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Amity Business School

Amity Business School

What is Motivation??
Amity Business School
Motivation of Sales Force Prof. P K Bansal

Drive to initiate an action. The intensity of effort in an action The persistence of effort over time.

Amity Business School

Amity Business School

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

Reasons for Motivating Salespeople


Intense job challenge, full potential, full expression, creative expansion. Achievement, respect, recognition, responsibility, prestige, independence, attention, importance, appreciation. Belonging, acceptance, love, affection, family and group acceptance, friendships. Security, stability, dependency, protection, need for structure, order, law, tenure, pension, insurance. Hunger, thirst, reproduction, shelter, clothing, air, rest.

Frequent rejection

Physical separation from company support Direct influence on quality of sales presentation Indirect influence on performance




Amity Business School

Amity Business School

Maslows Needs & Related Sales Force Motivators

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Self-actualization Esteem Belonging Safety & security Physiological Related Sales Force Motivators Challenging tasks calling for creativity Recognition programs Presidents Club Job security & fringes Cash wages & bonuses

Low Satisfaction
40 30 20 10 0

High Satisfaction
10 20 30 40

Achievement Recognition Work Itself Responsibility

Policies Tech. Supervision Salary Interpersonal Relations Working Conditions


Comparison of Motivators and Hygiene Factors (%Frequency)

Amity Business School

Amity Business School

Giving Status to Salespeople

1. Compensation -- exceed for first-line managers 2. Job Title -- no cost but considerable payback 3. Company Car Upgrade -- salespeople spend much time in car - reminds them of their value. 4. Field Sales Council -- meet president for 1/2 day open-ended discussion on field marketing conditions - report back to field meetings the results 5. Published Success Stories -- high form of recognition

Sales Force Needs


Company Actions to Fill Needs

Change title from salesperson to area manager. Buy salespeople more luxurious cars to drive. Allow salespeople to help plan sales quotas and sequences of calls. Invite salespeople to gatherings of top executives. Put pictures of top salespeople in company ads and newsletters. Set reasonable goals for the number of calls and sales. Run short-term sales contests. Schedule sales meetings in exotic locations. Deliver promptly all rewards and benefits promised.



Accomplishment Stimulation


Sales Force Needs and Ways to Fill Them

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