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) Is the proposal in conflict with other relevant Codes, such as the National Building Code of Canada?

the proposal in conflict with industry-specific Codes such as NFPA Codes that deal with specific
occupancies, hazardous locations, Codes of practice (e.g., API), CE Code, Part III Standards, etc.? m) If
accepted, would this proposal have an impact on already certified products (i.e., would the existing
products have to be recertified to meet this new requirement, and is such an approach justifiable)? n)
Does the subject impact on other Sections, Tables, and Appendices of the Code? If so, have the potential
consequences been reviewed? o) Does the document style conform with CSA editorial requirements
(CSA Guidelines)? p) Does the proposal introduce amendments that will require new product Standards
or changes to existing product Standards? If so, consideration should be given to including a statement
in the proposal that the amendments, if approved, should be suspended until such time that the
product requirements are in effect. 3) The following are the basic principles for evaluating the
Subcommittee recommendation before reporting it to the Committee on Part I: a) Is the Subcommittee
recommendation understandable and readable? b) Has the length of the Subcommittee
recommendation been reduced to the absolute minimum necessary to convey the intent? It should be
noted that the members of the Committee on Part I may not have the time to review long subjects when
they come in the form of the Subcommittee recommendation. A suitable one-page summary should be
made, especially for lengthy proposals. This would enable members of the Committee on Part I (who are
not necessarily technical experts in the specific subject area) to understand the key issues,
recommendations, and impacts of the proposal. c) Has the Subcommittee recommendation expanded to
include issues other than that which the original proposal intended to cover? If so, is this expansion of
the subject matter justifiable (i.e., it was discussed with the submitter and it is accepted by the
submitter) or should it be more appropriately covered by a new subject? d) Does the Subcommittee
recommendation address the issues of the original proposal and satisfy the submitter’s intent or does it
digress? Copyright CSA Group Document provided by IHS Markit under license from CSA Group
Licensee=Kiewit Power Engineers Lenexa (Kansas City)/5967856004, User=Hoffmann No reproduction or
networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/26/2021 14:10:15 MST --
`,```,`,,````,`,,,``````,`,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- CSA C22.1:21 Appendix C The Technical Committee on the Canadian
Electrical Code, Part I — Organization and rules of procedure January 2021 © 2021 Canadian Standards
Association 727 Annex D Appendix A declaration checklist (See Clauses C12.2, C12.4, and C12.5.) Annex
D — Declaration Checklist for Appendix A 1. Standard designation:
_____________________________________________________________ 2. Standard title:
___________________________________________________________________ 3. Type of Standard
(new edition, new Standard, amendment, reaffirmation, withdrawal):
_______________________________________________________________________________ 4.
Publication date: ________________________________________________________________ 5.
Scope: __________________________________________________________________________ 6.
Compatibility with the CE Code, Part I: a) The Standard makes reference to the CE Code, Part I and
contains a statement that the product is intended to be installed in compliance with the CE Code, Part I:
Yes No b) The Standard is compatible with the CE Code, Part I Rules: Yes No c) The terms used in the
Standard are compatible with the definitions in the CE Code, Part I: Yes No d) Changes to requirements
in the CE Code, Part I are necessary as a result of the development of the Standard: Yes , continue
below. No , go to Item 7. e) The proposal has been developed and approved (see Clause C12.7): Yes 7.
Compatibility with existing documents used to approve electrical equipment [CE Code, Part II, other
Canadian electrical safety Standards, and Other Recognized Documents (ORDs)], including a) Compliance
with horizontal Standards: The Standard complies with and/or references the horizontal requirements
of CSA C22.2 No. 0 and other applicable C22.2 No. 0 series horizontal Standards (see Appendix A, Annex
A.1, “General”)? b) Absence of conflict with other requirements, such as the CE Code, Part II, other
Canadian electrical safety Standards for electrical products, and ORDs? Yes No Declared and submitted
on behalf of: ___________________________________ Signed:
____________________________________________________________ Name and Title:
_____________________________________________________ Date:
_______________________________________________________________ Copyright CSA Group
Document provided by IHS Markit under license from CSA Group Licensee=Kiewit Power Engineers
Lenexa (Kansas City)/5967856004, User=Hoffmann No reproduction or networking permitted without
license from IHS Not for Resale, 01/26/2021 14:10:15 MST

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