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Honorable Premier,

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits. The remnants of the Northern Cape artist
sit-in that took place at the Ministry of the Northern Cape Department of Sports,
Arts and Culture from the 15th March to 8th April 2021 has had a double-edge

On the positive end, since the 8th of April 2021, the Northern Cape Theatre, with
the Northern Cape Theatre Practitioners Forum at the helm, has hosted fourteen
shows with absolutely no financial support from the NCACC. The lack of
performance on the side of the NCACC, is a breach of contract as provided in the
SLA. It was signed between the NCACC and the NCTPF to implement the artistic
programme for the NC Theatre for 2021/2022 which forms part of the Premier s
Pilot Project. On the negative end, murmurs and rumors have been flying around
that seeks to discredit the work of the Forum and its mandate to unite and organize
programmes for the artists of the Northern Cape. From the onset, the Forum has
positioned itself as the implementing body for the programmes. We took a resolution
at the 2017 Artists Summit to operationalise the theatre through a Forum. The
resolution was minuted by the scribes of the department whose report is with them.
It should be noted that the Theatre Practitioners had submitted a concept document
to DSAC on 26 September 2016 which was then tabled at the 2017 Summit for
acceptance. This resolution then made way for the establishment of the Forum.

We find it odd that rumors and innuendos have been presented to you without
evidence. we are accused of being a one day old organization yet we have been
recognized by the Summit since 2017. The PTT of CCIFSA had no qualms nor
objections when we presented to you on Friday, 19 March how the programmes
would unfold. There was ample time for objections instead the Provincial
Coordinator assured you that given the commitment from you, he will persuade
artists to vacate the office of the Ministry. Post the period of presentation, we had
the Portfolio Committee visiting the Ministry, with the aim of assisting the process.
The Portfolio Committee had expressed its displeasure at us for occupying the
Ministry and in that regard advised we sign the SLA in order to vacate the
premised. When we ultimately reached the stage of signing, the PTT then reneged
which suggest that their part in negotiations was in bad faith and not to the benefit
of all and sundry. We set 31 March as the date for signing amongst CCIFSA, NCACC
and NCTPF. The Provincial Coordinator went missing during that time and we were
stuck with a three way SLA with two signatories.

The SLA which was signed between the NCTPF and NCACC was signed in good
faith and the NCACC and NC DSAC have backpedalled on their word. This has had
a backhand effect as individuals signed employment contracts and some planned
commissions had to be reprioritized and canceled.

We are surprised at the current stance of CCIFSA as they were present when we
made our presentation to you at your office on the 19th of March. They were with
us planning on how the Forum would implement these projects and then they are
claiming to not be part of assisting us to revitalize the arts in the Northern Cape. We
are also aware that CCIFSA has a cash flow problem, nationally and provincially.
CCIFSA has also made it no secret that they want the Premier s Pilot Project
resources into their account which juxtaposes the fact that the Forum wants to
identify the projects and artists and allow the NCACC to directly pay the funds into
the artists account.

This continuous tug-of-war has been no help to anyone.

Please note that we had presented to you a Pilot project, which mainly fell under
three sub-sections:

⁃ The Operationalization of the Theatre

⁃ The Craft Hub, and Events
⁃ The Music Hub

We wish to put it on record we have no dispute with the DSAC, NCACC nor
CCIFSA. We want to see progress and in that regard have decided to compromise
and hand over the running of the Craft hub and Music hub, with its budget of R1
million each, respectively. We have established that CCIFSA is not interested in the
compromise. It is our wish that your counsel assist in resolving this situation we find
ourselves in.

Yours sincerely,

Mkhululi Mabija

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