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1 Alvin 2023 The Effect of This research is This study Subject : X1 : The The results
Murthi Biased an associative aims to Investors Effect of of the study
Behavior on quantitative examine the who have a Biased prove that
Investment research that effect of Single Behavior overconfide
Decisions by examines the overconfidence Investor Z : Robo nce bias
Investors relationship of bias and loss Identification Advisor and robo
with Robo two or more aversion bias (SID) at the Y: advisors
Advisor variables. The on investment Indonesian Investment have a
Moderation population decisions of Central Decisions significant
studied is investors using Securities effect on
investors who robo advisors Depository investors'
have a Single as a (KSEI) investment
Investor moderating Object : The decisions,
Identification variable. Effect of but loss
(SID) at the Biased aversion
Indonesian Behavior on bias has no
Central Investment significant
Securities Decisions by effect on
Depository Investors investment
(KSEI) of 7.5 decisions,
million per year and robo
in 2021 (Malik, advisors
2021) using a cannot
purposive moderate
random the
sampling behavior of
technique to overconfide
obtain a sample, nce bias
namely investors and loss
who use robo aversion
advisors when towards
investing in the investors'
capital market . investment
The data used is decisions.
primary data
which are
shared via the
Google Forms
link to various
social media
such as
Whatsapp, Line,
Facebook as
well as
forums such as
2 Ari 2022 The The approach The purpose of Subject : X1 : The results
Sulistyow Influence of used in this this study was the city's Financial of this
ati, Financial study is a to measure the Islamic Literacy study
Muhamm Literacy, quantitative effect of millennial X2 : Return explain that
ad Richo Return and approach. The financial generation X3 : Risk the
Rianto , Risk on quantitative literacy, Object : Y: financial
Milda Investment approach is an returns and financial Investment literacy
Handayan Decisions of approach used risks on the literacy, Decision variable
i , Eri Islamic in research with investment returns, and has a
Bukhari Millennial statistical decisions of risks to the positive
Generation procedures. The PT investment effect on
in Bekasi analytical tool the Islamic decisions of investment
City used is Smart millennial PT decisions,
PLS 3.0 through generation in the Islamic the return
the outer model Bekasi City. millennial variable
test and the generation in has a
inner model test. Bekasi City. positive
The sampling effect on
technique used investment
purposive decisions
sampling. and the risk
Where to variable
determine the has a
sample to be positive
processed using effect on
predetermined Investation
criteria. The decision.
sample criteria
used are
investors in the
form of the
generation in
the city of
Bekasi. The
sample used in
this study was
3 Fitriasuri , 2022 Pengaruh Data yang Penelitian ini Subject : X1: Berdasarka
Rahayu pengetahuan digunakan bertujuan mahasiswa pengetahua n hasil
Maharani investasi, dalam penelitian untuk Fakultas n investasi penelitian
dan manfaat ini adalah data mengetahui Ekonomi dan X2: beserta
Abhelia motivasi, dan primer yang pengaruh Bisnis manfaat pembahasa
modal merupakan data pengetahuan Universitas motivasi n yang
Simanjunt minimal langsung. Data investasi, Bina Darma X3: modal telah
ak investasi primer yaitu manfaat Palembang minimal dipaparkan
terhadap sumber data investasi, yang terdiri investasi maka dapat
keputusan yang langsung investasi dari jurusan Y: disimpulka
investasi di memberikan motivasi dan Akuntansi keputusan n bahwa
Pasar Modal data kepada modal minimal angkatan investasi di variabel
pengumpul data. pada 2018. Pasar Pengetahua
Data keputusan Modal n Investasi,
dikumpulkan investasi oleh Object : Manfaat
sendiri oleh mahasiswa. untuk Investasi
peneliti mengetahui dan
langsung dari pengaruh Motivasi
sumber pertama pengetahuan Investasi
atau tempat investasi, tidak
objek penelitian manfaat berpengaru
dilakukan(Sugiy investasi, h terhadap
ono, 2018). investasi Keputusan
Peneliti motivasi dan Investasi.
menggunakan modal Sedangkan
kuesioner untuk minimal Modal
disebarkan pada Minimal
kepada keputusan Investasi
responden investasi berpengaru
dalam oleh h terhadap
mendapatkan mahasiswa. keputusan
data yang akan Investasi
4 Wira 2022 Faktor Penelitian ini Penelitian ini Subject : X1: Faktor Berdasarka
Ramasha , Psikologi menggunakan bertujuan mahasiswa/i Psikologi n hasil
Siti dan metode survey untuk menguji aktif pada Y: analisis dan
Hanifa Keputusan pada mahasiswa apakah program Keputusan pembahasa
Sandri, Investasi program studi terdapat studi Investasi n yang
Riyan Mahasiswa Akuntansi di pengaruh Akuntansi telah
Hidayat di Pasar Pekanbaru, antara herding, Universitas dipaparkan
Modal Indonesia. overconfidenc Muhammadi di atas,
Metode e, risk yah Riau maka dapat
pengumpulan perception, tingkat akhir ditarik
sampel dan personal dan telah kesimpulan
menggunakan financial needs menempuh sebagai
metode terhadap mata kuliah berikut;
purposive keputusan Manajemen Herding
sampling. investasi Investasi dan berpengaru
Sampel yang mahasiswa di Pasar Modal h terhadap
diambil pasar modal. keputusan
sebanyak 70 Object : investasi
mahasiswa. untuk mahasiswa
menguji di pasar
apakah modal,
terdapat Overconfid
pengaruh ence tidak
antara berpengaru
herding, h terhadap
overconfiden keputusan
ce, risk investasi
perception, mahasiswa
dan personal di pasar
financial modal,
needs Risk
terhadap perception
keputusan berpengaru
investasi h terhadap
mahasiswa di keputusan
pasar modal. investasi
di pasar
needs tidak
h terhadap
di pasar
5 Delsi 2022 The This type of This study Subject : X1 : Effect The results
Elvania Influence of research is aims to Respondents of of the study
Financial quantitative analyze 1) registered in Financial found that
Literacy, research. The whether there the Literacy financial
Optimism data used are is an influence Indonesian X2 : literacy has
Bias and qualitative and of financial Stock Optimism an effect on
Representati quantitative. literacy on Exchange Bias investment
veness Bias The population investment Investment X3 : decisions
on Stock in this study are decision Gallery Representat on
Investment customers making. 2) (GIBEI) iveness investment
Decision registered in the Obtain Faculty of Bias decision
Making for FEUNP empirical Economics, Y: making,
Investors in Indonesia Stock evidence Padang State Investment Optimum
the Gallery Exchange whether there University Decision bias has an
of the Investment is an influence Object : Making effect on
Indonesian Gallery (GIBEI) of optimism Financial investment
Stock in 2019 with a bias on Literacy, decisions
Exchange total of 223 investment Optimism on
Unp Padang customers. A decisions. 3) Bias and investment
sample of 69 Whether Representati decision
people. Representative veness Bias making,
ness bias has Against Representat
an effect on Stock ivness has
investment Investment an effect on
decision Decision investment
making. Making for decisions
Investors in on
the Gallery investment
of the decision
Indonesian making.
Unp Padang
6 Fitria 2022 Financial Collecting The purpose of Subject: X1: The results
Suci Information respondent data this study was investors Analysis of of the study
Sudani, Analysis to here uses a to determine who are Financial show that
Imanda Minimize sampling the level of members of Information Availability
Firmantya Availability technique, investment the GIS of to Minimize Bias has an
s Putri Bias, namely non- decision UIN Raden Availability effect and
Pertiwi Representati probability making Mas Said Bias, X2: is not
ve Bias, sampling with influenced by Surakarta. Representat significant
AnchoringBi purposive financial Objects : ive Bias, on
as and sampling behavior or Financial X3: investment
Adjustment method, namely influenced by Information Anchoring decisions.
Bias, and obtaining 93 financial Analysis to Bias Meanwhile
Overconfiden respondents. By information on Minimize X4 : Representat
ceBias using SPSS investors at Availability Adjustment ive Bias,
inIvestment the Islamic Bias, Bias Anchoring
Decision Investment Representati X5 : and
Making Gallery of UIN ve Bias, Overconfid Adjustment
(Study on Raden Mas AnchoringBi ence Bias Y Bias, and
Investors at Said as and : Overconfid
the Sharia Surakarta. Adjustment Investment ence Bias
Investment Bias, and Decision have no
Gallery of Overconfiden Making effect and
UIN Raden ceBias are not
Mas Said inIvestment significant
Surakarta) Decision on
Making investment
While the
in this
study is not
able to
ive bias,
bias and
nce bias
7 Pratiwi, 2022 Pengaruh Metode Penelitian ini Subject : X1 : Hasil
Aninda Literasi Penelitian ini dilakukan masyarakat Pengaruh penelitian
Putri Keuangan, menggunakan bertujuan di Kabupaten Literasi ini
Perilaku sudut pandang untuk Temanggung Keuangan menunjukk
Keuangan theory mengetahui berjenis X2 : an bahwa
Dan behavioral pengaruh kelamin Perilaku literasi
Cognitive finance. Populas literasi perempuan. Keuangan keuangan
Dissonance i dalam keuangan, Object : X3 : tidak
Bias penelitian ini perilaku Literasi Cognitive berpengaru
Terhadap yaitu keuangan dan Keuangan, Dissonance h terhadap
Pengambilan masyarakat di cognitive Perilaku Y: keputusan
Keputusan Kabupaten dissonance Keuangan Keputusan investasi,
Investasi Temanggung bias terhadap Dan Investasi perilaku
Pada berjenis kelamin keputusan Cognitive Pada ekuanagn
Perempuan perempuan. investasi pada Dissonance Perempuan berpengaru
Teknik perempuan. Bias h negarif
pengambilan Terhadap terhadap
sampel dalam Pengambilan keputusan
penelitian ini Keputusan investasi,
menggunakan Investasi dan
purposive Pada cognitive
sampling. Perempuan dissonance
Adapun bias tidak
kriterianya yaitu berpengaru
yang sudah h terhadap
melakukan keputusan
investasi, investasi.
berjenis kelamin
perempuan, dan
berusia minimal
18 tahun.
Jumlah sampel
penelitian ini
sebanyak 267
responden. Alat
analisis dalam
penelitian ini
SPSS 24.
8 Jinesh 2022 Behavioral In order to This study Subject : X: The results
Jain , biases develop a aims to Experienced Behavioral of the study
Nidhi influence comprehensive, develop a stockbrokers biases highlight
Walia , investors' reliable and comprehensive to clarify influence that
Manpreet decision- valid scale for , reliable, and constructs Y: behavioral
Kaur , making measuring valid scale to and gain new investors' bias is a
Simarjeet processes: behavioral measure insights on decision- multidimen
Singh the scale- biases that behavioral the making sional
influence biases that dimensions processes phenomeno
building investors' influence of behavioral n that
approach decision-making investors' bias. significantl
process, a decision- Object : y influences
rigorous multi- making Behavioral investors'
stage scale processes. biases decisions
development influence and has
methodology investors' different
has been decision- dimensions,
followed. Phase making namely,
one begins with processes Availability
an extensive Bias,
literature review Representat
followed by ive Bias,
interviews of Overconfid
experienced ence Bias,
stockbrokers to Market
clarify Factors,
constructs and Herding,
gain new Anchoring,
insights into the Mental
dimensions of Accounting,
behavioral bias. Regret
In the second Aversion,
stage, 52 items Gamblers'
measuring the Fallacy and
dimensions of Loss
behavioral bias Aversion.
were produced
and assessed by
the jury. The
trial was
conducted in the
third stage
which provided
a set of 39 items.
Finally, in the
fourth stage,
data were
collected from
332 individual
equity investors
on a 7-point
Likert scale
using a
9 Nur 2022 The This research The Subject : X1 : This study
Fadila, Influence of was conducted study aims to Young Financial shows that
Goso, Financial to test and test and entrepreneur Literacy financial
Rahmad Literacy, analyze how analyze the literacy and
Solling Financial literacy influence of s in North X2 : locus of
Hamid, Technology, influences financial Luwu Financial control
Imran Perception of finance, literacy, Object : Technology have a
Ukkas Risk, and financial financial Financial X3 : significant
Locus of technology, risk technology, Literacy, Perception influence
Control perception, and risk Financial of Risk on
Against locus of control perception, Technology, X4 : Locus Investment
Young on investment and locus of Perception of of Control decisions.
Entrepreneur decisions control on Risk, and Y: As for the
Investment young young Locus of Investment variables of
Decisions entrepreneurs. entrepreneurs' Control Decisions financial
This research investment Against technology
was conducted decisions. The Young and risk
with a analysis unit Entrepreneur perception,
quantitative in this study is Investment they did not
approach. In the a Decisions significantl
process young y affect the
data collection entrepreneur investment
using in northern decisions of
questionnaires Luwu County. young
and interviews. Primary data entreprene
After obtaining was obtained urs.
the through the
questionnaire dissemination
data. of
Can do a pre- questionnaires
questionnaire involving 250
test with a total respondents.
sample of 250 The data
respondents. analysis
This research technique used
conducted to is multiple
collect data on regression
several young linear
entrepreneurs analysis.This
located in North study shows
Luwu. Method that financial
research literacy and
conducted is a locus of
quantitative control have a
method. significant
influence on
10 Jessica 2022 Pengaruh Penelitian ini Tujuan dari Subjek : X : Bias Hasil
Willyanto Bias menggunakan penelitian ini Investor Y: penelitian
, Grace Terhadap penelitian adalah untuk muda di Keputusan menunjuka
Vanessa Keputusan asosiatif dengan menjelaskan Surabaya. Investasi n bahwa
Wijaya, Investasi metode pengaruh Objek : Bias epresentati
Evelyn Saham pada penelitian perilaku Terhadap veness bias
Evelyn Investor kuantitatif. availability Keputusan dan
Muda di Populasi dalam bias, Investasi availability
Surabaya penelitian ini overconfidenc Saham pada bias tidak
adalah investor e bias, dan Investor berpengaru
muda di representativen Muda di h signifikan
Surabaya. ess bias Surabaya terhadap
Teknik terhadap keputusan
pengambilan keputusan investasi
sampel yang investasi saham pada
digunakan saham pada investor
dalam penelitian investor muda muda di
ini purposive di Surabaya. Surabaya
sampling yaitu sedangkan
teknik sampel hasil
berdasarkan analisis
kriteria. Kriteria data
pada penelitian menunjuka
ini yaitu n bahwa
investor muda overconfide
17-30 tahun, nce bias
berdomisili di berpengaru
Surabaya, h signifikan
minimal terhadap
pengalaman 3 keputusan
bulan dibidang investasi
investasi. Data saham pada
dalam penelitian investor
ini diolah muda di
dengan Surabaya
software smart
PLS. Skala
yang akan
dalam penelitian
ini adalah skala
likert untuk
semua variabel.
11 Devindha 2021 Analisis Metode Penelitian ini Subject : X1 : Hasil
Fitria Perilaku penelitian ini bertujuan Generasi Perilaku penelitian
Mahafani, Generasi menggunakan untuk milenial Generasi ini
Diah Milenial metode menganalis yang Milenial menunjukk
Maya Dalam kualitatif dengan perilaku berumur di Y: an bahwa
Puspa, Pengambilan pendekatan studi generasi bawah 30 Pengambila perilaku
Nurul Keputusan kasus. Subjek milenial dalam tahun dan n investor
Khasanah Investasi penelitian pengambilan berdomisili Keputusan dalam
, Siti Saham Di sebanyak empat keputusan di Solo Raya. Investasi mengambil
Wulandar Masa orang yang investasi Object : Saham Di keputusan
i, Vivi Pandemi masuk dalam saham di masa Perilaku Masa investasi
Andriani Covid-19 kategori Generasi saham
generasi pandemi Milenial Pandemi didasarkan
milenial yang Covid-19. Dalam Covid-19 pada tren
berumur di Pengambilan harga
bawah 30 tahun Keputusan saham yang
dan berdomisili Investasi menurun
di Solo Raya. Saham Di akibat
Masa pandemi
Pandemi Covid-19,
Covid-19 dipengaruhi
oleh faktor
bias yakni
atau saran
orang lain,
namun juga
is kinerja
12 Reni 2021 Pengaruh Jenis penelitian Untuk Subjek : X : Bias Hasil
Novita Bias ini merupakan mengetahui Mahasiswa Overconfid penelitian
Sari dan Overconfide penelitian apakah Universitas ence menggunak
Damingu nce Terhadap kuantitatif. terdapat Muhammadi Y: an Uji t
n Keputusan Teknik dampak Bias yah Terhadap menunjukk
Investasi di pengambilan Overconfidenc Kalimantan Keputusan an
Pasar Modal sampel dalam e Terhadap Timur yang Investasi di overconfide
penelitian Keputusan berinvestasi Pasar nce bias
ini Investasi di pasar Modal berpengaru
menggunakan di Pasar Modal modal. h negatif
teknik purposive Objek : Bias dan tidak
sampling Overconfide signifikan
dengan metode nce Terhadap terhadap
kuesioner yang Keputusan keputusan
disebarkan Investasi di investasi
langsung kepada Pasar Modal
13 Kellen 2021 Analysis of This research is This research Subject : X: The test
Vincent the Effect of a comparative was made with stock Behavioral results
Behavioral causal research the aim of investors in Finance on show that
Finance on and quantitative finding the Riau Investor the variable
Investor research. know and test Archipelago Y: loss
Investment The research the factors of Object : Investment aversion
Decision object used is behavioral Behavioral Decision and
Making in stock investors finance that Finance anchoring
have Against &
the Riau in the Riau influence to Investor adjustment
Archipelago Archipelago. investors in Investment bias has a
Data collection the Riau Decision positive
was carried out Archipelago is Making in effect on
by distributing in progress the Riau the process
questionnaires investment Archipelago investment
through 23 decision decision
indicators, making. making of
disseminated investors in
directly at the the Riau
Indonesia Stock Archipelag
Exchange Office o,
Riau while the
Archipelago representat
Branch and iveness
also variable is
disseminated bias,
through social overconfide
media platforms nce, and
that contain availability
groups of stock bias has no
investors in significant
Riau islands. effect.
The minimum
number of
samples was
using the Hair
Technique et al.,
namely the
number of
question points
multiplied by 5
(five), so that a
number of
samples is
While sampling
is done by using
the method
sampling. The
data analysis
method used is
the data
analysis method
multiple linear
regression using
14 Ahmad 2021 Perilaku Penelitian ini Tujuan Subjek : X: Hasil
Sumitra Investor adalah jenis penelitian ini Mahasiswa Perilaku penelitian
Individu penelitian yang merupakan yang Investor menunjukk
Dalam bersifat jenis penelitian berinvestasi Individu an bahwa
Pengambilan kualitatif dan bersifat di pasar Y: persepsi
Keputusan metode yang kualitatif modal Pengambila kontrol
Investasi digunakan lebih dengan Objek : n perilaku
Saham Di mendasar pada tujuan untuk Perilaku Keputusan sangat
Tengah fenomologis mengetahui Investor Investasi mempengar
Pandemi dengan perilaku Individu Saham Di uhi perilaku
Covid-19 mengutamakan investor Dalam Tengah investor
evaluasi, metode individu dalam Pengambilan Pandemi individu
penelitian pengambilan Keputusan Covid-19 dalam
seperti ini lebih keputusan Investasi pengambila
berusaha investasi Saham Di n keputusan
memahami dan saham di Tengah investasi
menafsirkan tengah Pandemi seorang
bahwa peristiwa pandemi Covid-19 investor
dan interaksi covid-19. dan sikap
perilaku terhadap
manusia. persepsi
Pengumpulan risiko juga
data dalam berpengaru
penelitian h terhadap
kualitatif pengambila
dilakukan n keputusan
dengan investor
menggunakan untuk
berbagai metode berinvestasi
penelitian .
kepustakaan dan
alat bantu
Android, pena
dan buku. Data
dari wawancara,
pena dan buku
digunakan untuk
ikan poin-poin
kunci informan.
15 Edi 2020 Herding The type of this The objective Subject : X1 : The result
Pranyoto, Behavior, research was of this Investor Herding of this
Susanti Experienced quantitative research was yang ada di Behavior research
Susanti, Regret And research. The to determine Lampung X2 : showed that
Septiyani Investment data collecting the effect of Object : Experience the herding
Septiyani Decisions In technique used the herding Herding d Regret behavior
Bitcoin in this research behavior and Behavior, Y: had no
was distributing the Experienced Investment significant
questionnaires. experienced Regret And Decisions effects on
The sampling regret on the Investment the
technique used investment Decisions investment
in this research decision. decision;
was the moreover,
snowball the
sampling experience
technique. The d regret
number of had a
samples used in positive
this research and
was 100 significant
investor of effect on
bitcoin. The the
data analyzing investment
technique used decision. It
in this research meant that
was the multiple the
linear investors
regression rationally
analysis. received
well in
they were
not affected
by the other
and did not
follow the
16 2020 Dampak bias Dalam Tujuan Subjek : X : Bias Hasil
ketersediaan penelitian ini penelitian ini investor ketersediaa penelitian
heuristik pengambilan mengkaji saham n heuristik menunjukk
terhadap keputusan peran mediasi Objek : Y: an bahwa
investasipeng investasi yang Dampak bias Investasipe hubungan
ambilan diambil sebagai dimoderasi ketersediaan ngambilan antara HAB
keputusan avariabel dari locus of heuristik keputusan dan IDM
dependen, con- terhadap sebagian
sedangkan bias eksternaltrol investasipeng dimediasi
ketersediaan (ELC) dan ambilan oleh RT,
heuristik toleransi risiko keputusan sedangkan
digunakan (RT) dalam ELC secara
sebagaivariabel hubungan signifikan
bebas. Demikian antara bias memoderas
pula, locus of ketersediaan i hubungan
control eksternal heuristik(HAB antara HAB
telahdiambil ) dan dan RT.
sebagai pengambilan Selain itu,
moderator, dan keputusan dalam hal
toleransi risiko investasi mediasi
dipilih sebagai (IDM). yang
mediator.Tujuan dimoderasi,
utama dari ELC
penelitian ini menunjukk
adalah untuk an peran
menguji dampak moderasi
heuris-bias yang
ketersediaan tic signifikan
pada dalam
pengambilan hubungan
keputusan HAB
investasi dengan
bersama IDM
denganmediasi melalui RT.
locus of control
dan toleransi
risiko yang
tujuan penelitian
yang kami
saham pakistan.
432 kuesionerdi
antara investor
saham dari
mana 385
ma kembali dan
sebagai lengkap
dalam semua
adalah laki-laki
dan hanya 8,3%
budaya yang
didominasi laki-
laki dari Bursa
17 Mohd 2020 How The study Purpose – The Subject: X: financial Based on
Adil , financial considered a purpose of the examine the literacy this present
Yogita literacy cross-sectional study is to impact of moderate research
Singh and moderate the research design. examine the behavioural the finding, the
Mohd. association For this survey, impact of biases (i.e. association study is
Shamim between the data have behavioural overconfiden Y: more
Ansari behaviour been collected biases (i.e. ce, risk investment productive
biases and through a overconfidence aversion, decision for the
investment structured , riskaversion, herding and portfolio
decision questionnaire herding and disposition) manager
from 253 disposition) on on and
individual investment investment policymake
investors of the decisions decisions rs at the
Delhi-NCR amongst amongst time of
region. To gender. The gender making an
analyse the authors further investment
validity and examine the Object: The portfolio
reliability, the moderation authors for the
Pearson effect of further investors
correlation and financial examine the based on
Cronbach’s literacy in the moderation their
alpha test have relationship effect of behavioura
been taken into between financial l biases.
account behaviour literacy in
respectively. biases and the
For testing the investment relationship
hypothesis, decisions between
hierarchical amongst behaviour
regression gender. biases and
analysis has investment
been used in the decisions
study. amongst
18 Satish K. 2018 Behavior The work – This paper Subjek: by X: Based on
Mittal biases and follows the developed a identifying Behavior the papers
comprehensive theoretical and the biases reviewed,
research behavioral six
investment literature review framework by biases in Y: behavior
decision: approach to identifying the investment investment biases have
theoretical review the behavioral decision and decision been
and research available biases by presenting identified
framework literatures. The in investment a review of for further
review carried decision and the available research:
out on different by presenting literature in overconfide
parameters such a review of the the field of nce,
as year of available behavior disposition
publication, literature in finance effect, herd
journal of the field of related instinct,
publication, behavior biases. availability
country, type of finance related biases, hind
research, data biases. This Object : The sight biases
type, statistical paper aims to factors that and self-
technique used present a affect the attribution
and biases compressive investment biases. The
identified. review of the decision is objective
This is a funnel literature the most would be
approach to available in discussed measure
decrease the the public issue among the impact
number of domain in past researchers of these
behavior biases five decades of this field biases on
up to six for on behavior investment
further finance and decision-
research. biases and its making
role in process of
investment an
decision- individual
making investor.
process. It also Therefore,
covers insights these biases
on the subject have been
for developing reviewed
a deeper separately
understating of to get
the behavior of insight in
investor the
and related phenomena
biases .
19 Aqib 2018 Pengaruh Penelitian ini Tujuan Subjek : X1 : Hasil
Rizka Ar- Overconfide menggunakan penelitian ini investor yang Pengaruh penelitian
Rachman nce Bias Dan metode Untuk berdomisili Overconfid menunjukk
Bias kuantitatif mengetahui di ence Bias an
Optimisme dengan teknik apakah bias Yogyakarta X2 : Bias overconfide
Terhadap pengumpulan overconfidenc dan berusia Optimisme nce bias
Pengambilan data berupa e di atas 17 Y: berpengaru
Keputusan kuisioner yang mempengaruhi tahun Keputusan h positif
Investasi di sebarkan keputusan Objek : Investasi terhadap
Pada kepada investor investasi pada Overconfide keputusan
muda di investor di nce Bias Dan investasi
Investor Di Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta Bias dan bias
Yogyakarta Sampel yang di dan untuk Optimisme optimisme
ambil adalah mengetahui Terhadap berpengaru
sebanyak 150 apakah bias Pengambilan h positif
investor di optimisme Keputusan tehadap
Yogyakarta. mempengaruhi Investasi keputusan
Penelitian ini di keputusan investasi.
bantu dengan investasi pada
alat statistik investor di
SPSS 23.0. Yogyakarta.
20 Zarah 2018 Perilaku Analisis studi Studi ini Subjek : X1 : Berdasarka
Puspitani Investor ini bertujuan nvestor yang Perilaku n analisis
ngtyas Dalam menggunakan untuk tergabung Investor yang telah
Pengambilan metode survey. mengetahui dalam Ikatan Y: diuraikan,
Keputusan Survey perilaku Analis Keputusan dapat
Investasi Di dilakukan investor dalam Properti Investasi disimpulka
Pasar Modal terhadap 50 pengambilan Indonesia n bahwa
investor yang keputusan (IKAPRI) investor
tergabung dalam investasi di Objek : (calon
Ikatan Analis pasar modal. Perilaku investor)
Properti Survey Investor cenderung
Indonesia dilakukan Dalam berperilaku
(IKAPRI). Data terhadap 50 Pengambilan rasional.
primer investor yang Keputusan Investor
dikumpulkan tergabung Investasi Di (calon
melalui dalam Ikatan Pasar Modal investor)
distribusi Analis Properti perlu
angket, Indonesia mempertim
selanjutnya (IKAPRI). bangkan
dianalisis secara informasi
deskriptif. secara jelas
Analisis atas suatu
deskriptif peristiwa
dilakukan ekonomi
dengan tujuan jika akan
menggambarkan melakukan
suatu fenomena pengambila
secara sistematis n keputusan
tentang perilaku investasi.
investor dalam

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