the then
prime minister of Asian country, expressed her full support to the independence movement of
People's Republic of Bangladesh by gap the Indian border and establishing expatriate camps close
to border areas of Indian states of state, Meghalaya, Tripura and West geographic area with a read
to providing safe shelter for Bangladeshi refugees. The Indian government additionally organized
coaching and ammunition for Mukti Bahini (Freedom fighter) guerrillas. Indira Gandhi’s
government provided full political and diplomatic support throughout the entire nine-month long
amount of People's Republic of Bangladesh Liberation War. National leader in person traveled
across the world to mobilize the support for People's Republic of Bangladesh. to acknowledge her
role throughout the People's Republic of Bangladesh Liberation War and her attractive leadership
ability to manage such a complicated regional war wherever international superpowers were
concerned, she was posthumously bestowed the People's Republic of Bangladesh Freedom Honour
award on twenty fifth Gregorian calendar month 20112. it's the very best state award of People's
Republic of Bangladesh bestowed to the non-nationals and national leader is that the solely one that
has been bestowed this highest state honour to this point. once the independence of People's
Republic of Bangladesh, Asian country and People's Republic of Bangladesh signed the ‘The pact
of relationship, Cooperation and Peace’, best legendary as Indira-Mujib pact for a twenty five years
term on nineteenth March 19723. The pact was grounded on the mutual respect for one another’s
independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty whereas non- interference in internal problems
(Pant, 2007: 232). It is usually opined that India-Bangladesh relations reached its peak throughout
the tenure of Indira Gandhi and ruler Mujibur. From 1971 to 1975, the tenure of ruler Mujibur
Rahman-led Awami League in People's Republic of Bangladesh, Asian country became the largest
development partner and aid donor of People's Republic of Bangladesh.

[The Hindu] [] [Last
Visited Date: 5th October, 2022]
[Ministry of External Affairs] [] [Last Visited Date: 5th
October, 2022]
Indo – Bangladesh Relations under PM Modi’s Regime:-

Since the Modi government doesn’t have any separate policy toward People's Republic of
Bangladesh, Modi’s People's Republic of Bangladesh policy are going to be mentioned below the
larger framework of ‘Neighborhood initial Policy’ (NFP)4. The NFP provides a brand new house to
revitalize India’s diplomatic relations with neighbors’ amid the dead end state of affairs (Kashem
and Islam, 2016). India’s sincerity regarding NFP will be mirrored by LBA agreement with People's
Republic of Bangladesh when waiting decades, acceptance of the finding of fact of Permanent Court
of Arbitration’s5 (PCA) that was in favor of People's Republic of Bangladesh, India’s leading role
in post-earthquake rescue efforts of Asian nation, invite of all neighbor countries’ heads of the states
in Modi’s oath-taking ceremony and official visits paid by Modi to People's Republic of Bangladesh,
Bhutan, Asian nation and Ceylon inside the initial year of his entrance to the prime minister
workplace (Kashem & Islam, 2016).
Ajit Doval, the National Security authority of Asian country, recognized People's Republic of
Bangladesh as ‘India’s most vital neighbor’ in a very seminar on India–Bangladesh relations in new
urban center (Haidar & Habib, 2015).
Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, the Foreign Secretary of Asian country, justifiably contended “[I]f
there's one example wherever the neighborhood initial policy has yielded smart result, it is in case
of Bangladesh”6. The landmark visit paid by Narendra Modi to People's Republic of Bangladesh on
half dozen Gregorian calendar month 2015 set down new milestone in Delhi- Dhaka ties. Twenty-
two agreements were inked and revived on many-side.
Problems together with security, property, power and trade that is predicted to bear the fruit in future.
Additionally, Delhi-Dhaka relation was fostered significantly in August 2014 with the official visit

[Ministry of External Affairs] [] [Last Visited Date: 5th
October, 2022]
PCA: The Permanent
Court of Arbitration is a non-UN intergovernmental organization located in The Hague, Netherlands
[The Hindu] [] [Last
Visited Date: 5th October, 2022]
paid by the president of People's Republic of Bangladesh to Asian country. It absolutely was the
initial visit of ceremonial head of People's Republic of Bangladesh to Asian country since
independence. Additionally, the official visit paid by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, the govt head
of People's Republic of Bangladesh, to Asian country in Gregorian calendar month 2017 contributed
to strengthening Indo-Bangladesh relation to the next level. With twenty two government-to-
government agreements on energy cooperation and property problems, and another fourteen
agreements in the field of personal investment, this visit was unique by all suggests that to deepen
the bilateral relations (The Hindu, 2017b). Apart from the on top of mentioned visits paid by the top
of states, the third and fourth India– People's Republic of Bangladesh Joint informatory Commission
(JCC) conferences that is delegated at foreign ministers level were additionally vital in fostering
bilateral relation. In the third JCC meeting in Sept 2014, a wider vary of problems were known and
mentioned, particularly security, property, development cooperation, renewable energy, socio-
cultural cooperation etc. (Government of Asian country, Sept 2014). However, within the fourth
JCC meeting in October 2017, each delegates stressed the problems of property, and economic and
development cooperation between 2 states. It is value mentioning, Sushma Swaraj, though didn’t
specify, contended to resolve all the irritants of the Indo-Bangladesh ties within the fourth JCC
meeting (The Hindu, 2017c).
Bilateral Trade Relations between India and Bangladesh:-
The present year is a momentous one for India and Bangladesh, as they celebrate fifty years of the
latter’s independence and bilateral diplomatic ties. It is important for them to address constraints
affecting bilateral trade growth, especially as Bangladesh is slated to graduate to developing country
status in 2026.

India & Bangladesh are together spearheading various initiatives in areas such as trade, transport
and energy to promote regional development and people- to-people contacts.
India’s top exports to Bangladesh are cotton, petroleum products, vehicles, machinery (particularly
textile machinery) and iron and steel. Bangladesh’s export basket to India largely comprises
apparels, made up of textile articles, jute and jute products and vegetable fats and oils.
There is an untapped additional trade potential of US$ 14.2 billion7 between the two countries. This
trade potential can only be realized if the trade barriers are addressed by both countries.
It is hoped that with the successful meeting of the two Prime Ministers this month, another golden
chapter would be forged in India-Bangladesh relations. Pressing issues that are restricting the growth
of trade need to be addressed urgently. Coming to the composition of trade, India’s top exports to
Bangladesh are cotton, petroleum products, vehicles, machinery (particularly, textile machinery)
and iron and steel.
A point worth highlighting here is the important role that India plays in Bangladesh’s readymade
garments (RMG) industry as a supplier of both raw materials as well as capital goods required in
the sector. Bangladesh’s export basket to India largely comprises of apparels, both knitted and
crocheted and non-knitted and crocheted, made-ups of textile articles, jute and jute products and
vegetable fats and oils.

 There is an untapped additional trade potential of US$ 14.2 billion between the two countries. India
has the potential to export an additional US$ 13.6 billion worth of goods to Bangladesh. The top
potential items are petroleum oils, having an export potential of US$ 3.3 billion, followed by cotton
(US$ 536 million), products of iron (US$ 441 million), polypropylene polymers (US$ 353 million),
cane sugar (US$ 314 million) and dredgers (US$ 305 million) and articles of jewellery (US$ 227

 Bangladesh has the potential to export only an additional US$ 535 million worth of goods, as its
competitiveness is concentrated in a limited number of industries. It has the potential to export
greater volumes of apparels,
Fabrics and hides. Within these the top potential categories are men’s trousers and shorts of cotton
(US$31 million), t-shirts, singlets and other vests (US$31 million), woven fabrics of jute or other
textile base fibres (US$ 30 million), brassieres (US$29 million), non-knitted or crocheted cotton

[Ministry of External Affairs] [] [Last Visited Date: 6th
October, 2022]
shirts for men (US$27 million) and tanned hides of bovine animals (US$ 27 million).

 This trade potential can only be realized if the barriers, tariff as well as non- tariff, are addressed by
both countries. India provides duty-free access to imports from Bangladesh for all products except
tobacco and alcohol under the agreement on the South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA), but Bangladesh
still maintains a long sensitive list for imports. In addition, there are several land ports e.g. Agartala,
Srimantapur and Sutarkandi, bordering the Northeast region and Bangladesh, at which Bangladesh
allows only a handful of commodities to be imported from India. In fact, on these land ports, Bangladesh
maintains a positive list for imports. Non-tariff barriers, perceived and real, related to standards,
continue to hamper the free flow of goods between the two countries.

 Cooperation:-

India–Bangladesh cooperation over economy, power, maritime, Education and political issue (i.e. political
prisoners’ extradition) has reached a new height after Modi came to power.

 Economic Cooperation:-

Economic cooperation has manifested in Modi’s foreign policy towards People's Republic of Bangladesh.
Between 2004 and 2017, the bilateral trade between People's Republic of Bangladesh and Bharat enhanced
perceptibly, formal most USD one.6 billion to USD 8 billion. Table 1 gives an outline of import-export figures
between Bharat and People's Republic of Bangladesh. Another notable aspect of economic cooperation is the
extension of India’s line of credit for People's Republic of Bangladesh value around USD 8billion. According
to Sushma Swaraj “Totally, 3 lines of credit amounting to USD eight billion have been extended by Bharat to
People's Republic of Bangladesh therefore way. This is by way the largest development help that Bharat has
extended to any country worldwide” (The Hindu, 2017c). However, since independence, People's Republic of
Bangladesh has continually been suffering acute trade deficit with Bharat and this trade deficit between 2 states
has solely been intensifying over the years (Table 1). In 2017, the trade deficit for People's Republic of
Bangladesh is USD 12 billion. Notably, to spice up Indian investments in People's Republic of Bangladesh, a
MoU has additionally signed to build 2 special economic zones for Indian corporations in Bemaraha and
Monga, Bangladesh. Hopefully, these economic zones can act as a thrust tocotrienol–Bangladesh economic
teosinte predictable future. Contrarily, to facilitate the cargo of Bangladeshi apparels to retail retailers across
Bharat, the Indian government has declared to provide fifty acres of land in Gujarat to build a warehouse for
Bangladeshi corporations8. The warehouse is believed to contribute USD one billion value of export to People's
Republic of Bangladesh annually. Indian investments in People's Republic of Bangladesh has also enhanced
perceptibly throughout Modi’s tenure. For instance, 2 Indian large power companies, namely, Adani Power
restricted and Reliance Power restricted inked a MoU with People's Republic of Bangladesh to speculate USD
five.5 billion to create 2 power plants capable of generating total four, 600 MW of electricity. Its value
mentioning that it can be the largest foreign direct investment in People's Republic of Bangladesh. Within the
fourth JCC meeting, Sushma Swaraj, the Indian delegates of the meeting, signed 2 MoUs, one for establishing
a ‘common facility Centre’ in Khulna for little and medium enterprises and another for commercialism of high
speed diesel to People's Republic of Bangladesh. It is anticipated to boost the economy of the southern a part
of People's Republic of Bangladesh (The Hindu, 2017c). Republic of Bangladesh and Bharat enhanced
perceptibly, formal most USD one.6 billion to USD 8 billion. Table 1 gives an outline of import-export figures
between Bharat and People's Republic of Bangladesh. Another notable aspect of economic cooperation is the
extension of India’s line of credit for People's Republic of Bangladesh value around USD 8billion. According
to Sushma Swaraj “[T]orally, 3 lines of credit amounting to USD eight billion have been extended by Bharat
to People's Republic of Bangladesh therefore way. This is by way the largest development help that Bharat has
extended to any country worldwide” (The Hindu, 2017c). However, since independence, People's Republic of
Bangladesh has continually been acute trade deficit with Bharat and this trade deficit between 2 states has solely
been intensifying over the years (Table 1). In 2017, the trade deficit for People's suffering Republic of
Bangladesh is USD vi.12 billion. Notably, to spice up Indian investments in People's Republic of Bangladesh,
a MoU has additionally signed to build 2 special economic zones for Indian corporations in Bemaraha and
Monga, Bangladesh. Hopefully, these economic Zones can act as a thrust to foster Indo–Bangladesh economic
ties in the predictable future. Contrarily, to facilitate the cargo of Bangladeshi apparels to retail retailers across
Bharat, the Indian government has declared to provide fifty acres of land in Gujarat to build a warehouse for
Bangladeshi corporations (The Daily Star, 2015c). The warehouse is believed to contribute USD one billion
value of export to People's Republic of Bangladesh annually. Indian investments in People's Republic of
Bangladesh has also enhanced perceptibly throughout Modi’s tenure. For instance, 2 Indian large power
companies, namely, Adani Power restricted and Reliance Power restricted inked a MoU with People's Republic
of Bangladesh to speculate USD five.5 billion to create 2 power plants capable of generating total four,600 MW
of electricity. Its value mentioning that it can be the largest foreign direct investment in People's Republic of
Bangladesh. Within the fourth JCC meeting, Sushma Swaraj, the Indian delegates of the meeting, signed 2
MoUs, one for establishing a ‘common facility Centre’ in Khulna for little and medium enterprises and another
for commercialism of high speed diesel to People's Republic of Bangladesh. It is anticipated to boost the
economy of the southern a part of People's Republic of Bangladesh9.

[The Daily Star] []
[Last Visited Date: 7th October, 2022]
9 th
[Rajiv Bhatia, 12 September, 2022] [The Hindu] [
bilateral-cooperation/article65880021.ece] [Last Visited Date: 7th October, 2022]
 Power cooperation:-

India–Bangladesh power cooperation has got new momentum when Modi came to power. With of read to
easing the power shortage of electricity- starved People's Republic of Bangladesh, India is presently
mercantilism around five hundred MW of electricity to People's Republic of Bangladesh. At the ninth meeting
of Bangladesh–India joint committee on power cooperation in capital of Bangladesh in could 2015, the choice
has been taken to supply extra 600 MW electricity to People's Republic of Bangladesh by 2017. Of this 600
MW, five hundred MW of electricity are equipped from province and one hundred MW are equipped from
Palatana power project in Tripura (The Daily Star, 2015a). And as mentioned within the earlier section, 2 a lot
of power plant can be designed that can build Associate in Nursing addition of four, 600 MW of electricity to
the national grid of People's Republic of Bangladesh. In step with MoU, USD three billion are invested with
by Reliance Power restricted to build a liquefied natural gas-based power plant capable of generating three,000
MW and USD two.5 billion are invested with by to line up a coal-based power plant to generate one,600 MW10.
From the People's Republic of Bangladesh facet, building a replacement electricity grid between People's
Republic of Bangladesh and North eastern states of India were reviewed. According to The Daily Star, ‘once
set up, India can use Bangladesh’s soil to transmit 1000 MW of power from state to state via Dinajpur’.
Moreover, this new grid can facilitate India in satisfying its need to cross-border energy commercialism with
SAARC member states.

 Cooperation over Education and Training:-

The promotion of educational exchange, training and cooperation between India and Bangladesh
is also manifested during Modi’s tenure. Recently, the government of India has announced to
spend 35 corer Bangladeshi Taka in next 5 years to provide scholarships to the descendants of
Freedom Fighters. Every year two thousand students will be awarded this scholarship (Bangla
Telegraph, 2018). Two MoU’s have been singed Modi’s visit to Bangladesh in June 2015 one

[Ministry of External Affairs] [] [Last Visited Date: 7th
October, 2022]
between the University of Dhaka and Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of India
for collaborative research on oceanography in the Bay of Bengal, and another between the
University of Rajshahi and India’s Jamia Millia Islamia University for educational cooperation.
Providing training for human resource development is a crucial aspect of Indo-Bangladesh
relations that reached a new height during Modi’s regime. The Indian government has
launched a programme for providing training to Bangladeshi bureaucrats and law enforcement
agencies’ officers. Reportedly, over the next 3 years, 1500 Bangladeshi bureaucrats and police
officers will receive training in different Indian institutions (The Economic Times, 2015).

 Political Prisoners Extradition:-

The progress regarding political prisoner extradition has been manifested after Modi came to power.
Although Bangladesh-India extradition treaty came into effect since October 2013, it gained new
momentum during Modi’s tenure which can be supported by the transference of Indian separatist
leader Anup Chetia to India in November 2015 waiting after nearly two decades. Similarly, India
also handed over Noor Hossain to Dhaka in November 2015, the prime accused of sensational
Narayanganj seven-murder case. It is believed that the implementation of the extradition treaty will
deepen Indo-Bangladesh security ties.

Challenges to Indo-Bangladesh Diplomatic Ties:-

 Water Dispute:
While Bangladesh and India share 54 trans-boundary rivers, no other water sharing treaty expect
the Ganga Water Sharing Treaty is operational between the two countries. In recent time, the
dispute centered on the Teesta river water sharing has deteriorating Indo-Bangladesh relations to
an unprecedented level. It is unfortunate that this crucial issue has not been resolved for over
18 years.

 Non-tariff barriers:

Since its independence in 1971, Bangladesh has suffered severe trade deficit with India and it
is widening year after year. Expert opines that the reason for this imbalance is India’s protectionist
economic policy and excessive non-tariff barriers. There is no denying the fact that government
of India has provided the duty-free opportunity 13
for maximum Bangladesh products which can
be reflected by the enlistment of only 25 items in India’s sensitive list for Bangladesh compared
to Bangladesh’s sensitive list for India which has 1241 items.

 Rohingya Issue:

Recent Rohingya crisis has resulted, although to a lesser extent, bitterness in Indo-Bangladesh
relation. More than 800,000 Rohingya have crossed the border into Bangladesh since August,
running from a military crackdown that was initiated after Rohingya militants attacked police
posts, killing 12 members of the security forces11. There is no denying that regional security is
the prime concern of the Modi government

[The Guardian] [] [Last Visited Date: 7th October, 2022]

This paper has tried to supply a summary of the recent progress in Indo– Bangladesh ties throughout.
Whereas difficult the common perception, it is declared that even although BJP is in power
currently, India–Bangladesh relationship has reached a replacement height. In fact, the peaceful
resolution of the long-standing maritime dispute and also the commendation of the historic LBA is
anticipated to strengthen the India–Bangladesh relations in the predictable future. However, the
challenges like water dispute, non-tariff barriers, Rampal power plant and regional Rohingya issue,
alleged smuggled migration of Bangladeshis to India and border killings, would like to be self-
addressed rigorously for a property friendly relation and establish a win-win scenario. Last however
not least, in this age of growing reciprocity and sharing, there's no different however to strengthen
Bangladesh–India relations. Therefore, consistency in Indo–Bangladesh friendly relations must be
maintained no matter that regime remains in power each in national capital and metropolis.
Similarity Report ID: oid:8054:24704636

4% Overall Similarity
Top sources found in the following databases:
2% Internet database 1% Publications database
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The sources with the highest number of matches within the submission. Overlapping sources will not be
1 <1%

"Global Environmental Changes in South Asia", Springer Science and B...

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Monash University on 2016-11-07

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6 <1%
7 <1%

"India-Pakistan Trade Normalisation", Springer Science and Business ...

8 <1%

Sources overview
Similarity Report ID: oid:8054:24704636

Symbiosis International University on 2022-01-08

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"Bangladesh", Let's Take a Look at Our World, 2019

11 <1%

Anup Kumar. "Political campaigning and party strategies: the importan...

12 <1%

Institute of Management Technology on 2015-01-05

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London School of Commerce on 2012-08-20

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University of Wales central institutions on 2016-05-03

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Avinash Paliwal. "India’s Taliban Dilemma: To Contain or to Engage?", ...

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University Of Tasmania on 2019-10-17

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University of Dhaka on 2018-07-16

19 <1%
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Korea University on 2018-05-21

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Korea University on 2018-05-05

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Md. Abul Kashem, Md. Shariful Islam. "Narendra Modi’s Bangladesh Policy an...

Nottingham Trent University on 2017-01-13

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National Defence College, New Delhi on 2019-09-19

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Higher Education Commission Pakistan on 2017-12-05

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"The Ganges Water Diversion: Environmental Effects and Implications", Spring...


Higher Education Commission Pakistan on 2017-12-06

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University of Melbourne on 2019-09-13

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National University of Singapore on 2013-11-19

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The Energy and Resources Institute on 2017-05-22

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University of Durham on 2021-09-10

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Intercollege on 2022-04-17
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Brigham Young University on 2020-08-07

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Brigham Young University on 2020-08-07

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Excluded from Similarity Report

Similarity Report ID: oid:8054:24704636

Intercollege on 2022-04-27
Submitted works

Intercollege on 2022-04-17
Submitted works

Yishuang Yang. "Chapter 8 Sino–Bangladeshi Cooperation Under Perspective ...


Pondicherry University on 2022-05-26

Submitted works

University of Melbourne on 2022-06-16

Submitted works

De Montfort University on 2018-11-30

Submitted works

Roehampton University on 2021-05-20

Submitted works

Brigham Young University on 2020-10-09

Submitted works

Brigham Young University on 2020-10-09

Submitted works

Brigham Young University on 2020-10-09

Submitted works

Excluded from Similarity Report

Similarity Report ID: oid:8054:24704636

UM, Baltimore County on 2002-01-29

Submitted works

UM, Baltimore County on 2001-12-24

Submitted works

UM, Baltimore County on 2001-12-14

Submitted works

University of Sussex on 2011-09-26

Submitted works

O. P. Jindal Global University on 2020-12-14

Submitted works

BRAC University on 2022-04-21

Submitted works

BRAC University on 2022-04-16

Submitted works

Windham High School on 2022-02-20

Submitted works

Al Zahra College on 2021-08-23

Submitted works

Excluded from Similarity Report

Similarity Report ID: oid:8054:24704636

BRAC University on 2021-05-24

Submitted works

BRAC University on 2021-05-24

Submitted works

BRAC University on 2021-05-09

Submitted works

Leiden University on 2021-01-24

Submitted works

Brigham Young University on 2020-10-08

Submitted works

Green Hills Academy on 2020-03-06

Submitted works

Brigham Young University on 2020-05-13

Submitted works

Brigham Young University on 2020-05-13

Submitted works

Brigham Young University on 2020-05-13

Submitted works

Brigham Young University on 2020-05-13

Submitted works

Webster University on 2021-12-09

Submitted works

Excluded from Similarity Report

Similarity Report ID: oid:8054:24704636

Georgia State University on 2018-09-13

Submitted works

Canterbury Christ Church University on 2017-12-01

Submitted works

University of Cape Town on 2011-11-08

Submitted works

University of Cape Town on 2011-11-01

Submitted works

University of Cape Town on 2011-10-30

Submitted works

Excluded from Similarity Report

Similarity Report ID: oid:8054:24704636

Ashani Abayasekara. "GSP+ Removal and the Apparel Industry in Sri Lanka", S...

University of Westminster on 2022-01-06

Submitted works

University of Sheffield on 2020-06-30

Submitted works

Excluded from Similarity Report

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