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Throughout my life I have changed my appearance many times because sometimes I had to reinvent
myself due to the lifestyle I was leading.
I remember when I was a kid in school my father took me every two weeks cut my hair at the barber, I
lived in Chilca’s Cement Factory Camp, my father worked there. I didn’t like to have short hair
because it was the time of the hippies and they had long hair, beards and mustaches. In my
childhood I was somewhat shy, I did not like to talk much, I was thin like until now. My complexion
has always been brunette, I have black hair.
When I was about to start high school, my father sent me to Lima to study at the Melitón Carvajal
School in Lince. At school I wore my hair short and in the last years of school I started to shave. In
the summer vacations I grew my hair long and I practically lived on the beach.
I finished school and started studying at the prep academy, I was at Sigma in downtown Lima. At that
time in 79 I had long hair, mustaches and some beard. In June 1980 I entered UNI, and right there in
the UNI pool the students of UNI caught me and cut my hair, they left me bald, but I was very happy.
This is a picture of my university days, here I was without beard and mustache because I was
practicing in a company.
When I finished the University, I stopped having long hair and I shaved my beard and moustaches, I
had no tattoos or piercing; because I started working in a transnational oil company and I had to give
a more serious and professional image. This is a picture of that time.
After working in OXY, Coca-Cola, Pilsen Callao I began to study in Esan some courses, then I did a
M.B.A. Then I worked in Essalud as Operations Manager in Chimbote-Ancash. Later I went to work in
the United States, I worked in Houston, Texas, Virginia, Maryland, North Carolina and Washington
DC. I was a Foreman in a construction company. This is a photo near the Statue of Liberty in New
After I returned to Lima. I was called by Austral Group SAA, a Norwegian fishing company in Pisco, I
worked as Chief of Maintenance. Then I went to Pesquera Exalmar SAA as Plant Superintendent in
Huacho and Chicama. This is a picture of that time in Pisco that little shark was eaten by my
cat, and this one in Huacho.
Then I went to finish my Master's Degree in Project Management in Barcelona at the Ramon Llull
University. At that time I had short hair, no beard and no mustache, but I wore glasses. But now I
have changed a lot, I am talkative, confident, outgoing, dedicated and lively.
After I worked on several projects and I grew beard and mustache, I had some moles, some gray hair
and wrinkles were already showing on my face. This is a picture when I had a beard and
I won a scholarship from the Ministry of Energy and Mines to study a PhD in Energetics at UNI.
Currently I work in a Hospital, study English at ICPNA.
I plan to have a hair transplant and take some years off to remain competitive in this market.
I remember a saying of a CEO of Backus who said: The only thing that does not change is change.

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