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Tv host- Jasmim

Teenager- Leonor

Psychologist- Sara



J- What feelings do you experience the most and what do you feel most of the time?

L- Mostly, I feel stressed. Stressed about everything.

J- But what do you feel stressed about?

L- I’m stressed about school, about upgrading my grades, about not having time to do all the
things that not only I need to do but that I want to do. It seems that there’s never enough
time, not even to rest. After all, I’m not just a student, I’m a daughter, a grandaughter, I’m a
sister, a friend and I’m a person. A person who needs to do the things she loves and to
disconnect from all the obligations she has. I think we’re too young to already know what we
want to be, who we want to be and who we are.

J- Dr. Sara, do you feel like this problem is very common?

S- Actually, yes. It’s one of the main problems teenagers have to deal with. Once it’s the most
unstable phase we go through and they have to make choices and figure out what they are and
they want to be, not only now but for the rest of their lives. Since they experience all of these
changes, it’s acceptable they feel overwhelmed.

J- What advices do you feel are the most effective for these cases?

S- The most important thing I’ve learned from teenagers’ perspective is discover their values
and from there, they can prioritaze their activities so they can do whatever they feel the
happiest by doing them. In general, I think they should open up about their concerns with
someone they feel comfortable with but not only talk about what makes them sad but also
about what makes them smile, overall. It’s very importante to always see the good side of
every situation.

J- What do you think about what Dr. Sara said?

L- Actually, I think it’s a very interesting idea but I know, for a fact, that not every teenager has
someone they trust to let all their problems get out of their chest. And even if they find a
person who can help them, it’s not that easy to turn off all the concerns and sad emotions.

But I’ll try my best to not let stress take over my happiness and the things that I love and make
me smile. Thank you, Dr. Sara.

J- Thank you both of you so much for your time. And, Leonor, don’t worry, you’ll be just fine.

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