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SECTION: __________ GROUP: __________
NAME OF MEMBERS: _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

Analyze the symbolism behind the following characters of the Noli Me Tangere. Briefly describe who
these characters are and their attributes. Who or what sectors or institutions do they represent
during Rizal’s time? Who (particular person) or what sectors or institutions do they represent at
present? (30 points)
a. Capitan Tiago

b. Crisostomo Ibarra

c. Pilosopo Tasio

d. Schoolmaster

e. Elias

f. Padre Damaso
1. The Hacienda de Calamba incident served as the turning point in Rizal’s life. Explain how this
case seemingly altered Rizal’s beliefs and how this will be reflected in his 2 nd novel, El
Filibusterismo. (5 points)

2. Assess the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law, which was passed during the Corazon Aquino
administration, and was continued by succeeding administrations. Has the implementation of
the CARL been effective in addressing the agrarian problem? Why/why not? What should be
done to effectively solve this? (5 points)

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