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READINc To wRf rlNc (use after student book page 35.

-'. My ^are is Roger and I'm
from peru. on weekdavs, r get up atr'3oin the

nave breakfast and then r go to work at g:30.
r work in a factory. r.finish work
;:30 in the morning. r go home and at
take a shower and after thal r have dinner.
dinner, I watch TV or study and then r go
to coilege. crrrr., ,t*t at 8 o,crock. r,m
studying computer science because r want
to be a computer programmer. Luckiry, I
have classes onlv in the morninq, so then
r go home and go to bed. on
the weekend,
I don't have classes and r don't
have to work, so t pray soccer ortake
a wark.

Read the paragraph again and answer the questions.

1. Where is Rogerfrom? lle is from Peru

2. Whattime does he get up?

3. What time does he go to work?

4. Where does he work?

5. What time does he finish work?

6. What does he do after wórk?

7. What does he do after dinner?

8. What time do his classes start?

9. When does he sleep?

10. What does he do on the weekend?

¡; Match the underrined words in the paragraph

to the definitions
1, .--:: -: .---,,.,.,¡rl1 qo*fudeys

3' ; . :- - :

4. it's gc:: :-. -

5. then

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