OB Unit-2

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Unit -V

Leaders hip and Moti vation

Leadership :
Leadership tnvolves the exev cise o
influeoce on the part of the leoade over the
Ferception, motivatiom, comnmunicat fon , Pevaonal
and ultimately ovee theot othev people

leadership, is, thevehove, the study ot leader

int luence over the though,feeltng, opioions,
belie fs, attitudes and octiona ot follouwerk
Leadership is de hined as the poc e Ihere by

individ ual ofluences other r o u p members
towards the attainment of deftned goyp o
Ogani sati onal 20al."
Leadership Theorie-
the but
theortes it one of
Study o leaderxhip -theoies
approaches to sttdy leadership. Leadevship
are clawiied a
Traditiona Behavioural Contingene Modemn
Theoi eg Theosí e Situotiona Theoes

.Tannen bauro chai Amatic

t.Trai t .Ohio stat Leadershp
St udieg and hmidt's
Theoy Lenderahip pattern Theor
2.Universilg o
2.Goupad Michigan studa 2Transhorm
2. fiedlev's ationa
Eachan8ae 3.ScandinavianD
studt es Contingene Leaderhip
Theory . Continuous heory
Thebry heo
3 th-Goal
5. tikest's four sstemg Theosy
Maragerial 9rid . HerAeq aod
T.Leader farticipation Blaochavds
Molel tite cgele
raolitional Theori es
Traditional Theordeg o leadeahip inelude tvait
theory and GoDoP and Eachange theories o-leoderkhip.
Trait theos
Traittheories o leaderahip Sought pevAonalily,
Social, physical. ov otellectual trail that dithereotiatucd
leadera trom non-leaders
Tralt theovies amume that leaderA are born not
madeThe re^earch StudieA focu on
perA bnal tvaiti
o charactertstics thaE distinguih the leader fom
the followers and a Succehul feader from an
unsucceMful leader.
Stodal elasihied thue tai inlo Ave calrgories
t.intelligence aod Scho larship
height, weight, strength
traik like age,
2. Physical
3. Personali ly charactertsed by Sel- conidece,
honesty,iotegriy, Creatvity and totion
Social Status and experience

5. task- Orien tation

2roup and Enchacge "Theor
Social PAycholo8y is the bai tor group
Theosi es o leadership. Soeial exchange vieo o
leadership ndi cates that, "exchange theori es prop0se
that group members make Contri butions at a COst
to-themselve and receive benefils at a cos to the

group o other nembers. Interaction emtinue becavs

members -find the Social exchange mutually rewardi
This theory indicatez that theve ave three
domains of leadership
. leader- based domain
2followeY baSed doma in
3 e lationghip based domaio --
Behavioural The ories:
Be havi oural -theori es ot leadership
that speci
ic be havi ours ditteveo tiati leaders
from non- leaders
1ohio state studie S: Ohio
Thevesearch that was conducted at

the lati provides the

Sta Universi ty , USA in 1940a

basis for behavi oural -theori es. "these vesearch studieg

Cencluded that a leadev'a behaviour ean be Caligoied
tntb two dimensions. vi2, initiatlnq strueture
comsidevatl on.

2Oniversity Michigan Studies

Research centre of Universi e
Studtes io the lale
Mlichigan eondueted leadership
w e r e lo find
the study
4O. The obj ective or
behavioural characterraticy eleadera tha
ppeared be related tomeasures o Peromac
eectivenes. there
Concluded that
The Michigan qroup
are two dimedcrons o leadership behaviour viz
Oriented and Production ori ented.
3-SCandinavian studies
lo the veseavehers io finloand
should exhíbit development-
Sweden. the leaders wosld.These,
Oriente d be haviour io a developi ng
innovation er creatiom, Seek
leaders value
and challengtn9 ideas, expeTt mentatton,
and imnplement ehange were
SCagdi navian studies
Hence thivd dimenaion i. e,
Conductedby ncludingthe
for the etfective.
emtinuous Theory o leadershi p
Lewin, LtppitE and hite Suaaested a contfnvouA
theory oh leaderahip hich ideotihied thee bastc
ie, autocvat, denocrat and
stles et feadeship
almez- taire
5-Liket For Systemat-
fensis Likert suggek that mana gerA

Operai undefour dhereot yateA

behaves ttke a n explo:tative
System-I T h e leader
and exploi a the ubovdinates.
eut hoitative eoay patevnalfstic apprmach
Sstem2 t Leader take an

apprach, Whe
System-3:- He
Sbosdt natu io dectgi on makim
he conAulg lo
alloos hu
Sysbem-4- The leade the
io decsion making
Paritt poalt leadef and subordinati
S ubordtnate
taken b the

Managerial Grid and Mouton

PAyehologial Blake a nd
e n the Ohio
arid basing
developed the managerial identities avange
S t a i study. The manaqerial qrd
based on the ditferentE
behavi ou

oor management oriented and employee

nteract with each other
Oriented styles
Couny elub Team

Meele foad

poveishes Ta sk

(encern-fv Procdue tien /serviee

Leade Pavttci patton Model
Victor Vron and Phillip Yetton developed a
leade partietpati on model Leader participati on

a leadershtp that provides a set or rules to detevn toe

the form and amount o- foarticipative decision- makinga
io lithevent situatfonk
Thu model asumes that -they any of-five behavi
OuYS may be feasible io a given situation
tAutocvatic T: Leader Solves the pmblem Or make
a decist on loy himsel Osing whatever-factg heshasathond
Autocratic : Leader obtains the necenay
0fomation frorm Subordinates and decides on the
Solution tothe poblem by himsel
3- Consul tative I : Leader shaves the problem with.
relevant Subrdtnates one-on- one aetting their ideas
aod cug9csti ons
4 Cmsultative T : Leade shares the po blem with his
Subordinates as a grDup, collec tive ly obtaioiog thei
ideas and Sugastions
Group Leader shares the pmblem with hs suboch
na s a
ContingencyThe0vies o Leaderahtp:-
Contingeocyheory pproachu to leadership take
the positton that there is no "one best way' to leao
to all situations

t.Tanneobaum and chnidts teaderahtp pattern:

Tannenbaum and schmidt' vsed a Cont fngentytrame
wovk to dicus
etecttve teadershtp patterns takfng
situattona aPProach. They suggetted that the
authoviy by the manageY Use o
the area otree dom
ive t the
Subordinates is function ot the
Forces o the manage
ti) Forces io the Subordnate
Forces othbe Situatfon.

Boss. Centred loordinalk centred

Leadership Leaderahtp
Use of Authori y by
Area o- teedon for

ManageY Manager
, Make Manager preeny Monaer
Sell blem andGek Le ocup
decion and
Decti on Sugeattons Make the
Fiedler'A Conttngec Theoru-
Fiedler developed mode a t Pedict woosk 9roup
eeetivenem by takina ins consideratton the f t t ' o
match amona
The leader' stule
The eodermember velatioms
T a s k - Stvucture

)The positfon powev ot the leadey

Gea thtovy
Theor ot leadershtp
is developed by Martin

Evo a d Robert Houe using Conttngency


ba Se d omthe
expectancy theory et motivatton
theory stais that leaders can ezercae four d{hereot
kinds or styles vi2, divective, gupportive, partfcipaa ve,
and achi evement - ori entecd

Hersey and Blanchard's Lise cyele

J extension ot t h e managecnent- mana e°A
is on

rid approach Hersey and Blachard aPprach

deoEtftez tuo mejov styles.
vi2, task style and velationahtp style.
o this model u
The key -for leadevs htp elfecttvenes
match vp the situatton ith te apPropriali stlo
The four styles are Takoriented
dTelltng style Style
Fi Setltng styl Selling
it) Particpating style
Delegating style. Delegating Telflng
st gle Stule

Very Han Hian

Loud Vevylouo

Makusy Level o follouoers

Modern Theories o Leadershtp-
The modern theori e o leadevshtp tnclude
. choriAmat ic leadershiP Theot
2.Tvanaormat tonal leoderahtp Theor
.Chaismatic According toHouse, the characterh of
the chari'smatte leaders include: self- tonieence, Cenbict
Suborcdinates, high expectattons -for Suboreinati,
ideological Msion, and Ue peTAOmal eample.
The charactevs
o the fo llowers otthe charihanatic |
leadey include: ideotification wth the leader's ni43'on,
exhibit extreme loyalty to and confidence in leader,

2Tvansormattonal Coeptualiçey developrnent.

TOotupes of Politica leadership viz,-tyansactionm
tranajovmational are tideotified. TvanAactiona
eaderahtp tnvolves an exchange relationshtp between
leaders and follocoeTA
Transto matienal leadershiP
is based on leader's
nd needs o the
shitting the values, beltets
Leaderahtp styles-
Ditherent types o the
leaderahip stgles
from the leaderahip are
theories.Theae aYe
free- rein or
laiez- taire style
tThese leaderA avoid authori
ty and reaponkibi|1 t.
They mostly depend upon the qoup etablixh
bojectives and
goalky-formulat poltctes aod
3The roup menbers traio ad
motivabte -themaelves.
) Auto cyattc stqle
tAuto Cratie leadevs centralise pooer ot deciuion
maktng io themselves.
followers have no Sau either io decision.making or
3The leaders take full authotly and full reponi blit
Autocvatie leodevs are cla Hed ioto
(a) Strict auko c at
Benevol ent autocvat
J n c o m p e t e n t outocrat

f Denoeratic style:
Demo Cratic leaders decentraltje authovil and
encourage Scucordtnalas expres their opt n1on io
dectt om - making os well as i tmplesnentina the declyion

Participative stgle :-
articipative eader decentvalise authori l and and

entourage Subordtnat es 6 partiipali and involve

io decuion- making and implementation pvtexe.
Decislons are madt by the leader and his subordin-

Leadership style bavd on Modern theories are

elaihied ioto tree vi2,
ond ena blina-
envisloning cnergtsi n
Yower and Politic
Power involves the potential to ofluence otherA
Power is the abili t o make others do the things or
YenderSevice a the powe- hold er uwao.

Dehtniti on T.Pfeffer defines powe a the capacil

Ob PevAON , team, department or an organisat ton

toluence others"Power isthe potentia to change

other's attitude or behavíouY
Power may
b ebe
0)-An act ob oneo perAon
Poteotiolty or cafocily o one peron
Dependence in bwer Pelationship
Normally, the subordlnas depends bm hu Ssupevior
for Some -favas in work allot ment, work Schuduy,
Joo Securi, tvanaters, promotions, inhormation cla.
The Supe viovs have
pouwer over Subordinatu by
Controlling Something that Subordioala need to achieve
their goo.

Superio Counir Pouwev
Has power o Has the Counte
Controlthegoals go bor dinat ). Pouwer Conr
of subordinalz the soperlos's goal
vi2, Prmo tian M2, poeuctivi l7
Source o Power
Tohn french and Bertran Paven uggested
ftve Sources ot Pouoer.
Legi ttna fboe
Job dacr ption for each joo specihies not only
the dutis and reuponsi bilities, but aluo the
gha o
the Jobholder Theu v g neluol righe to reues
he Superior or resources aod lor order the
to behave io
Speeihte way inorder to perhorm
oranfsatfona activities and contri but to the
Orgari Sationa goal
eusasd ower:-Peoph prefer
prefer to be
tocedy positive apprach. P.eward POweY toq
the pouoev tlu eoceg
peop through posttve apprach
3 Coercive pow e.
Coercive power is the
abiliy toapply puniah.
mentSuperi orA have Coercive powetho ogh thei4
authoriGto veprimand,demot and retverch employee
4Ezpert Pouwev
Expert pouse is the fodividual k copaci 1otuene
others y poxestng epert sktlls and knowledge thalt
they oeed
5. Pefereot Pouwert

Pehereot pooe Y alko Comes trom within. Tt it the

tndividual's abili lg t6 intluence the others behaviour
tugh toterpevaonal relationay amieable, pleaxtog
Pers0nalities and charia ma
ganisattona p lbtics-
oluencing others b vstna discretionasy acu,
to Promo pevsonal objecbives or inter est toY proictiog
achieving sel}--1oterexE even at the cost o others
oterest or well befng is
referred to as
Fact o contrbuting b Political Behavi our-
number ot factors are vspongi ble or
Poltttcal behavtour
13ndividual factorhi
Hgh sel-monitors
2ntemal locu of Control
Hrgh machi ave|ltan Arkonalily
Jnveatment orqani Aation
Perceived job alternatives
2.Orqani Sational factors
Peallototion o Pesource3
Pomotion OPpurtunities
Pol ambiguil
Uncleav Perormance oppvaisal system
*2ero -sum veward Suatem
*Demovatic decision- makin
*High performooce preures
Sel - Serving Senios manager

Conkesunc and ethies of Polttica

when+he poh tical activilbenefik a larger number of
People and harmA a teuo
when poktical activi ty povides the baste bene hil
kefood, Clothioq and shelter-for le nunber o a

People even i harmA lage number o eopu io oendey


3. Wheni Savey the ctomersfrom

evenuy harming the
4 when it does not violaG the moral r'ahg oand
P-rivaey ot other
5.lhen it beoehils the woTAe-of even ky hamio
LeadershipTois the terisia oo
k are

ta landthe
te team

oill be helptul
the leader

. Tntegvily
3. Cenhideoce
. Decigiveness
5.Accountabili ly
6 Empathy
7 Adaptabi lily
S Courage
9. Humilil
lo. Pe silien ce
Leadership gkilla:
eaders inelade
The skill of the eective

Fersonal skill
Developing selAwarenex

cfiy Maraging stves
Selviog pobem Creatively

J o t eper sbnal skills

and n7lueoce
Gaioinq power
) Communicating

i ) Motivating
iv Centliet Management
Motivation is devived -fro the woYd motive
A motive is an ioner stab that enevgises,activat
or move and dweeto chaone k behaviour touoavdigaly
Atcording to the Gncyelopaedia oManagement,
motivatfonYehev to the deqree of Yeadine% ofon
organisation to pw sue sorne designate d goal and
impltes the determinatiom of the nature and loCus o
the hoces, tncluding the deqre ot Yeadine
Motivation is a pwces that stark with phyiblogicd
or pAuchological deficiencu o oeed that actiyat behaviouf
O a dre that is aimed at a goal orincentlve'

Nee d Drive CyeaTrceotives

CDeticiene) CPeticien CPeduction
dri ves and
wth Direction )
tulhtlls deticiostu)
.Motivation is tndliidual' internal -feeltng
.Mottvation is eoncerned with the total peTAO)
3 Motivatton Anticipated values x percelyed Probabiliy
4 Motivat ton (s the tllingoes to exert

5Motivation involves dtrectton tooards a oal.

Tupes- lor) -ApPmaches ot Motivation
Pogitive Mobvation o pul-Mechanism
R. Negatve Motivation o push- Mechaniam
Stanihicance -

tDncrease io Pneuetivilu
2. Human sesources
3Poope Ui (isation o human
.optimum utilfsation oh othere source S
6. Builda Congenial fnduabrial
Theorie o Motivation
There are Ceveval appmache and theoie o
mct ivatton.These theories of motivation are broall
cla ssttied into content theories, Procex theoriel and
reinhorcement theory
Content Aroces Pelofovcement
theories Theo ies Theories
1.SctenthiC t.Vvon's Ezpectaocy
. Poster aod tauder
2. Huma0
Relationy 3 Adan's Euuly
3. Carrot and Cognitive
Stick aprach Evaluatt on
4TheoryxodtheonqY 5.Cpaltetting
5.Theoy z
6.Maslows Need
T- Hevzberg Tuo-factdr

&.Aldese ERG
.Mc Clellaod'AThe ry a
Content heoriej o Motiyation
Content the ovies of mot fvation deal with'identityio
he neecds o-the people and how they priovitise them.|
Scientific Management aoad _Human Pelationa;
inctpls o ientitic Manaqement emphasise that|
the emploges should be motivated tough Salary
Pinci ples oF human relatfens emphasi^e that the
employees should be motivated by allowing then to
work îo TouPs
. Cavot and stick Approachheor u
histheory advocates that peopla are motivated
to o0rk cAndev two Condtiong vi2,
d) wheo -they are oere o Yewards ao d

When -they peoalised

are punished or

3Theory_X aad heovy :


Douglas Me Gvego proposed albgether derent

Veo ohuman beings. One view batcally negative
oh human beinas Called theoy X. and the other s
basically posttive o humao beings called "Theory Y.
Aumptions oTheocyx ANumpt tons ot TheoryY
.The tupical per Aon duliks People vieud coork a
work and will avoid tt,i bei ng as natuYal as regt
foible pla
The typi cal prA0 lac k aPeople toi eievin Selh-
YesponAibili u, has li ttle direction and selh -tontrol,
ambition and Seeks Securily t h u are Cemitted 6
abeut all the organisatiomal ebjective
3 Most poplo most be 3The
oe averagepex A0n Ca)
Coerced, Controllee lean to actept adlor
and theatene d with Seek vepmatbi|iy
Pnishment to e t 4 Pople are not inherntly
them o work.
5 People have potenttal
They learn to accept
4 Wrlltam OcchilA_Theory z- Seek vespoT ibilig
Ouchi ProposedTheory 2-a hybvid model that bleod
elenenls ot Satteul Japanee managerial practice
ith a aseument of US workera needs.
The dutinguijhin9 features oTheoTy 7 are
tLeng term employment
Non- Specialfse d careers
3.Indiyidual rupoAtbilil
.Concero tor the total peraon
.Centol SyAtems are les hormal

GCenaensus decision Makin

7. slooer o pumoti on.

|5. Maslow's Theory oHierarchy o Need4-

The moAt PopulaY and fmportant content Theorieg

o mottvation is the Maslouds theorH A Ccording

Maslouo, human needs fro hierarchy Startig

at the bottom olth the phyAiologtcal needs
l the highest need o sel ac tualization

Social Neecds
Secuilg Sahe t
Prysiologicol Needa
The need Herarchy
phyiologicalNeeolk11- The are the barte necexsitie
e human lthe ood, ater, unrnth, shelter, sleep and

Sexual Satistaction. As tar as wok Organi Aation ts

concened, these needs oclude basie needt like PoH,
allouoance, incentives and benefi4
' Securiy/ Safeg Needs-Theae refer the nee
tsbe ree o phyaica danger o the feeling o los
o ood, job or shelter,hen the Thex ne eos asjaY
as ook Organisation ii ConCerned nelude: Conhbmf4
Securi lg plak, memberchitp io uion, sevevance paY,e la
Sociel needs whe-the phyaiological and
needa ore
Catishied,the &ocial need begin
Socia needs at the work place include: human relation
-formal aod imor ma t0ork qmup
Esteem Needs- There needs are pooe r, Prestige,|
statu, and sel- (onfidence
he needs tor employece
fnclude status Cumbols, aards, pomoti ona, titleseta
8elb-ckualisatien Deeels-his i the highest
need io-the hierarchy.This reersto the desire lo
become what one is capable et beconing

G Herzberg's Tiwo- factor Theev

Maslous theoy has been moditied by Heraberg
and he called tt two- facto theory o motivatidn).
According to him, the -Rst group ot needs a r e

thing Such Company policy aod administration,

Supervisi on, cdorklnq condi tiona interperAOn al re

Salarg, Status, job Securily and periena ife. a d
Her2 beq Called theie factors as 'disAatiafteva'
not motivators*
Jothe Second qroup, a r e the SatishierA, in
Sense that: they are motivator^ Theje actors
eated tojob conteot. He toctude
the actors
udork, adyata.menot
achievemeot, vecognition, challenginq
a d qrveuth io his Caligot

7 Alderter's EPGTheor
needa should be Calkgrikt|
Alderfer also feetthat ocoer
(s basic distinction
and that there
oxder negdA. Alderter identi fies
orde and higher
needs vi2, Exiatence, Pelatid nes
three qroups o
and that his theery i Called EP
and o oth
Pexsr's "backgrourd and Cultural envivonneot
o r qrvwthb
may make him hink et relaticdney needs
eedsthoug h h ezit ence needs a s e unfulhilled
Aopoxtaoa of eoth (eaog
Couth eeos
Cpowth eods
Qatishaction ob
Pe latt olneAs Oceds
Amportao o
Pelatidoess Mecds
fvustratin ot
PelatidoeN Aecelg
Sotisfocti on ot
AcportaoCs eb LFa&tence
uteo. Deecls
frustration of
Eniteno. eedg.
EMc Clelland' Theory
Th theory is aeve lopeel by David
a Harva psychologiat and h amociaeg.

t) Need hor achiev ecment Kleed tor achievemeT refes

t h e dvive ecel, to achieve io e lation to set,
standards and to strive to succecd
i Need for Pouoer Need for
decive o make
pooe ehers to the
otherz behave io a way that they
would not othevcolde hoave
behaved in.

d Need tor attliation: Neud

to atbliation vefex
t h e desire -for fielly and
eloSe intaperAona velatico
Peram feedbck Madarali Huma Teams
Pexponaibi Pelation
Pk Superibr expest
Posiben Pbsi tion
De e Theoris ot- Motivation!
Arvcexs theomes deal with ognitive ao eclonli
that go iolo moti vation and eltovt.
rooms ExpectancuTheory o Motivation
Accordioq to this theory, motivation o any
tndividual depernd en the detred goa and the strength
o his expectatiom ot achieving the aoal. Vnom'3
madel is butlE maln on tee ConCop-Valence

fngrumeo taliy aod enpectancg

is the Strength oan
Nalence:- Valence
Pae ereoee tor

Fo the valence to be positive , t h e p e r A o n must prefer

out come.
must pre
the outcome
outcome to not attainiog
attaioioq the the individual is iodit
2ero OccuTS, Whe
A Valeoce o
ereot towards the individual prejers
when the
The Valeoce t S n e g a t i v e
not attaiotg Outtome to
attaloin9. it
iob the Valence
Another fnput major
Jostuentali q:- the Hsst level out come to
inzttamentaliy ot Hts tirsE
Setond le vel otutcome.
pov peosaoca
obtaiotoq desired ov pov pevfostu
soperiot, average PeT ON
o ) T h e peTAOn
are then
poomo i

level oukcome is becauK he

His second Pevtormaoce
toachiev Superio
motivate d
be PoOmotad. Vstom's
io Vvum's
has desive to variabl
iss a
i a probabi
li li yy
Eapectancezpeetancy. E-pectancy p a rhicular a
theovy is that a
belie hirat lavel
orStreogth ot
toill lead to a


and Lausler Model:-Edward Lawler expladsd

Poster w.Porte
Lyma between
elationship o thy model
the Cemple ey-Varables
io thz mode
and pertomancerhe
Peroard, Satishactibn
are Ebbort, Pev tormane e,
EuilgTheoryi (J. Stacy elam») iolo
thoat a major inpu
satistactien is the degrec o
jeb per torma and work situation.
eSuily that people
hen a pevso PevCuiv e thatT
tnequalily OccuTs
ber Oukcomes to inpul and the
he ratio ohiy e r
Tatio ofother's Yelevaot out come (o npuG avenepel
Jo epualils occeTA oheo Ei l oecw iun
othev' Ouk Comes fevaon'y od comej
FerAor outcom ,
othey's 1opul FevAon's inaud
ockcomuy other' cutcemey
eTAen'y oukcmmey other
othevla iopul Other' inpua
PevAon pu

(FCognitiveThepr the
otroduction t
R.de Charms opose d that

and Perka +hat hool

vi2, Salary, benehik deu to the
extringic reutard dee to

ntrináically woYk itael

been freviously with the tontent of
level o motiv-
tend to decvease
t h e overal
'is calleo Cozrubve Evalutron
This prvposition
ali on.
setting aod_fedback Theory that
OGoal the a 1960s
Locke major
Edwin a
ar e a
tooard, a goal
OoYk cs
intentios lb
motivatien To d
be Recihe, gpecitie
c accepti wheo
DHticult goals,

e n hance
Performance than
than nomal goak.
normal gca
wold lead to highe
higher pertormance
contyi beuis o higher
feedback Segestiony
Furthe, penformance
bazea on
as people impsvve
od Commeolk.

Peiaorce meot Theevy and Comdt bioming


Binciples oeornia09 theory pucel)

olo the prve ey

Used i the reintorcement

motivation and 3ob
the peofpla
o 1uenting
t kinne, behaviour of
o People by is cmseguuenceg.

ismoAtly tlueota.od Peinorce ment

teimorte.ment Negative Keinforcement

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