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Eliza Ruiz

Ms. Wright
English 9 P2
December 2, 2022
My best friend

I've known him for a long time

23 years to be exact,
Ever since we were small kids;
Every time i saw him about to climb
Him asking to always play and at the end
Going inside his house together full of grime.

Our mothers are eachothers best friend

They live next to each other.
Both our mothers always dreamt
Me and him one day marrying each other,
I always liked him but was scared so I’d pretend

He has never shown any interest in me

But, when we got older
I noticed he would always care for me,
And how he would always be there for me to see.

We went to the same college for the same major

Seeing each other every day,
Ever Since we were babies to today in my favor.

Living together in an apartment as just close friends

The closer we got by the day, extends.

Our mothers dream is coming true this winter.

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