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the New Diet resolutioNs: oNes you CaN actually keep




ISSUE! ultimate
21+ moves to get guiDe to
BaCk oN traCk asap
(Plus: The body ParT the worlD
you’re neglecTing)
you’re a
student or teacher)
Drop iNChes—

and those Crazy
BoDy issues! But
DON’T MISS: true
our top “green”
beauty picks, favorite
faCts aBout
workout dvds and Joseph pilates
pilates for babies!
features in each issue ON THE COVER Courtney Miller is wearing a top
by Elisabetta Rogiani, pants by Lululemon, and
socks and leg warmers by Toesox. Photographed

Find balance!
by Rod Foster. hair by Molly Rich and makeup by
Cherilyn Cowell for

…and your body. The secret

is mixing things up, says
two-time cover girl Courtney
See the faces behind the stories
Our favorite “green” products!
Miller, a STOTT PILATES® and the pictures.
instructor, who unleashes 36 STYLE
her creativity on one killer
Reformer workout.
You love us, you’re mad at us.
Wear these cool blue and gray
pieces to the studio—and all
Well, at least you write. around town.
Bring balance to your body—
Joe’s ultimate goal—with a
Strategies for getting your departments
mat series from Rachel Taylor spouse into the studio; Pilates
Segel and Amy Taylor Alpers, conferences around the globe;
founders of The Pilates Center
in Boulder.
Why the method is for every
shape and size; California
These 11 weight-loss strategies
pampering are actually realistic—and will
60 BRIDGING ThE GAP help you tip the scale in your
Got an exercise that’s the
bane of your existence? So
18 Q&A
Staying aligned at home; The
favor by summer.

did BASI faculty Shayne

Smith, until he discovered
skinny on the fasting-for-
weight-loss trend; Tips to curb
how a mom of three with
a crazy-innovative set of overeating; Studio advice for multiple sclerosis discovered a
springs. Find out how you can back-pain sufferers once-unimaginable quality of
master any move—and sculpt life and a new career to boot.
your legs, back and shoulders
while you’re at it. Get inspired!
Originally designed as a
MOTION teasers
physical therapy tool, the
humble foam roller can bring
Ditch the stress—and body your Pilates practice full circle.
issues!—with this meditative
mat sequence from Tamara
Newell, trained by CORE
24 ON ThE GO
A behind-the-scenes look at
German biographer Eva
Pilates NYC. how we partied with Pilates Rincke dishes on 12 incredibly
Anytime at the PMA meeting. surprising facts about Joseph
72 PRETTY DELICIOUS Pilates. The tea is served!
Three easy, guilt-free recipes 28 CORE
you’ll want to Instagram—and
then devour.
A revolutionary progress-
tracking app for Pilates; An
Colleen Glenn is a co-founder
affordable Reformer for home of the PMA and creator of Peak
BASI Pilates Founder Rael
practice; Pilates for babies Pilates’ education program, but
that’s just the tip of the iceberg
Isacowitz opens up about the
launch of his new equipment
Weight-loss news; An easy diet
on her quest toward bringing
Pilates to the masses.
company, Mentor Program, trick that actually works; The
family and more. scoop on our latest obsessions 90 MOVES OF ThE
93 2016 RESOURCE
Packed with protein and
Got acrobatic aspirations?
Whether or not you can contort
Our invaluable tool to fiber, legumes are finding your body into a pretzel, this
everything Pilates. It’s the their way into brownies, series will increase your overall
ultimate keepsake! cereal and other goodies. strength and core power.

Pilates Style Vol. 13, No. 1 (ISSN 1549-6937) is a trademark of and is published bimonthly (Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, May/June, July/Aug, Sept/Oct, Nov/Dec) by McAby Media LLC, 12829 Trinity Street, Stafford, TX 77477. Subscriptions $34.94 per year
(6 issues), Canada (price includes GST) $44.94 – U.S. funds only. Foreign prices available upon request. Please visit our web site,, for additional details on pricing and options. Single copies $4.95 plus $3.00 postage and
handling, the Annual Resource Guide (Jan/Feb) single copy price is $9.99 plus $3.00 postage and handling. Visa, MasterCard and Discover accepted. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send
address changes to Pilates Style, P.O. Box 334 Stafford, TX 77497. No material in this issue may be reprinted without written permission of the publisher. Entire contents copyright 2012 by McAby Media, LLC. All rights reserved. McAby Media,
LLC assumes no responsibility for the advertisements, nor any representation made herein, nor the quality or deliverability of the products themselves. Opinions of contributing authors do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Articles
and photographs are welcome, but cannot be considered unless exclusive publishing rights are given, affording the publisher full ownership of content. Publisher assumes no responsibility for accuracy of unsolicited manuscripts and any material
accepted is subject to possible revision at the discretion of the publisher. Printed in the U.S.A.

4 january • february 2016

pilatesstyle live life to the core

editorial first-generation teachers

BAMBi ABernAThy MAry BOwen
editor in Chief Killingworth, CT; northampton, MA
jAy griMeS
AMAndA ALTMAn Los Angeles, CA
Managing editor
Anne MArie O’COnnOr Palm Beach gardens, FL
executive editor

KeLLy MCLendOn
editorial intern advisory board
BrenT d. AnderSOn, Phd, PT, OCS
art/photography Physiotherapist, Founder/director,
Polestar Pilates, Miami, FL
riCK MCMiLLen jOAn BreiBArT
Senior Creative director
Founder, PhysicalMind institute,
niChOLAS nguyen new york, ny
Creative director KAThy COrey
Owner and director, Kathy Corey
riMA jeAn Pilates, del Mar, CA
graphic designer
SuZAnne guTTerSOn
rOd FOSTer Owner/director/Teacher, Suzanne
ALAn COx gutterson Pilates Body Conditioning,
Contributing Photographers Albuquerque, nM
jiLLiAn heSSeL
advertising Author of Pilates Basics,
west hollywood, CA
MATThew ABernAThy
executive Advertising director dAwn-MArie iCKeS, MPT
832-768-7999 evolve integrative wellness, Orange County, CA
executive Founder/director, BASi Pilates™,
Costa Mesa, CA
President/Publisher MOirA MerriThew
executive director of education,
Sir MCMiLLen Merrithew health & Fitness™ Toronto,
Vice President Canada | Premier brand STOTT PiLATeS®
FrAn MiCheLMAn
staff Board Member, PiLATeSfoundation
uK Ltd., London, england
MArnA MCMiLLen ChriSTiAne nOrThruP, Md
Accounting Manager
holistic OB/gyn, Best-selling Author,
jACKie MAgAnA Lecturer, yarmouth, Me
Customer Service representatives
KyriA SABin wAugAMAn
director, Fletcher Pilates®,
Pilates Style is published by international
McAby Media, LLC director, Body works Pilates,
12829 Trinity Street Tucson, AZ
Stafford, Texas 77477
832-886-1120 riSA ShePPArd Creator of the Sheppard Method
Pilates, Los Angeles, CA
MAri winSOr
Owner/director, winsor Pilates,
Los Angeles, CA

Not all fitness exercises featured in Pilates Style are suitable for everyone, and these or any other exercise program may result in injury. To reduce
the risk of injury in your case, consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able
to participate in the exercises. The instructions and advice presented are in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. If you engage
in any exercise or exercise program featured therein, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities,
and assume all risk of injury to yourself. McAby Media, LLC disclaims any liabilities or loss in connection with the exercises and advice herein.

All advertising is subject to approval before acceptance. McAby Media, LLC reserves the right to refuse any ad for any reason whatsoever.
Actual publication does not constitute any agreement for continued publication in any form. Advertisers warrantand represent that the de-
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the advertising, promises made, or the quality/reliability of the products or services offered in such advertisements. Information provided by
advertisers is provided on an “as is” basis without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied war-
ranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. McAby Media, LLC expressly disclaims any and all liabilities for any and all direct,
indirect and consequential loss or damage, including but not limited to loss or damage to property or for loss of profit, business, revenue,
goodwill or anticipated savings resulting or arising from the information contained in the advertisements appearing herein.

editor’s letter
N o w t h at t h e h o l i day s a r e were inspired
ov e r — a N d yo u ’ v e p r o b a b ly by our other
h a d o N e l a s t c h a m pag N e - f i l l e d baby, McAby
pa r t y f o r a w h i l e — i t ’ s t i m e Media. As I
t o ta k e t h e s t r a N d s o f l i g h t s write this letter,
d o w N a N d g e t b ac k t o r e a l i t y. we’re nesting in
The reality being you, and getting preparation for
back on track so you can accomplish the adoption of
any goal, be it on or off the mat. one more pup
That leads me to one of the to complete
founding principles of the Pilates our family—a
method: balance. If we don’t have red Boston Terrier we’re going to

Stretch the body, balance, in the physical or mental

sense, we fall. We can’t stand tall
in the studio or in life if we don’t
call Baby Mags (as in “magazine,” of
course). Even though Mags will no
doubt round out the family dynamic,

balance the mind exercise the proper self-care. That’s

why we decided to devote this issue
to helping you find balance, whether
the balancing act of another ’lil one
will bring some new challenges for
both Matthew and me. My lovely
Discover new ways to explore that’s the “uniform development” of husband knew I wanted kids one day,
the body—check out “Find Your Mo- and since the traditional method of
Pilates movements using the Joe!” on page 54—or finding peace the two-legged kind never worked out
original Stretch Out® Strap. within your mind—see “Meditation in for us, he found a way to balance what
Motion” on page 66. Don’t miss “My was missing in our lives by giving me
Creatively lengthen, strengthen, Pilates Journal” on page 74 for an fur babies. I can’t wait for the chaos!
de-stress and align in 40 exercises inside look at how BASI Founder Rael As you probably noticed, this is
Isacowitz juggles an insane amount of our special double issue, with 56
from the revised second edition of responsibility while having a blast to pages of bonus content on taking
Stretch Out® Strap Pilates Essentials, boot. Last but not least, in “Sticking your Pilates practice and/or teaching
the Landing” on page 42, read about to an entirely new level. Get ready to
by Angela Kneale, OTD, OTR. how one reader manages multiple get inspired—and get centered!
sclerosis, grandkids and a Pilates
career. That’s balance redefined! see ya on the mat,
One of the ways I plan to find
balance is through my family: my
husband, Matthew, and our two Bambi Abernathy
doggies, Mac and Aby, whose names editor–in–chief

This past November, while we were

attending the 15th Annual Meeting of

the Pilates Method Alliance in Denver,
we held a massive photo shoot, shooting an impressive roster of Pilates pros
for the year. (Talk about a balancing act!) If you tuned into our Instagram or
Facebook pages, you got a glimpse of the behind-the-scenes fun. If you missed
it, check out for fun videos and snapshots (like this one,
where I jump into the action to fix Sara Colquhoun’s hair), and stay tuned for our
800.367.7393 | OPTP.COM newest feature: Exercises will come to life in bonus videos on our website! Look
for the “See it in Action!” notices throughout our pages.

8 january • february 2016

Credible. Comprehensive. In-depth. COURTNEY MILLER

WROTe: “Reform Your Regimen” (page 46)
Originally trained by
P I l aTe S P e d I g R e e :


W h y y O U R W O R k O U T R O C k S : It’s
40-HOUR BARRE designed to inspire Pilates professionals,
students and at-home enthusiasts to be
TEACHER TRAINING creative without sacrificing the principles of the Pilates method.
R e S O l U T I O N f O R 2 0 1 6 : To read more! I plan to spend less
time on social media, and more time reading an inspiring story or
learning about the things I am passionate about.
Learn to teach from the
B I g g e S T m O T I v a T O R : My biggest motivator is the discovery I made years
legends of barre who have ago, that Pilates makes me happy and enhances everything in my life. Once
revolutionized the fitness you realize that secret, it’s very addictive!
industry. S T U d I O e S S e N T I a l : ToeSox Ballerinas, my homemade “wake-me-up”
essential oil spritzer (peppermint, rosemary and H2O) and Beyond Yoga
workout clothes!


WROTe: “Find Your Mo-Joe!” (page 54)
We’re certified by
P I l aTe S P e d I g R e e :
the PMA, but we studied and graduated
with Romana Kryzanowska at The Pilates
Studio in 1989.
Because we keep Return to Life,
R AC H E L :
Joe’s book, in mind at all times. A M Y: It
uniformly develops the entire body into one
amazing, powerful organism that breathes,
circulates, detoxes and reoxygenates to create health and peace.
R e S O l U T I O N f O R 2 0 1 6 : R AC H E L : Teach more Pilates! Because it makes
me feel so happy. A M Y: Creating worldwide recognition of our online learning
WE’RE BACK IN 2016 program, iTPC.
WITH A FULL SCHEDULE! B I g g e S T m O T I v a T O R : R AC H E L : Being the best Pilates teacher I can be with
every client. A M Y: Peace on earth!
January | Stamford, CT S T U d I O e S S e N T I a l : R AC H E L : The CenterLine Foot Corrector.
A M Y: CenterLine classical equipment suite from Balanced Body.
March | Evanston, IL
April | New York, NY SHAYNE SMITH
May | Miami, FL WROTe: “Bridging the Gap” (page 60)
P I l aTe S P e d I g R e e : BASI Pilates, Queensland, Australia

Amy & RAchel photo by AlAn cox; otheR photos by Rod FosteR
June | Atlanta, GA W h y y O U R W O R k O U T R O C k S : Because the F2
system creates the perfect form and function.
September | Boston, MA
R e S O l U T I O N f O R 2 0 1 6 : No limits!
October | Stamford, CT B I g g e S T m O T I v a T O R : Knowledge.
S T U d I O e S S e N T I a l : Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino.
November | Bermuda
Early bird rates available!
“Meditation in Motion” (page 66)
For more information or to sign up: Core Pilates NYC; BASI Pilates
P I l aTe S P e d I g R e e :
Mentor Program with Rael Isacowitz
W h y y O U R W O R k O U T R O C k S : My mat routine
empowers you on every level—mind, body and spirit.
R e S O l U T I O N f O R 2 0 1 6 : Become PMA–certified!
B I g g e S T m O T I v a T O R : My students. I always want to
practice what I preach, but remain a student so I can
be a better teacher for them.
S T U d I O e S S e N T I a l : I always have a set of leg
warmers on hand while teaching on chilly days in the winter.

10 january • february 2016

Pilates on Tour 2016

Inspiring presenters and attendees. Great equipment and

intimate, hands-on continuing education. Hone your
professional skills and return to your clients, renewed.

Pilates on Tour ................ Istanbul, TR .......................................................................................February 19-21

Pilates on Tour ................ Phoenix, AZ ............................................................................................... April 8-10
Pilates on Tour ................ London, UK ..............................................................................................April 22-24
Pilates on Tour ................ Seoul, KR....................................................................................................May 14-16
Studio Tour ...................... Mountain View, CA ................................................................................. July 23-24
Studio Tour ...................... Mission Viejo, CA ................................................................................ August 13-14
Pilates on Tour ................ Chicago, IL ......................................................................................... October 21-23
Pilates on Tour ................ Italy ....................................................................................................................... TBD


Details at | | 1-800-PILATES (745-2837)
We talk about the mind/body connection a lot in Pilates. But

what about the “spirit”? Do you believe there’s a spiritual side to
your practice?

“Pilates was essential to the healing of my body, mind AND spirit

after my sister’s death. IMHO, it is ludicrous to think you can
separate the spirit from the work.” —Amy Teter

“Hasn’t there been enough yoga-izing of Pilates already?”

—Crestview Strengthworks

“Pilates is a movement with biology and science underpinning it. It works, it

makes sense, and with breathing as a principle, one feels awesome afterward.
It does not need to call itself spiritual. I love Pilates, and if you get in touch with
your ‘spirit,’ then awesome, but I do not teach that. I teach people how their
body moves, strengthens and flexes functionally and in alignment. All ages, all
abilities. Safely.” —Pono Pilates

“Spirit: ‘the force within a person that is believed to give the body life, energy,
and power’ (per Merriam-Webster). With this definition, absolutely!”
—Ainka J. Fulani, BreakThrough Coaching - Realize You Can

“I completely agree, and practice and teach this with my clients. It completes
the whole picture of what wellness means to me! Body, mind and spirit.”
—Catherine Stokes

cArDio King Eduard’s cover—the second

time we’ve featured a male
Thanks for all the love for Pilates instructor—prompted
our Nov/Dec cover, featuring us to ask you…Should men
Eduard Botha! do Pilates? Why or why not?
Here’s what you said.

“I have a male client who’s transformed

over the years together. He was
so tight, terrible posture, slightly
overweight, with little strength or
endurance. Now he is lean, strong, very
good posture and much more flexible.”
—@russopilates, via Instagram

“Yes! I see so many of my peers going

to physical rehab for various reasons
“I’m still a big fan of the Pilates and I haven’t been.I attribute my
cardio. Great story from Pilates Style.” health to starting Pilates in my 20s.”
—Bill James, via Facebook —@charmcitypt, via Instagram

“Pilates…men practice, too. Tell your “Healthy hips, happy life. A necessity for
husbands not to be afraid and come guys.” —@mackiemethod, via Instagram
give it a try! Great cover.”
—@thepilatesroom_chi, via Instagram “Pilates was developed as physical
therapy for German POWs in WW
“Love his [Eduard Botha’s] mat classes I, yet, as the years went by, more
on Pilates Anytime!” —Mallory King, and more women practiced it. I take
via Facebook Pilates occasionally, and at the studio
where I go, all the instructors are
"Like us" on Facebook at women. The clients, however, are
split. In the mat classes, I’m usually
Tweet us at
Follow us on Instagram (@pilatestylemag) and the only guy, but I’d say about one-
share your pics! fifth of the privates are guys.”
—David Lampp, via Facebook

12 january • february 2016

reader platform
SPotlight bulletin boArd


Proving that the method is taking the world by storm, take a girl—far from the
look at these recent conferences that seem worlds away.
dancer type—and
want to try Pilates.
The third-annual event was held jointly by the Asia Pilates Alliance,
Is Pilates really for
W H at:
a nonprofit Pilates/business organization in Asia established in 2013, and
South Korea–based Care Pilates, founded by Dr. Kyung-won Jang.
W H e r e : Seoul, South Korea every body?
H I G H l I G H t S : Eleven international presenters, including Mary Bowen, Alan
Herdman, Brent Anderson, Kathy Corey and Kevin Bowen, along with 10
local teachers, held workshops, lectures and classes for three days. A forum/
discussion allowed Pilates pros to discuss hot topics, and a party presented
by Care Pilates let everyone, well, let loose. Thirty exhibitors and three
sponsors—including Pilates Style—filled a trade show hall. “It was a great
experience seeing so many enthusiastic and eager Pilates professionals come
together to share and spread Joe’s dream. This convention proves Pilates AnulA MAiberg, co-owner of Sixth
knows no bounds—or boundaries,” says PS Editor-in-Chief Bambi Abernathy. Street PilAteS in nYc’S eASt villAge
(Pictured Above), reSPondS: Short
answer: It certainly is. Long answer:
Somewhere along the line, and
without any blame, the original
message of the Pilates method as
Joseph Pilates intended got a bit
lost. To quote Mr. Pilates himself:
“Through the Pilates Method of
Body Conditioning this unique
trinity of a balanced body, mind
and spirit can ever be attained. Self
confidence follows.”
I take the quote to heart. Self-
confidence often follows when
you start doing Pilates. I don’t
toP row: DO yEun KIM, KEVIn BOwEn, AMy HAVEn, KRISTI COOPER, ALAn HERDMAn, think anyone arrives to Pilates
KATHy COREy, MARy BOwEn, PS EDITOR-In-CHIEf BAMBI ABERnATHy, MATTHEw already perfectly fit and perfectly
ABERnATHy AnD DR. KyunGwOn JAnG, fOunDER Of CARE PILATES comfortable in their own skin. I
bottoM row: THE TwO unRELATED BOwEnS; HERDMAn RECLInES On A PT TABLE; THE found my confidence when I started
MOTHER Of PEARL REfORMERS By CARE PILATES practicing Pilates, and it helped me
improve upon what was already
there. I stand taller, I feel stronger,
PILATES ALLIANCE AUSTRALASIA (PAA) CONFERENCE 2015 and I do things I never thought I
could do. Having said that, I also
W H at: The four-day continuing-education understand how intimidating it can
convention is held biennially by the non-profit be to try something new, especially
PAA organization, established in 2000. when your own body is the focus.
photos courtesy of pIA, pAA And AnulA mAIberg

W H e r e : Sydney, Australia My advice is to try your local

H I G H l I G H t S : Eight industry insiders—Brooke studio, and check out the vibe.
Siler, Sean Gallagher, Chris Robinson, Simona A really great studio shouldn’t
Cipriani and Dr. Joe Muscolino, Cynthia Lochard, feel judgmental, and really great
Dav Cohen and Deborah Thomas—presented teachers have seen it all, from tall
a jam-packed schedule of workshops and to short and from big to small
classes. “Pilates conferences are there to share information and provide new and everything in between. I tell
experiences with presenters from other parts of the world that many may not my students as often as I can to
otherwise get to work with. I’m pleased to say that registrations surpassed any “focus on your own mat” when I
other year to date, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive from catch them comparing themselves
both delegates and presenters alike,” says PAA Vice President Olga Tamara. to others and looking around the
room. The only records you need to
Above: OnE Of THE MAny SPRAwLInG MAT CLASSES AT THE PAA COnVEnTIOn break are your own.

14 january • february 2016

get centered
We’ve all been there, trying to convince our partner to come to
mat class, only to be met with “Maybe next time,” “Nah, I prefer
a workout that makes me sweat,” or, the worst offender of all,
“But isn’t Pilates just for women?”

So how do you get your love to do your other love (Pilates!)? Lead by
example, says a new study conducted at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
School of Public Health. Researchers found that if one spouse ramps up his

or her exercise program, the other might just follow the leader.
If adding an extra session to your already-packed repertoire doesn’t
make your spouse hightail it to the High Chair, we’re hoping that our

readers’ tried-and-true strategies for getting their significant others to try
the method might be the magic bullet for you.


Relax and recharge your WITH ANOTHER SPORT.
“I convinced my husband,
body and mind at Spa Michael, to try Pilates once he
started running. He started
Montage Laguna Beach. slowly, but soon was training
for a race series that included a
W Hy It ’ S a H H H m u St: Located right 5K, a 10K and a half-marathon.
along the stunning cliffs of the Pacific Once he got serious about
Ocean, the service and staff at Spa training, we would take Pilates
Montage are among the best we’ve ever classes together. My main
experienced. Before we could blink, we argument was that Pilates would
were given a tour of the property with help him build strength and,
no shortage of attendants and escorted more important, prevent injury.
to umbrella-covered lounge chairs at the Our deal was that if I ever saw
sparkling lap pool. Other amenities of him running with bad posture, he would have to stop. when he had
the 20,000-square-foot space include a stress fracture in his tibia (caused by excessive running), we used
large eucalyptus steam rooms and dry Pilates. now he does stretching and foam roller exercises, and he joins
redwood saunas; a relaxation room in on my Reformer classes.” —Brittany Taylor, owner of Brittany Taylor
with Montage’s signature “antioxidant Pilates in San Diego
blend” trail mix; an outdoor area with
a whirlpool and cold plunge; and a MAKE IT A CHALLENGE.
fitness studio—Pilates Reformer privates “I got my bodybuilder husband into my studio by showing him a youTube
($145/hour) and free mat classes are video of Song young, the director of Pilates flow @2nd in Singapore (and a
available—and equipment room, both rock-star Pilates mover), doing Long Spine without Straps on the Cadillac.
with ocean views. As my husband is not one to be outdone by anyone when it comes to a
workout, I knew he would be up for the challenge. He made me go right to
P S r e c o m m e n d S : The Elements of my studio, start shooting a video and talk him through it with no rehearsal.
wellness Signature Experience ($445 He rocked it!” —Sunni Almond, owner of Studio S Pilates in Temecula, CA
and up;
includes massage, reflexology, water IGNORE HIM.
therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, “My husband was a Division III basketball player, and once he started
scrubs, wraps, body brushing, you name doing a little Pilates, I didn’t have to convince him to do more. He used to
it. After filling out a questionnaire in take my matwork class, because he could blend into the group. (I ignored
advance, Master Therapists customize him.) Later he started doing a duet with one of his guy friends every
the 120-minute (or more) treatment to other week. when the teacher was available every week, he decided he
balance your body, whether your muscles ‘needed’ to do Pilates weekly.
are sore from all the hiking, you’re stuck “[first-generation Teacher] Kathy Grant told me to never teach my
at a desk all day, pregnant, battling husband. ‘It's not great on the marriage,’ she said. I taught him once,
cancer, the list goes on. Says our tester: and Kathy was right: It did not go well. I found myself making dissatisfied
“from beginning to end, it was a flawless, faces and asking questions like, ‘Is that all you can do?’ So from then on,
unforgettable experience that really made he went to another teacher.”—Blossom Leilani Crawford, owner of Bridge
a lasting change in how my body felt.” Pilates in Brooklyn, NY

16 january • february 2016

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infinite and pristine beauty of nature. We worldwide. • 1.800.925.3674

Copyright 2015 Mad Dogg Athletics, Inc. All rights reserved. Peak Pilates® is a registered trademark of Mad Dogg Athletics, Inc.
Q&A ask the experts


staying aligned at home • fasting for weight loss •
tips to curb overeating • going to class with back pain
by Samantha Wood and Leslie Dantchik, MS

Samantha Wood, PMA-CPT ®, is a Nutrition expert Leslie Dantchik,

licensed physical therapist. She is MS, is the author of the health
also an international educator and blog
associate faculty member for BASI The longtime Pilates and exercise
Pilates®. Wood has an MBA from enthusiast has a master’s in
USC and is the owner of The Cypress applied physiology and nutrition
Center in Pacific Palisades, CA, where from Teachers College, Columbia
Pilates is integrated with PT. University.

Q. When working out at home—without the supervision of an

instructor—what are your best tips for keeping form up?

First, let your instructor(s) based on our observations during Of course, there are wonderful
know that you plan to sessions and classes. web-based tools such as Pilates
exercise at home, and ask It is also helpful to educate Interactive and Pilates Anytime that
for tips and things to look out for. yourself on anatomy. If you you can subscribe to and use on your
A good instructor will notice your understand why you are doing a phone, tablet or computer. Pilates
weaknesses or habits and be able to certain exercise—what the objective Interactive is a great resource to stay
guide you. For example, you may have is and what muscle you are attempting up to date with technique and help
a tendency to tense your shoulders to activate—you can use tactile you maintain the integrity of your
toward your ears during the Hundred cues on yourself to ensure you are form. Pilates Anytime has a huge
and/or arm work, or perhaps anteriorly doing it correctly. For example, when library with a variety of classes that
tilt your pelvis (over-arch your low performing the Side Lift, the muscle you can do in the comfort of your own
back) in an exercise like Front Support. focus is the abdominal obliques. If you home or on the road. It’s like having
take note of these flaws in form or place your top hand on your waist area the instructor right there cueing you
technique, so you can watch out for where the obliques are located, you through the exercise. Although there
them while working out on your own. should feel this area tightening as you is nothing quite like working with a live
Another good idea is to practice in lift your legs. If you don’t feel anything, instructor who can observe and cue you
front of a mirror, so you can not only perhaps your positioning is incorrect, in real time, using these tools is the next
feel, but see your form as well. Our and you need to adjust it to get the full best thing. Because remember, there is
bodies are smart, and they will take the benefit of the exercise. no replacement for good form! —S.W.
path of least resistance. So when we
are working without supervision, it is
easy to “cheat” or compensate with
stronger muscles, even if we are doing
so unknowingly. If you unroll your mat
in front of the mirror, you are more
likely to notice any poor form or
compensation, and then you can adjust
according to your instructor’s tips.
At my center, we give our clients
photo by bigstock

a “home program.” These handouts

have photos and instructions on how
to perform the exercises correctly.
We often highlight specific areas to
watch out for, or areas to focus on,

18 january • february 2016

Lolita’s Corner
Q. What’s the deal with intermittent
fasting? Will it help me lose weight?

The basic premise of intermittent fasting is to
initiate a hormonal response that will allow
your body to utilize stored fat efficiently
for energy, resulting in weight loss. You may think
intermittent fasting is a quick and easy way to drop a few
pounds, but it’s not as simple as arbitrarily skipping a
meal or two.
Although not all fasts are designed exactly the
same, they follow the same general concept of
on-and-off eating periods. One of the most popular
methods is eating for
five days and fasting
for two nonconsecutive If you want to
24-hour periods within
Program a week. While that give fasting
SOURCE sounds extreme, you
MIGUEL can be flexible on which it a try, weigh
day you choose to
Master fast. Another variation the pros and
Pilates. alternates fasting days
with non-fasting days, cons carefully,
Becomea Second
a Second
Teacher! but also allows you
to consume about 25 and consult
2016 percent of your regular
29-April2, 2,
FLFL calories (approximately a health-care
3, 3,
FLFL 500 calories) during the
“fasting” days. Or you professional.
visit might attempt one that is
designed within the same
24-hour period. This version has you fasting 16 hours
and allocates mealtime to an eight-hour window that
same day; you can count the time you sleep as part of
your fast.
Drink plenty of water throughout your fast to
help stave off hunger. Keep in mind, however, that
fasting does not give you freedom to eat whatever
you want—there are no cheat days. Like with any
Program diet, consistency and moderation are key, and
it’s imperative to maintain a healthy diet to get the
to to
teachers. nutrients you need.
Although small preliminary studies have shown
2016 fasting to have a positive impact on our health by
CA CA• Sacramento,
• Sacramento, CA CA • Newnan,
• Newnan,GA GA reducing risk factors attributed to diabetes, heart
• Palm
• Palm
Gardens,FLFL • Jupiter,
• Jupiter,
FLFL• • disease and certain cancers, fasting isn’t for everyone,
especially if you are pregnant. It takes self-control
NC NC• New
• NewJersey,
NY NY• •
and commitment, and it’s not without downsides.
Spokane, WAWA • Green
• GreenBay,
Bay,WIWI Common complaints include headaches, dizziness and
low energy, and in fact, many people find it difficult to
COURSES adhere to such a strict regimen—especially when you
• Fribourg,
• Fribourg,
Switzerland • • work out regularly.
Turkey• Kiev,
• Kiev,Ukraine
• Perth,
• Perth,
Scotland Most importantly, fasting has not been proven to be
any more or less effective than a healthy, sensible diet
• Piacenza,
• Piacenza,
• Sydney,
• Sydney,
• •
along with daily exercise for weight loss, since you are
France • Tampere,
• Tampere,Finland
Finland still creating a calorie deficit. If you want to give fasting it
a try, weigh the pros and cons carefully, and consult a
health-care professional to choose the best plan for your
individual lifestyle. —L.D.
Q. I love food—sometimes a bit too much!
Any tips to help curb overeating?

We’ve all been guilty of overindulging every now
and again. During certain times like the holidays,
it’s hard to keep your diet in check. Boredom,
stress or even misreading your own body’s cues can also
easily lead to eating way more than you intended. Here are
some of my favorite tips to banish binging.

A gooD offense Is your Best Defense. Don’t skip meals,

especially breakfast. Studies have shown that people who start
the day with a satisfying fiber-rich meal, such as whole-grain
cereal with low-fat milk and fruit, feel fuller longer and are more
likely to make better food choices and less likely to overeat later
in the day. Skipping meals to compensate for eating too much
is another sure-fire way to continue the overeating cycle. If you
are feeling bloated, choosing lighter fare such as a leafy green
salad with grilled chicken or fish and vegetables, may help ease
your food hangover.

PortIon out snAcks. Place snacks, like whole-grain air-popped

popcorn, in single-serving bags to help you from mindlessly
munching at your desk or in front of the television.

know the DIfference Between hunger AnD stArvAtIon. If your

stomach is grumbling, it’s a good sign you’re ready to eat.
But if you feel lightheaded, you’ve probably waited too long
between meals and are past the point of hunger, and as a
result, run a higher risk of binging. Keep snacks handy, like
low-fat yogurt, sliced veggies with hummus, or a heart-healthy
trail mix to keep your blood sugar from dipping. Not only will
snacking carry you through until your next meal, but it will also
help you resist the candy bowl.

stArt your meAls rIght. Use smaller plates, which give you
less surface area to cover, and start each meal with soup, like
vegetable-rich minestrone, or salad to fill you up quicker.

Don’t mIstAke thIrst for hunger. Remember to keep hydrated

throughout the day with plenty of water or non-caloric beverages.

slow Down AnD enjoy your fooD. While eating on the go may
save you time, research has shown that eating too fast may
actually inhibit the release of the hormones that tell your body
when you’re full.

Invoke the 30-mInute rule. Wait at least half an hour after

you’ve eaten to see if you are really want more. And don’t risk
temptation by letting the meal sit in front of you for too long.
Instead, get up from the table, and go for a walk.

keeP A fooD journAl. It may help you recognize your triggers

that lead to overeating.
photo by bigstock

In the short term, overeating probably won’t wreck your diet,

but over time, the calories can add up, and lead to negative
repercussions, both physically and mentally. The key is not to
punish yourself for one or two “bad” meals, but to get right
back to your normal routine the next day. —L.D.

22 january • february 2016

Q. I’m currently seeing a physical therapist
for back pain. Is it still okay to take group
mat and apparatus classes?

This is a difficult question to answer without
knowing the cause of your back pain. Depending
on the pathology, certain movements may be
contraindicated. For example, if you have an acute disc injury,
deep flexion and compression exercises—like Long Spine and
Saw—are not recommended. However, if the source of your
back pain is something else, perhaps extension or side-bending
exercises are not suitable.
Ideally, your physical therapist is educated in the Pilates
method and can advise you on which type of exercises to
modify and/or avoid. If your PT is unfamiliar with Pilates,
hopefully your Pilates instructor has advanced training in
injuries and pathologies (visit for more
information on the course that I teach), and he or she can fill
you in on exercises that are or aren’t appropriate for you during
group classes.
If your Pilates instructor does not have this advanced
training, you could ask him or her to please consult with your
physical therapist. Between the two professionals, they should be
able to guide you appropriately. once you know which specific
movements to avoid for your particular condition, you can safely
participate in group classes. Of course, it is always a good idea
to speak with the instructor prior to class, so he/she knows why
you are modifying or eliminating certain exercises. —S.W.
Partying it Up

in Denver
Our fifth-annual
party with Pilates
Anytime brought
200 industry
insiders—and lots
of dancing!

Want in on a little secret?

Want to know why we join
forces with Pilates Anytime
for The Next Pilates Anytime
Instructor Competition? For the
party, of course!
Not really, but our yearly
celebration at the Annual Meeting
of the Pilates Method Alliance is a
Pilates party done right. It’s the best
excuse to get the industry’s leaders
in one room and spend time with
everyone off the mat. Even with the
music pumping, you can always hear
a constant stream of laughter.
All joking aside, one of the
real reasons we take part in the
competition with Pilates Anytime,
awarding the winner a feature in
our magazine, is because we’re
huge proponents of new talent.
While we have the utmost respect
and bow-down admiration for our
industry’s founders and veterans,
we can’t deny the importance
of recognizing and supporting
the up-and-comers, the next
generation of Pilates influencers.
This past November at Chlóe
Mezze Lounge in downtown Denver,
together with Pilates Anytime, we
welcomed 200 guests to celebrate
the Pilates method and crown
Sara Colquhoun, from Melbourne,

First rOW: SArA COLquhuON, WINNEr OF ThE NExT PILATES ANyTIME INSTruCTOr Australia, The Next Pilates Anytime
COMPETITION WITh PILATES ANyTIME CO-FOuNDEr krISTI COOPEr; LAST yEAr’S WINNEr, Instructor 2015. (Stay tuned for her
juLIE DrIvEr, STrIkES A POSE WITh FIrST-gENErATION TEAChEr MAry bOWEN killer mat workout next issue!)
sECOND rOW: STELLA LAMPkIN AND brANDON gAMbLE; pilates style’S ExECuTIvE Other party highlights included
ADvErTISINg DIrECTOr MATThEW AbErNAThy AND EDITOr-IN-ChIEF bAMbI AbErNAThy the red carpet, hosted by Tracey
thirD rOW, CLOCKWisE FrOM LEFt: vIkTOr uygAN, ErIkA quEST, NOrA ST. jOhN, Mallett. Pilates people know how
rOSALIND vAN AukEr, bALANCED bODy FOuNDEr kEN ENDLEMAN, ELIzAbETh LArkAM, to work it! (Speaking of which,
NANCy MyErS, vALENTIN AND POrTIA PAgE continued on page 26

24 january • february 2016

Award Winning.

The ICE Credentialing Industry Leadership Award recognizes

an individual who has demonstrated innovative leadership in the
field of credentialing by developing, implementing and researching
programs or practices.
The Institute
for Credentialing
The Pilates Certification Program has certificants in over 45 countries,
Excellence (ICE)
and is available online in English, Spanish and Portuguese. It
awarded Ray Infante,
contributes to the establishment of the professional identity of the
PMA Certifying
Pilates teacher through delineating the role of the Pilates teacher
Agency Manager,
as well as continuing education standards.
their Credentialing Industry
Leadership Award on Thursday,
October 29, 2015 at the ICE
The PMA’s Pilates Certification Program offers the
Exchange in Portland, Oregon.
only accredited certification program in the Pilates
field. On May 22, 2012, the National Commission
for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) granted accreditation to
the PMA Pilates Certification Program for demonstrating
compliance with NCCA Standards.

Questions? Contact Ray Infante. or visit
continued from page 24
check out for a silly video with tips on posing for photo
Looking for opps, from Pilates pro jared kaplan.) The Pilates Anytime blooper vid—with
clips from their video shoots—got lots of laughs. hors d’oeuvres like street-

fun new Pilates style tacos, caprese skewers and bruschetta were passed, and as usual, the
champagne was flowing. (Maybe that’s why the dance floor got so rowdy?!)
Later, Lolita San Miguel and kathy Corey presented us (and also Pilates
classes online? Anytime) with a plaque from the International Pilates heritage Congress,
recognizing our work in the community—helping to spread the word about
Pilates, one issue at a time! It was a huge honor that we’re grateful for.
As we kicked off our heels following one epic dance fest, we couldn’t
help but reflect on how lucky we are to be a part of the Pilates community.
It might not be perfect, but it’s life-changing. And we think that’s a damn
good reason to throw a party every year. PS

Fun. Inspiring. Training.

Your online
resource for fun
and inspiring
Pilates and
Fitness classes.

Sign up today for First rOW: kAThy COrEy hONOrS ps EDITOr-IN-ChIEF bAMbI AbErNAThy WITh A PLAquE.
your free 14 day trial bENjAMIN DEgENhArDT AND jArED kAPLAN

26 january • february 2016


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Strength in

“If a tree falls in a forest, and no

one is there to hear it, does it make
a sound?” —Irish philosopher George Berkeley
This 18th Century question couldn’t be more pertinent and saw the way in which baseball compartmentalizes the
than to the Pilates method, says Joseph Quinn, a Pilates game and creates isolated statistics. I thought, Why can’t
instructor, musician and writer. “More people need to you create micro-parameters for the human body? If you
hear about the power of Pilates. There are all of these could write about the nuances of Pilates in a binary code,
extraordinary transformative processes happening with everything would change.”
people in studios all around the world, but the fact is that It didn’t take long for Quinn and his wife, Karinne
the information isn’t aggregated and put together and Dotinga Quinn, a fellow Pilates teacher, to realize the
presented. The power of Pilates needs to be recognized by potential behind the idea—a digital, Pilates-integrated
people who have never even seen a Reformer,” he says. network—and leave their successful Real People Pilates
That’s why he’s created the buzzworthy Pilates studio in Berkeley behind, moving to Karinne’s family
Metrics App (coming soon to the Apple App Store), a dairy farm. “We set up a room we called ‘the jungle lab’
tool for the instructor to track clients’ progress and for the with apparatus and computers. We saved money, did
community as a whole to gather data like never before. computations and signed up for the discovery phase
Industry insiders (like Madeline Black, Alycea Ungaro and [a think tank to vet the idea] in January 2015 with San
even the PMA themselves) are going crazy for it, and it’s Francisco’s top app-development firm right before my
easy to see why: In an industry where we’re obsessed with wife found out she was pregnant again. It was a total leap
details, the app breaks down the nitty-gritty analytics of of faith on our part. But we went for it,” says Quinn.
a Pilates session. With the tap of a finger, instructors can And from the looks of it already, it’s going to pay off in
instantly share a boatload of information—from intake more ways than one. “The future of health-care reform lies
forms to how many exercises were executed to the spine’s in predictive analytics and preventive care,” says Quinn. “If
biomechanics to the joints mobilized versus stabilized and Pilates works, and we can prove it, then the whole industry
muscles activated versus elongated. Quinn and his team expands and moves forward. The great part is that we know
thought of everything, in an interface that’s as gorgeous Pilates works. We just need to get into that data game and
as a perfectly executed Teaser. put ourselves on the map,” says Quinn. “I’m not trying to
But developing the technology didn’t happen overnight. change Pilates itself; all I’m trying to do is to demonstrate a
“I was waiting in line for a cup of coffee at five-something way to prove its value in the modern world.
in the morning on my way to the studio [in August 2014]. “If Pilates can be who/what we are—analytical by
I was thinking about Pilates and a better way to convey nature—and though big-data analytics, the world will
progress to my clients,” Quinn recalls. “For years, I thought come to us.” And that, my fellow Pilates practitioners, will
there should be an app, but didn’t know the angle. I was make one hell of a sound.
frustrated and opened up my Fantasy Baseball scores, For more information, visit
—Amanda Altman

If a Reformer and weight-lifting machine had a baby, it would be the Pilates Power
Gym Pro. If you haven’t seen The Home Shopping Network infomercials with
Pilates teacher Kristin McGee, the device is a mini Reformer—57 inches long and
65 pounds to be exact—that’s foldable and portable (it’s on wheels) but can still
hold up to 300 pounds. But what really sets it apart is the three-height-adjustable
incline on the carriage, which takes you from Pilates to gym moves in minutes.
“It's the most convenient way to get an awesome resistance-based workout
in your own home. You can get mega resistance when you raise the platform and
take your Pilates workout to a new level!” says McGee.
Celebrating its 10-year anniversary, the Pilates Power Gym Pro, now offers
13 DVDs and an online video membership at (from
$329.95; —A.A.

28 january • february 2016

Tot Training “I loved getting
to spend each day
You’ve heard of Pilates for kids, but what about for the even with our baby
younger set? Playlates, a new app created by Nathanael daughter and wanted
Buckley, a Pilates instructor in Washington D.C., is directed two things for her:
toward the tiniest of tots. The program features mini to keep her engaged
“workout” videos for two-, four-, six- and eight-month-old and entertained,
babies, each with 15 method-derived moves. and to bring her
The app-spiration? Buckley’s very own babe. “I loved fully into our world.”
getting to spend each day with our baby daughter and
wanted two things for her: to keep her engaged and
entertained, and to bring her fully into our world,” says
Buckley, who’s been teaching Pilates for 16 years in the
States, the U.K. and Down Under. “She was incredibly excited
about trying new things, and turning Pilates exercises into
little challenges she could master became a kind of daily play
for us. It helped keep our days fun and helped me appreciate
all the little triumphs she achieved on her way to the big
milestones of crawling, standing and walking.”

O u R v E R d i c T : Doing the moves with PS’s resident infant—

my son Owen, seven months as of press time—is fun! It’s
easy to fit in the simple moves anytime, anywhere, and they
almost always lead to a fit of giggles while he’s unknowingly
learning balance, getting light but necessary stretches and
strengthening his postural muscles. We’re ga-ga for it (free intro,
plus $1.99 per class; available at the Apple App Store). —A.A.

Train your own Pilates teachers and GROW your business!

Personal Best Pilates Instructor Academy is currently accepting applications from independent Pilates studio owners to join
our growing team of Teacher Training Licensees.

Benefits of the PBPIA Licensee Program:

x Affordable licensing of comprehensive, high-quality x PBPIA curriculum components meet current national
contemporary Pilates instructor education requirements for PMA Certification exam
x Substantially increased revenue potential for Licensee Studio – x No need to “recreate the wheel” – all instructor and student
you can begin earning revenue immediately materials and marketing materials are provided. TM

x Very generous revenue sharing structure x Brand identity – PBPIA is known throughout the midwest for
x Opportunity to teach workshops in your own studio, in small class sizes, rigorous standards and affordable pricing
your own market
x And central scheduling for students from a single website.
x Complete control – As a PBPIA Licensee, you set the schedule
and pricing for your own workshops


Like Personal Best Pilates Visit Our YouTube Channel

Instructor Academy on Facebook Follow Us on

Put nine lemons in
a bowl—or any
fruit really.
Researchers at
Cornell Food and
Brand lab found
that women with a
Is slimming
fruit bowl on their
down harder
kitchen counter
weighed 13 pounds
If you’ve made dietary changes and amped up your
cardio, but the pounds still aren’t falling off, other forces less than their
may be at play, reports new research in the journal
Obesity Research & Clinical Practice. counterparts. But
The National Health and Nutritional Examination
Survey collected dietary and physical activity data from whatever you do,
more than 36,000 people between 1971 and 2008, and
14,400 people between 1988 and 2006. It turns out that hide your cereal.
subjects who consumed the same amount of calories
and did the same workouts in 2006 had higher BMIs Those with a box of
than those who ate and exercised the same amount in
1988. What gives? the breakfast food
Researchers speculate that stress and pollution
levels might be contributing to the higher level of fat in plain sight tipped
storage. Additional factors, like sleep deprivation and
the use of medicines that cause weight gain (such as the scales at 20
antidepressants), might also be to blame.
To observe if stress or reduced sleep might be pounds more. Box
impacting your weight loss, keep a detailed journal
of what you’re eating, how much you’re exercising it up, people!
and sleeping, and your mood levels. Wouldn’t it be
something if the secret to a healthier waistline is
sacrificing that run for some zzz’s? —Kelly McLendon

Processed meats are the new smoking. A new report
from the World Health Organization’s International Agency for
Research on Cancer categorizes bacon, hot dogs, deli, ham and L’s
r a at s
sausage with cigarettes, labeling them all the highest level ne
g e essed m ns.

o n roc ge
ge ng: P f carcino
of carcinogen. (Note that this classification is based on research, r
sU r n i ve l

wa ain a hig
h le
not risk, meaning that cancer risks associated with smokers are con

still much greater than for processed meat eaters.) Time to huff
and puff those mystery meats away.

30 january • february 2016

Here’s the scoop on our latest obsessions.
good citizen PiLates LooPs Work out barefoot? During flu season? Get
a pair of these protective loops that are compatible with most apparatus. The
brainchild of PhysicalMind-trained Pilates pro Jackie Hinton, the sanitary loops
don’t sacrifice function, thanks to a trifecta of breathable cotton, flexible nylon
and waterproof foam. Choose from a single or more supportive D-ring (so you can
double wrap) and four styles for women (we heart The Socialite) and two for men

Lifefactory gLass mUgs Take your morning brew to go in a spill-proof,

BPA/phthalate-free glass fit with an insulated foam sleeve available in five colors
like Lava (orange), Sage (green) and Plum (no explanation needed). We love the
ingenious sipping well that cools beverages on their way out. Because the only
thing worse than a lukewarm latté is a burnt tongue
($26.99 for the 16-ounce size;

dr. dennis gross antioxidant cLeansing cLoths Stash these towelettes

in your gym bag for a post-workout pick-me-up. Formulated by Dr. Dennis Gross, a
dermatologist on NYC’s posh Upper East Side, they exfoliate, hydrate and protect
the skin without parabens, sulfates or phthalates. The wipes left our skin looking
dewy and got rid of any residual makeup ($18 for 30;
—Amanda Altman


From the yoga or Pilates studio to mindfulness practice or

meditation, Toe Talk’s stylish line of grip socks provides a personal
800.647.0859 •
mantra to help you focus your mind and invigorate your soul.
We Beans
teaser Food

Legumes are having a Tolerant Organic Red

moment. From cereal Lentil Rotini
made with navy
Whip up a quick dish with
beans to brownies these Non GMO Project
Verified, gluten-free noodles
made with pintos, that contain a full serving of
vegetables ($4.69 per 12-ounce
the buzzworthy box;

superfood—beloved Per 3 ounces: 300 calories; 1g fat; 15mg sodium; 11g fiber; 21g protein

by nutritionists for its

Grainful Steel Cut Meals
high protein and fiber
Vegetarian Chili
content—is becoming
known as more than The peppery, smoky soup with whole-grain
oats, plus black, pinto and kidney beans,
just as “good for is perfect post-Pilates ($5.29 per 10-ounce
your heart” or “the
Per (about) 10 ounces: 260 calories; 8g fat; 340mg sodium;
wonderful fruit” (you 9g fiber; 13g protein

know the rest!). Read

Beanitos Hint of Lime
on for our favorite
legume-laced eats One of the brand’s newest flavors, the Non
GMO Project Verified chips are made with
and treats. navy beans, long-grain rice and lime oil.
Round ’em out with some veggie-loaded
guac ($4.49 per 6-ounce bag;
by Kelly McLendon

Per ounce: 140 calories; 7g fat; 160mg sodium; 6g fiber;

4g protein

32 january • february 2016

Breads from Anna Black Bean Brownie Mix
Indulge in this chocolaty treat made with chickpea, pinto and
navy bean flours and without any refined sugars. (You add
your own black beans.) We love that Anna Sobaski, the brand’s
founder, does regular Pilates in Iowa City ($7.49 per 14-ounce
package, or 24 brownies;

Per 2 tablespoons: 45 calories; 0.5g fat; 55mg sodium; 2g fiber; 1g protein

Larabar Peanut Butter Cookie

Did you know that the protein-rich
peanut is technically a legume, grown
underground, not in a tree? Just three
ingredients made up this peanutty, grab-and-go bar, free of gluten,
dairy and soy ($1.99 per 1.7-ounce bar;

Per bar: 220 calories; 12g fat; 70mg sodium, 4g fiber; 7g protein

Love Grown Foods Power O’s Strawberry

Ever had beans for breakfast? Do it! This delicious
puffed cereal contains a blend of Non GMO Project
Verified navy beans, lentils and chickpeas; there’s no
artificial coloring in sight ($4.49 per 10-ounce box;

Per cup: 120 calories; 1g fat; 65mg sodium, 3g fiber; 4g protein

Mediterranean Snack Foods Baked Lentil Chips

in Sea Salt
Pair these with a Greek yogurt–based dip at game-day
parties. The plant-based, gluten-free crackers are high in
protein, iron and vitamin B1 ($3.75 per 4.5-ounce box;

Per 14 crackers: 120 calories; 3g fat; 180mg sodium; 2g fiber; 5g protein

Quinola Mothergrain
Express Quinoa in Spicy Mexican
A great substitute for rice, this delicious side, which
contains adzuki beans, can be eaten hot or cold and
only takes 90 seconds in the microwave ($2.99 per
8-ounce pouch;

Per (about) 9 ounces: 228 calories; 4.6 g fat; .6g sodium;

4.7g fiber; 7.9g protein

These natural and organic products get the job done.

By Nicole Grippo Ruotolo

Are “green” beauty products—which contain phthalates, SLS [sodium lauryl sulfate] and
natural ingredients instead of synthetic chemicals oxybenzone, are connected to a wide array of health
and preservatives—worth seeking out? Absolutely, concerns. They also wind up in our rivers, lakes and
says Dana Stewart, co-founder of natural skin-care oceans, and wreak havoc on the environment.”
line Mad Hippie. “The skin is the largest organ of But going green doesn’t mean giving up effective
the body and it’s porous, absorbing much of what products. We scoured the market for products that
it comes in contact with. Many of the chemicals avoid preservatives, artificial colors, fragrances and
that are widely used in skin care, such as parabens, irritating chemicals—and deliver optimum results.

When model (and Pilates fan) Miranda Kerr couldn’t find organic products that worked for her,
she decided to create her own line. Packed with green tea, chamomile and rose extracts, the
award-winning Kora Organics by Miranda Kerr Tinted Day Cream hydrates and gives you
subtle coverage ($62 for 1.7 fluid ounces;

Keep all-natural, biodegradable Yes to Cucumber Facial Wipes in your Pilates bag,
travel case and bedside drawer for those lazy nights. Organic cucumber soothes and
softens skin while green tea prevents breakouts ($5.99 for 30;

Mad Hippie Vitamin C Serum contains vitamins C, E and hyaluronic acid to help
reduce wrinkles, enhance collagen production and tighten skin. Smooth onto face
and neck before moisturizing ($33.99 for 1.02 fluid ounces;

Thanks to its namesake ingredient, kombucha, a fermented tea, as well as grape stem
cells, algae extract and green and white teas, emerginC Scientific Organics Kombucha
Cleanser removes dirt, excess oil, makeup and environmental pollutants. Plus, for every
bottle sold, the brand plants a tree ($35 for 4 fluid ounces;

Farmaesthetics Hand to Heel Softening Salve, formulated by green-cosmetics
pioneer Brenda Brock, combines caledula (which locks in moisture) and beeswax (a
natural healer) to soften snagged cuticles, dry elbows and cracked heels ($29 for 2.5
fluid ounces;

Want your eyes to look like you got eight hours of sleep? Nourish Organic Renewing +
Cooling Eye Treatment with Avocado + Argan Oil helps reduce puffiness and dark circles,
thanks to an oil blend of avocado, Moroccan and argan, and an ingenious applicator ($19.99
for .5 fluid ounce;

34 january • february 2016

Spritz Promise Organic Nourishing Coconut Oil
on your body, face and even hair to moisturize
and soften without a greasy feel. Rich in
antioxidantsand proteins, coconut oil helps prevent
the signs of aging and wrinkles ($19.99 for 3.4 fluid

All Good Sport Sunscreen SPF 33 protects skin from
harmful UV rays with zinc oxide, while moisturizing with
organic fruit and jojoba oils. Plus, the non-greasy formula
doesn’t leave a white residue ($15.99 for 3 fluid ounces;

Jojoba Bead & Bamboo Facial Exfoliant gently sloughs off
dead skin cells, so it’s gentle enough for the most sensitive
complexions. Australian clays, bamboo and pure Australian
jojoba beads (which are sustainably grown on the company’s
farm) penetrate the deeper layers of the skin, leaving it
looking radiant and glowing ($39.95 for 2.7 fluid ounces;

Farmacy Hydrating Coconut Gel Mask adheres to your
face so the potent ingredients—including moisture-
boosting coconut gel and cucumber extract—can
penetrate skin. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes, then
remove and gently massage the leftover gel into your
skin ($24 for 3;

Rich in phytoceuticals extracted from Italian
artichoke and natural jojoba microcapsules, Davines
Naturaltech Detoxifying Scrub Shampoo removes
product buildup without stripping hair’s natural
oils. Follow with Davines OI Conditioner, which has
antioxidant-rich roucou oil and apricot butter for
soft, shiny strands ($26.50 and $34 respectively—
each 8.45 fluid ounces;

Smooth a few drops of Josie Maran Argan Oil Hair Serum
on any hair type, from super-fine to unruly curls, for a mane
that looks healthier and lustrous, thanks to pure argan,
jojoba and avocado oils and vitamin E ($30 for 2 fluid
Cobalt Look effortlessly chill in icy blue

and shades of gray with our

picks for winter workout fashion.
by Robin Camper

for her




HEADBAND Nike Pro Swoosh Headband, $15; EARRINGS Oscar de la Renta Crystal
Stars Earrings, $150;
TOP Seamless Base-Layer Top, $30;
SPORTS BRA Splits59 ‘Loren’ Sports Bra, $48; JACKET Forever 21 Galaxy Print
Athletic Jacket, $30; SCARF Uniqlo
Heattech Knitted Scarf, $15;
LEGGINGS Fabletics Salar Capri in Northern Lights
Reflective Print, $45; BAG Athleta
Dot Dot Dot Drawstring Bag, $29;
TOWEL Manduka ‘eQua’ Hand Towel, $16; SHOES Camper Women’s Peu Senda
Flat, $159; LEG WARMERS ToeSox Leg
ONE SIZE Warmers Thigh High, $35;

36 january • february 2016

for him





HAT Heattech Knitted Cap, $10; MAT BAG Athleta Yoga Tote
by Mo&Co, $48; SWEATSHIRT Uniqlo Men Sweatshirt, $10; JACKET Fabletics Sylvan Cardigan, $100;
WATCH Pebble Classic, $70; TEE Kinetic Short Sleeve Nickel,
$39; LEGGINGS H&M Running Tights, $30;
SHORTS Kris Van Assche Printed Hem Shorts, $196; SHOES
Lacoste Sport Light 2.0, $147;

t hese r
c es s wit ls.
for suc it h goa
p w
ur s elf u -to-live- ley
Set y
o easy By A.J. Han
I t’s that time again, when you pledge to
overhaul your diet for the sake of your
waistline and your well-being. You’re
a paragon of virtue to start, but just a
few weeks (or even days) in, your motivation
begins to flag. Feeling “hangry”—hungry and
angry about all that deprivation—you scarf
or clad in workout wear, killing an advanced
Pilates sequence. The ritual will help boost
your confidence, she says, which is a proven
prerequisite for success.

commit to three
squares. Consuming
down two pieces of sheet cake at an office small, frequent meals
birthday party, and then scrap your evening might seem like a no-
salad for Mexican takeout and a heaping bowl brainer for keeping hunger
of ice cream. and energy dips at bay,
If that’s a wrap on your resolution for but it’s not necessarily the
2016, welcome to a not-so-elite club. Only best way to slim down.
8 percent of people who make New Year’s “It depends on your
resolutions make good on their vow to personality and schedule, but I find mini meals
slim down, according to research from the make people more obsessed with food,”
University of Scranton. That’s not to say Tallmadge says.
annual goal-setting isn’t worthwhile: The
research also revealed that people who do
follow the tradition are 10 times more likely to Consuming small, frequent meals might
succeed than those who don’t.
Before you blame a lack of willpower seem like a no-brainer for keeping hunger
and energy dips at bay, but it’s not
(or those cake-loving co-workers!) for your
poor follow-through, look at your resolutions
with a critical eye. Ask yourself if they can
really be accomplished within the time
frame you’ve allotted and what you’ll do
necessarily the best way to slim down.
specifically to support them on a daily basis.
“Without an attainable, detailed action plan There’s a physiological downside to grazing
in place, you won’t make it to the finish line,” as well: “When you continually eat throughout
says nutritionist Lisa Jubilee, MS, CDN, a the day, your body has no reason to tap into fat
cofounder of Living Proof Nutrition Strength reserves for fuel,” Jubilee explains. “For most
Pilates in New York. “It’s also important that people, consuming moderately sized, nutrient-
the strategic steps be things that you’re rich meals less frequently will give the body a
willing and able to work into your schedule.” greater chance of reaching glycogen depletion
If you spend long hours on the job, for and enable fat loss to occur.”
example, telling yourself you’ll cook every
night will only set you up for failure. “It’s Eat morE consciously.
more effective to be consistent,” she says, Multitasking—say,
opting for modest vows you can live with (say, munching while watching
two home-cooked meals a week) rather than TV, reading or texting—
lofty ones you can’t. can be a recipe for
To inject momentum into your best overindulging. Instead, sit
intentions, Jubilee and other experts came down to eat. Clear your
up with 11 very doable goals. Adopt a few to desk of distractions and
start, adding more as the first ones stick. By make your dinner table
staying flexible and being patient, these good- a tech-free zone so you can focus solely on
for-you behaviors will soon become second- your meal. “Chewing each bite of food until it’s
nature, helping you make those weight-loss almost liquefied forces you to slow down and
ambitions a reality. allows the body to absorb more nutrients,” says
Joel Fuhrman, MD, author of The End of Dieting:
Picture a slimmer, stronger How to Live for Life (HarperOne, 2014). “It takes
you. “Like any work project, about 20 minutes for your brain to receive
you should have an idea signals from digestive hormones that you’re full.”
of what the end result will
be” before you begin, says allow yoursElf a
Katherine Tallmadge, MS, RD, daily trEat. Nothing
the author of Diet Simple: not to like here! If
Lose Weight & Get Healthy chocolate, a bag of
Without Dieting (LifeLine Press, chips or a glass of wine
2011). She suggests visualizing your life when is calling your name, go
you’re at your ideal weight at least once a day, for it—within reason,
be it walking into a party looking fabulous, of course. “Banning 39
reading about the stomachache you had
Adopt a few to start, adding after a junk-food binge, you may think twice
about polishing off a box of doughnuts or a
more as the first ones stick. big plate of fries.

By staying flexible
and institutE fish
being patient,
these good-
fridays. “Like the
concept of Meatless
Mondays, this is a clever
for-you behaviors will soon way to include seafood
on your menu,” says
become second-nature, helping Moores. Ounce for
ounce, fish contains
you make those weight- loss fewer calories than beef

ambitions a reality. and even poultry, and

provides an important dose of omega-3 fatty
acids—nutrients linked to a healthier heart
and brain. “Still, it’s not a blanket pass,”
foods is not sustainable,” says Susan she cautions. “It hinges on the way the fish
Moores, MS, RD, a nutrition consultant in is prepared, what it’s eaten with and many
St. Paul, MN. “A ‘forbidden fruit’ becomes a other elements.”
bigger draw and a point of focus.” There’s one other catch, too: You can
“A healthy diet is about balance, not easily cancel out the benefits with seafood
extremes,” adds Jubilee. “That’s why I tell that’s contaminated with mercury, antibiotics
my clients to first feed their body what it or harmful chemicals like PCBs. To play
needs and save a little room for what it purely it safe, look for sardines, mackerel, wild
wants.” Many successful weight losers and Alaskan salmon, pole-caught albacore tuna
maintainers follow the 80/20 rule, making and Arctic char. For additional options, check
sure 80 percent of their calories consumed out the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s “Super
are healthy and saving the remaining Green” list at; you
20 percent for an indulgence. Others can find the best picks for your state or
simply factor a portion-controlled 100- to download its free app to your smartphone.
150-calorie snack into their daily calorie
tally. But be sure to make that treat count; Eat onE Extra
for a sweet or salty snack to truly satisfy, sErving of
it should be something you’re craving, pwroducE a day.
whether that’s a cup of fruit-flavored Greek Ideally, you should
yogurt or a few squares of dark chocolate. strive for a minimum
And if you’re tempted to go back for of five servings of
seconds? Keep in mind that you’ll have fruits and vegetables
another chance to partake tomorrow—and daily, but if you’re not
every day after that. there yet, know that
even adding one can
KEEp tabs. Writing help you peel off the pounds. (For once,
down everything you eating more pays off!) A new study in the
put in your mouth journal PLOS Medicine found that an overall
may be annoying and increase of a daily serving of vegetables
feel like a lot of work, or fruit over a four-year period led to
which is why many less weight gained— 0.25 pounds less for
people don’t do it. But vegetables and 0.53 pounds for fruit.
journaling can up your Low in calories and high in fiber, fruits
chances of following and vegetables take up more space in the
through with the changes you need to make, stomach, which makes you feel fuller faster,
Tallmadge says. In addition to keeping you says Dr. Fuhrman. “They’re also packed with
accountable, jotting down what you eat, as phytochemicals and angiogenesis inhibitors,
well as your motivation for losing weight and which keep fat deposits from expanding.”
the feelings surrounding every meal and An easy way to up your intake: Have a salad
milestone, is a process that’s vital to staying or small cup of veggie-based soup before
confident and strong. a meal (which has also been shown to quell
But don’t shy from documenting the hunger). Or use this goal as an excuse to
little slips along the way as well. “Negative go to the farmer’s market regularly and try
reinforcement is sometimes just as important a new fruit or vegetable—often, the vendor
as positive reinforcement,” she says. If you’re can suggest delicious ways to prepare it.

40 january • february 2016

Many successful weight losers and maintainers follow the 80/20 rule,
making sure 80 percent of their calories consumed are healthy and
saving the remaining 20 percent for an indulgence.

go a littlE nuts. you may soon be shopping for a larger size.

“Both nuts and seeds A paper published recently in the European
contain healthy fats Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that fast
and a broad array of food and restaurant meals contain 200 more
micronutrients,” Dr. calories on average than those eaten at home,
Fuhrman says. “Not only and they’re considerably less nutritious. If you
do they help to lower like to socialize with friends and family, get into
cholesterol and reduce the habit of hosting an intimate dinner party
the risk of heart disease, once a month. Eating fresh home-cooked
they’ve also been shown to benefit weight loss.” meals will not only allow you to control the
So how do nuts—which are high in portion size and quality of the food you put in
calories—help you shed pounds? For one your mouth, says Tallmadge, “it will also force
thing, as much as 20 percent of the fat in nuts you to seek out healthy and delicious recipes
doesn’t get digested, according to a 2008 that you’ll want to share with your guests.”
paper published in The Journal of Nutrition.
The study researchers believe that the protein gEt onE
and fiber in nuts up the satiety factor, so you’re morE hour
likely to offset the majority of those calories by of slEEp —
eating less later in the day. EvEry
But moderation is key, Dr. Furhman points night. While
out. Limit your intake to one ounce a day researchers
for women (one and a half to two ounces for have long
men). Eat them as snacks or incorporate them believed that
into oatmeal, salads and main dishes. He skimping on
recommends focusing on omega-3-rich nuts zzz’s over long periods may contribute to
like walnuts and almonds, as well as hemp, flax the widening of your waistline, in a recent
and chia seeds. animal study, researchers from Cedars-Sinai
Medical Center discovered that even one
squEEzE in a swEat night of poor sleep is as detrimental to insulin
sEssion bEforE a big resistance—a common precursor to diabetes
mEal. Whether it’s a and other health conditions—as six months
celebratory dinner or a on a high-fat diet.
baby shower, preface a “It appears that in times of sleep
food-centric event with a restriction, the satiety hormone leptin is
Pilates session (or other decreased, while the hunger hormone ghrelin
strength-training workout) is increased,” says Dr. Fuhrman.
or a brisk walk or other Figuring out your new bedtime is a cinch,
low-intensity cardio. says Tallmadge. “Count back eight hours
Resistance training creates more metabolically from when you need to get up.” Then get to
active muscle tissue, which can increase the dreaming about a slimmer, healthier you. PS
number of calories you burn over a 24-hour
period, while aerobic activity uses more body
fat for fuel. But don’t go all out—vigorous
workouts deplete glycogen stores and leave
you feeling ravenous—which can leave you
vulnerable to overeating at the event.

host a
party. A
lunch or dinner
out is fine
from time to
time, but do it
too often and 41

the Landing

Stricken with multiple sclerosis and a string of

complications, mom-of-three Gina Lang found
healing—and ditched her cane—thanks to Pilates.
By Gina Lang as told to Joanna Powell
Growing up in Sayreville, NJ, I was always was 11, and Jim, who was
an athletic kid. I took pride in my physicality 9. Thankfully, my mother
and competed on the gymnastics team in lived with us—I’d bought
high school. But when I was 18, I developed my childhood home from
problems with my vision. My eyes began her, and she still lived
rolling and moving in a way I couldn’t control. there—and she helped
My first cousin had multiple sclerosis—an tremendously. I couldn’t
often disabling disease in which the myelin drive, so people from
sheath that surrounds the nerve cells is my church stepped up
damaged, affecting movement—so my and took the kids to their
mother suspected that I might have it, too. activities. But still, there
She took me to a top neurologist at Columbia was a lot of chaos and
Presbyterian Hospital in New York, but there uncertainty. In the dark of
were no MRI machines then, so a diagnosis night, when I was alone
was difficult. He pooh-poohed her concerns with my thoughts, I’d
and sent us home. And in time, my vision worry that I was going to
corrected itself. go blind. I’d panic thinking
After high school, I began teaching about the fact that my
gymnastics at Alts Gymnastics in Matawan, own body was killing my
NJ, where I met my husband Joseph Lang. brain. It was a terrible,
Seven years later, after my third child was helpless feeling.
born, I experienced numbing in my legs.
At that time, doctors thought maybe I had More CoMpLiCAtionS
diabetes, but all the tests were negative. Eventually, my eyesight improved, but then
Again, the symptoms subsided, and life went I began to suffer what are now known as OPPOSITE PAGE: TWENTY-
on. As I would realize later, I was dealing with tonic seizures—sometimes up to 350 a day TWO YEARS AFTER HER
a very cyclical condition. that would last for 30 to 40 seconds. They DIAGNOSIS, LANG DOES
would start on the left side of my face. Those A BALLET STRETCH AT
A SenSe of foreboding muscles would stiffen and contract and then ROBERT WOOD JOHNSON
When I was 30, my family was devastated the spasm would move up over the top of my FITNESS & WELLNESS
when my brother was diagnosed with MS. I head and give me a kind of brain squeeze, CENTER IN OLD BRIDGE,
borrowed a book from the library about the then the right side of my body would go NJ, WHERE SHE IS AN
disease, but only got about halfway through numb, and I would lose control of the whole INSTRUCTOR.
when I had to put it down. I felt an unsettling right side of my body.
sense of dread and couldn’t finish reading it. I My neurologist had no experience ABOVE: EvEN AT HER
told my husband, “I have this.” with this symptom. He put me on an WORST MOMENTS,
Three years later, during the Christmas antispasmodic med that didn’t really help. LANG STILL TAUGHT
season of 1993, my fears became a reality. So I picked myself up and went to the GYMNASTICS, INCLUDING
One day I started experiencing double vision Rutgers University medical library. (Back in TO HER NIECE HEATHER
when I moved my eyes to the left. By the 1993, there was no Wikipedia or WebMD— DESIMONE, SHOWN HERE
time I arrived home, I was seeing everything you had to go to a medical library!) I AT THE GYMNASTICS CLUB
double. I went to an eye doctor who told me discovered that tonic spasms were more IN FREEHOLD, NJ, IN 2000.
the problem wasn’t with my eyes, but with effectively treated with a different drug
my brain. He called a neurologist who made called Tegretol. My neurologist trusted my
an appointment for me even though it was findings and put me on Neurontin, which is
Christmas Eve. in the Tegretol family, and that finally got
Because I’d read the book, I was convinced the seizures wrangled.
I had MS. I told the neurologist I had a I also had issues with proprioception,
first cousin who had it and my brother had which has to do with the kinesthetic sixth
been diagnosed three years earlier. MS isn’t sense. Basically, finding your footing on the
technically considered a familial disease— ground is connected to your vision, and if
doctors insist it’s not hereditary—yet there are those perceptions are off, it affects your
many instances of family clusters. Even as I lay balance. When I’d go from a small room to
in the MRI machine, I hoped against hope. a big room, I’d lose my balance and almost
fall over. If I went from a tile floor to a
At L ASt, A d iAgnoSiS carpeted floor, my brain couldn’t adjust—I’d
The day after Christmas, the neurologist called find myself grabbing onto strangers or
and gave me the MRI results. As I suspected, falling. My mobility deteriorated to the
the news was not good. I was officially point where I had to walk with a cane.
diagnosed with MS at the age of 34. With MS exacerbations, you get hit
For the next several months, I could barely hard until you get that issue under control.
see. I could hardly take care of my children, Your health improves temporarily, but then
Elizabeth, who was 14 at the time, Noah, who there’s the next onset and a new issue to 43
It was Pilates that
club had opened a mile from my house, and
I saw they offered mat Pilates every day. I’d
heard of Pilates from seeing Mari Winsor’s
took me to the next step in Pilates ads on Tv. I remember thinking, Gosh,
I could do that! You lie down and you don’t
managing MS because it even have to sit up! So I decided to sign up.
I loved Pilates from the first moment!
helped me function in the I began taking a mat class every day and
scheduled my whole life around those
daily world. sessions. As Zoey Trap, the Peak Pilates
master trainer who later became my mentor,
says, “Movement heals!” Well, she’s right.
rIGhT: THE WUNDA CHAIR When you start moving, especially with a
IS LANG’S FAvORITE certain aim, your body begins to heal. By
WAY TO SqUEEZE IN A doing mat, I developed longer endurance.
WORkOUT BETWEEN I was able to work through my pain, and it
CLIENTS. would be gone when I finished. My migraines
also became less and less frequent.

LeArning to teACh
Two years after that first class, the club
offered a PHI Pilates teacher-training course
for mat. I signed up, got certified and started
working at the club. I taught all the classes
no one else wanted—6 a.m., 9 p.m—gaining
experience while continuing to improve my
Astonishingly, until that point, I had
actually continued to teach gymnastics
despite my physical woes. My kind employers
at the Gymnastics Club in Freehold, NJ, let
me keep working a light schedule, and I rarely
missed a day. It’s tempting when you are so
sick to just give up and stay in bed. I only
treat. After each episode, you may get 90 worked four hours three times a week, but
percent of function back, but there’s always it was important for me to stay in a routine
some damage that lingers. that I loved. Having done it all my life, I could
still manage to run through the gym without
A new CriSiS tripping over mats. Elsewhere, though,
There were other health problems as well. In when I had to adjust to lighting, footing and
2001, I found a lump on the top of my mouth perceptual changes, I couldn’t walk easily
and was diagnosed with salivary gland cancer without a cane.
that required surgery.
I was also taking Iv steroids for the MS, A work in progreSS
which caused all my joints to swell and Still, it was Pilates that took me to the next step in
made me feel sicker. Reaction to another MS managing MS because it helped me function in
medication sent me to the hospital with hives. the daily world. You start in a horizontal position.
Two years later, my health completely Before you leave, you’ve transitioned into a
nosedived. I began having intense stomach standing position that you bring out into life.
pain and was unable to eat. In order to digest The repetition of movement effectively re-wired
food, the human stomach needs to contract my brain. When it sent out a message that hit a
three times a minute. My belly had stopped roadblock caused by my MS, it searched for a
moving, though—a condition known as different pathway to get the message to my feet.
gastroparesis, or paralyzed stomach. By doing the same moves over and over, my brain
I couldn’t eat. And by this point, the MS learned to re-pattern and send the message
was causing tremendous pain and migraines. a different way to my feet. With frequency, it
I was only 43, but felt 103. became more eloquent.
Moreover, learning to use my powerhouse
turning point to enhance my balance made a huge difference
One day soon after, I looked at my husband in controlling my walking. To steady myself not
and said, “I have to do something different. I just from my feet, but from the stabilizing core of
can’t live like this for the rest of my life.” The my body, helped my balance progress until I was
Robert Wood Johnson Fitness and Wellness actually able to get rid of my cane!

44 january • february 2016

Joseph always had a TOP lEfT: LANG LOvES
great rationale about the DOING THE SHOULDER
money I spent on Pilates. BRIDGE BECAUSE IT
He’d say, “I can either pay BRINGS BACk MEMORIES
for the Pilates, or I can pay OF HER YOUTH AS A
the pharmaceutical bill.” And GYMNAST. “IT FEELS
fortunately, the drug bills are ‘CREATIvELY ATHLETIC’—
now almost nothing. I take LIkE A GYMNASTICS
only Synthroid for Hashimoto’s MOvE—AND EMPHASIZES
and just one Neurontin MY LONG HAMSTRINGS,”
tablet a day—no other MS SHE SAYS.
My neurologist, Dr. Mark Lazar LANG, 6, AND GABRIELLE
in East Brunswick, NJ, has JONES, 6, LOvE TO PLAY
been with me from the start, WITH HER NOW-RETIRED
22 years ago. When we first CANE. “THE kIDS THINk
discussed my taking Pilates, THE CANES ARE SUPER
he said he didn’t see how it FUN,” SHE SAYS. “THEY
would hurt. Now he’s kind of LOvE TO PRETEND THEY
Moving to the equipMent amazed. “You are my only MS patient who has ARE HOBBLING AROUND.”
Ready for the next challenge, I wanted to start improved her baseline [function] throughout the
working on the Reformer, but I couldn’t really years,” he has told me.
afford it. We had three kids around college age. I still teach Pilates at Robert Wood Johnson
So I decided I’d get certified to teach it, and then Fitness and Wellness as well as at Pivotal Pilates
I’d be able to afford to do it! When Peak Pilates in Matawan, NJ. I enjoy working with a variety
offered a Level I instructor course at our facility of levels, but I’m also so proud to have many
in 2007, I signed up; I really hit the jackpot when special-population clients. I see people with
Zoey Trap became my teacher! stenosis, Parkinson’s, post-stroke paralysis and
Working on the Reformer brought even post-heart attack issues as well as one profoundly
greater relief from my illness than the mat disabled woman with sacral agenesis. Many of
exercises had. Footwork activated the reflexology them come to me because I can empathize with
points related to specific body parts: The toes are them as they’re trying to scratch their way out of a
linked to the brain and upper body, the arches desperate situation. The first thing I always say is,
are connected to the digestive tract. Moves like “Before Pilates, I used to walk with a cane.”
Stomach Massage also got my internal organs
functioning better. ALL in the fAMiLy
(Finally, after eight years, the doctors figured My family continues to be central in my
out that my gastroparesis was caused by life. The kids are grown now, and my
Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, which causes the body’s daughter’s family—including three of my four
immune system to attack the thyroid. They put grandchildren—now live with us in my big
me on Synthroid, a thyroid medication, after old childhood home. I love doing homework
which my stomach issues disappeared altogether.) with my grandchildren and attending
Because I had MS, it took me longer than Giants football games with my seven-
some to move through the Peak program. But year-old grandson Samuel. We’re
my instructors—Zoey Trap, kathryn Coyle and, obsessed!
later, Pamela Garcia—helped my body slowly These days, I do one full mat
find the ability to do some of the more advanced workout a week and squeeze in
skills. Still, I had to repeat and repeat every move. workouts on the apparatus between
But I did progress, and after six years, I finished clients. I love the Chair because
Level III. Then, in 2014, I faced my ultimate Pilates it’s efficient, and I’m able to work
challenge: I survived master instructor camp and the connections that keep my body
am now certified as Master Instructor Level I! functioning. Now at age 56, I’m in
the best physical shape of my entire
Support SySteM life, better than before I had MS. My
Throughout my journey, my husband Joseph whole life is so improved because of
has been incredibly supportive. He drove me Pilates. It opened up a world that I
to all my trainings and built his work vacations never even imagined.
around my courses. To him and my kids, Pilates As for that cane…I still have it.
is golden! They saw how it helped me heal and But not in case I need it. I keep it for
rejuvenate when I could have gone the other my grandkids—it’s become their
direction and ended up in a wheelchair. favorite toy. PS 45


If your workout’s getting a little tired, try these fun,

fluid movement combinations that will transform
your body in new and challenging ways.
By Courtney Miller • Edited by Amanda Altman

46 january • february 2016

A small change can make a big difference in how an exercise The outside-of-the-box use of the Baby Arc and Sitting
feels in your body. When you get creative—without sacrificing Box in the fluid combinations found here are some of my all-
the principles of the Pilates method—you can find new ways to time favorites, as they are functional, whole-body-integrated
get fit from the inside out. movements that are also fun, fresh and effective. When
For instance, with the addition of a prop into a trying a flow for the first time, do not hesitate to break
traditional series, dozens of new variations become it down and start slow. You should be able to hold each
available, making sequences feel new and often accessible exercise for at least two to three breaths. If you can’t, you
to more populations. Similarly, by intelligently combining are most likely using momentum, and that will take away
two or three movements into a flow, you can create a from the effectiveness and the safety of the combination.
dynamic, functional movement challenge. Using movement This complete series can be used as an amazing full-body
combinations is also an excellent way to amp up the workout, or you can sprinkle in one or two of my flows into your
difficulty level without having to adjust the resistance or current regimen to keep your workout feeling new. Either way,
increase the repetitions. A well-planned flow engages the have fun, remember the “why” behind each movement, stay
whole body while challenging mental focus, concentration compassionate with yourself, be consistent with your practice,
and coordination. and always be grateful for what your amazing body can do! PS



Adding the Baby Arc into Footwork allows you to incorporate spinal flexion, extension and rotation, while
creating a smaller base of support and balance challenge. It puts your body into a position where you can see
your feet, and make necessary adjustment and corrections.

S E T T i n g : medium springs; footbar 2. Inhale, resisting the carriage as you T i P S : The more precise your
one position lower than usual setting lengthen your arms and leg back to movements are, the more effective
for Footwork the starting position. they will be, so don’t be afraid to start
P R O P S : 2-pound toning balls and with basic moves and layer in pieces as
Baby Arc (or BOSU or small ball) 3. Do 10 reps. On your last one, return you progress. When doing Single-Leg
P u R P O S E : fires up the core; the carriage halfway, hold your arms Footwork, make sure your pressing leg
challenges coordination by integrating at 90 degrees, and do 10 mid-range is in line with your hip and that your
upper-body movements; facilitates pulses with your right leg. Then, hold pelvis remains stable throughout.
self-correction the mid-range position of your leg,
S E T u P : Place the Arc on the carriage. and do 10 pulses up with your arms. Start with
M O d i f i C aTi O n S :
Holding toning balls, sit on the To finish, press all the way out to a bilateral presses. Press through your
carriage, with your spine against the straight leg, and resist the carriage in. heel versus metatarsals to feel more
Arc, right toes on the footbar and left stable. Omit the weights, and place
leg extended above it. Extend your 4. Repeat the entire sequence on your your hands behind your head to
arms forward, with your elbows slightly other side. reduce neck tension and simplify the
bent and hugging into the sides of coordination aspect.
your body, palms up. 5. Repeat steps 1–4 for 2 more sets,
changing your upper-body and/or adVan CE d : Add unilateral arm and
1. Exhale, engaging your abdominals lower-body position with each set. Play leg sequences, play with tempo, or try
to stabilize your pelvis as you press the with lower-body options, like heels on a load transfer unilateral variation in
carriage out, bending your left knee to or legs in external rotation, and use your lower body. (Press out with one
tabletop as you bend your elbows into upper-body variations such as Hug a leg, and as you return the carriage,
a bicep curl. Tree and Tricep Presses. switch to the other leg; do 10 reps.)

This series is designed to flow seamlessly from one variation to the
next using the same spring tension and dowel setup with very little
interruptions or stopping. (To decrease the endurance component,
do only one or two of the sequences.) After you complete one set,
repeat the entire series on your other side.

S E T T i n g : light springs; headrest down; dowel secured

through loop SETUP
P R O P : dowel (or roll-down bar)
P u R P O S E : works the entire body while targeting the
deltoid and rotator cuff muscles to build strength,
endurance and coordination


S E T u P : Facing the footbar, get into a lunge position on

the carriage, with your right leg back (foot hanging off the
headrest) and left leg forward, foot aligned with the front
edge of the carriage. Angle the dowel toward the floor,
taking an underhand grip with your right hand and an
overhand grip with your left.

1. Exhale, circling the dowel behind you, then upwards

over your shoulder, until the dowel is vertical and in line
with your sternum. STEP 1

2. Inhale, returning to the starting position. Do 8 reps.

T i P S : Press into your front heel to help activate your hip

stabilizers and assist with balance. Keep your gaze focused on
the dowel throughout to maintain proper cervical alignment.

If balance or knee pain is an issue, sit on

M O d i f i C aTi O n S :
the carriage or on a Long Box. Reduce your range of motion. KNEELING T WIS T

adVan CE d : Add in forward arm presses with the dowel S E T u P : Pivot your body 90 degrees toward your right,
in a horizontal position. transitioning into a kneeling position, with your knees
hips-width apart and body centered on the carriage, spine
stacked over your pelvis. (To reduce the tension, move
closer to the shoulder blocks.) Position the dowel vertically
and in line with your sternum, with your hands about 5–6
inches apart. Bend your elbows, coming into Hug a Tree
position, with your elbows lifted and shoulders anchored.

SETUP 1. Inhale, lengthening your spine as you rotate toward the

footbar, keeping the shape of your arms in tact.

2. Exhale, returning to the starting position without losing

all of the spring tension. Do 8 reps.

T i P S : Imagine that your arms are locked in the Hug a Tree

shape, and initiate the movement from your obliques.
Visualize the dowel and your spine as one—keep them
moving together and aligned. As you rotate, grow taller,
and create more space between each vertebra.

STEP 1 If balance or knee pain is an issue, sit

M O d i f i C aTi O n S :
on the carriage or Long Box. Reduce your range of motion.

adVan CE d : Perform this in a standing position on the

carriage with your feet parallel. Add pulses toward the footbar.

48 january • february 2016


S E T u P : Bring the carriage all the 1. Inhale to prepare, lengthening your mid-foot, and your sacrum heavy
way to the stopper, rotate your body your spine. to decompress your lumbar spine.
90 degrees toward the back of the Press through your front heel to
Reformer, and carefully step onto 2. Exhale, stepping your right leg back activate your seat and hip stabilizers
the floor with the dowel still in your into a lunge as you simultaneously as you return to the starting position.
hands. Angle yourself slightly toward draw your elbows back into a wide
the Reformer frame, feet together rowing position. If balance or
M O d i f i C aTi O n S :
and parallel, and adjust your hands knee pain is an issue, omit the lunge,
into an overhand grip, arms shoulder- 3. Inhale, returning to the starting and choose a wide-stance squat.
width apart and extended slightly position. Do 8 reps. Reduce your range of motion.
higher than navel height. (The rope
should have a slight amount of T i P S : Work to keep your shoulders adVan CE d : Swap out the wide row
tension to start.) and torso stacked over your pelvis. for a bicep curl, and add a single-leg
Keep your front knee tracking over balance sequence or pulses.


Balanced Body Allegro II Reformer with legs, Sitting
Box and Baby Arc ($3,190, $225 and $245, respectively;

Meritthew™ 2-pound Toning Balls

($13.99 each; 49
In traveling and teaching Pilates across the globe, I realized one of my favorite pieces of equipment—the Ladder
Barrel—was rarely available in group environments, yet its repertoire is incredibly beneficial for so many
populations! Additionally, I saw Sitting Boxes collecting dust, only to be pulled out for prone extension work.
These two things inspired me to come up with a series that recreated Ladder Barrel exercises on the Reformer and
utilized the Box in a creative and functional way. Here’s one of my favorites.



S E T T i n g : heavy springs; footbar at 2. Inhale, pressing your pelvis evenly 7. Repeat the entire sequence on your
middle or high position (locked into into the Box as you lengthen and other side. Do 4 reps.
place); headrest down extend your spine, passing from
P R O P : Short Box neutral into full spinal extension, trying T i P S : While lifting into spinal
P u R P O S E : strengthens the entire to extend evenly in each vertebra. extension, focus on length over height.
posterior chain of the body while Keep your sacrum heavy and pelvic
improving flexibility in the spine and 3. Exhale, engaging your abdominals, floor engaged. Play with different
lengthening the abdominal wall; and slowly return to the starting breath patterns, and choose the one
works the spine in flexion, extension position without collapsing in your that feels best for your body.
and rotation front body. Do 6 reps.
S E T u P : Place the Short Box on the Instead of lifting
M O d i f i C aTi O n S :
carriage over the shoulder blocks. 4. Add rotation: Repeat step 1, into full spinal extension, just go to
Kneel on the carriage facing the Box, stopping in a long, neutral line. Exhale, neutral. The farther you move your
and slide your thighs onto the Box, lifting into full spinal extension as you arms from your center, the heavier
extending your legs under the rotate your torso to the left, reaching your upper body will feel. Keep your
footbar. (Your pelvis should be fully your left arm on an upward angle and arms closer to reduce the lever against
supported by the Box.) Point your allowing your gaze to follow. gravity. Decrease the range of motion.
toes, hooking your achilles tendons Move back so more of your torso is on
under the bar. Place your fingertips 5. Inhale, returning your fingertips to the Box.
on your forehead, palms forward and your forehead, and rotate to center as
elbows wide, and flex your spine over you lower to neutral. adVan CE d : The more your upper
the Box, drawing your abdominals in body hangs off the Box, the more the
and up. 6. Exhale, engaging your abdominals, challenging the exercise will be. Hold
and slowly return to the starting in a long neutral line and do Swimming
1. Exhale to prepare. position. arms for 30 seconds.

50 january • february 2016

This sequence is a favorite among many clients and instructors PIKE
because it is challenging, fun and has dozens of variations to
accommodate most levels. Each starts and ends in a beautiful 1. Inhale in the lunge, then exhale, flexing your spine into a
Eve’s Lunge, an excellent complement to any athletic conditioning C curve position as you push off your right leg, toes pointed,
session. As always, momentum should be avoided, and control is a and come into a single-leg round-back Pike. Keep your pelvis
must! Every time you land in your lunge, your foot should be in the level as you point the crown of your head toward the footbar
same place where it started. and draw your abdominals up and into your body.

SETTing: light springs; footbar in middle position

PROP: optional block between your back foot and the
shoulder block for petite bodies
P u R P O S E : simulates the dynamic nature of the jumpboard
while adding the power and strength component from
Plank; blends precision and flow; integrates Joe’s whole-
body-integration principles
S E T u P : Get into Eve’s Lunge: Facing the footbar, stand
beside the Reformer, with your right toes in line with the
footbar, left foot against the near shoulder block, toes
tucked, and hands shoulder-width apart on the footbar.
Bend your right knee, so that it tracks over your toes,
and lift your left knee off the carriage, engaging your
quadriceps. Drop your sacrum, square your pelvis, and STEP 3
engage your abdominals. Think about drawing your pubic
bone toward your sternum. Lengthen your spine, and
anchor your scapula into a strong, natural position. Inhale
to prepare.

2. Inhale, returning to Eve’s Lunge, articulating through
1. Exhale, shifting your body forward, bringing your your foot to land lightly. Do 8 reps.
shoulders over the footbar as you sweep your right leg up
into a single-leg Plank, toes pointed. 3. On your last rep, place your right foot on the front
edge of the carriage, heel lifted, and deeply bend your
2. Inhale, returning to the starting position, articulating knees and shift your weight back over your lower body.
through your foot, from toe to heel. Do 8 reps. Using the power of your back leg, inhale to press the
carriage out, and exhale to pull it in with an intentional
T i P S : Apply the alignment principles of the plum line pace. Do 12–15 reps.
relationship. Avoid overextending in your lumbar spine
during the leg sweep. 4. Keeping your hands on the footbar, straighten your
legs, and transition over to your other side to repeat the
entire sequence.

T i P S : Take note of shifting your body weight throughout

the series. In Plank, the weight shifts forward over the
footbar, while in Pike, the weight stays back, and the accent
is on finding a C curve and lifting straight up from your
core. In step 3, keep your hands light on the footbar and
maintain even weight in your big and baby toes.

Break down the sequence, and try just

M O d i f i C aTi O n S :
one variation to start. Use the Short Box over the footbar
for wrist issues, and do the series on your elbows and
forearms. To master the Pike, reduce the range of motion,
and practice small hops, focusing on articulation of your
foot and landing back in the lunge.

adVan CE d : Add in holds or small pulses to challenge

control and endurance. Reduce the spring tension to
increase the strength component. Add additional variations
to make the series longer and more complex; try a single-
SETUP & STEP 1 arm variation during the Knee Stretch Scooter in step 3. 51
I love to recreate yoga exercises on
the Reformer! I use the carriage
like a moving mat to get deeper
into poses, intensify strength and
balance sequences, and to condition
different muscle groups and challenge

S E T T i n g : medium springs;
footbar in middle position
P R O P : optional block between
your back foot and the shoulder
block for petite bodies and/or
platform extender under front foot
to widen base of support
P u R P O S E : fine-tunes balance,
flexibility and strength from the feet
up; tones the lower body; allows for
a deeper stretch in the hips
S E T u P : With your hands on the
footbar for support, step your right
foot back against the shoulder
block with a heel high and your toes
flexed, and place your left foot on
the platform; bend your left knee
deeply, placing your shin against
the footbar.

1. Reach both arms up to the sky as

you lift your torso to vertical. Hold
the lunge position with your chest
lifted, arms reaching and back leg
engaged and straight for 3 breaths.

2. Inhale, bending your right knee

and lowering your body as you
bend your elbows into a goal post
position; keep lowering, until your
knee is hovering 1–2 inches off
the carriage.

3. Exhale, lengthening back up

and straightening your right leg,
reaching your arms to the sky.

4. Do 8 reps. On the last one, spiral STEP 4

your back heel up and pivot on
your foot, so the outer edge is
pressing against the shoulder block.
Windmill your arms so they are
directly over your legs, open your
hips and chest to face sideways, and
look over your front fingers. Hold and
deepen the position for 3 breaths.

lunge position, sweep your arms
overhead, and place both hands PRINCIPLES OF THE PIL ATES METHOD —YOU CAN FIND
on the footbar; step both feet onto
the carriage, and repeat on your NEW WAYS TO GET FIT FROM THE INSIDE OUT.
other side.

52 january • february 2016

T i P S : Focus on foot alignment, and keep the arches
of your feet engaged throughout. The adductors are a
very important muscle group when it comes to balance
and stabilization in a standing position, especially in a
lunge stance. If the arches of your feet collapse, chances
are you have turned off this chain, and the pelvic floor
connection is most likely also lost. Press your shin firmly
into the footbar to help with alignment of your knee over
your ankle.

If balance is an issue, keep your hands

M O d i f i C aTi O n S :
on the footbar, or place them on your front thigh. Increase
the spring resistance, reduce the reps and/or decrease
the hold times.

adVan CE d : Hold each position for 30 seconds. Add

in toning balls, or play with different arm variations (e.g.,
Hug a Tree). Superset by adding 5 reps of Long Stretch
between sets and avoid taking formal breaks. Add in
pulses while in the deep-lunge position. Continue the
yoga flow with Warrior facing back and Side-Angle pose
(as shown).



Courtney Miller , PMA-CPT, is an international

Pilates instructor, educator and teacher trainer. Miller is a dedicated
student of movement, and seeks new opportunities to evolve and
expand her understanding of the body, mind and spirit whenever
possible. Her quest is to help others discover healthy movement
thorough Pilates, and inspire and educate Pilates professionals
across the globe.
Miller began teaching in the fitness industry in 2001, and has
passionately pursued certifications in Pilates, yoga, AntiGravity
ADVANCED: Fitness, TRX, prenatal wellness, ballet barre, nutrition and personal
training. She is the founder of, offering
SIDE-ANGLE POSE Pilates videos, workshops, education, and expert tips for Pilates
professionals and enthusiasts. Miller is honored to be a Pilates
Anytime instructor, ToeSox ambassador, published fitness writer and
fitness model.
Originally from London, Canada, Miller discovered her bliss when
she moved to the beaches of Southern California. When not emerged
in the wonderful world of Pilates, she can be found in a yoga class,
on the beach, hiking with her rescued boxers Paris and Sven, and
enjoying life with her love, Mathias. For more information, visit and 53
The renowned founders
of The Pilates Center in
Boulder show you how
to bring balance to your
body—Joseph Pilates’
ultimate goal—with a
mat series that will work
your fingers all the way
to your core.
By Rachel Taylor Segel and
Amy Taylor Alpers
Edited by Amanda Altman

As we all know, bodies come in many

shapes and sizes, and are often
categorized in certain ways: in fruit
metaphors—apple, banana or pear
shaped; geometric forms such as
rectangles, triangles and circles; or
scientific terms such as mesomorph
(naturally muscular), ectomorph
(thin, non-muscular) and endomorph
(plump). In Pilates, our mission is to help
“uniformly develop” the body, to bring
it into ideal balance and alignment,
no matter its type, so it can move with
ultimate efficiency and effectiveness.
This enables detoxificaton and
reoxygenation through enhanced breath
capacity and power, and unhindered
circulation and oxygen absorption.
Regardless of gender, genetics
or lifestyle issues, it is possible
to enable any body to be more
uniformly developed through Pilates.
However, this doesn’t always happen
automatically. It requires that the teacher
truly acknowledge all the essential facts
about the body in front of her/him,
and realize that the Pilates method will
need to be applied in such a way that
it will very intentionally accommodate
its unique needs. It’s basically a physics

54 january • february 2016

problem. How do we make the Pilates today doesn’t often ask much more or eliminated because of shoulder,
exercises fit each person’s specific of our arms and hands than to push arm and wrist weakness, injuries or
design to help achieve our ultimate goal buttons. So we immediately run into one struggles.
of uniform development? major, undeniable issue in making the We are going to look into several key
It’s important to remember that all Pilates exercises work effectively: Our exercises in the Pilates method that focus
the Pilates exercises came from a single upper-body strength is sorely limited. So on building essential fist, wrist, forearm,
mind/body—that of Joseph Pilates it’s time to find your Mo-Joe. shoulder and chest strength: The Bean
himself. Joe was a classic mesomorrph Mr. Pilates created a number of Bag exercise, Hand Weight Series and
(naturally muscular) with exceptional wonderful exercises specifically for Clara’s Castanets. Although the latter
upper-body strength and mass. Having building upper-body strength, and may not have been developed by Mr.
been a boxer, he was particularly particularly, hand, wrist and forearm Pilates himself, clearly his life partner and
powerful in his chest, arms, wrists and power. You could argue that all of co-teacher saw a need and created it to
hands. The vast majority (although it’s his exercises require and utilize this continue his mission of building full-body
certainly changing) of Pilates clients and strength, but many clients manage uniform development. Except for Around
teachers today are women, and this is to get through a lot of the repertoire The Clock, these exercises are for all
usually not the case for them. But men without truly building this essential levels and can be made easier or more
struggle, too, as not all men are like Joe element of the work. In fact, often difficult as needed. Mo-Joe, you’re about
was. Not to mention that our lifestyle exercises are simply modified and/ to be putty in our hands. PS
PhotograPhy by alan cox; make-uP by jessica chynoWeth; hair by sara colley; amy’s toP by soybu; amy’s Pants by kira grace; rachel’s oWn clothes

The Bean Bag

P r o P : Roll-Up Bean Bag Device (see
“Gear Guide,” or make your own with
about 3 pounds of beans, following
the instructions in our The Everything
Pilates Book, Adams Media, 2002)
M o - J o e B e n e f i t s : increases
strength in the hands, wrists, arms,
shoulders and upper body; helps
to correct imbalances from right to
left, and lower to upper arm; deep
breathing strengthens the torso
muscles and detoxifies the body
s e t u P : Stand tall in Pilates V
(straight legs and heels together,
steP 1 steP 2
and toes 3 inches apart), with your
spine lifted and belly in, holding
cLose - uP: steP 1
the dowel with an overhand grip
shoulder-width apart, bean bag
cord coiled fully facing your body.
See it in Action!
Extend your arms forward at Watch Rachel and Amy
shoulder height, making sure not to demonstrate this move at
hyperextend your elbows.

1. Lower the bag, widely flaring all

the fingers of your right hand, and
reaching forward and down to grasp around the dowel and raising the bag sure not to hyperextend your knees
the dowel from underneath. Then, flex to your hands. while standing.
that wrist backward as your left hand
replicates the movement. Repeat the B r e ath : Inhale deeply through your Reduce the
M o d i f i c ati o n s :
movement, slowly uncoiling the cord nose, lifting and expanding your rib duration of the exercise, or just move
and lowering the bag toward the floor. cage in all directions, then draw your the bag one way. Sit straddling a chair
abdominal muscles in and up to exhale backward, and rest your forearms on
2. Lift the bag, widely flaring all the smoothly out of your slightly open its back. You can make a lighter bean
fingers of your right hand down, then mouth. You don’t have to choreograph bag, or just use the dowel until the
forward and up to grasp the dowel your breath with your finger movements. movement becomes easier.
from the top with a fully flexed wrist.
Roll the dowel forward while your left t i P s : Use as full a range of motion in advan ce d : Try the exercise standing
hand replicates the movement. Repeat your hands as possible. Be aware of on a Low Chair or stool and adding a
the movement, slowly coiling the cord full-body posture throughout. Make longer cord. 55
Standing Hand Weight Series 1-6
ProP: set of small, light (1- to 2-pound) hand weights or soup cans
Mo -Joe Benefits: increases breath capacity, enabling the spine and organs
to move with the breath, two of Mr. Pilates’ chief concerns to promote better
health; strengthens the hands, wrists, arms, shoulders and upper body; helps to
correct imbalances right to left, and lower to upper arm
s e t u P : Stand tall in Pilates V, with your spine lifted and belly in. Hold the
weights lightly in your palms.

s t e P 3 .1

s t e P 1 .1 s t e P 2 .1

steP 3.2

steP 1.2 steP 2.2 steP 3.3

1. Raise your straight arms forward 2. Hold your straight arms out to 3. Stretch your left arm straight to
until your hands are slightly higher the sides in your periphery, with the ceiling close to your ear and your
than your shoulders, palms up. Bend your hands slightly higher than your right arm toward the floor close to
your elbows until the weights almost shoulders and palms up. Bend your your body, palms facing inward. Bend
touch your shoulders, then straighten elbows until the weights almost touch both elbows forward simultaneously as
them forward again. Do 5–10 reps. your shoulders, then straighten them they pass in front of your shoulders to
to the side again. Do 5–10 reps. the opposite positions. (You can add
a side-bend while your arms stretch
apart.) Do 5–10 reps.

56 january • february 2016

4. Hold your arms down along the 5. With the weight tips touching 6. Holding the weights facing
front of your body with the weights behind your head, as low on your neck backward with your straight arms down
touching and parallel to the floor. as possible, and your elbows bent at your sides, move both arms behind
Bend your elbows wide, moving wide in your periphery, straighten your you as far as you can without bending
the touching weights up along your arms above your head as high as you your elbows, thrusting your chest
body toward your chin, keeping your can, weight tips always touching and forward or otherwise misaligning your
shoulders relaxed down; straighten parallel to the floor. Bend your elbows Pilates posture. Return both arms to
your arms down to the starting wide to the side to return to the your sides. Do 5–10 reps.
position. Do 5–10 reps. starting position, without jutting your
head forward. Do 5–10 reps.

s t e P 4 .1

s t e P 5 .1

steP 4.2 steP 5.2 steP 6

B r e ath : Inhale deeply through your nose, lifting and expanding your rib cage in
all directions on the first part of each move. Then, draw your abdominal muscles
in and up to exhale “every atom of air” gently through a slightly open mouth on

Gear Guide the return move.

t i P s : Always smoothly control your movements so you do not hyperextend your

Gratz Pilates Bean Bag elbows. Keep your wrists straight, and your fists and forearms strong.
Roll-Up Device ($90; Do some of the exercises sitting on a stool or kneeling. Omit the
M o d i f i c ati o n s :
weights. Try reversing the breath pattern for more ease but less strength building.

advan ce d : Rise on your toes on each rep or throughout each exercise. 57
Clara's Castanets
The legend goes that Clara developed a handful of exercises after Joe’s death, and this is one of them. It’s
great for those of us who sit for long periods of time at the computer, on the phone, etc., making very
small, tight movements in the hands and forearms.

ProP: none in the opposite direction as possible. B r e ath : Same as The Bean Bag
Mo -Joe Benefits: builds strength, Repeat with each set of fingers, then Exercise.
flexibility and coordination in your reverse. Do a total of 6 sets, repeating
fingers, hands, wrists and forearms all fingers sequentially 3 times slowly, tiPs: Same as The Bean Bag Exercise.
while increasing circulation; deep then 3 times fast.
breathing strengthens the torso Do this sitting on a
M o d i f i c ati o n s :
muscles and detoxifies the body 2. Repeat step 1 with your rounded stool with good posture, choose 1 or 2
s e t u P : Stand tall in Pilates V, with arms in front of your sternum. arm positions only, or begin with only a
your spine lifted, belly in and arms couple fingers or reps.
uniformly rounded, down in front of 3. Repeat step 1 with your rounded
your pelvis, palms facing up. arms above your head in your advan ce d : Stand on your toes or
periphery, palms facing down. with your eyes closed!
1. Bend your right and left pinkie
fingers to touch the center of your 4. Repeat step 1 with your rounded
palms, and then stretch them as far arms behind your body, palms facing up.

steP 1


steP 2 steP 3 steP 4

58 january • february 2016

Around the Clock (and Back)
Now, using your newfound Mo-Joe, try Around the Clock.
Remember to focus on your upper-body power (lungs,
chest, shoulders, arms, wrists and hands) as you extend
See it in Action!
your whole body; and then again as you contract into a Watch Amy demonstrate
ball to grasp your legs and lift your hips to turn. this move at
ProP: none
Mo -Joe Benefits: strengthens the entire body
setuP: Lie on your back on a mat or cushioned
surface with your straight arms by your sides and
your straight legs together, feet pointed—this
is “12 o’clock.” Make sure you have lots of room
around you.

1. Curl up your head and shoulders, lift your

straight legs to eye level, and reach your straight
arms above your head, elbows next to your ears.
Circle your arms wide to the sides, and grasp your s t e P 1 .1
shins (keeping your elbows wide in your periphery
and shoulders broad) as you bend both knees in
toward your shoulders to pick up your pelvis and
rotate “1 hour” to the right. Pull in your belly even
more and squeeze your legs together and closer
to your ears to again pick up your pelvis and
rotate “1 more hour” to the right. Now you are at
2 o’clock.

2. Repeat “around the clock,” until you return to

12. Reverse the direction.

Inhale as you first curl up off the floor.

B r e ath :
Exhale slowly, smoothly and consistently as you
bend and grasp your knees toward your nose, and
continue exhaling as you rotate twice to 2 o’clock.
Repeat. steP 1.2

t i P s : Fully inhale to stretch the capacity of your Try beginning with a 2 o’clock goal and
M o d i f i c ati o n s :
chest, then exhale your lungs completely, until returning to 12. One direction may be harder than the other, but
they are as empty as a vacuum. don’t worry since Pilates is about balancing your body.

Sisters Amy TAylor Alpers and rAchel TAylor segel were born
in Youngstown, OH. They both began classical ballet in their childhood, studied dance in college, danced
professionally and later taught ballet.
Taylor Alpers attended The Juilliard School for Dance, danced with the Garden State Ballet in New Jersey, and
received a BA in dance and MA in dance history from New York University. She taught ballet at various dance
schools in New York City for 10 years.
Taylor Segel received a BFA from the University of Colorado and BA in dance from Loretto Heights College in
Denver, CO. She danced professionally with the David Taylor Dance Theatre, and Brent Mason and Company.
She taught ballet and was director of the dance department at the Arvada Center for the Performing Arts. In
1986, Rachel moved to New York City, where she also taught ballet at The Alvin Ailey School.
Both Taylor Alpers and Taylor Segel studied Pilates under the direct tutelage of Romana Kryzanowska at The
Pilates Studio. They received their Pilates teaching certificates in July of 1989. In 1990, after moving to Boulder, CO,
the sisters opened The Pilates Center. They established The Pilates Center Teacher Training Program in 1991.
The sisters co-authored The Everything Pilates Book (Adams Media, 2002), are active in the Pilates
Method Alliance (PMA) and assisted in creating the PMA’s certification exam. After two years of research
and development with Balanced Body, Rachel and Amy helped create the Classical CenterLine suite of Pilates
equipment. For more information, visit 59
The revolutionary
BASI F2 System will
change the way you
do Pilates—and help
you reach your next
“aha moment.”
Workout by Shayne Smith
Edited by Amanda Altman

We all have at least one Pilates

exercise that, for whatever reason, is
difficult to master. (Teaser, anyone?)
Eventually, though, that “aha
moment” comes, and things just click.
For Shayne Smith, a BASI Pilates
faculty member based in Australia,
it took a new piece of equipment
to turn on that figurative light bulb.
“I could not perform the Bridging
exercises well for quite some time.
Utilizing the BASI F2 System changed
this quickly and proficiently!”
“Short for Form and Function, the
F2 spring system helped keep my
arms and shoulders in alignment and
firing, while the spring resistance to
my feet/ankles created a higher load
on my legs and trunk to provide
a stable base. This all allowed
for my stabilizers to stabilize,
prime movers to move, large
muscles to create power and
small muscles to direct force,”
Smith explains. “The changes
in muscle sequencing—for Bridge
and countless other exercises—have
translated to mat class, for both
myself and my clients, who have
worked with me on the F2 System.”
This challenging series focuses on platform for their larger muscle “For the shoot, due to the flooring,
the inner thighs, hamstrings, back, groups to develop more strength and a weighted bag was placed in the F2
shoulders and spinal articulation. suppleness,” says Smith. Although to ensure there was no slippage,” adds
“The workout is something that will the exercises call for moderately Smith, who says that in his carpeted
help both males and females feel heavy resistance, Smith says, the studio, he safely uses just a sticky mat.
as though they are able to connect F2 system allows you to adjust the Get ready to consider that bridge
core musculature and create a solid resistance with ease. crossed! PS

60 january • february 2016

Setting: F2 System, direction 7; short yellow spring 1. Exhale, straightening your legs, toes pointed.
PurPoSe: strengthens the inner thighs and hamstrings
S e t u P : Lie on your back in a neutral spine position, with 2. Inhale, returning to the starting position. Do 6–8 reps.
your feet in the straps, heels together, hips externally
rotated and knees bent at about 90 degrees. Grab hold of t i P S : Initiate the movement using your hamstrings and
the sides of the pedal for support, making sure your arms inner thighs. Press your heels together throughout,
are straight. and move them along a horizontal line.

SetuP & SteP 1

Shoulder Bridge PreP

Setting: F2 System, direction 7; short yellow spring
PurPoSe: promotes hamstring strength, pelvic-lumbar
stabilization and hip disassociation
S e t u P : Lie on your back, with your spine neutral, knees
bent and feet in the straps, hip-width apart on the floor.
Grab hold of the sides of the pedal, with your arms straight,
SetuP & SteP 1 and press up into a Pelvic Curl.

1. Exhale, lifting your left leg, toes pointed, maintaining a

consistent angle of your leg.

2. Inhale, bringing your toes to the floor. Do 6–8 reps on

both sides.

t i P S : Avoid splaying your legs while focusing on keeping

them at 90 degrees while you lower and lift. Maintain hip

SteP 2 extension by grounding through your supporting leg.

Shoulder Bridge
Setting: F2 System, direction 7; short yellow spring
PurPoSe: develops strength in the hamstrings and back;
works on hamstring and hip flexor control while providing
a stretch
S e t u P : Same as Shoulder Bridge Prep, but extend your
right leg toward the ceiling, toes pointed. SetuP & SteP 1

1. Exhale, lower your right leg, keeping your toes pointed.

2. Inhale, bringing your leg toward your chest with a flexed

foot. Do 6–8 reps on both sides.

t i P S : Concentrate on stretching the back of your straight

leg during the lift phase, and the front during the lowering
phase. Maintain a consistent height between your pelvis
and the floor throughout. SteP 2 61
roll-over Control BalanCe
Setting: F2 System, direction 7; short yellow spring
PurPoSe: stretches, strengthens and increases control
in the hip flexors; encourages trunk stabilization
S e t u P : Get into step 3 of Roll-Over, but keep your
legs together.

1. Exhale, extending your left leg toward the ceiling, and

SetuP & SteP 1 do 2 pulses.

2. Inhale, switching legs, then exhale as you extend your

right leg toward the ceiling. Do 2 pulses.

3. Inhale, switching legs again. Do 6–8 reps.

t i P S : Keep your weight on your shoulder girdle, and out

of your cervical spine, as much as possible. Stabilize your
pelvis and trunk as you switch legs.

StePS 2 & 3


S t e P 4 .1

Setting: F2 System, direction 7; short yellow spring

PurPoSe: enhances spinal articulation; strengthens and
stretches the lower back and hamstrings
S e t u P : Lie on your back, with your spine neutral, heels
together, and toes apart and pointed in the straps. Grab
hold of the sides of the pedal, with your arms straight,
and press your legs out to 45 degrees.

1. Inhale, lifting your legs toward the ceiling.

2. Exhale, rolling over with control, until your legs are

parallel to the floor.

3. Inhale, flexing your feet, and separate your legs,

lowering your feet to the pedal. SteP 1

4. Exhale, rolling down to your pelvis, then circle your

legs, bringing them together to return to the starting
position. Do 6–8 reps.
theSe exerCiSeS were Created
Avoid using momentum to roll over by recruiting
By Smith’S mentor rael
your deep abdominals to control the movement. Maintain
the 90 degree angle in your hip joint as you roll over, and
spinal flexion when you roll over and back down. iSaCowitz and BaSi PilateS.
62 january • february 2016
JaCk kniFe
Setting: F2 System, direction 7; short yellow spring
PurPoSe: develops spinal articulation, abdominal
control, and hamstring strength and control
S e t u P : Same as Roll-Over.

1. Inhale, lifting your legs toward the ceiling.

2. Exhale, rolling over and tapping the pedal with your toes.

3. Inhale, lowering your legs, then swiftly lift your entire

body toward the ceiling, in a vertical line. CheSt exPanSion wide
4. Exhale, slowly rolling down, returning to the starting
position. Do 6–8 reps.

t i P S : Engage your hamstrings and back muscles to achieve

a straight line through your body. Roll down with your feet
over your hips, thinking about articulating your spine.


SetuP & SteP 1

SteP 2

SteP 1

Setting: F2 System, direction 8; short yellow spring

PurPoSe: strengthens the deltoids and triceps;
develops trunk stabilization
S e t u P : Sit tall facing the pedal, with your knees slightly
bent, and feet together and flexed pressing against the
pedal. Hold onto the handles, with your arms straight at
SteP 3 shoulder height, palms facing inward.

1. Exhale, opening your arms out to your sides.

2. Inhale, returning to the starting position. Do 6–8 reps.

t i P S : Focus on maintaining trunk and scapular

stabilization, and keeping your wrists and arms straight
throughout. Move your arms along a horizontal line
at shoulder height. Press your heels into the pedal to
SteP 4 increase the hamstring stretch. 63
S e t t i n g : F2 System, direction 8;
short yellow spring
P u r P o S e : works elbow extensor
strength and trunk stabilization
S e t u P : Same as Chest Expansion Wide,
but your palms are facing upward.

1. Exhale, bending your elbows into a

bicep curl at shoulder height.
2. Inhale, returning to the starting
position. Do 6–8 reps.

t i P S : Avoid leaning back—focus on

sitting tall. Keep your wrists straight
and stable throughout. Make sure to
completely straighten your elbows
between reps. Press your heels into the
pedal to increase the hamstring stretch.

gear guide
BASI Systems Wunda Chair, and F2 SteP 1
System and F2 System Accessory Pack
($1,645, $495 and $95, respectively;
contact, or

S e t t i n g : F2 System, direction 8; short
yellow spring
P u r P o S e : promotes shoulder horizontal
abductor and scapular adductor strength;
enhances trunk stabilization
S e t u P : Sit tall facing the pedal, with
your knees slightly bent and feet
together and flexed pressing against
the pedal. Place your arms in the
straps parallel to each other, and bend
your elbows to 90 degrees, palms
facing inward.

1. Exhale, opening your arms out to your

sides, gliding your scapulae together.

2. Inhale, returning to starting position.

Do 6–8 reps.

t i P S : Keep your shoulders slightly

externally rotated. Focus on keeping
the position of your arms consistent
throughout, making sure your upper
arms stays parallel to floor as you SteP 1
move them.

64 january • february 2016

hug a tree Salute
Setting: F2 System, direction 7; short yellow spring
PurPoSe: strengthens the shoulder horizontal
adductors; improves scapulae and trunk stabilization
S e t u P : Sit tall with your sacrum against the pedal, knees
slightly bent, and feet together and flexed. Hold onto the
handles, with your arms in a T position and palms facing

1. Exhale, drawing your arms toward each other, until

they are parallel and in line with your shoulders. SetuP

2. Inhale, returning to starting position. Do 6–8 reps.

t i P S : Keep your arms elongated, and move them along

a horizontal line at shoulder height. Make sure your hands
are in your peripheral vision when wide. Note the bias
toward slight external rotation of the shoulder.

SteP 1

SetuP Setting: F2 System, direction 7; short yellow spring

PurPoSe: increases elbow extensor strength
S e t u P : Same as Hug a Tree, but hold onto the
handles, keeping them in line with your temples,
fingers facing forward.

1. Exhale, straightening your arms forward on a diagonal.

2. Inhale, returning to starting position. Do 6–8 reps.

t i P S : Relax your shoulders. Keep your fingers facing in

the direction of the movement, and your elbows lifted
and reaching outward when bent.
SteP 1

In 2006, Shayne Smith, now Rael Isacowitz, who inspired him to further
a BASI faculty instructor based in Australia, delve into teaching Pilates to men. Smith is
started training in the Pilates method after determined to continue to uphold the highest
sustaining a knee injury during a national quality of the Pilates method and is now
karate competition. Smith has been training involved with advanced education all over the
in martial arts since 1992 with Samurai globe. Together with his wife Jordanna, he co-
International World Chief Instructor Shihan owns Pilates Studio 64 in Brisbane, and works to
Paul Mitchell Hanshi. He is a qualified make Pilates available to everyone. Enhancing his
Shukokai Karate instructor and holds the rank Pilates education, Smith has studied neurology
of 4th Dan Shidoin. and pain management with Dr. Eric Cobb of
Smith’s passion and interest grew in the Z-Health Education. For more information, visit
Pilates method after studying with his mentor, 65
Connect your mind, body and spirit—and
feel better about your body for good!—
with this mat series inspired by the
method’s six principles.
By Tamara Newell • Edited by Amanda Altman

Awaken your mind, body and spirit as you move and Pull-Ups!), but also discovered newfound joy to accept,
meditate to the principles of Pilates. Each exercise in this embrace and love it along the way.
intermediate mat series focuses on one of the method’s Even if you can’t get to the studio, you can do this
six principles—concentration, centering, control, breath, workout. Practice individually at your own pace. If one
precision and flow—to help you feel at peace, happy and principle takes you deeper into reflection, make room
better about your body. for more time there—don’t rush. Allow your spirit and
This sequence was inspired by my struggles with a mind to guide your body as you progress through the
negative body image during my teenage and young-adult exercises. Modifications and challenges are provided to
years. After healing from a decade-long eating disorder, meet your level.
I began my Pilates career in 2007. Through Pilates, I Incorporate this series into your practice once a week.
gained physical and mental strength, but surprisingly, As you develop your spiritual connection, you’ll discover
my spirit grew strong as well. The principles of Pilates a deeper mind/body connection during your regular
brought peace to my relationship with my body. I learned sessions. And that’s one of the most important benefits
to respect my body for what it could do (hello, Hanging that Pilates has to offer. PS

66 january • february 2016

P u r P o s e : Strengthens core, legs and 3. Inhale, scooping your abdominals body. You’ll learn to care for and
glutes; enhances spinal articulation and curl your pelvis off the floor. nurture it in a precise and individual
and flexibility in the hip flexors way, leading to your most vibrant self.
s e t u P : Lie on your back, with your 4. Exhale, lifting each vertebra off the
spine in neutral, knees bent hip-width floor, keeping your abdominals and t i P s : Detailed, precise movement
apart, and feet and toes flat on the hamstrings engaged. makes Pilates efficient and effective.

floor. Feel the length in your spine Focus on precise spinal articulation
and your shoulders gliding down your 5. Inhale, opening your mind and spirit as you roll up and down. Keep your
back. Relax your neck and chest, “knit” to receive precise wisdom for your ribs knitted together and abdominals
your rib cage together, and scoop your body’s needs today. scooped for core stability. Imagine
abdominals. Extend your arms by your each vertebra peeling individually
sides, palms down. 6. Exhale, precisely lowering each off the floor and then lowering
vertebra to return to the starting back down.
1. Inhale, opening your mind and spirit position. Do 6 reps.
to receive peace, joy and love. AdvAn Ce d : Zip your legs and feet
the Mind/sPirit ConneCtion: together throughout, and move your
2. Exhale, letting go of any negative Your unique body changes daily and feet closer to your hips. Extend your
past experiences with your body throughout many stages of life. Open arms straight above your shoulders
and health. your spirit and mind to listen to your while lifting and lowering your spine.

setuP–steP 3

A d vA n C e d 1 .1 AdvAn Ce d 1. 2 67
PurPose: strengthens the core muscles;
increases spinal flexibility; prepares the
body for the Roll-Up
s e t u P : Sit tall, with your knees bent hip-
width apart, feet and toes flat on the floor.
Allow your shoulders to stack over your
hip bones, and feel your spine lengthen
from your tailbone and your scapulae
glide down your back. Place your hands
gently under your thighs without gripping.

1. Inhale, pulling your abdominals in,

and round your lower, mid- and then
upper spine, creating a C curve shape in
your spine.

2. Exhale, leaning back in the C curve

position, engaging your core muscles to sit
past your sits bones.

3. Release your hands from your thighs, and

extend your arms to shoulder height, elbows
slightly bent and palms facing inward.

4. Inhale, imagining that you’re breathing

peace into your center.

5. Exhale away any stress, anxiety or

negative emotions.

6. Do 4 reps of steps 4–5.

7. Inhale, returning your hands under

your thighs.

8. Exhale, returning to the starting

position. steP 3

9. Do 3 reps of the entire sequence.

the Mind/sPirit ConneCtion:

Meditate on drawing peace to your
center. Let go of any anxiety and fear
around your body and health. A peaceful
center opens the door to hear what your
body needs today.

t i P s : Reach your toes and heels into the

floor for a deeper connection. Keep your
chin a few inches from your chest while in
the C curve.

Gently hold under your

M o d i f i C Ati o n :
thighs for support, or minimize your range
of motion.

AdvAn Ce d : Lift one leg up. M o d i f i C Ati o n

68 january • february 2016

PurPose: increases trunk strength and shoulder
stePs 1 & 2 s e t u P : Get into Plank, with your legs rotated out in
Pilates stance, heels together and toes apart.

1. Inhale, lifting your left leg to hip height, toes pointed.

2. Exhale, pressing into your right heel, and shift your

weight back.

3. Inhale, shifting your weight into your left toes. Do 3–5

reps, then lower your foot back to Pilates stance.

4. Repeat the entire sequence on your other side.

the Mind/sPirit ConneCtion: Without breath, we

steP 3
cease to exist. Breath activates our muscles as we move.
With each inhale, meditate on gratitude for your ability to
move. Exhale away any self-criticism.

t i P s : Keep your hands directly under your shoulders,

and your shoulders gliding down your back.

Keep both feet on the floor while

M o d i f i C Ati o n :
shifting your weight into your heels and back to your toes.

AdvAn Ce d : Extend your lifted leg into a full split.

steP 1
PurPose: reinforces the abdominal-oblique connection;
allows the legs to freely create gracefully controlled circles
s e t u P : Sit tall, with your legs extended and together.
Place your forearms on the floor behind your body,
elbows under your shoulders and palms down.

1. Inhale, bending your knees toward your body, with your

legs together and toes pointed touching the floor.

2. Exhale, extending your legs to 45 degrees, keeping

your chest open and maintaining the length in your spine.

3. Inhale, circling your legs to the left and down, then steP 2
exhale, bringing them up to the right and finally back to
45 degrees. Do 3–5 reps in each direction.

the Mind/sPirit ConneCtion: Graceful control

over daily health releases freedom within your body, mind
and spirit. Pilates is a structured method that challenges
control over the body, while emphasizing graceful
movement. Increasing your self-control while having grace
within ourselves opens us to joyful living.

tiP: Invite a spirit of grace through your open chest as

you circle your legs.

AdvAn Ce d : Increase your range of motion. 69
PurPose: strengthens the core, arms,
hip flexors and legs; increases flexibility
in the shoulders and hamstrings
s e t u P : Sit tall, with your legs straight
and together. Place your hands behind
your hips, fingers facing back.

1. Inhale, lifting your hips into Reverse

steP 1 Plank.

2. Exhale, bending your right knee to

tabletop, then straighten it toward the
ceiling, and lower it back down.

3. Repeat on your other side. Do 4 reps.

4. Inhale, kicking your right leg up.

5. Exhale, lowering your leg to the

starting position.

6. Repeat on your other side. Do 4 reps.

the Mind/sPirit ConneCtion:

Living “in the flow” strikes a balance
of structure and stability with fluidity.
Meditate on how you can create more
structure to increase the flow in your life.

t i P s : Engage your supporting leg

and glutes to allow your moving leg to
steP 2
flow through the sequence. Focus on
keeping your entire body in one straight,
diagonal line.

Lower onto your

M o d i f i C Ati o n :
forearms, or just hold Reverse Plank
without moving your legs.

AdvAn Ce d : Rotate your arms inward,

fingers facing your hips.

Through Pilates,
I gained physical
and mental strength,
but surprisingly, my
spirit grew strong
as well.
stePs 4 & 5

70 january • february 2016

PurPose: improves balance and
concentration; strengthens the legs
and ankles
s e t u P : Stand tall in Pilates stance,
with your heels together and toes
apart. Relax your rounded arms in
front of your body.

1. Lift your heels and arms together.

2. Raise your arms up, slightly in

front of your head.

3. Hold for 10 seconds, meditating

on bringing the joy from your
workout into your day.

4. Lower your heels and arms setuP steP 1

together. Do 3 reps, breathing

naturally throughout.

the Mind/sPirit ConneCtion:

Concentration deepens the work
within our body, mind and spirit,
leading to greater satisfaction and
joy with your body. As you finish the
sequence, carry this deep joy into
your daily activities.

t i P s : Maintain the connection though

the midline of your body. Keep your
focus slightly above eye level.

Keep your arms

M o d i f i C Ati o n :
down while holding the balance.

AdvAn Ce d : Open your arms to your

sides, and balance on your right toes
with your left foot behind your right
ankle. Repeat on your other side.
steP 2 AdvAn Ce d

Tamara Newell , a Pilates awarded the Kathy Grant Memorial Scholarship to

teacher and holistic nutritionist, is on a mission to BASI Pilates Mentor Program. This is her second
inspire and empower women to manifest their most appearance in Pilates Style, and she is a brand
beautiful selves from the inside out through their ambassador for VooLuu nutrition products.
movement, meals and mind-set. She’s the owner A former ballet dancer, Newell trained at the
of Tamara Newell Pilates in New York City, with Joffrey Ballet and Rock School of the Pennsylvania
several digital Pilates and cardio-ballet DVDs Ballet before graduating from Marymount
under her belt. This spring, Newell will release Manhattan College. She is certified by Core Pilates
her online program, Peace Joy Pilates: 6 Steps to a NYC and American Fitness Professionals and
Peaceful Body, Joyful Life & Loving Pilates Associates. Newell lives in New York City with
( In May 2015, her husband and son. For more information, visit
Newell began training with Rael Isacowitz and was 71
Salt-Baked Sweet Potato

I sometimes make this with massive
russet potatoes, and other times—
like this—with plump sweet potatoes:
White-fleshed Japanese sweet
potatoes are my preference. In either

case, it’s all about the toppings. The
silky turmeric onions are good on
just about anything, but particularly
nice mingling with bursts of
grapefruit segments, toasted walnuts,
herbs and crème fraîche. It’s a quirky
mix that somehow works.
(Serves 6)

3 medIum SweeT poTaToeS

Large-graIn Sea SaLT To TaSTe
2 TabLeSpoonS exTra-vIrgIn oLIve oIL
1 medIum YeLLow onIon,
quarTered and THInLY SLIced
½ TabLeSpoon TurmerIc
1/4 TeaSpoon FIne-graIn Sea SaLT
1 TabLeSpoon wHITe wIne
grapeFruIT SegmenTS, ToaSTed
waLnuTS, cHopped oLIveS,
dILL, cHIveS and aruguLa, To
½ cup crème FraîcHe

1. preheat the oven to 400°F.

Scrub the sweet potatoes, prick
them all over with a fork and
sprinkle generously with sea
salt. bake until tender. This can
take an hour for large potatoes,
less for smaller.
2. while the potatoes are
roasting, heat the olive oil in
a skillet over medium heat.
add the onions, turmeric and
salt. cook until the onions are
soft but not browned, about 7
minutes. add the vinegar to the
pan, and let it caramelize for a
These easy-to-make recipes from San minute or so, adding a couple
tablespoons of water if the pan
Francisco–based chef Heidi Swanson’s Near becomes dry. remove from the
heat and set aside.
& Far use simple, seasonal ingredients to 3. next, prepare the rest of your
yield Instagram-worthy results. You can toppings. when the potatoes are
done, cut each in half lengthwise.
make them in minutes, which means more Salt a bit, and use a fork to gently
fluff some of the flesh. add a
time for matwork—and less time obsessing touch of crème fraîche, then really
about the scale. Tap that heart. pile on the toppings, like walnuts
and olives, and salt to taste.
Recipes and photos by Heidi Swanson 4. Serve nestled together in a
bowl or on a platter with some
arugula tucked about.

72 january • february 2016

Yogurt Bowl
This is visually gorgeous and texturally interesting, with the
smoothness of the yogurt punctuated with puffed quinoa and
toasted sunflower seeds—a quick stunner at ease anchoring a
brunch spread.
(Serves 1)

2 TabLeSpoonS FreSH pomegranaTe juIce

drIzzLe HoneY
bIg doLLop greek-STYLe YogurT
HandFuL puFFed quInoa cereaL
SprInkLIng ToaSTed SunFLower SeedS
wHoLe pomegranaTe SeedS or FreSH or drIed roSe peTaLS (opTIonaL)
bee poLLen (opTIonaL)

In a bowl, swirl the pomegranate juice and honey into the

yogurt just a bit, sprinkle with the cereal and sunflower
seeds, then finish with the pomegranate seeds or rose
petals and bee pollen (if you’re using).

SProut Salad
A powerhouse of a lunch salad, this comes together fast—fresh
sprouted mung beans, creamy avocado and golden, toasted
almonds sit alongside a generous dollop of salted, arugula-spiked
yogurt. It's beautiful, and you feel great eating it. If sprouts aren’t
your thing, you can easily swap cooked mung beans, cannellini
beans, or any lentils that hold their shape when cooked—black
belugas or lentilles du Puy are both good options.
(Serves 2–4)

3/4 cup greek-STYLe YogurT

1/4 TeaSpoon FIne-graIn Sea SaLT, pLuS a pIncH
HandFuL aruguLa, cHopped
SmaLL buncH cHIveS, mInced, FLowerS (IF anY) reServed
8 ounceS SprouTed or cooked mung beanS (abouT 2 cupS)
bIg HandFuL weLL-ToaSTed SLIced aLmondS
good exTra-vIrgIn oLIve oIL
1 rIpe avocado, cHopped These gorgeous recipes were
reprinted with permission from
1. In a small bowl, combine the yogurt, 1/4 teaspoon salt, Near & Far by Heidi Swanson,
arugula and chives. copyright ©2015. Published by
2. In a larger bowl, toss the mung beans and almonds with Ten Speed Press, an imprint of
a splash of olive oil and a pinch of salt. add the avocado, Penguin Random House LLC.
and gently toss once or twice more.
3. Serve the mung beans next to the yogurt mixture, and
drizzle with a bit more olive oil. If your bunch of chives
included a few chive flowers, sprinkle them on the top. 73
Rael Isacowitz, the founder of global brand BASI Pilates, gives
us a behind-the-scenes glimpse into his extraordinary summer.
by Rael Isacowitz



S ince the late 1980s, I have been traveling

extensively around the world teaching
Pilates. I never intended to travel so much in
my career. Yet as BASI Pilates has expanded
to more than 30 countries and 100 host locations,
my life seems to have been set on a tangent of
We landed at Heathrow airport early afternoon,
and for the first time ever, my luggage did not
arrive. Adelle’s and Elan’s did, as did a small bag,
which had my windsurfing and kiteboarding gear
circumnavigating the globe time and time again. (essential for teaching Pilates!). But of course, as
I typically plan my longer trips for the summer Murphy’s Law would have it, all my workout and
months, so my wife Adelle and our son Elan, 14, casual clothes did not. So as I showered for our
can join me. This past summer, I brought them first dinner engagement with [BASI UK licensees]
along for a journey through London, Turkey and Lisa Lamberti and Theo Botha, I started to
across the Aegean Sea that will be indelibly printed contemplate what I am going to wear. All I will say
in our minds forever. is it challenged my creativity in dress and fashion
Pilates Style asked me to share my memories of to the maximum, and did include wearing a t-shirt
my summer 2015. Here are some selections from my of Elan’s, taking the meaning of compression
journal—and a real look into BASI Pilates history in shirts to a new level. It was a great evening, and
the making. I’ve also included a few web addresses it showed me, as I have been shown many times
where you’ll find some video footage, so you can in life, it is not about what you wear, but how you
see these pages come to life. wear it, that counts!
74 january • february 2016
Today was a long day, starting with a five-hour Onward bound to Turkey. Adelle, Elan and
workshop and culminating with a two-hour I made the critical mistake of eating a meal
Marathon Mat Class. More than 100 people on the plane, knowing full well that our dear
attended the class in a gorgeous church, adorned friends Cengiz Han and Ceylan Ucgun [the BASI
with soaring stained glass windows and towering Licensees for Turkey and partners in BASI Systems
ceilings. It felt spiritual from the moment I walked Pilates equipment] would meet us at the airport,
in. Seeing so many faces, both new and old, filled and whisk us off to some unique and special locale
my heart with joy. for dinner. We went to BEYTI, one of the finest meat
restaurants in Istanbul, established in 1945, and all I
AUGUST 7–9, LONDON wanted was water and salad. (I am still grieving over
this faux pas—I am a foodie at heart!).
I taught a Mentor Program, which is certainly the During dinner, I was presented with a
most rigorous of the programs I offer and at meticulously laid-out schedule for our five-day-
the same time, the most transformational. This long stay. Once I looked it over, I understood
one in London was no exception. My heartfelt the reason for them trying to pump me with
gratitude goes out to all those who made it so nourishment. Between photo shoots, newspaper
special. The mix of people was extraordinary, and TV interviews, teaching, meetings and social
coming from such different Pilates backgrounds engagements, I would definitely be deprived of
as well as life backgrounds: dance, martial arts, both food and sleep.
physical therapy. One story, written to me in a
letter following the course, touched my heart AUGUST 13, ISTANBUL
deeply. A student in the course, who due to some
unfortunate knocks in life, had found herself The day started with a photo shoot on the helipad
homeless with little hope of bouncing back and of one of the tallest buildings in Istanbul, the
building the life she once imagined for herself. Point Hotel. It was stunning, to say the least. It
Yet, through hard work, determination and her felt almost surreal landing on this helipad, looking
belief in Pilates, she is not only back on track, but over Istanbul and doing a photo shoot for the
is completing a master’s degree, teaching full time multiple media outlets that the PR company we
as a single mom, and enjoying and appreciating were working with in Turkey had secured. At
every moment in life. I am humbled to my core first, it was just the photographer and me, and
that I became a part of her incredible story. then all the participants of the Mentor Program



ON 75
joined us. The photographer was an artist through overlooking the Bosphorus. At some point, all
and through. It was a meeting of the minds and were summoned to the auditorium for the official
creative spirits for sure. launch of BASI Systems, which kicked off with the
screening of a video about the equipment. (See
AUGUST 13–15, ISTANBUL it at I gave an opening
address, thanked everyone I could think of (of
Another incredible Mentor Program! It was the course, I forgot a few and kicked myself later)
same course and same material, but in a different and gave a brief overview of the equipment, then
country and different culture with different was whisked to a sunset photo shoot. With all the
students—it was an entirely different experience. It excitement, very little food and tons of inspiration,
never ceases to amaze me how vastly different the my spirit was elevated to new heights, despite
experience can be from group to group, despite feeling a little lightheaded. (Check out the videos
the material being so similar. at
Post-shoot, Cengiz Han and I ran to the
AUGUST 16, ISTANBUL spa for a little much needed pampering. Then
we caught a water taxi to the other side of
This was a very special and deeply moving day for the straight, where Adelle, Elan and the other
me: the launch of BASI Systems Pilates equipment. partners in BASI Systems—Oktay Duran, Cem
Where do I begin? The location was the Four Karakas and Ceylan—awaited us. At last, I was
Seasons Hotel at the Bosphorus, undoubtedly able to eat and enjoy the gorgeous evening,
one of the most stunning hotels I have ever surrounded by friends, family, special guests and
seen. The day began with a 90-minute advanced fantastic food. What a celebration.
mat class—nothing like starting the day with a
bang!—followed by a four-hour workshop about AUGUST 17–19, ALACATI
creating the ultimate Pilates session. (See the
video at There were about Now the trip really started gaining steam! We
80 students there to see and test-drive our new caught an early morning flight down to Alacati,
line of apparatus, designed for professionals, by a world-class windsurfing and kiteboarding
professionals; the quality shines through in every town. Unfortunately, the wind did not pick up,
single detail. The number of journalists and TV but nothing could dampen my mood, not even
reporters that showed up (several of whom took the the lack of wind (every windsurfer’s nightmare).
mat class) floored me. (The FOX prime-time sport We stayed in a little inn, swam in the pool and
channel ran an 18-minute segment on Pilates, BASI in the sea, and Elan, Cengiz Han and I went for
Pilates and BASI Systems later that evening.) a couple of early morning runs. (Elan left us in
A cocktail the dust.) We had two of the best seafood
party ensued meals I have ever had in my life. After two
outside on days, it was time to leave paradise to seek
the patio more paradise.





76 january • february 2016




everywhere, as deep as the eye could see, and
We spent the next five days on The Lokoum, a actually jumping onto the back deck. We were
45-foot motor yacht that was just the right size doing our best to return them to the water. It was
for the six of us. In the 14 years I have known my an amazing sight worthy of National Geographic.
son, I have never seen him so excited. Over the To me, it felt like some kind of wonderful omen, a
next four days, we cruised from bay to bay in the farewell from the seas and a memory that will no
Aegean Sea, one bay more beautiful than the doubt last a lifetime.
next. We swam at every hour of the day and night, “All good things must come to an end,” I
the water always embracing, warm and silky on remember my father saying to me as a child in
the body. The night sky was alive with stars, and South Africa as our summer vacations would
the quiet so peaceful and calming. draw to a close. I was sad to disembark the boat
We managed to have a few productive and start our long journey home.
business meetings on the boat—without a doubt, I am now left with memories that randomly
my dream office. The moment I realized we are flood through my mind on a daily basis. I cannot
living in technologically unique times was when I help but reflect on the precious moments that
received an email that my niece Maya, an award- my career in Pilates has afforded my family and
winning singer-songwriter, had released her new me. I have been blessed with indescribable
CD. I downloaded it from a distant spot in the experiences, filled with thousands of people
Aegean Sea, and we proceeded to listen to it as who have touched my life so deeply. I can only
the sun set and the stars emerged to brighten the hope I have done the same for them. Finally, I
sky. We live in an incredible age, indeed. reflect on the wonderful friends I have made,
On the last night of our sailing trip, a mass friends that have morphed into family. We are
of small fish enveloped the boat. They were the BASI family. PS 77
On a Roll

You’ve undoubtedly spotted them at the studio or gym:

Foam rollers have skyrocketed in popularity. Learn how
these tools can improve your Pilates practice.
by Sharon Liao

About 20 years ago, Jennifer Caliman tore the During those 20 years, foam rolling has made
meniscus in her knee. During her recovery, its way out of physical therapy offices and
her physical therapist brought out a small into the mainstream. These cylindrical tubes
log made out of dense foam. “I hadn’t seen are now found in gyms, homes and exercise
anything like that before,” says Caliman, now studios nationwide. Many Pilates instructors
43 and a Pilates instructor at Club Pilates in are incorporating them into their practice, and
Kent, WA. He instructed her how to use the Caliman is one of them.
foam roller to stretch and strengthen, and she By increasing range of motion,
began seeing results. Caliman was sold and practitioners are able to move more
got one to use at home. “It helped speed my efficiently and progress more quickly,
healing,” she says. explains Caliman. “Rolling can help you work
Simply put, foam rolling is a kind of self- out tight areas in your body, improving your
massage. Rolling your muscles over the dense overall function,” she adds. Jennie Groom,
Photos by bigstock

foam can boost circulation and break up a Pilates instructor and owner of Studio Flo
fibrous tissue. The result: It improves flexibility in San Diego, agrees. “Foam rolling can help
and reduces muscle soreness. “I’ve stayed the body transition from sitting at a desk all
completely injury-free these past two decades, day to a Pilates class,” she explains. “It’s a
which I attribute to foam rolling,” says Caliman. wonderful complement to Pilates.”

78 january • february 2016

TherapeuTic Beginnings to any sporting goods store, and you’ll see a
variety for sale. Today’s rollers range from one
Foam rolling’s origins can be traced back to to four feet long and four to six inches wide.
the 1970s. It was developed as part of the Shaped as a full or semicircle, they can appear
Feldenkrais Method, a practice that uses gentle smooth or ridged. The foam comes in different
movement to enhance your ease and range densities, ranging from squishy to rigid. The
of motion, and improve your flexibility and difference in size and firmness depends on
coordination. Feldenkrais practitioners use the your preference: Short versions are more
tool to improve their flexibility and alignment, portable, while long ones are more versatile
as well as challenge their neuromuscular (you’re able to lie lengthwise on them). Soft
control. Physical therapists took notice of the rollers produce less pressure and pain, which
practice and began using foam rollers on their may be preferable for beginners; experienced
patients as way to rehab injuries. rollers may prefer a firmer one. Those with
With Pilates’ overlap with physical therapy, ridges are meant to dig deeper into muscles.
it’s no wonder that the tools soon made their
way into the method. “In 1993, I attended
the American Physical Therapy Association With Pilates’ overlap with physical therapy,
meeting,” says Elizabeth Larkam, a Balanced
Body faculty member and mentor in San it’s no wonder that the tools [foam rollers]
Francisco. “A physical therapist neighbor of
mine from San Francisco gave a presentation soon made their way into the method.
on how the Feldenkrais roller could be used in
functional motor control exercises.”
A light bulb went off for Larkam, who The main focus of foam rolling has also
was teaching Pilates in the physical therapy shifted with time. “Now it’s used as a tool to
department at a sports medicine center at improve the myofascial tissue,” says Larkam.
the time. “For some of our patients, Pilates Myofascial tissue is the combination of your
exercises were too difficult to practice muscle and fascia, the thin, cobweb-like
effectively and safely on their own,” she says. connective tissue that encases your bones,
But they were able to do lumbar-stability muscles, ligaments, organs and joints. (Think of
exercises, such as the Dead Bug, on a foam the thin, white filmy layer when you cut into a
roller at home. The bonus: Foam rollers were raw piece of chicken.) Made from collagen fibers,
accessible, thanks to their light weight, portable the fascia is supple and lubricated when healthy.
shape and cheap price tag. In 1999, Larkam But injuries and repetitive movements, such as
drew upon her experience and released a hunching over a keyboard all day, can cause
Balanced Body video demonstrating how to the fascia to tighten. This, in turn, can compress
do mat exercises on a foam roller—the first your nerves or muscles. It can also dehydrate the
educational material of its kind for Pilates tissue and lead to adhesions, limiting your range
teachers. “At the time, we were focusing on of motion and triggering pain. “I compare it to
how to use foam rollers as a way to develop a knot in a bungee cord,” says Caliman. “You’re
precision and motor control,” says Larkam. still able to stretch the muscle, but the tightness
can limit its length and elasticity.”
That’s when a foam roller comes into
enTering The MainsTreaM play. “When used correctly, it can improve
hydration in your fascia, allowing your muscles
Since that initial crossover video, foam rolling and joints to glide easily,” says Larkam.
has taken the fitness world by storm. Head The pressure of rolling can also release 79
muscle tightness and lot of time sitting, which can lead to stiffness.
Along with priming adhesions. Science Foam rolling can prime the body for activity.”
backs this up: A 2013 Groom teaches a mat class that
your body for Pilates, study in the Journal incorporates foam rolling. “When your fascia
of Strength and is lubricated, you’re able to move more
foam rolling can add Conditioning Research efficiently,” she says. “Your muscles can reach
showed that when their maximum capacity.” She’s noticed that
a challenging element volunteers rolled their many of her students who started foam rolling
quadriceps for two have been able to progress to advanced
to your practice. Doing minutes, the range moves more quickly than before.
of motion in their Foam rolling can also encourage balance
certain Pilates moves knees increased by 10 in the body, says Caliman. Pilates helps you
degrees. identify if one side of the body is tighter or less
on the roller works your Foam rollers have flexible than the other. The next step: rolling
also become a darling out that body part to achieve equilibrium.
stability and balance, of both serious and “You can target specific areas to open up,” she
everyday athletes, explains. “And this can improve your overall
says Groom. because healthy fascia function.”
can help fend off
overuse issues. They
also improve blood flow, allowing your body pilaTes MOves On The rOller
to recover from workouts faster. In research
published in the journal Medicine & Science Along with priming your body for Pilates,
in Sports & Exercise in 2014, people who used foam rolling can add a challenging element
a foam roller after a strength-training session to your practice. Doing certain Pilates
experienced less muscle soreness than those moves on the roller works your stability and
who didn’t. “Foam rolling can help you balance, says Groom. For example, she’ll
bounce back from an injury,” adds Groom. have her students lay lengthwise with their
“And they can ease some of the aches and spine pressed against the foam roller to do
pain caused by too-tight muscles.” the Hundred. Find this move too difficult?
Modifications include raising the chest and
pumping the arms, and then lifting one leg
a pilaTes cOMpleMenT at a time. “We also do the Roll-Over series
with the roller beneath the hips,” she says. “It
Experts chalk up many of these perks as takes extra effort to stabilize the pelvis.”
reasons why foam rolling pairs perfectly with a A foam roller can also serve as a prop for
Pilates practice. “Even the most diligent Pilates Pilates sessions. In Caliman’s hybrid class,
student can still benefit from manual therapy,” which she calls Stretch-ilates, the 50-minute
says Larkam. “In today’s society, we spend a session is split between the Reformer and the


(Ulysses Press, 2011)
(Orthopedic Physical
This streaming video, led

Home Written by fitness expert

Karl Knopf, EdD, this step-
by-step guide features
Therapy Products, 2012)
In this photo-filled book,
occupational therapist and
by fitness instructor James
D’Silva, features two sessions:
The first gently rolls out your

tools 50 exercises to improve

your balance, posture and
relaxation ($12.45;
Pilates instructor Angela
Kneale leads you through
30 massage movements
muscles, and the second
mixes core conditioning with
stretches (prices vary by plan;
Once you learn the ($11.95;

proper form from

an expert, consider
foam rolling at home
with one of these
helpful guides.

80 january • february 2016

left: GROOM

foam roller. She leads her students through once a week and doing Pilates three or four
self-massage moves, such as rolling the times a week. “Once you learn the proper
illiotibial (IT) band or hamstrings. She also technique, you can foam roll on your own at
has her students lay lengthwise with their home,” says Larkam. “In a perfect world, I’d
spine pressed on the foam roller as they do recommend doing some of both every day.
traditional abdominal work, such as Toe Taps, There are thousands of different exercises
and Imprint and Release. “When you do these and infinite possibilities!”
moves on a rigid and unstable roller, you
really get a sense of alignment in the spine,”
says Caliman. It also forces you to fire up your hOw TO geT sTarTed
oblique muscles, as well focus on the sense of
your body finding its center. Want to try it out? Resist the temptation to grab
“I’ve found that the foam roller can the extra foam roller lying around the gym to
enhance your proprioception, or awareness of give it a whirl. Without the proper guidance,
where you are in space,” adds Larkam. Rolling you may do your body more harm than good.
over the foam tube activates the nerve sensors In fact, one of the reasons Caliman decided to
beneath the skin, so you’re more in tune with offer foam rolling at her studio was because she
your body, she explains. “During a Single-Leg noticed so many people doing it incorrectly.
Stretch, you’ll know where that right knee is “Some people make the mistake of
located relative to your chest.” thinking that they’ll get better results if they
use a rigid roller,” says Larkam. “But harder
isn’t necessarily better.” The same goes
The BenefiT Of The MeThOd with pressure: Applying too much force may
mash the delicate matrix of the fascia and
On the flipside, a Pilates background can make even bruise the tissue. “This may also be
foam rolling easier and safer. Foam rolling is a dangerous for people with weaker bones,”
slow, subtle practice. Feeling jabs of pain while says Caliman. “The spine has multiple bony
doing moves on the foam roller may mean that nodules, and you don’t want to fracture
you’re overdoing the pressure and potentially anything.” That’s why it's crucial to learn the
hurting yourself. “Some beginners may find proper technique. Take a foam rolling class at
that foam rolling is tough because they’re used your gym or Pilates studio (which usually costs
Photo courtesy of jennie groom

to making big movements,” says Caliman. “But about the same as other classes), or sign up
it’s often about small, gentle motions.” for a session with a certified Pilates teacher
That’s where Pilates practitioners may have who can show you the ropes.
an advantage. “Pilates practitioners tend to When foam rolling for the first time, keep in
be patient and have attention to detail,” says mind that you may not see results right away.
Larkam. This may protect you from not paying “You’ll feel relaxed and centered afterward,
attention and going overboard with the roller, but it does take some time to settle in,” says
setting the stage for injury. Caliman. Stick with foam rolling and, over time,
To reap the most benefits, experts you’ll notice a huge shift in the way you feel
recommend taking a foam rolling class and move. PS 81

In a new biography, German historian Eva Rincke uncovers incredible,
never-before-heard details about Joseph Pilates’ impoverished childhood,
love of boxing and correspondence with President John F. Kennedy.
by Eva Rincke

After the birth of her son four years ago, Eva

Rincke began taking mat classes at a local
community center. “I became interested
in Joe’s life when my teacher, Simone
Falkenberg, told us some wild stories about
him,” Rincke, a professional historian, recalls.
“There was something about him that really
touched me. I loved his conviction, which
made him fight for his method against
all kinds of resistance. I wanted to learn
more about him, and when I couldn’t find a
biography, I decided
to write one myself
Even in her 30s, Joe’s and started doing
mother Helena’s grueling For the next
two years, she
routine of household devoted herself to
investigating Joe’s The hundreds of hours of research
chores left her hobbled by life. For details culminated in her book, Joseph Pilates: A Life to
about his early the Core, which was published in Germany this
knee and back pain. Joe years, she pored past September. (Rincke is hoping to publish an
through registration English translation in the near future.)
suggested that he could cards, marriage and As is often the case, the truth is
death certificates in even more fascinating than many of the
help her and showed her the city archive of myths that have sprouted up around this
Mönchengladbach, legendary person. Here, Rincke shares the
some stretching exercises Joe’s hometown, for 12 most surprising facts she uncovered
information about about Joseph Pilates.
that he knew from his the Pilates family.

“I combined this
gymnastics training. data with historical Joe grew up in grinding
background I poverty.
gathered from the local newspapers of the Born in 1883, the second of
time, as well as books like an 1882 guidebook nine children of Friedrich and
for housewives from working-class families.” Helena Pilates, Joe grew up in the
She also combed through newspaper industrial town of Gladbach (now known
accounts and historical records from as Mönchengladbach) near Dusseldorf in
Germany, England and the United States. western Germany. To find out about Joe’s

82 january • february 2016

childhood, I searched the city’s archives and an American newspaper
found evidence that the large family moved was in February 1934 in
frequently from one tiny apartment to a Pennsylvania paper,
another; most had just one or two bedrooms the Daily Republican
plus another room that also served as the of Monongahela
kitchen, living room and laundry room. The about Massera: “He
rooms were dark and dank even during the was taken in hand
day, and didn’t have modern bathrooms; by Prof. Joe Pilates,
instead residents used privies on the former instructor of
landings or outhouses in the yard. Joe’s physical culture for the
father was a metal worker who worked in one Berlin police force…
of the many local textile mills; on his small in three months,
salary, these were the best accommodations Massera hardened his
the family could afford. muscles to such extent
that he could take a

solid wallop in the
the pilates were not of stomach from [world
greek descent. heavyweight champion]
Mönchengladbach city archivist Jack Dempsey without
Gerd Lamers discovered that flinching.” (Either
the Pilates name isn’t Greek, but the journalist or
actually is derived from the family’s ancestral Massera got the facts
homestead, which has been called a variety wrong—Joe actually
of names like “Platesgut," "Platisgut" and did physical training
"Pilatus Haus und Hof" since the 16th with the Hamburg,
Century. (Over the centuries, the name not the Berlin, police
evolved into “Pilates.”) In a 1956 interview department.)
with Doris Hering in Dance Magazine, Joe

recounted that when he was a boy, his In addition to
schoolmates would tease him about his name his first
with taunts of “Pontius Pilate, killer of Christ.” client exercise machines,
was his

mother. Joe also devised
Joe had an unusual Even in her
hobby for a german of 30s, Joe’s mother furniture, including
his generation: boxing. Helena’s grueling
Joe was a regular at his father’s routine of household relaxing chairs.
athletics club, where he was chores left her hobbled
introduced to weight lifting and gymnastics, by knee and back pain. Joe suggested that opposite page:
including pommel horse, parallel bars and he could help her and showed her some the house joseph
floor exercises as well as boxing. At the stretching exercises that he knew from his pilates grew up in,
time, public boxing matches were illegal gymnastics training. As John Winters, an third from right
in Prussia (boxing was associated with assistant in Joe’s New York studio, later told on waldhausener
Prussia’s longtime enemy, England), so Bethia Caffery, a writer for The Evening strasse. photo
it was unusual for a German boy of that Independent in 1980, mother and son courtesy of
era to learn to box. Joe was a natural in were equally surprised when her pain began stadtarchiv
the ring, however, and later, when he was to subside. mönchengladbach
interned in the Knockaloe camp for German

civilians on the Isle of Man during World this page: the german
War I, he trained his fellow detainees in the there’s little evidence edition of rincke's
sport. According to the German magazine, Joe ever performed for book, josEph pilatEs:
BoxSport, the Knockaloe boxers were a circus. dER mann, dEssEn namE
so well trained, they dominated German Though it’s often claimed that pRogRamm wuRdE
boxing throughout the 1920s. Joe worked as a circus performer,
After the war, from 1920 to 1923, Joe I haven’t been able to find any trace of his
owned a boxing gym in Gelsenkirchen, big-top feats. This may mean that Joe never
near Dusseldorf. He also helped establish worked for a circus, or just worked for very
an amateur boxing network in the area and small troupes, in which case his name didn’t
even stepped into the ring as a professional appear on the bill. I did discover that he
himself at least six times. took part in a vaudeville show while interned
When he moved to New York in 1926, one in England, including something that was
of his first clients was heavyweight Charley called “a modern strength act” as well as “a
Massera. (The first mention of Joe’s studio in balancing act on chairs and ladders.” 83
6 9
Joe began getting Joe’s talents extended
dancer clients soon to furniture design.
after arriving in the u.s. In addition to exercise machines,
In 1929, three years after Joe Joe also devised furniture, including
arrived in the U.S., modern dance relaxing chairs and the V-bed, though
pioneer Ruth St. Denis, then 50, came to he never managed to find a manufacturer to
Joe’s studio. Overweight and in constant produce them or to sell them on a bigger scale.
pain from a knee injury that threatened

to end her career, she had heard through
the grapevine of the robust German who Joe wrote
was able to make the weak strong and the president John
overweight thin with his strange equipment. f. kennedy
Joe worked with her on his massage table, about his plan
which he simply called “the table,” but later to prevent the
became known as the Cadillac. She went to country from slipping into
the studio regularly for months, and after dissipation and excess.
a year, not only was her knee pain gone, In September 1963, Joe wrote his fourth
but she was slender again and “had ankles letter to President John F. Kennedy, hoping
like a young girl,” recalls Ted Shawn, St. to convince him to save America from “the
Denis’ husband, in the unpublished part of same decadence and decline…paralleling the
his memoir, Ten Thousand and One Night decline of the Roman Empire” by introducing
Stands, which I found in the archives of Contrology to the U.S. (Ironically, Pilates might
Jacob’s Pillow. The success of Joe’s work have helped the president with his notorious
with St. Denis quickly spread throughout the back pain.) Although Kennedy’s special
American dance world, thanks in part to the assistant, Kenneth O’Donnell, responded
proximity of his Eighth Avenue studio to to his first letter, Joe never got to meet the
Broadway theaters and vaudeville halls. president. Ken Endelman, CEO of Balanced
Body, sent me copies of these letters, which

are now in the John F. Kennedy Presidential
famed fashion Library and Museum, after I heard him mention
photographer george them in a Pilates Anytime interview.
took the pictures for
RetuRn to Life thRough
Hoyningen-Huene, a regular contributor
to Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar, who was a
devotee of Joe’s work, agreed to take the
photos for Joe’s book, Return to Life. He was
also probably instrumental in getting his own
publisher to publish the book (it had been
repeatedly turned down by other houses). In
his unpublished memoir, Hoyningen-Huene
wrote, “Joe’s method struck me as the most
reasonable and scientific approach and after

a few months I had to have all my clothes
altered. Apart from becoming a great friend of Joe loved country
Joe’s and his wife Clara, I kept up my studies life.
for five years and in the end we made a motion Even though he spent most
picture documentary and I photographed his of his time in urban areas,
entire routine for his book, Return to Life. I first in the grim Gladbach,
owe Joe much in the way of moral support, later in Gelsenkirchen and Hamburg, and
kindness and genuine friendship.” then in New York City, Pilates loved rural
life more than the city living. As a child, he

would escape the stench of garbage, horse
Joe pilates made manure and rotten food of Gladbach for
at least one tv the nearby woods that surrounded the city.
appearance. In an interview with Evelyn Ringold in The
He was invited to appear on The New York Herald Tribune in 1964, he said, “I
Mike Douglas Show on January 31, couldn’t stay alive if every weekend I didn’t
1967, by the show’s co-host, Metropolitan go to the country.” He and Clara escaped to
Opera star Roberta Peters, who had been his the Berkshires, where they had a small house,
student for more than 20 years. whenever they could.

84 january • february 2016

opposite page: joe
in his signature
white briefs while
gardening in the

berkshires. photo
courtesy of marion
lane rogers

this page: a portrait of

Did Joseph Pilates desert his maria pilates courtesy
of ruth pilates
first wife and their children?

As part of the research for her book, Eva Rincke interviewed

Ruth Pilates, the widow of Ulrich Pilates, the son of Wilhelm
Pilates, who was Joseph Pilates’ stepson.
According to the story Ruth heard from Ulrich, in 1912,
Joseph, his first wife, Maria, and their children, Wilhelm (who was
Maria’s child from a previous relationship) and their daughter
Leni, decided to emigrate to the United States. (A third child,
Hans Heinrich, had died as an infant.)
Joseph, Maria and the two surviving children traveled
to Hamburg, where they waited for the ship in the
Auswandererhallen (huge buildings where the shipping company
Hapag provided lodging for poor immigrants on their way to
America). One morning, Maria woke up and found that Joseph
had gone off, taking all their money and leaving her alone
with two small children. The Red Cross had to take care of her and help her get home. She
desperately tried to find Joseph in America, sending letters to different cities, but in fact, he
had gone off to England, because he didn’t want to be found. She died a year later.
“I’m still doing research trying to find proof for this story,” Rincke says.

why rincke thinks the story may

be true: “The story is so detailed and the specifics
One morning, about the Auswandererhallen in Hamburg, the Red
Cross taking care of the family etc., are exactly what
Maria woke up happened in cases like this. I have talked to some people
who are experts in emigration during that period, and
and found that they told me that it happened regularly that husbands
and fathers abandoned their families like that.”
Joseph had gone
why rincke thinks it may not be
off, taking all their true: “What doesn’t fit is that Joseph Pilates
signed Maria Pilates’ death certificate in November
money and leaving 1913, so if he really went off like this, he must have
returned by then. Also, Wilhelm probably heard this
her alone with two story from his grandmother (who raised him); she
may have exaggerated the details out of spite for her
small children. unreliable son-in-law, who was too occupied by his
ideas for exercising methods to take good care of his
children.” PS

A graduate of Humboldt University in Berlin, where she studied history and philosophy, Eva Rincke is a professional
historian who lives in Stuttgart, Germany. Her most recent research project was for an exhibition about forced labor
during World War II. She takes Pilates mat classes with Simone Falkenberg and equipment classes with Toshi Kusuda
at Pilates New York studio, which is owned by Davorka Kulenovic, a student of Romana Kryzanowska. Sparked by
her interest in the method and the man, Rincke wrote her first book, Joseph Pilates. A Life to the Core. The German
language edition, Joseph Pilates: Der Mann, dessen Name Programm wurde (HERDER, 2015), can be purchased
at Stay tuned for future issues of Pilates Style for information on the English edition. 85

for Community
A co-founder of the PMA
and creator of Peak Pilates’
education program,
Colleen Glenn continues
on her quest to bring
Pilates—and healthy
living—to everyone.
by Anne Marie O’Connor

Pilates Style: Where did you grow up? Fast-forward a few years, Elizabeth Jones
Colleen Glenn: I was born in Texas, but Boswell, a dancer who had a studio in her
when I was six, my family moved to a farm in duplex, asked me if I’d be interested in
Ashtabula, OH. I had four brothers, a sister and learning Pilates so I could help her teach. And
was a very active tomboy—we were always she paid 10 bucks an hour! I was a starving
outside, climbing trees, riding horses. When artist, and that was a lot of money in 1983.
I was eight, I got a dance scholarship to the I observed for two or three weeks, she gave
Cleveland Ballet. I loved it—my dance passion me an anatomy coloring book to study, and
really started there. Four years later, we moved then I started assisting her. Because I was a
to Akron, where I studied with the Ohio Ballet, dancer, I could memorize and retain movement.
then called Akron Chamber Ballet.
PS: How did you first meet Romana?
PS: What did you do after high school? Colleen: I would go to New York periodically
Colleen: I moved back to Texas with my to audition. Someone said, have you been
parents my senior year. I auditioned for the to see Romana [Kryzanowska]? So I went. At
Houston Ballet, but they put me in the school her studio, people were really moving—not
instead of accepting me into the company. the slow work I’d seen up until then. Romana
At the same time, I went to the University came up to me and said, so are you the girl
of Houston for two years and then to Lamar from Texas? What do you do? And I said, I
University, while also choreographing and teach Pilates. I can’t believe I even said that!
dancing with some local companies. She took me through a super-advanced
Around this time is when I was introduced workout and kicked my ass.
to Pilates at the Houston Ballet. The Pilates
there was based on Alan Herdman’s more PS: What was your revelation?
therapeutic work—today I incorporate that Colleen: That you could sweat buckets
work regularly, but when I was first introduced doing Pilates, it was about precision and
to it when I was 20, I thought it was very slow flow, total concentrated discipline. I felt
and wasn’t really interested. thoroughly worked out but invigorated

86 january • february 2016


Colleen Glenn
FavO R itE aP PaR atU S : The Chair because you can get
the most efficient workout in the shortest amount of time.
And it’s fun.

HaR d E St m OvE tO maStE R : Super-advanced moves that

require a lot of upper-body strength. For instance, High
Bridge on the Reformer. That’s why I did strength training.

FavO R itE mat m OvE : This is sort of a tricky question. To

me, the mat is one flowing exercise. On the other hand,
I do think the Side-Kick Series is my favorite. It takes 15
minutes, and it works pretty much everything.

m O St i n S P i R i n g cli E nt: This woman I taught in Dallas.

She was 50, her husband had died, and she had lost her
confidence. Over time, though, she blossomed both
physically and emotionally; she came alive again. People
can accomplish the movements and that’s really great, but
when it starts to change their lives, that’s why I teach.

I wear everything. Lululemon, Lucy, any

FavO R itE b R an d :
brand that looks good.

For Pilates, Romana, of course!

m O St i n S P i R i n g tEac H E R :
For movement and dance in general, Bob Fosse and Peter
Martins. And all my students inspire me daily, truly.

afterward. I was like, this is what I want to I ended up leaving physical therapy school
teach! So whenever I was in New York, I and working with Alice Ann Dailey, who had
took sessions with her. I also took sessions a small studio in Dallas and pretty quickly,
with Kathy Grant at the Tisch School of Arts. business was booming. That’s also when I
When I went back to Houston, they were first started doing certifications through the
hiring Pilates instructors at the Houston Ballet. Pilates Institute, later PhysicalMind Institute.
But within two months of my arrival, there I brought down Romana regularly to train the
was a coup, and all the teachers left to open staff. Ron Fletcher was hosted as well.
Teaching phoTo courTesy of The pMa; headshoT by Wendi schneider

another studio. I suggested they get Romana

in to train new staff members. So Romana
would come once a month for six or seven Romana came up to me and said, so are
months, and we started building the business
back. I began taking notes on what she said you the girl from Texas? What do you
and writing my first manual.
do? And I said, I teach Pilates. I can’t
PS: How did you like the transition from
dancer to teacher?
Colleen: I’m just a natural teacher. I
believe I even said that!
was teaching ballet to the kids in the
neighborhood in my basement when I was 15. After three years with Alice Ann, I
accepted a position at the Rosewood
PS: Why did you move to Dallas? Crescent Spa and Hotel, a very exclusive
Colleen: I wanted to go to physical therapy ($25,000 to join!), five-star spa, gym and
school; on the side, I had a bunch of jobs. I hotel. I ran the Pilates program there and
did corporate fitness for a health club, until I also did integrated training.
came to work one day and there were chains In 1995, I decided to open my own facility in
on the door—the company’s accountant had Highland Park, TX, called Glenn Studio Inc. To
embezzled the payroll taxes. raise money, I asked eight clients to purchase 87
riGht: COLLEEN AND HER three private sessions a week for a year; that
HUSBAND BOB STANDING gave me $25,000 to capitalize my business.
AT THE EXACT SAME SPOT I had developed my own training program
WHERE THEY GOT MARRIED soon after opening my studio; however, I
FIvE YEARS AGO AT DREAM decided I was going to partner with Sean
LAKE IN ESTES, CO. Gallagher and Romana to develop their
teacher-training program in Texas. Romana
had visited many times, she had even tested
a group of my students for certification. Sean
had also come out and watched me teach my
program. I was very excited, but when it came
time to sign the legal documents for the deal,
I was advised against it and didn’t do it. It was
a very difficult decision for me. Then when I
turned down the deal, I was disenfranchised
from the organization, which was really hard
for me because Romana was my inspiration.

PS: How did you get involved with the

founding of the Pilates Method Alliance?
Colleen: Around this time, the late ’90s, a
lot of people would say they were Pilates time, came to Dallas, and we had a meeting
teachers, but then when they came to the at my house to talk about our vision. We both
studio, they’d point at a Refomer and say, believed that the organization had to be
“What’s that?” nonprofit, because we didn’t want anyone to
The truth is I believed in what Sean and think that we were going for money or power,
Romana were promoting, trying to have some or that we wanted to dictate the rules—we
standardization of education, unadulterated. wanted it to be governed by the people who
But the methods were really the downfall from would participate. Initially, our idea wasn’t
my perspective. It was divisive—it didn’t come to create a certification program, but to
from a place of community and heart. have what I called accreditation—we would
accredit certification programs that followed

It [the first meeting of the PMA] brought certain guidelines. We wanted to make
teacher training more professional and bring

people together for the first time, people the community together.
The ruling on the lawsuit [that declared

from all different schools, people who the Pilates trademark invalid] happened
in October 2001. That November, Howard

otherwise never would have met. It was Sichel had a party in New York. There were
almost 100 people there, and he invited Kevin

the first time that Ron Fletcher and and me to present our idea for the Pilates
Method Alliance.

Mary Bowen had ever met. It wasn’t very well received.

People thought we wanted to make a
power grab. Because of the whole lawsuit
thing and the years of fighting and acrimony,
So I wanted to build an organization that the whole community had what I called the “fear
would map out an education pathway. At ear,” meaning that everyone was listening to
that time, I was bringing in high-level pros to what we were saying from a place of fear.
certify my teacher-training students. One of Still, we organized the first conference
them was Michele Larsson. She didn’t teach the next May in Miami. Eighty people came,
all the exercises I did, but we had certain including the manufacturers, Kenny [Edelman,
commonalities as teachers: how we looked of Balanced Body], Moira [Merrithew, of STOTT
at an exercise, how we looked at movement PILATES®] and Julie [Lobdell, of Peak Pilates].
and how we would correct, what the ultimate It brought people together for the first time,
goal was. It started my brain working. By people from all different schools, people who
looking at commonalities, I saw there was a otherwise never would have met. It was the
way to create parameters for evaluating an first time that Ron Fletcher and Mary Bowen
education program. had ever met. (Romana was always invited, but
Michele mentioned our discussion to never came.) There were so many benefits that
Kevin Bowen, He had the same idea, so have come about because of what we started,
Michele told Kevin, you should call Colleen. though I was personally disappointed when
In early 2000, Kevin, who was in Miami at the members of the organization voted to create

88 january • february 2016

a PMA certification, because that was not the PS: What are you doing today? BELOW, CLOCKWiSE FrOM
original intent. Colleen: So today, I work at RallySport Health tOP LEFt: COLLEEN WITH
and Fitness Club and at Body Dynamics, both MOIRA MERRITHEW; WITH
PS: How did you end up in Boulder? in Boulder. I use Pilates as one of my main HER MENTOR, ROMANA
Colleen: I wanted my son to go to a Waldorf modalities, but I work people holistically and KRYzANOWSKA; WITH HER
School. There wasn’t one in Dallas, so in 2002, functionally. I am also a Purium Health Coach. SON LANDON; TEACHING
when he was five, we moved to Boulder so Purium is an organic, non-GMO superfood AT THE IDEA CONFERENCE
he could attend the Waldorf School there. system. Clients are getting results with their IN 2006; COLLEEN WITH
When Julie Lobdell discovered I was coming health and bodies unimaginable with exercise RON FLETCHER
to Boulder, she said, let’s start an education alone. Whole health is what I am offering, and
division with Peak—I want you to head it up. that’s really, really cool.
She wanted to get Pilates into health clubs,
and my vision had always been to get classical PS: What are your favorite workshops?
Pilates to a large audience, and I thought I Colleen: The workshop I teach most often
could do that through Peak. these days is the Legacy Workshop and Master
People wanted training they could afford, Class, in which I present historical information
that they could do in modules, as opposed to about Joseph Pilates. I call it debunking the
how I did it, where you pay $5,000, $8,000, myths. I’ve always been interested in what
$10,000, and you have to move to a different happened to the missing piece of Joe’s
city. I went all over the world training teachers work—the strength training, the Callanetics-
and the Life Fitness sales staff about the like moves, the boxing—Joe was greatly
philosophy of Pilates and how to sell the influenced by the physical culturists of his time.
equipment. I also worked with the engineers Mary Bowen was bequeathed these black-and-
on how to help design the equipment. white films where you see Joe doing these
kinds of moves, and you see barbells in the
PS: So you left Peak in 2010? background in his studio; I personally have
Colleen: Yes, I was with Peak for around always done some form of strength training
eight years, until it was bought out by Mad even when I was dancing. I also do a master
Dogg. Behind the scenes, I had a challenging class with the more aerobic, Callanetics-like
personal life: I had a sick husband, who moves; half the Pilates people can’t do them!
passed away soon after. Besides, I really
wanted to get back into the studio. I had PS: Tell us about your personal life:
been mainly teaching instructors, and I Colleen: I married my husband, Robert
felt like I really wasn’t working with bodies Paul Wilson, five years ago. My son, Landon
anymore, I wasn’t authentic. I was hired at Taliaferro, is 18. He grew up in the Pilates
Pura vida Fitness and Spa in Cherry Creek studio—I would nurse him and lecture in
to run its Pilates program. When I came on my seminars. When people see him now,
board, they had revenues of $4,000 month. they’re like, “Oh my God, you’re 6’3”! I
Five years later, when I left, the revenue had remember when you were nursing!” He gets
climbed to over $30,000 a month. so embarrassed! PS
phoTo courTesy of coLLeen gLenn 89
PrOP: wall 3. Hold the forward position,
PurPOSE: increases abdominal deepening your abdominals as
control in full forward flexion, you inhale, relaxing your head and
a movement that is integrated allowing your shoulders to hang.
extensively by acrobats; forces you to
work the deep abdominals 4. Exhale, articulating back to
S E T u P : Stand tall against a wall, standing, heels anchoring into the
By Sally Anderson making sure that your heels and floor as you progressively stack your
body are pressing into it, and your body against the wall to return to
Modeled by professional legs are straight. standing. Do 4–6 reps.
performer Lorry D’Ercole
1. Inhale, lengthening your spine and This is harder
M O d i F i c aTi O N :
Photos by Mim Maree engaging all your muscles to grow than it looks—build up to this
taller up the wall. move over time by starting with
These moves are tailored to help your heels a little away from the
acrobats build a good balance of 2. Exhale, rolling down from the wall where you can manage the
internal stabilization and strength, crown of your head to full forward Roll-Down, and then over time,
along with efficient global muscle flexion, peeling sequentially away progressively bring them back to
strength, resulting in greater from the wall. completely against it.
control, power and precision in
every movement. Pilates is brilliant
for finding the smaller muscles SETuP STEP 2
to support powerful moves and
offers a unique environment for
training acrobat-specific skills.
I find that acrobats tend to be
very compliant clients—they
know their bodies and welcome
anything that will help their
physical performance and offer
risk reduction.
But even if you’re nowhere near
being able to do a backflip or contort
your body into a pretzel, these
exercises are fantastic for challenging
your strength and control. Try to
do this routine two to three times
per week for a boost in your overall
strength and core power.

Lorry, the model here, named this exercise Hollow Rock, since
it feels like you need to create a hollow “as strong as a rock” to
do it. It is a “pick up” from an extended supine position into a
lengthened, scooped one that activates every fiber of the body. SETuP

PrOP: none
PurPOSE: develops abdominal strength and whole-
body engagement
S E T u P : Lie on your back, contracting your abdominal
wall and spinal muscles toward each other, while reaching
your arms and legs in opposite directions.

1. Exhale, reaching your arms and legs away, so far in either

direction that you lift up into a long, scooped position.

2. Inhale, lengthening back down. Start with 4–6 reps and V a r i a T i O N : From the Single-Leg Stretch starting
build up to 10. position, extend out to Hollow Rock.

90 january • february 2016

PrOP: Magic Circle
PurPOSE: trains the anterior oblique muscular sling (binds
the abdominals and pelvis); works the essential combination
of the obliques with the adductors (inner thighs) to increase
pelvic stability and control
S E T u P : Lie on your back, with your knees bent hip-width
apart and feet flat on the floor. Place the Magic Circle in
between your knees, and your hands behind your head. Lift T i P S : Make sure to maintain a neutral pelvis, so your
your head, neck and tips of your shoulder blades. hips disassociate effectively and allow for correct muscle
patterning. Aim for a smaller, more precise movement,
1. Exhale, squeezing both legs into the Circle as you rather than a forceful abdominal lift.
rotate your torso to the right, bringing your left shoulder
toward your right knee. M O d i F i c aTi O N : Start with Chest Lifts as you squeeze the
2. Inhale, returning to the starting position, releasing the
squeeze on the Circle. adVaN cE d : Do the same movement with your legs
in tabletop and the Circle between your knees, or with
3. Repeat the sequence on your other side. Do 4–6 sets. extended legs and the Circle between your ankles.


PrOPS: push-up handles; small
towels (or gliding discs)
P u r P O S E : facilitates integrated
whole-body control and
S E T u P : Holding the push-up
handles, place your feet on the
towels, and get into a Plank
position, with your shoulders
directly over your wrists.

1. Exhale, pulling up into a Pike

position, bringing your straight legs
underneath you and in line with
your hips; inhale, returning to Plank.

2. Exhale, pulling up into a

Straddle Pike position, widening
your legs; inhale, returning to

3. Exhale, scooping your

abdominals and bending your
knees under your torso, between
your arms and then forward into a
Back Support position.
Sally anderSon bio photo by alan Cox

4. Do 3–6 sets of the entire


Do one step
M O d i F i c aTi O N S :
at a time. Decrease the range of
Sally anderSon has trained performers on two tours of Cirque
Add Leg-Pulls to the
Va r i aTi O N : du Soleil, as well as ongoing training for theater acrobatic dancers. She has
Front Support and Back Support also taught Australian Olympic Swim team members, dancers and elite-level
positions, and Oblique Pull-Ups athletes. She is the director of PilatesITC, a government-registered training
after the Straddle Pike. organization, and PilatesInt Studios in Australia. 91
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Think “fashionable” and “athletic” don’t
go together? These new workout pieces

will make a serious style statement at the
studio and beyond.
by Amy Schlinger

There’s nothing basic about workout wear these days.

Taking inspiration from fashion runways, the red carpet
and street style, athletic pieces are so fashionable,
you’ll want to wear them even when you’re not heading
to the studio. Here, five of the best trends for 2016. E. F. G.

A big hit on spring runways, mesh is also perfect
for workout wear. It lets air circulate through your
clothing during an intense session; après Pilates,
it also allows air to continue flowing so sweat can
evaporate more quickly.

H. I.
Try it:
A. Pilates fans know you almost always sweat during a NOT-SO-BASIC BLACK AND WHITE
session, so the Michi Stardust Crop Legging has A classic combination that always looks fresh, black and
sheer side panels to allow for maximum airflow. white never ceases to make a statement, thanks to the
There’s also a mesh side pocket for stashing your cell dramatic contrast between the two. Pair a B&W piece
phone ($145; with black, white or your favorite bright.

B. It may be designed for warm-ups, but the ALALA Try it:

Flyweight Hoodie Tee is definitely hot, thanks to E. The mirror print on the Asics Emma Racerback has
sheer shoulder and back panels that provide plenty a sculpted side seam so it won’t ride up during your
of ventilation ($110; session. Mesh fabric allows maximum breathability
C. Hate moisture collecting inside your bra? The airy
back on the CHICHI Active Patti Open Mesh F. F o r m e n There’s nothing simple about the Asics
Racerback Tank keeps the girls cool and dry. The Short Sleeve Top Zero Distract T-shirt, thanks
cups inside the built-in shelf bra are removable to a cool marbleized pattern. Made of a special
($78; moisture-management fabric, it also has a clever
panel on the bottom that lets you wipe away sweat
D. A thick, low-rise waistband keeps the Beyond Yoga ($50;
Limited Edition Mesh Diamond Long Legging in
place, no matter how deep you get into Snake on G. The pattern may resemble the Japanese
the Reformer. The mesh insets also add breathability Great Wave painting, but the Nike Legendary
($148; Engineered Waterfall Tights will keep you bone
dry, thanks to a moisture-wicking fabric. Flat
seams prevent the waistband from rolling up or
down ($149;

H. Top off your outfit with this fitted, four-way stretch

Under Armour ColdGear Sublimated Cozy 1⁄2 Zip.
The lining traps heat, which keeps you toasty while
you warm up ($75;

I . Not only do the Athleta Sonar Tight Magnetic tights

wick sweat, but the compression fabric helps support
your muscles during your workout. And we love the
A. C. D. graphic black-and-white pattern ($84;

94 january • february 2016

As the expression goes, flowers say
it better, and floral patterns, a red-
carpet perennial, are now popping up
on workout clothing. Why not “pre-
reward” yourself for a great session with
one of these beautiful “bouquets”?

Try it:
A. With a subtle pattern that’s more
graphic than girly, the Mizuno
Kamiko 3⁄4 Tights is a pretty
upgrade from plain leggings. The E. F. G.

wide waistband keeps them in

place ($60;

B. The Adidas Performer High Rise

Printed Tight is definitely not for
wallflowers! The high-tech fabric
keeps you cool as you work out

C. Transport yourself to Hawaii in

this fully lined Onzie Elastic Bra-
Aloha/Neon Pink! Wear it solo or
under a tee ($42;

H. I.
D. This bold floral print of the Calia
Women’s Printed Double Strap
Tank Top, designed by country ECLECTIC GEOMETRIC
music star Carrie Underwood, is as Even if it’s been a while since you calculated the area of an isosceles
pretty as it is practical, thanks to a triangle, you can still get an A in geometry with this season’s cool new
moisture-wicking, anti-odor fabric patterns—circles, rectangles (aka stripes) and triangles. Wear them with
and a built-in bra with dual straps solids or paired with other prints in similar colors.
for double the support ($36.97; Try it:
E. F o r m e n Whether you’re heading to your private or having a post-
session latte, the color-blocked Renegade Half-Zip Pullover is a
standout. The half-zip pullover has thumbhole sleeves that can be
cuffed if you prefer a shorter sleeve ($176;

F. For men The seamless construction of the Brooks Running

Streaker Singlet mean a chafe-free workout. Plus, it’s made of the
company’s DriLayer thermoregulation fabric to keep things cool
when your workout heats up ($55;

G. The polka-dotted New Balance Ice Short Sleeve Top features the
company’s sweat-activated Ice technology that gets cooler as your
A. B. temperature rises ($45;

H. Keep doubly cool with Helly Hansen W VR Printed 7⁄8 Capri:

The shapely pattern (triangles plus stripes) is super chill, plus the
brand’s own X-Cool fabric keeps you from getting overheated

I . You’ll always keep your equilibrium with the horizontal stripes on the
Brooks Running Streaker Racerback. It’s made of an odor-resistant
nylon/poly/spandex blend fabric ($45;

J. Sick of solids? The bold, slightly futuristic pattern of the black-and-

C. white Adidas Techfit Geo Print Bra will inspire you to get moving. It
features a moisture-wicking lining and mesh back for extra ventilation
D. ($25; 95

Even if you’re not hog-wild about motorcycles, it can

be fun to add the edgy biker look to your wardrobe.
It’s graced recent designer runways, and now the trend
is transitioning into the exercise space, with fabrics
stretchy enough to let you do the perfect Side Split.

Try it:
A. Perfect for a transition from studio to street, the
nylon–and–spandex-blend Alo Moto Legging pairs
a shiny fabric with functional quilted panels that
allow you to go with the flow ($110;
H. I.
B. The Lucy Daily Zen Vest makes the commute to and
from the studio much cozier and more stylish. The WORDS OF WISDOM
lightweight down in a cool, shimmering fabric keeps Sometimes, an uplifting saying is the extra boost you
your core toasty in frigid temps ($128; need to get through a tough workout. And what better
inspiration than to have it imprinted on your workout wear?
C. The relaxed fit of the cropped Sweaty Betty
Training Over Tee makes layering a cinch. It’s Try it:
moisture-wicking and quick-drying so you’ll stay E. The motto on the Be Up Love Life Tank reminds us
dry even as you pump through the Hundred that exercise, while work, should still be fun. Despite
($65; your struggle to master certain moves, this tank will
help you stay positive ($45;
D. Perfect for when you have plans after class, the
Vimmia Tenacity Pants with Faux Leather are F. The Body Language Sportswear Muscle Tank-

flexible enough to let you bust a move in the Graphics has muscle shirt–inspired cut-off sleeves,
studio—and on the dance floor. Stash your credit mesh paneling and a tongue-in-cheek message
card and ID in the hidden zippered pocket ($119; ($64;
G. Mesh side panels on the C9 Champion’s
Athleisure Collection Muscle Tank allow you to
push yourself hard without feeling drenched,
and the message is one any Pilates devotee can
appreciate ($17;

H. Never forget to breathe again with the Lorna Jane

Just Breathe Tank. This lightweight, polyester-blend
top is great for layering ($42.99;

I . Even when a move is challenging, The North

B. Face Women’s Graphic Play Hard Tank will
inspire you to keep going. The comfortable fit and
cotton-like fabric will make it a little easier
A. C. D.


These specialty socks will prevent you from slipping up during your session.

Perfect for Pilates, the ballerina- Shashi Twinkle Star Toe Sock Made of 90 percent organic cotton,
style Tucketts Azure Bubble keeps your tootsies cool, thanks to the dancer-inspired Toe Sox Half
Dots socks let your toes peek a mesh upper, while grips on the Toe Scrunch Knee High Crip Sock
out. Grippers on the sole prevent bottom keep your feet firmly on the has nonslip grips on the bottom
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Does II • MA

Have a
Future? N
Are reports of the I • TH

method’s demise
premature, or is Pilates
really facing a crisis? We

tapped our Advisory

Board for answers.
by Tess Ghilaga

Is Pilates going bust? A September 15 post on New other mind/body movement forms that have been
York Magazine’s website made it sound like the method around for millennia. Pilates is a standard modality
was going the way of dinosaurs and Jazzercise. The now in health care, and as long as it stays there, it
writer, Annie Lowrey, even coined a name for it: the will always have a trickledown effect on the rest of
Pilatespocalypse. She cited statistics from market the community.
research firm IBISWorld that found that the number
of people doing Pilates declined about 2 percent a J oA n B r E I B A r t, FounDEr
year every year between 2007 and 2011, to 8.5 million. AnD PrEsIDEnt oF
Though Pilates practically invented the boutique fitness PHysICAlmInD InstItutE:
industry, the piece claimed it was now losing clients to Pilates was a huge trend
other specialized workout venues like Soul Cycle, Pure beginning in the late ’90s through
Barre and Barry’s Bootcamp. 2007 when it peaked—a gigantic
But don’t write the obituary for Pilates just yet, say 10-year run of unprecedented
the industry (and fitness) veterans on the Pilates Style growth of 33 percent. So it’s a
Advisory Board. While they concede that the Pilates trend, but not a fad, and it will become “trendy”
industry is changing, they’re unanimous in believing again with the right actions from the Pilates
that Pilates is here to stay, thanks to its loyal client base community. Teachers need to focus on finding new
and unparalleled ability to transform bodies. Here’s customers, not taking workshops about fascia.
their take on the state of the method. Exercise is a fickle business; you need to keep
finding new bodies.

What do you say when people ask if Pilates is a l I n D s Ay m E r r I t H E w,

trend whose time has passed? Pr E s I D E n t, C E o A n D Co -
FounDEr, mErrItHEw™
BrEnt AnDErson, P I l A t E s : According to the
PrEsIDEnt AnD ownEr, Sporting Goods Manufacturers
P o l E s t A r P I l A t E s : Pilates Association, Pilates participation
has had staying power for over a has quadrupled over the last
century, and shares principles of decade. So the amount of
movement with yoga, tai chi and revenue generated and the number of people

100 january • february 2016

practicing Pilates are consistently growing. There "Though the average
is also considerable growth, both domestically and
internationally, in our specialty training programs, Pilates client is female,
especially within the areas of rehabilitative
conditioning practitioners, sport-specific trainers, in her 40’s, 50’s or 60’s,
senior population specialists, and instructors
seeking skills to assist professional athletes and recently we’ve had many
special populations.
more men attend sessions
Who is today’s Pilates client? Does this affect and classes."
your teaching methods?
—Kyria Sabin Waugaman
k At H y C o r E y, D I r E C t o r
A n D ow n E r , k At H y Co r E y
P I l A t E s : The master teachers told
me that Mr. Pilates always taught suzAnnE GuttErson,
the person in front of him, and this ownEr, DIrECtor AnD
is how I was taught to teach as well. tEACHEr, suzAnnE
It is important to meet the person If cuing
G u t t E r s o n P I l At E s:
where they are and develop them is always the same for each
further. This takes commitment from both the teacher exercise, it’s likely to fall on deaf
and the student. ears. If the client doesn’t respond

to fresh verbal cues, there are a
l I n D s A y m E r r I t H E w : For nearly three variety of other ways to guide him/her into better
decades, we’ve seen tremendous growth in the understanding.
populations that Pilates serves—from kids, to
senior populations, to elite athletes. Our STOTT JIllIAn HEssEl , sEConD-
PILATES ® education offerings have grown to ensure G E n E r At I o n t E AC H E r A n D
we’re offering programming that caters to these ownEr oF JIllIAn HEssEl
populations, supporting fitness professionals in I have never liked the
P I l At E s:
beginning or expanding their Pilates practice, and term “navel to spine!” Today,
staying current and relevant with exercise science everyone is using “core strength”
and newer fitness practices. as the new sound bite, but I
find “use your core” to be too
k y rIA sAB In wAuGAmAn, general. I prefer to present the “girdle of strength”
DIrECtor, FlEtCHEr as a concept in the client's introductory session,
P I l At E s ® I n t E r n At I o n A l : because it encompasses the three dimensions of
Though the average Pilates client “working from your center.” To replace navel to
is female, in her 40’s, 50’s or spine, I often use Ron Fletcher’s percussive breath
60’s, recently we’ve had many cue, instructing the client to exhale forcefully,
more men attend sessions and pressing “two praying hands” together in the lower
classes. We’ve also been working abdominal area.
with teens in an after-school program. The teens are
actually requesting Pilates to help with physique, r AEl IsACowItz, mA,
posture and sports performance—and it’s catching P m A ®- C P t, F o u n D E r A n D
on with their friends! D I r E C t o r o F B A s I P I l At E s:
I would say the cues that have
changed the most are those
Do you still believe commonly used Pilates cues— that relate to the shoulders
e.g., navel to spine—are still effective? and shoulder girdle. This is an
area that is probably cued the
k A t H y C o r E y : I think in general there is too much most in any Pilates studio because of the epidemic
cueing, which can become confusing and frustrating of shoulder and neck problems related to our
for our clients. I use props rather than words to cue, modern-day lifestyle. I have found cues like “pull the
so the individual sees and feels the correct movement shoulders down” to be counter-productive and have
and self-corrects. For example, I can tell someone negative implications on good shoulder function.
they are lifting one shoulder higher than the other I prefer to use cues such as “relax the shoulders”;
when they raise their arms, or I can use the springs “place the scapulae in a neutral position”; or “allow
on the Pedi Pole or a pole, and have them raise their the scapulae to float between up and down, in
arms and see that they are uneven. Once they register and out.” Any of these cues will result in a more
their own misalignment, they can change the pattern relaxed mode of working the shoulders and correct
both mentally and physically. placement of the scapulae. 101
"I believe the principles
There seems to be a trend toward group classes,
of Pilates—control, as opposed to private sessions. How is this
affecting Pilates?
concentration, centering,
B r E n t A n D E r s o n : I think that group classes
precision, flow of motion make Pilates available to the masses, just like Joe
wanted. How else could we get Pilates into the
and breath—should be community, to the children, in the prisons, etc.?

incorporated into r I sA s H E P PA r D, ownEr

every class."
A n D C E o, t H E s H E PPA r D
m E t H o D : I believe in privates. For
the instructor, it is more rewarding
—Kathy Corey and creative to work one-on-one.
For the client, it is much more
beneficial and important for
consistent development to work
FrAn mICHElmAn, one-on-one. Most “contemporary” group classes have
DIrECtor AnD ownEr, just become the aerobics of the ’80s. I call it Pilates on
P I l At E s F o r o n E , t wo o r crack. It was never intended to be done to loud music,
tHrEE, AnD FounDInG hard springs and at a super-fast pace.
m E m B E r , t H E P I l At E s

P r o F E s s I o n A l s G r o u P : This
is where the teacher must intuit "If Joe were alive today,
how a client can hear, and then
find the right words and images. It is one of the most there is no doubt in my
challenging aspects of our work.
mind that he would not only
k y r I A s A B I n w A u G A m A n : One of the best
cues for more established clients is to lead from be evolving the method, but
and to follow their breath. I generally use the
first two to three repetitions of any movement or the apparatus as well."
exercise to remind students of the choreography,
then I often switch to cuing from the breath so —Fran Michelman
that the movement becomes more internally self-
directed, rather than externally led. We encourage
our students to breathe audibly. which not only
gives them permission to breathe, but also helps k y r I A s A B I n w A u G A m A n : I’ve found that most
synchronize the class through the breath. clients benefit by initiating a Pilates program through
private sessions. We offer an initial series of three sessions
to help our clients clarify personal goals and understand
Do you think some Pilates principles, or any of how to get the most out of a Pilates program. Long-term,
Joe’s teachings and exercises from Return to Life, most clients do best in a semi-private, or a small group
are no longer valid? class setting. I’ve found the ideal “recipe” for the majority
of our Pilates clients and students is to start with a certain
k A t H y C o r E y : I believe the principles of Pilates— number (three to 10) private sessions, followed by two
control, concentration, centering, precision, flow of to three semi-private or small group class equipment
motion and breath—should be incorporated into sessions plus one or two mat classes a week.
every class. And I believe every Pilates teacher should
read Return to Life and know the 34 mat exercises. But
we also need to remember that we have evolved from What can Pilates teachers—and our leaders—do
the attitudes of the 1940s, and the Pilates work should to maintain the integrity of the Pilates method?
evolve as well.
B r E n t A n D E r s o n : I believe the single greatest
r A E l I s A C o w I t z : Remember that this is a very thing we can do in the future is to create education
different society than the one Mr. Pilates lived in almost accreditation for the Pilates schools. I believe this will
100 years ago. Our modern lifestyle has resulted in significantly improve the quality of the method, and
issues like round shoulder syndrome and lower-back decrease the amount of “Pilates certificates” hung on the
pain, which were not as prevalent at that time. Today wall by individuals who have not been adequately trained.
they appear in epidemic proportions, so naturally, we
must adapt to the needs of our clients. Yet this does r A E l I s A C o w I t z : We must find a way of working
not mean that we are throwing out all that Joe taught. together harmoniously and respecting each other.

102 january • february 2016

The culture of saying, “There is only one true Pilates” repeating a similar neuromuscular pattern. As long as
is destructive, negative, judgmental and simply not the instructor maintains the “essence” of the exercise,
true. I had the pleasure of studying, to a greater or props can be very beneficial.
lesser degree, with five of the Pilates Elders, including
Romana Kryzanowska. Each one was a brilliant teacher.
Each one had integrity and unfathomable knowledge "Getting a client to move is
and experience. Yet they could not have been more
different in their approaches and how they interpreted very important no matter
the material. My advice is if anyone says there is only
one way, run the other way! what you do…don’t impose
F r A n m I C H E l m A n : If Joe were alive today, there your value system—listen
is no doubt in my mind that he would not only be
evolving the method, but the apparatus as well. While to them. Get to the human
few of us, if any, have his genius, we must stay true to
the essence of the method while evolving our approach side of what this work is
to reflect biomechanical research.
all about."
Do you believe in integrating props into your —Mari Winsor
sessions and classes?

s u z A n n E G u t t E r s o n : I like Eric Franklin r I s A s H E P P A r D : I used to be against props, as

balls for a standing warm-up, to wake up the entire I felt they only acted as a crutch or an excuse to have
body and increase awareness of leg/foot articulation. more “toys.” Now I incorporate props, to assist the client
Bands are great for torso alignment and stability in in better understanding the movement and grasp its full
Side Kicks, and to foster success with both Closed- benefits if they are not yet able to do it themselves.
and Open-Leg Rocker. I like large gymnastic balls
for both pelvic and torso isolation, as it’s easier
to accomplish when sitting. Weights can help the Any last thoughts on the future of the industry?
student experience the principle of self-resistance
so as not to over-rely on the springs. I have also B r E n t A n D E r s o n : Stay focused on Joe’s
developed a series of Reformer adaptations that can guiding principles, not the exercises alone, and you will
be accomplished by hanging a band over a barre. always have a place to work and people to work with.
At Polestar, we believe in our vision, “Impacting the
moIr A mErrItHEw, World through Intelligent Movement.”
ExECutIvE DIrECtor,
E D u C At I o n , m E r r I t H E w ™ l I n D s A y m E r r I t H E w : Our team has put
P I l At E s: Props can help with together a series of programs that incorporate varying
stability of a joint or joints; assist but complementary approaches to mindfulness.
in achieving a stress-free position Instructors in mindful modalities intrinsically “get”
(i.e., sitting on a cushion to take how the mind and body work synergistically to
negative tension out of the lower achieve greater results. With the introduction of new
back); or add variety so clients are not constantly training regimens, we are adding a fresh dimension
to training styles by focusing on a comprehensive
approach to “well-being,” which helps clubs and
"We must find a way fitness professionals expand into new areas.

of working together m A r I w I n s o r , C r E At o r

harmoniously and respecting

o F w I n s o r P I l At E s A n D
w I n s o r P I l At E s s I lv E r :
Getting a client to move is very
each other. The culture of important no matter what you
do. But if you’re going to do a
saying, 'There is only one specific technique called Pilates,
you need to understand the basic
true Pilates' is destructive, principles. If you want to be an instructor, it’s very
important to study classical Pilates, as the industry
negative, judgmental and is getting saturated with diluted versions of the
work; Romana’s program is my personal favorite. But
simply not true." when you’re with a client, don’t impose your value
system—listen to them. Get to the human side of
—Rael Isacowitz what this work is all about. PS 103
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Personal Best Pilates Instructor Academy™
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Personal Best Pilates Instructor Academy
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Graduates of our full 500+ hour course will be fully qualified
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The United States Pilates Association®, LLC (U.S.P.A.®) continues
the rich Tradition of the Classical Joseph Pilates Methodology
by offering:

• Teacher Certification through The New York Pilates Studio®

Teacher Certification Program, the oldest certification program
created with the assistance of First Generation teacher & Pilates
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Centers throughout the U.S. (see website for locations).
• A unique BRIDGE PROGRAM that offers Pilates instructors,
who have been certified through other programs, the ability
to become certified in Joseph Pilates’ Classical Methodology.
• Continuing Education Seminars*, throughout the U.S.
• Signature interactive ARCHIVAL seminars, with exclusive, rare
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The U.S.P.A.’s ® Teacher Trainers and Seminar providers are

Second Generation Teachers (certified by Pilates Elder Romana
Kryzanowska) or trained and certified by Second Generation
teachers, thereby continuing the rich tradition of the Classical
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The U.S.P.A.’s® mission is to preserve the integrity of JOSEPH

PILATES’ CLASSICAL METHODOLGY, by maintaining the gold

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*The United States Pilates Association® LLC has been designated by the Pilates
Method Alliance as a Continuing Education Provider. See U.S.P.A.® website
( link, “Seminar and Workshop
Calendar,” that designates qualifying selections.


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a government accredited Diploma
qualification through a short Bridging
process. All PMA registered training
programs are eligible to Bridge.
What you can expect…
• Australian government
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• Expert tuition
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Live the lifestyle you love

114 january • february 2016

PILATES & MOVEMENT 2111 nArCIssus Ct. PHysIo loGIC PIlAtEs & movEmEnt

1-880-910-0001 x *300 vEnICE, CA 90291 718-852-8349
1-800-925-3674 or 310-8237008
MERRITHEW™—Leaders in Mindful 800-925-3674 or 303-998-1531
Movement™—is dedicated to building
high-caliber, multi-disciplinary fitness The Peak Pilates® comprehensive Because we're all a little twisted…
brands for people of all ages, levels of education DVDs are designed for both Unwind at Physio Logic.
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MERRITHEW’s high-end branded programs modifications, advancements and much • Fully integrated with our clinic in
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Athletic Conditioning & Performance chair and reformer workouts for students. Functional Medicine, and The Brain
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see page 108. FL 33418
561-626-1032 115
The Best New
(and timeless)
for 2016

These innovative apparatus

and prop offerings will
help you take your Pilates
practice to the next level.
r E vo l u t I o n A r y E n G I n E E r I n G : BASI SySTEMS
by Erika Quest In a global initiative that supports its education
programs, BASI has introduced a new line of
Whether you want to switch up your sessions with equipment called BASI Systems that includes a
a new prop or accessory, would like the latest Reformer, Reformer with Tower, Reformer Combo,
update on a piece of equipment you already own Trapeze Table, Arm Chair, Arm Chair Barrel Set, Ladder
or want to know which classic apparatus will best Barrel, Spine Corrector, Wunda Chair, Wall Tower,
round out your repertoire, Pilates Style’s 2016 Wall Unit and Ped a Pul, plus a variety of accessories
Equipment Resource Guide has something for you. and add-ons. BASI Systems equipment features
Read on for the year's top gear. exceptional engineering, the highest-quality materials,
an attention to design and state-of-the-art features
for optimum interaction between the exerciser and
suPPlE sPInE: OOv the equipment. Cutting-edge customization options
Made of highly durable foam to complement the allow it to accommodate varying needs and every level
natural curve of the spine, the Oov™ activates of Pilates enthusiast and professional. (Editor’s note:
core stabilizing muscles while gently extending Check out “My Pilates Journal” on page 74 for more
the spine to stimulate healthy disc lubrication. details on this groundbreaking new line of apparatus.)
From stretching to core strengthening to
rehabilitation exercises, the Oov offers significant PrICEs: Available upon request
benefits for spinal health. w H E r E t o B u y: North American sales: Brandon
Gamble (; international
PrICE: $179 sales: Mehmet Küçükonat (
w H E r E t o B u y: P r o ’ s r E v I E w: “The BASI Systems equipment is
“The Oov naturally cues you!”
P r o ’ s r E v I E w: beautifully manufactured with many features that
—Nichole Anderson, Polestar® Educator a movement-therapy specialist such as myself
needs to work with a variety of clients. The ability
to alter the direction, angle and level of resistance
is brilliant. I have finally found the perfect
equipment: quiet, fluid, aesthetically pleasing and
extremely functional.” —Sondra Karman, Body
Balancing Pilates

116 january • february 2016

u P DAt E D o r I G I n A l : BALANCED BODy n E w tA k E o n A C l A s s I C : PEAK PILATES
Balanced Body® is introducing a re-engineered, AND AFINA TOWER
freestanding version of the Guillotine Tower, one of the These new additions to the Peak Pilates® line of
original pieces of equipment in Joseph Pilates’ studio. equipment were designed with the input of Peak’s Master
While traditional versions of this apparatus required that Instructor team. The Afina™ 4 is Peak’s most classical
it be bolted to both the floor and the ceiling, Balanced version of the Reformer. It comes with traditional leather
Body offers two models: one with a freestanding base straps, handles and strap swivels, and four springs all
(made of stratified wood) that requires no installation, with the same tension for optimum flow. Maintenance-
or a version without a base that needs to be bolted free oil-infused bronze bushings give the wheels more
to the floor but not the ceiling). It is a remarkable tool drag. The Afina™ 5 Reformer comes with the ropes and
for improving pelvic–lumbar stabilization, hip and leg risers, as well as Peak’s five-spring kit with three different
alignment and articulation, deep core strength and tensions (one heavy, two medium and two light), as well
upper-hemisphere organization. as its ultra-glide tracking system with ball-bearing wheels.
The Afina™ Tower can be ordered as an upgrade to both.
P r I C E : $3,595 without base (bolts for floor mounting It’s made from a proprietary aluminum extrusion and soft
not included); $4,250 with base contour frame to allow simultaneous use on both the front
w H E r E t o B u y: and back sides. It was designed to provide maximum
P r o ’ s r E v I E w: “Brilliant! You just can’t do many of the versatility and offers expanded exercise options that
moves on a Cadillac—there’s not enough room!” incorporates much of the traditional Cadillac repertoire.
—Alan Herdman, Alan Herdman Pilates, London
PrICEs: The Afina 4 Reformer, $4,495; the Afina 5
Reformer, $4,095. Afina Tower, from $1995. All three come

in amber bamboo and oak. Custom orders are available.
w H E r E t o B u y:
P r o ’ s r E v I E w: “The new Afina Reformer and Tower
is sleek and smooth, both in looks and in performance.
Its carriage ride is silent, and the resistant ride return
challenges our students in ways they hadn’t experienced
before. We love that the variability and
adjustability of the Tower spring mounts allow
us to change spring heights quickly according
to the exercise and the individual needs of our
clients.” —Connie Borho, Peak Pilates Level
IV Master Instructor, Lolita San Miguel Master
Teacher and director of Balance Pilates and
Yoga Centers in Bradenton, FL.

P o r tA B l E r E s I s tA n C E :
The Fitness Circle® Flex
from MERRITHEW™ is a
lightweight, portable prop
that tones the upper and m u lt I tA s k I n G w r I s t s u P P o r t: WAGS FUSION
lower body. Featuring WAGs Fusion fitness gloves takes you from the weight
soft-grip foam handles, it room to the Reformer, providing wrist support and
provides gentle resistance helping to alleviate wrist pain. Made of soft goatskin
that makes it perfect for leather and a diamond Lycra fabric, they combine
beginners. Available in features of two other WAG gloves: the ergonomic
blue and orange. contoured gel pad of the Flex style, plus the elastic
wrist wrap of the Ultra glove.
PrICE: $19.99
w H E r E t o B u y: PrICE: $59.95
w H E r E t o B u y:
P r o ’ s r E v I E w: “The Fitness Circle Flex is a great “I am
P r AC t I t I o n E r ’ s r E v I E w:
option when I want a circle that provides a more so pleased with my WAGs. I am an
gentle resistance level. My favorite exercise with the avid Pilates and yoga participant,
Fitness Circle Flex is the forward reach, since the circle and my painful wrists interfered
is lighter, and adds to the challenge of balance and with my form. After using WAGs for
opposition in the whole body.” —Laureen DuBeau, two weeks, I’m happy to say that
Merrithew Master Instructor Trainer and owner of my [practice] is free of wrist pain again.”
Uxbridge Pilates in Toronto —Ann E., WAGs customer 117
A P E r F E C t PA I r : FITNESS CIRCLE r E m A r k A B l E r o tAt I o n : PHI PILATES ROTO
The soft, cushioned Fitness Circle® Toning Rings can This kit, which includes two rotating discs, and
be used individually or together to add variety, help instructions and photographs for a variety of exercises,
maintain proper alignment and increase challenge to is a must for any studio or home gym. The moves,
your workout. Made of NBR-covered springs, they are which were developed by PHI® Pilates founder and
weighted, and can be used on the mat or Reformer to physical therapist Dr. Christine Romani-Ruby, are
help sculpt and shape the arms, shoulders, upper back designed to help increase strength and mobility in the
and lower body. hips and shoulders, and alleviate back and knee pain.

PrICE: $36.99 for the pair PrICE: $22 for a set of two (includes exercise guide)
w H E r E t o B u y: w H E r E t o B u y:
P r o ’ s r E v I E w: “These are great for working both the P r o ’ s r E v I E w: “An
upper and lower body at the same time. I can perform absolutely perfect tool
movements using one ring at both ends of the body. to increase proper hip
The rings help maintain proper alignment, recruit range of motion without
upper- and lower-body stabilizers, and provide just a accessory muscle
little resistance.” —Laureen DuBeau movement. These discs
have really helped expand
my Pilates exercise and
rehabilitation repertoire.
I love that you can use
these discs bilaterally or unilaterally, and for any ability

or age. They help with kinesthetic awareness, balance

and proprioceptive skills, and proper muscle facilitation
throughout the entire body.” —Lindsey Hensler
Chropka, PHI Pilates Studio instructor, PMA®-CPT

D uA l P u r P o s E : MINI STABILITy BALL -

A smaller version of the best-selling Merrithew Mini
Stabiity Ball™, this 7.5-inch foam textured ball performs
double duty as a full-body workout prop and a self-
massage tool. The foam—a planet-friendly version of
the material used in memory foam mattresses—makes
it ideal for targeted therapy work and rehydrating
tissue in myofascial rolling. Tone and target hard-
to-reach areas by using the ball to create instability,
thereby activating your deepest stabilizing muscles.

PrICE: $24.99
w H E r E t o B u y:
“I use the Mini Stability Ball™ for both
P r o ’ s r E v I E w:
my warm-up and
r o l l I n G r E s I s tA n C E : ACTIvMOTION BAR cool-down exercises.
Exclusive to OPTP, the ActivMotion Bar ® has internal It’s great for rolling
ball bearings that shift during movement, producing out limbs to increase
an instability that activates the core and creates a more circulation before
effective, challenging workout. Choose a variety of your workout. Post-
weights from four to 18 pounds. workout, I use it to
release pressure
PrICE: $99.99 for 4-pound bar to $159.99 for 18-pound bar points. The ball forms
w H E r E t o B u y: to your body, making
P r o ’ s r E v I E w: “Activities of everyday life involve both it ideal to use at the
inertia and momentum—often we must stop or change base of the lower
direction suddenly or even propel ourselves quickly back during crunches
to avoid some obstacle. The ActivMotion Bar allows to create a level of
Pilates instructors to introduce momentum into clients' instability.” —David
workout regimens safely—while also targeting core Taylor, certified
musculature—so that the body can be better prepared STOTT PILATES®
for life's natural forces.” —Katherine and Kimberly Instructor at Studio
Corp, owners of Pilates on Fifth in NYC Power 3 in Toronto

118 january • february 2016

Co m PAC t Co m F o r t:

This soft foam
roller offers gentle

massage for sore
quads, hamstrings,
calves and more,
during Pilates,
stretching and exercise
routines. The compact 18- x-6-inch size makes it For many Pilates pros, there’s no reason to
easy to carry. Thanks to its cross-linked, closed-cell improve on the perfection of equipment from
construction, the PRO-ROLLER™ is durable while still Gratz™, the original manufacturer of Joseph
offering comfortable compression. Pilates’ apparatus. Here, Pilates teacher
P r I C E : $22.50 Chris Robinson, owner and head trainer of
w H E r E t o B u y: S6 Fitness, in San Diego, CA, talks about his
P r o ’ s r E v I E w: “This is a gateway roller for older, favorite apparatus and prop.
less hydrated people. I also use it to warm up prior
to doing Pilates equipment work if a client is really
tight and sore. It's a wonderful tool that most people GRATz GUILLOTINE
want to have at home.” —Sue Gann, Stott Pilates–, TOWER
PhysicalMind- and Balanced Body–certified Pilates “With the The Gratz
instructor at UNC Rex Healthcare Wakefield Wellness Guillotine Tower, you

Center in Raleigh, NC can do the Arm Springs,
Leg Springs and Pull-Up
as on the Cadillac. The
n E w - G E n E r At I o n r o l l E r : PARASETTER true value is the bar for
Created by Marika Molnar, director of physical therapy doing the Tower and
services for the New York City Ballet, the Parasetter® Monkey exercises; unlike
features attached dual rollers with a center channel. the Cadillac, the bar is
It allows for more freedom of movement and comfort unstable, which adds an
than traditional rollers, while protecting the spinous extra challenge to stabilize
processes of the vertebral column. It comes with your hips during these
a removable multi-use head support and rib wrap exercises. A must for
attachments. The breathing protocol also resets the every studio” ($3,220;
parasympathetic nervous system to help lower blood
pressure and cortisol levels.

PrICE: $110
w H E r E t o B u y: GRATz NECK
“Parasetter is an independent,
P r o ’ s r E v I E w: STRETCHER
functional and restorative way to re-educate the “The Gratz Neck Stretcher
central core patterns by proprioceptive pressure is a small device that I
feedback felt through the erector spinaes. greatly value. I use it for all
Breathing and feeling the rib expansion on the of my combat and contact
inhale facilitates feedback from the rollers to sports athletes, but
naturally balance and position the head, neck and also my businessperson
spine. Stability training results from reciprocal clientele who sit in front
patterns of opposite arm and leg patterns varying of a computer most of
type, speed and rhythm.” —Tina Sferra, MSPT, the day. Its purpose is to
physical therapist and Pilates teacher and the owner strengthen and elongate
of Elite Performance in Bedford Hills, NY the muscles that support
the neck ($125;”

Erika Quest, owner of Studio Q Pilates Conditioning in

Laguna Beach, CA, is a member of the Balanced Body
Faculty, a BASI graduate, public speaker and freelance
writer. Her workouts, workshops and articles are available
at Pilates on Tour, Pilates Anytime, IDEA Health & Fitness
Association and other premier fitness/wellness avenues. 119
Made with Care, Owned with Pride

It’s your equipment. You should be

proud to own it. That’s what has
inspired us for 40 years and counting. | 1-800-PILATES (745-2837)

120 january • february 2016

A-5100p ™/® Trademark or registered trademark of Merrithew Corporation, used under license. All rights reserved.
A-5100p ™/® Trademark or registered trademark of Merrithew Corporation, used under license. All rights reserved.

TheThe stand-up
stand-up solution
solution forfor small
small spaces.
The SPX Max Reformer with Vertical Stand is a space-saving and economical piece of equipment

The SPX Max Reformer with Vertical Stand is a space-saving and economical piece of equipment

that will help you make the most of your studio or club. Maximize space and revenue with this
that will help you make the most of your studio or club. Maximize space and revenue with this
value-priced Reformer that’s equipped with full commercial features. When it’s not in use simply
value-priced Reformer that’s equipped with full commercial features. When it’s not in use simply
stand it, roll it and store it.
stand it, roll it and store it.
We can help you design integrated Pilates programs — training and equipment — that meets
We can help you design integrated Pilates programs — training and equipment — that meets
the needs of your diverse clients.
the needs of your diverse clients. 121

The end of !the flat bar.!

! Movement.

! Exclusive to OPTP, the 4-foot,

! 4.5-pound ActivMotion Bar®

! is ideal for Pilates. The bar
provides immediate feedback, "I am proud to announce the launch of

BASI® Systems Pilates equipment. During
enhancing body awareness my 36 years of disciplined practice in

and core stabilization. Pilates I became acutely aware of the

need for evolution in the equipment. The
designs for BASI Systems grew out of this

realization. These designs could not have

come to fruition without the incredible
team of engineers and designers I worked

with. The end result—BASI Systems, finely


crafted apparatus."—Rael Isacowitz

For sales inquiries:
4.5 lbs. OPTP Exclusive

North American Sales: Brandon Gamble

! International Sales: Mehmet Küçükonat

! 6 lbs. (

Available in five

8 lbs.
additional weight

options. Education 10 lbs.

and exercise videos CARE PILATES
available online with
15 lbs.
product purchase.

! 18 lbs.

Weighted ball bearings move
inside bar for increased challenge

on mat and reformer workouts




Pilates Equipment for kids

Is adult equipment right for children?

! Not if you want to see real results.

Kids Pilates professional equipment
by Care Pilates is designed with the strength, flexibility, body and height

of growing children in mind. The
entire line of apparatus, including a
Equipment, Education! Reformer, Cadillac, Chair and Ladder
& 15 free videos 800.367.7393 | OPTP.COM
Barrel, can be customized in a variety
of colors.

122 january • february 2016


1980 EAst rIvEr roAD 1-880-910-0001 x 264 2111 nArCIssus Ct.

tuCson, Az 85718 vEnICE, CA 90291
888-rFC-8884 1-800-925-3674 or 310-823-7008 MERRITHEW is a name synonymous
with the highest quality and finest
FlEtCHEr BrAIDED towEl manufacturing materials in the Peak Pilates®, the leading choice of
Developed by Pilates Master Ron industry. Used by sports teams, experienced Pilates professionals
Fletcher over the course of 4 health professionals, studios and worldwide, is committed to
decades, specially designed for fitness facilities around the world, advancing the quality of Pilates

use with his signature Fletcher the MERRITHEW equipment line education available to health and
Towelwork ® and Percussive is recognized as The Professional’s fitness professionals. Peak Pilates
Breathing Technique™. Perfect Choice™. Crafted with pride, training programs preserve the
length, grip and elasticity! precision and the highest quality integrity of the Pilates method while
components in the industry, making it accessible, affordable,
to PlACE An orDEr: MERRITHEW equipment is sleek, progressive and user-friendly. versatile, durable and engineered for
maximum safety and effectiveness.

The essence of Pilates is the resistance/
Protect your knees and other delicate assistance provided by our unique
boney areas while practicing Pilates. apparatus. Tye4 mimics these effects to
Get the Airex kneeling pad. Perfect deliver oppositional movement so that
padding and anti-slip surface for use everyone has a better experience. These
on the mat or apparatus. Now with skinny custom-made bungees can add 20
a convenient hanging handle. Also a pounds of resistance which ensures that
great mini mat for travel. the muscles are worked and the skeleton
is loaded. Knowledgeable Pilates people
should be able to see how this closed
chain system works just by viewing videos
on our site www.physicalmindinstitute.
com. Price $75.00; wholesale is $40.00 ea.
for 10 or more. 123

you Need to
Try in 2016

Jump-start this year, making healthy choices


with expert-approved advice and tips.

by Amy Schlinger

124 january • february 2016

Come January 1, there’s an unwritten rule that it’s in New York City. “You should also use a toner and
time to wipe the slate clean from the past year and daily moisturizer, ideally with sun protection.”
to implement healthier choices into your life. We’ve
scoured the scientific research to find the most
beneficial, most actionable and easiest-to-accomplish 3. EMBRACE THE FATS.
tips for staving off stress, getting more fit, managing
your weight and boosting your overall well-being in the Fat—which was public enemy number one in the ’90s
year ahead. and oughts—is back in style. “There is a swing back
to full-fat foods, which seem to manage satiety better,
help prevent those blood sugar and insulin spikes
1. EAT THOSE GERMS! which trigger inflammation, and balance the hormonal
axis,” says Dr. Bhatia. Plus, low-fat foods generally
Surprisingly, our immune system is controlled by the make up for their lack of taste with an increased sugar
bacteria in our gut, according to research published content. A recent study published in the European
in the journal Immunity this past October. And what Journal of Nutrition found that people who eat full-
we eat affects the balance of good and bad bacteria. fat dairy aren’t more likely to develop cardiovascular

“Good gut health is the foundation of wellness,” says disease and type 2 diabetes than people who opt for
Tasneem Bhatia, MD, an Atlanta-based physician low-fat dairy.
specializing in integrative medicine and the author
of The 21-Day Belly Fix. “Poor digestive health has to How to mAkE It HAPPEn: Instead of fat-free
do with a lack of a diverse range of bacteria in food. items, buy full-fat, whole foods, which will keep you
If you don’t have the right balance of bacteria, it can fuller longer. “It has been shown that eating full fat
lead to intestine indigestion, diarrhea, abdominal pain does ultimately result in lower calorie consumption,”
and bloating.” says Dr. Bhatia. “You just have to eat less [of those
foods] to not have the caloric or cardiovascular
How to mAkE It HAPPEn: Avoid processed implications of full fat.”
foods—a recent study from King’s College London
found that a diet of fast and junk food decreased the
number of stomach flora by more than a third. Instead,
include things like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi,
tempeh and kombucha in your daily diet, which all
contain probiotics to promote good bacteria. “This
also helps with the regulation of insulin and blood
sugar levels,” says Dr. Bhatia. Also increase your
consumption of “prebiotic” foods like bananas, chicory
and dandelion greens, which support the growth
of good bacteria, suggests Dr. Bhatia. Other good
sources include whole grains, fruits and vegetables.


The sun isn’t the only environmental factor you should
take into consideration before heading outside.
Pollution can also cause wrinkles and pigment spots,
according to research from Heinrich Heine University 4. DON’T FALL IN THE
in Düsseldorf, Germany. “In 2014, Olay skin care 100-CALORIE TRAP.
presented a study to the annual conference of the
Chinese dermatologist association that showed They seem like the perfect way to have your cake (or
pollution had significantly detrimental effects on cookies or crackers) and eat it, too, but it turns out
the skin,” says Dr. Paul Lorenc, MD, FACS, a plastic those 100-calorie treats are not actually great for
surgeon and the founder of the Lorenc SkinFit your waistline. “Hundred-calorie packs are an eye
program in New York. “The most interesting finding cheat and a thigh defeat,” says Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD,
in their study was that living in a highly polluted area CSSD, LDN, the owner of Active Eating Advice and
ages people 10 percent faster than [when] people live the former sports dietician for the Pittsburgh Steelers
in less polluted areas.” and Penguins. “The packet is never full, you won’t
be satisfied, and these items are primarily carbs with
How to mAkE It HAPPEn: While you can’t just up added sugar so they have minimal staying power.”
and move, there are other ways you can protect your
skin from pollution damage. “To protect your skin from How to mAkE It HAPPEn: Skip packs with
air pollution, it’s important to wash your face daily with restricted calorie counts—you’re likely to end up
a mild cleanser,” says Lance Brown, MD, dermatologist eating multiple packs, thereby defeating the purpose. 125
When the screen goes black,
head outside for a walk and
some fresh air or even do a
mini mat workout.

Instead, choose a healthier snack—like a piece of fruit

or a square or two of dark chocolate. We’re loving the 6. MOvE ALL DAy.
“nice cream” trend, using frozen bananas as a base to
frozen treats. “When your muscles are inactive and your joints
are in the same position over and over again, the
arteries within those inert muscles don’t expand
5. STAy NEUTRAL. with movement,” explains Katy Bowman, MS, a
biomechanist and the author of Move Your DNA.
In the past, there have been both pushes toward “Breaking up [periods of] stillness changes the way
minimalist shoes, followed by a trend toward super- blood flows through your arteries.”
supportive kicks. But now researchers are finding
that the most important thing is finding shoes that fit How to mAkE It HAPPEn: Bowman suggest
your individual feet, instead of forcing your footsies using a Fitbit to track your steps and let you know
to conform to the latest trend. Brooks Running, a when you need to get up and move. Another option:
leading shoe manufacturer, recently came up with Downloading an app that helps track sitting time. “Get
new technology called Stride Signature to provide the Time Out app, which darkens your computer screen
customers with a personalized fit. “Every person at times pre-set by you,” says Bowman. When the
is unique, down to the shapes of their bones and screen goes black, head outside for a walk and some
joints,” says Carson Caprara, senior manager of fresh air or even do a mini mat workout. Other ideas:
global product line management at Brooks Running. Set the alarm on your phone to remind yourself to get
“The result of all of these differences is a movement up and walk for five minutes every hour during the work
pattern that is highly individual and preferred by the day. Or instead of fast-forwarding during commercials
body. We call this the preferred motion path. We are when you’re watching TV at night, get up and move
focused on building footwear that harmonizes with around the house.
this pattern for each runner and therefore, works with
the body rather than against it.”
How to mAkE It HAPPEn: When purchasing SPORT: RELAxATION.
shoes, go to a specialty shoe store where a
professional can examine your stride and let you know Float pods (read: large sensory-deprivation pods
what type of movement patterns you’re making. Stick filled with water in which you float for an hour or
to purchasing shoes that work best with your body. more) are the new frontier of stress relief. “Many
For pronators, that might mean a shoe with more have found this to aid in recovery as well as pain
support on the inside edges to keep the feet from management,” explains Mike Valesio, owner of
collapsing inward; people with high arches might need Cloud Aquatic Float Parlor in Waldwick, NJ. In fact,
extra cushioning and maybe to even go up a size. a number of military veterans with post-traumatic

126 january • february 2016

stress disorder have reported finding relief after just How to mAkE It HAPPEn: Make a plan to cook at
a few sessions in a float pod. “Having the ability to home as many nights of the week as you can. “Being
float weightlessly in skin-temperature water, free engaged in the process of cooking means you’ll
from outside sounds and light, allows a person to know exactly what you’re eating, you have the option
finally let go of all the moving pieces in the outside to season accordingly, and it is less expensive than
world because outside stimuli are reduced as much ordering out,” says Bonci. Cooking your own meals
as possible,” he adds. can ensure you’re getting exactly the fuel you need
for the day. “Part of the enjoyment of eating comes
How to mAkE It HAPPEn: Google “float parlor” not only from the eating, but the preparation of the
to find a location near you. (There are now more than food,” she adds. “Cooking can put activity into the day,
250 across the country.) A 90-minute session costs allows us to vicariously enjoy food and is part of a more
around $75. satisfying eating experience.”
In order to get enough veggies and fruit into your
meals, she suggests using freeze-dried fruits and
8. EAT FOOD— veggies as a textural topper to salads. “Use fruit-ons
AND STOP THE JUICING. instead of croutons,” suggests Bonci. “And we can

buy freeze-dried carrots and beets that can be root-
Juice cleanses? Green smoothies? So last year! ons!” Hummus, black-bean dips and making a stir-fry
Undeniable evidence the trend is waning: The large juice with add-ins like pineapple, mango and citrus can
chain Organic Avenue recently filed for bankruptcy. So help, too.
what’s the big new eating trend? Food! (Crazy, huh?!) For healthy recipes to make, flip to page 72, or
“Digestion occurs in the mouth, not just the gut,” says visit, and
Bonci. “Engaging teeth in the act of eating is part of
the act of engagement.” And while something like a If you have no time to cook, a meal delivery
smoothie can be a good way to get extra fruits and service can be a great option (they’re available
vegetables into your diet, you’re limiting the flavor across the country). If you can’t find a delivery meal
options, causing your taste buds to crave more. “When option, you can always turn to a service like Blue
someone drinks juice or a smoothie, it is typically just Apron or Plated, which delivers the exact ingredients
carbs, has only one texture—smooth—and one flavor (to the teaspoon) you need to make healthy dishes;
profile,” says Bonci. “A meal gives the options of you just put them together.
temperature, texture and taste variations.”
Even ardent fans found juicing wasn’t a long-term
solution. “Juicing will never replace food, it will only 9. PICK RESTAURANTS THAT
supplement it,” says Kelly Boyer, founder and CEO PUT IT ALL OUT THERE.
of Paleta, a farm-to-table meal delivery service in Los
Angeles, who has seen the popularity in her meal Restaurants that list the calorie counts on their
deliveries outperform juicing sales. menu offer dishes with an average of 140 fewer
calories per item compared to those that don’t post
nutrition information, according to a new study from
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Make a plan to cook at Researchers speculate that restaurants would rather
make a healthier menu than list dishes with crazy-high
home as many nights of calorie counts. Thankfully, this is helping customers
make healthier choices. “A 2013 study in the American
the week as you can. Journal of Preventive Medicine set out to evaluate
whether purchase decisions varied at full-service
restaurants depending on the presence of labeling,”
says Amanda Foti, MS, RD, RDN, senior dietician for
Selvera Personalized Weight Management. “They
found that those eating at labeled establishments
ordered 151 fewer calories, 224 miligrams less sodium,
and 3.7 grams less saturated fat.”

How to mAkE It HAPPEn: Next time you’re in

charge of picking up lunch or choosing a place to have
dinner, select a restaurant that lists the calorie counts
on the menu. You’re bound to be able to find healthier
options. You can also look up the counts online ahead
of time and decide what you’ll order so your decision
isn’t swayed by aromas once you get to the restaurant.
“Beyond calories, you want to make sure your meal
contains lean protein, fiber and healthy fats to ensure a
nutritious diet,” advises Foti. PS 127


Select workshops approved for PMA CEC’s

Join Rael and special guests for this celebration of excellence in Pilates education.
Presenters include Rael Isacowitz, Karen Clippinger, Deborah Lessen,
Michelle Larsson and our talented BASI faculty.
Register at

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128 january • february 2016


130 january • february 2016


Credible. Comprehensive. In-depth.


Follow your passion for fitness

with a new career in the Learn to teach from the
Pilates and Barre Industry! legends of barre who have
We are proud to be the New revolutionized the fitness
England Host Site for Balanced
Body and the new Balanced
Body Barre. You will learn a

fusion of traditional Pilates

combined with contemporary
modifications for all fitness
levels and ages. Our Barre
teacher training is based on
the Lotte Berk Method with
contemporary updates that
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graduates become successful
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are here to change lives
Barre weekend immersion
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Zayna Gold will instruct you on information or business
proper alignment throughout services, Balanced Body is here
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Come see what’s new, at

132 january • february 2016


1-800-910-0001 Po Box 47009 PErsonAl BEst PIlAtEs stuDIo

HEALTH + WELLNESS mInnEAPolIs, mn 55447 6600 CollEGE BoulEvArD, stE. 210
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MERRITHEW is dedicated to building 913-345-8787
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PILATES®, ZEN•GA™, CORE outstanding educational resources. services. Our therapists are
Athletic Conditioning & Performance From foam rollers, resistance bands Nationally Certified LMTs, and are
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Halo® Training. Their premium Neuromuscular, Reflexology and Pre/
OPTP is the preferred resource for
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Want to do Pilates anytime,
Stay in shape with Christine Romani- anywhere? This online studio
Ruby PT, MPT, ATC using Pilates: resource offers more than 2,000
Using Small Props for Big Results, a Pilates classes featuring top
148 page guide to exercises using
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the Pilates ring, foam roller, spine
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For just $18 a month, members
can take unlimited classes and
tutorials of all levels on their
computer, tablet, smartphone, or
TV. PMA CEC workshops are also
offered. Try it free for 30 days
with promo code PSHEALTH16. 133
New Ground

Whether you want to increase your knowledge

of Pilates, obtain certification, open a studio, or
increase your present studio’s business, here are
the latest ways to fulfill your desires from Pilates
pros who are in the know.
by Heidi Dvorak

THE ART OF CONTROL videos available for immediate is now launching a pre- and
Purchase, NY streaming at The postnatal course, plus Bootybarre online Education Finder ® connects slider workshops and even more
to courses for Balanced Body programs in Pilates and barre
Simona Cipriani’s studio located at Barre™, BodhiSuspension System®, fitness education. Due to a surge
Purchase College, SUNY, introduces CoreAlign®, MOTR® and others at of interest in barre programs
college students to Pilates, certifies more than 160 authorized training in the U.S., new online training
instructors in mat and apparatus, centers around the world. Pilates on and membership for Bootybarre
and offers anatomy courses. A Tour ® enters its 12th year providing instructors is available to keep
variety of group classes are offered, industry-leading continuing- classes taught at a high level of
including mat, tower and a Reformer education conferences. Check competence. Creator Tracey Mallett
and mat combination, along with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, is launching a new fusion fitness
privates and semiprivates. A PMA Pinterest, LinkedIn and the certification format in the spring
continuing-education workshop website’s blog for the latest news. called Svelte-U, a true foundation
is offered on January 31. Through of Pilates-meets-movements
the newsletter and social media, from dance with the flexibility of
apprentices will keep a journal BOOTYBARRE yoga and the inspiration of barre
documenting their journeys through S. Pasadena, CA work. There will be online and live
the certification program. education in select areas.

After the huge success of its first

BALANCED BODY Pilates and Bootybarre retreat BUFF BONES
Sacramento, CA in the Dominican Republic, the New York, NY company offers a second retreat
from April 21 to 25 at Dreams
Career-oriented Pilates students Spa and Golf Resort in Cabo Buff Bones ®, the medically
can choose from many instructional San Lucas, Mexico. Bootybarre endorsed system of movement for

134 january • february 2016

bone health, enters its fifth year,
with trained instructors in more
than 20 countries. Along with the
Instructor Training course, owner
Pilates Style
Rebekah Rotstein and her faculty
provide free online monthly
videos and business support, as
DVD Awards 2015
well as an online video library Although fitness DVDs are becoming few and far between, thanks
with workouts. Involvement with to the trend toward subscription-based video websites, here are
the International Osteoporosis some standouts from the past year.
Foundation brings cutting-edge
information to the licensed
instructors on topics such as most Fun
arthritis and other conditions, POP PILATES: FLAT ABS FAST!
along with exposure to new
clients. Check for updates at i n s t r u c t o r Balanced Body–
Buffbones on Facebook and certified Cassey Ho, the creator
@RebekahRotstein on Twitter. of POP Pilates and Blogilates,

teaches at 24 Hour Fitness
locations in Los Angeles, CA.
EXHALE BARRE l e V e l intermediate–advanced
TEACHER TRAINING e Q u i p m e n t mat
Nationwide She’s cute, she’s hip, she’s on
training YouTube, she’s got a cool line
of activewear, she’s a damn
The 40-hour barre teacher-training good teacher and best of all—
program gives students the tools she gets you. Three intense ab
they need to lead their own class. workouts make you feel like
The training has a high industry you’re working out with your
standard and is not a franchise best bud, who understands that
model. After training, students looking great is important.
possess high-quality skills to
create their own brand, class, and 33 minutes, $9.99
barre style. The program includes Ogorgeous Inc.
all materials, a monthly playlist,
continuing education and first-
year certification. Prerequisites are
not required. Visit Exhale Spa’s
Facebook page. The well-being experience is Pilates Youth Program to help
rounded out with bridal boot teachers develop safe and effective
camps, well-being retreats, Pilates programs for children of all
EXHALE SPA nutritional programming and ages. The complete Fletcher Pilates
Worldwide the Exhale Institute, a suite of Movement Library is now available teacher-training programs. online, making reference to Fletcher
Pilates techniques just a click away.
Founded in 2002, Exhale has
earned a position as a leading FLETCHER PILATES
lifestyle brand in the spa and INTERNATIONAL FUSIONPILATESEDU.COM
well-being sector with award- Tucson, Arizona Asheville, NC
winning mind/body fitness classes
and spa and healing therapies.
Guests transform mind and body Fletcher Pilates® announces its This year, online company
with exclusive yoga and core newest continuing-education celebrates
fusion programs including core courses for Pilates professionals, the 100th episode of “The Pilates
fusion barre, barre and cardio, featuring the redesigned Guillotine Show,” a free web show that posts
boot camp, cardio, extreme, Tower with a full syllabus of twice weekly with Pilates tips,
sport and yoga. The spa therapies movements and programming on techniques, Q&As and lifestyle
and services allow guests to this unique and highly effective segments, plus weekly humor with
experience ancient and new apparatus. Following Joseph Pilates’ “The Pilates Dork” comic strip.
revitalizing treatments such as vision to “first educate the child” Fusion offers innovative online
facials, massages, waxing and and PMA guidelines, the company continuing-education workshops
healing in relaxing sanctuaries. offers a comprehensive Fletcher from Marie José Blom, Madeline 135
Black, Mary Bowen, Elizabeth LOLITA SAN MIGUEL’S to launch is an enhanced interactive
Larkam, Lesley Powell, Tom McCook PILATES CENTER web and social experience to keep
and others on a variety of topics. Palm Beach Gardens, FL the community informed, connected and and engaged.
San Diego, CA First-generation teacher Lolita MINDBODY BUSINESS San Miguel returns with her MANAGEMENT
Pilates Master Mentor Program™ San Luis Obispo, CA
Jennifer Kries’ state-of-the-art, in Florida from March 29 to and
boutique studio Maison Intime April 2. Lolita’s Legacy Teacher
boasts classical equipment Training Program™ is starting
designed expressly for her in Brazil, France, Germany, Kiev, A provider of web and mobile
headquarters. The new year Italy, Switzerland, Turkey and business management software
continues her Teaching to Inspire Finland in addition to several for wellness providers, Mindbody
mentorship program and teacher- cities in the U.S. offers all-inclusive, web-based
training course. software that allows business
owners to manage their

MERRITHEW operations from anywhere at

JOHN GAREY TV Toronto, Ontario, Canada anytime. Core functions include
Worldwide client management, scheduling, staff management, as well as
MERRITHEW™ continues to payroll, sales, reporting and
John Garey TV specializes in fun emphasize the importance of marketing. Mindbody Express is
and creative online programming mind/body exercise in 2016 by the company’s mobile business
for Pilates and fitness professionals. introducing innovative products that management app, which allows
There is the Move of the Day, make it easier for home exercisers to business owners and instructors
plus master classes and single- restore, rebalance and strengthen to manage clients, classes and run
exercise workshops complete with their mind/body connection in the transactions all from their mobile
notes. Debuting this year is The gym, at the office or on the go. New phones. The company recently
John Garey Show, where Garey content and materials are offered released Class Check-in by
interviews industry leaders in a fun in seven languages, including new Mindbody, a mobile app that can
and personal way. fascia-focused programming. Soon be stationed on tablets throughout
a studio to allow students to
check in. This solution is ideal to
reduce lines and improve flow,
Pilates Style DVD Awards 2015 especially for studios that hold
multiple classes simultaneously.
BEst For CHIllInG out Self check-in enables instructors
STRETCH SCULPT to devote more time to preparing
the classroom and helping new
i n s t r u c t o r Certified by the students, rather than being tied to
PhysicalMind Institute, Ellen the front desk.
Barrett is based in New Haven,
CT, and teaches private sessions.
l e V e l beginner–intermediate PEAK PILATES
e Q u i p m e n t 1- to 3-pound hand Los Angeles, CA
weights, mat

“Fluid” is the key word here This year, the new Peak Pilates®
in terms of Barrett’s seamless Afina Collection will be available
fusion of ballet, yoga, Pilates, for purchase for studio or home.
strength training and stretch, In addition to new equipment, the
all performed barefoot. When international team of skilled master
you need a workout that doesn’t instructors will continue to offer
pound the life out of you, this no- workshops and programming at a
stress, uncomplicated program network of host sites and education
reminds you that moving is a joy. centers around the world, designed
to help professionals build strength,
30 minutes, $15 endurance, balance, flexibility
Seth D. Stein Productions and power. Peak Pilates hosts the fourth-annual Pilates Empowerment
Summit on June 2 and 3 in

136 january • february 2016

Molnar’s Roller System for the
Pilates Style DVD Awards 2015 21st Century will be available in
February. It consists of dual rollers,
BEst Butt sHAPEr a detachable head support, a
BOTTOM LINE & A CORE DEFINED unique “rib wrap,” which is also
usable separately to protect the
instructor STOTT PILATES®- kidneys, and an ankle restraint to
certified Patricia Friberg is facilitate correct positioning.
based in Westlake, CA.
l e V e l all
e Q u i p m e n t mat, small fitness PILATES ANYTIME
ball, loop band Carpinteria, CA
Achieving a tight rear is
dependent on core activation This global online resource offers
with precise mind-muscle more than 2,000 Pilates videos
control of the glutes and abs. featuring top instructors from the
It sounds tricky, but Friberg world over, with new videos added

masterfully shows you how daily. For just $18 a month, members
to make your muscles work in can find inspiration by watching
harmony—and prevent injury unlimited Pilates classes and tutorials
to boot. of all levels on their computer, tablet,
smartphone or TV. Try it free for 30
days with code PSCONNECT.
73 minutes, $19.95
Fit Life Productions PILATES EDUCATION
Miami. Follow the latest news and PHI PILATES
promotions from Peak Pilates on Pittsburgh, PA The Pilates Education Institute
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. helps studio owners implement a
successful teacher-training program
PHI Pilates Studio shares the with materials such as the Pilates
PERSONAL BEST PILATES Yur Back program created by Teacher Training Business Kit and
INSTRUCTOR ACADEMY physical therapist Dr. Christine the support of its experienced
(PBPIA) Romani-Ruby with seven DVDs team of professionals. The new year
Overland Park, KS for home enthusiasts and the Yur brings the launch of a Host Studio Back teacher licensure program. Affiliate program in addition to the
The book Reforming Human Independent Affiliate program,
Personal Best Pilates Instructor Movement (2015), a compilation so now there will be two ways to
Academy now offers an exercise of 94 exercises on the Reformer, experience the benefits of increased
science–based Pilates teacher- is now available at the website. profits from the addition of teacher-
training certificate and continuing- Keep posted for the opening of a training income, more highly
education courses in webinar second PHI Pilates Studio in the qualified instructors, less turnover
format. The detailed and quality south hills of Pittsburgh. and increased client retention.
teacher-training classes were
developed by a team of master
60 years of combined experience New York, NY Costa Mesa, CA
in the industry and are delivered
directly to a computer or mobile
device. The webinars allow TheMethod Pilates® is now The The online resource for Pilates
students to learn at their own New Pilates™ with a new delivery professionals offers an interactive
convenience, from anywhere system for Pilates certification video library of the entire Pilates
in the world. PBPIA is building based on learning from multiple repertoire, available at any time,
a national and international teachers. Also new is TYE4 anywhere there is an internet
presence with coursework choreography available on videos connection. It contains more than
recognized by the PMA, the for Pilates matwork, barre, yoga, 350 Pilates exercises, each in
Aerobics and Fitness Association fusion and Standing Pilates®, as high-quality video, with detailed
of America, and the National well as Bone Up™, a workout for instructions. The filtering is
Strength Conditioning Association. osteoporosis. Parasetter ®, Marika sophisticated for instant access to 137
Pilates Style DVD Awards 2015 Pilates
by the numbers
BEst PrEGGErs ProGrAm
FaceBook 121.5k likes
instructor Erica Ziel is Stott twitter 23.3k followers
Pilates–certified and based i n s t a g r a m 2.5k followers
in Ankeny, Iowa, where she
teaches out of her home. /PILATESST YLE
l e V e l all
e Q u i p m e n t mat, light (2–4 @PILATESST YLEMAG
pounds) and heavy (5 pounds)
hand weights @PILATESST YLE

The premise here is a wise

one: Don’t wait until after the Some of our favorite Pilates-
baby’s born to get in shape.

related hashtags on Instagram:

Four customizable workouts are
geared to keep you strong (or #pilatesinstructor
make you stronger), so you can
carry that extra weight with ease.
72 minutes, $19.99
CoreAthletica Inc.

any exercise. Each exercise is cross- planned for their popular Interviews of new construction on their
categorized according to level of section such as the upcoming building) by planning new
expertise, muscle focus, apparatus series on Joe Pilates’ cabin and online workouts for streaming
and BASI Block classification. studio in Becket, MA, as well as and download to any device.
BASI Pilates Founder Rael additions to the new Business Additionally, two ebooks, The Art
Isacowitz provides expert exercise Tips and Apparatus Maintenance and Craft of Cueing for Pilates
cueing. The company offers a sections. Plans are underway to students and professionals,
dynamic library of supplementary offer PMA CEC workshop credits and Survival Guide for Pilates
instructional videos, updated this year. Enhanced user interaction Studio Owners, are in the works.
monthly. The first month for first- will be evident with videos such as Aspiring instructors across the
time subscribers is free. Use access a new Chapters feature (already in globe can complete their Pilates
code basi2016. action for all workshops), plus the education at one of 42 Pilates
ability for members to comment, Academy International satellite
bookmark and tag videos. The centers. As a free supplement
PILATESOLOGY site becomes user-friendly with an to the live training, detailed
Hermosa Beach, CA automatic mobile version to make education videos and workouts finding classes easy for tablet and can be streamed directly from
smartphone users. The Community any computer or mobile device.
Dedicated to authentic Pilates, this area will add a searchable list for Twelve more Pilates Academy
online site offers videos taught recommended classical studios International training centers will
solely by instructors who were and teacher trainings along with be added this year. Also, Ultimate
trained by Joseph Pilates or his new ways to share Pilates videos, Pilates Workouts will feature
protégé Romana Kryzanowska. questions and needs. workout plans for users as well as
With upwards of 750 classes in online PMA CEC workshops.
the exclusive, growing collection,
the site has more classes with PILATES ON FIFTH and
Kryzanowska’s most respected PILATES ACADEMY POLESTAR PILATES
teachers than anywhere else. INTERNATIONAL Worldwide
Membership provides unlimited New York, NY, and worldwide
access, including full-length and
workshops for teachers and The new Polestar ® online platform
targeted programs such as Pilates consists of videos, downloads, and
for Runners and the 30-Day Owners Katherine and Kimberly online discussion where students
Challenge. Owners Alisa Wyatt Corp are celebrating 15 years can discuss course material off-site.
and Jack Coble have new content in business (and the completion The company is rolling out two new

138 january • february 2016

courses, Polestar Running and Oov BarreAmped Stretch. Visit Suzanne XTEND BARRE
for Pilates. Both courses contain Bowen Fitness on Facebook, Twitter Corporate flagship studio in Boca
online and in-class components and Instagram. Raton, FL; worldwide
that help with assessing and
improving movement. The newest
venture, Polestar Studio Franchise, UNITED STATES PILATES Xtend Barre has more than 180
is a plug-and-play business model, ASSOCIATION, LLC studios worldwide. This year,
powered by the Polestar brand. Ft. Lauderdale, FL Xtend Barre allows students to #XtendAnywhere thanks to their
online membership in collaboration
POWER PILATES Three second-generation Romana with CosmoBody. The program
Worldwide Kryzanowska–certified Pilates will run via the website. Xtend instructors own and operate Barre® Online will feature a series of
this educational organization, signature Xtend Barre movements
This classical Pilates educator whose mission is to preserve the with five-, 10-, 15- and 20-minute
continues to release consumer integrity of Joseph Pilates’ method workouts, allowing students to
online workouts through its video by maintaining a standard of participate wherever and whenever
network and online professional excellence. It continues the rich they can. Membership will also

workshops with a partnership with tradition of the classical Pilates provide access to healthy recipes
Leaders in Fitness. Power Pilates methodology by offering teacher provided by nutritionists and
believes that being a teacher is a certification through The New York well-known contributors. Three
lifelong learning process and this Pilates Studio® Teacher Certification membership options are available:
year the curriculum committee Program with certification centers Essential, at $15 per month; Elite,
launched their graduate program, throughout the U.S., continuing- at $50 for six months (includes
which is a rigorous program education seminars, a signature access to; and VIX
that extends up to three years, interactive archival seminar with at $99.99 for 12 months (includes
challenging their most senior exclusive, rare footage of Joseph access to and
teachers with online examinations, Pilates’ teaching, and a unique an Xtend Barre resistance band).
original research and proficiency Bridge Program that offers Pilates CosmoBody features more than
evaluations. Power Pilates continues instructors, who have been certified 200 workout videos that Elite and
to cultivate a diverse group of elite through other programs, the ability VIX members can access, including
trainers, expanding the classical to become certified in Joseph exclusive Xtend Barre workouts
teachings to a broader scope of Pilates’ classical methodology. specifically created for its site. PS
individuals with new training center
expansion in Europe, Africa, Asia
and South America.
Pilates Style DVD Awards 2015
Worldwide ELEMENT CARDIO & CONDITIONING YOGA and i n s t r u c t o r Alanna Zabel, a
Stott Pilates– and ABS Pilates–
Suzanne Bowen is the creator certified trainer, is the founder
of Suzanne Bowen Fitness, a of AziamYoga and creator of
streaming website for workout Yoga Barre.
videos and nutrition advice. l e V e l intermediate–advanced
Bowen is known for her signature e Q u i p m e n t mat
BarreAmped workout, an
internationally taught barre method There is no denying that the
that is licensed to more than 350 discipline of yoga is worthy of
studios and hundreds of trainers achieving total-body strength,
worldwide. BarreAmped is a flexibility, muscle control, focus,
body-shaping barre program that better posture, increased
combines dance, Pilates, yoga and energy, improved balance and
Bowen’s classical Lotte Berk training. stress reduction. This workout
This year, Bowen offers additional is the perfect complement to
BarreAmped certifications in the your studio time.
U.S for BarreAmped, BarreAmped
Bootcamp, BarreAmped Cardio 80 minutes, $13.47
and BarreAmped Fire. She will Anchor Bay
be releasing two new DVDs:
BarreAmped Extreme Sculpt and 139

140 january • february 2016

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142 january • february 2016

BAlAnCED BoDy® The complete Fletcher Pilates®
CHECk out zAynA GolD’s nEw
1-800-PIlAtEs or 916-388-2838 “sCulPt ExPrEss” DvD Video Collection is now available online. This video library ranges

spend small. learn large. 30 sessions to a Brand New Body has from historical footage of
Exceptional learning opportunities for never been more fun! workshops and lectures with
Pilates professionals and enthusiasts. first-generation teacher Ron
Zayna’s combination of traditional
Fletcher to a variety of multi-level
• NEW! Video titles to stream! Barre techniques and cutting edge
Pilates moves are the perfect blend movement videos. Experience
• Balanced Body Blog: resources, tips
of grace and power. the Fletcher Pilates lineage
and inspiration.
online, wherever you are!
• Podcasts: 100s to see, and free.
For morE InFo vIsIt
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4051 BroAD strEEt, suItE 220
sAn luIs oBIsPo, CA 93401 POLESTAR PILATES® is a
With over 145 titles in our leading international authority
world-renowned collection, MINDBODY has led the health and in Pilates, shaping world health
Pilates enthusiasts and wellness industry in software development and making whole body fitness
since its founding. Over 500,000 providers
instructors alike will find spanning 90 countries use the companys available to everyone. We offer
everything they’re looking for web and mobile app solutions, which Pilates education, resources,
with an array of programming streamline business needs by bringing
scheduling, client management, payroll,
rehabilitation and more.
covering all fitness levels and sales and reporting under one roof. The
body types. From post-rehab to web-based program enables management
from anywhere at anytime, and its mobile
post-natal exercise—our DVD app, MINDBODY Express, allows for
library includes something for management on-the-go. Subscribers
everyone. receive training, unlimited technical
support and a suite of powerful marketing
tools designed to grow their practice and
increase revenue. 143
How I Got a Better

We asked studio owners around the country for

their most effective strategies for improving their
studio’s financial success.
by Anne Marie O’Connor

144 january • february 2016

“I DOWNSIzED.”—Jenna Zaffino, owner, "My teacher, Ron
Helios 3.0, Chicago
Fletcher, told us many
I’ve been a successful studio owner in Chicago for 10
years. For five of those years, I had a just-under-3,000- times that Clara Pilates,
square-foot studio. Besides rooms for the equipment,
it had a mat/group class room, two bathrooms, a in giving him a blessing to
shower, a students’ lounge, a teachers’ lounge, a
reception area and an office for me. Even during peak continue the Pilates work,
times, everyone had the space they needed.
Between 2011 and 2013, we suffered horrific had told him, 'Go and do,
winter weather in Chicago that resulted in decreased
attendance, which made a dent in our bottom line. In but always remember
addition, my landlord went into foreclosure, and the
bank that now owned the property was inattentive your ABCs!'"
and continually made allusions to selling the building
to a new owner, which made for an unstable behind-
the-scenes situation. Plus, the rent was set to increase square feet of administrative space/lobby on a much
to almost double the original amount and taxes had more residential street with more foot traffic. We
risen as well. cut our rent by two-thirds and our utilities went from
I was also seeing a trend toward boutique $2,000 per month to under $300. Meanwhile, my
franchises that offered one-size-fits-all classes in stress and anxiety lessened considerably. I no longer
Chicago. I felt we had reached a tipping point, and worry about adding trendy, non-Pilates modalities
I needed to make a decision regarding the future of to flesh out our schedule, but instead can focus on
the studio. I began to wonder if Pilates was truly my deepening our Pilates offerings. I am also able to

calling as a teacher and businesswoman. I even put spend time with my son, run a successful business
out resumes for nine-to-five jobs to test the waters. In and have a daily personal Pilates practice.
exploring all options, I realized that I wasn’t done with I know that there was a lot of buzz surrounding
this journey—not even a little bit! our downsizing, but it proved to be one of the most
My studio manager and I made a list of our successful business decisions that I've ever made. My
financials, class and session statistics, clientele teacher, Ron Fletcher, told us many times that Clara
demographics, mind maps and life goals. One Pilates, in giving him a blessing to continue the Pilates
thing became abundantly clear: The business was work, had told him, “Go and do, but always remember
financially successful, but if we wanted to thrive, we your ABCs!” Bigger spaces require more energy, staff,
needed to make some major changes. So I made client base and diversification of offerings. It’s okay to
the courageous—and difficult—decision to downsize want that, it’s okay to go after it and it’s also okay to
my studio and re-conceptualize our place within acknowledge when something no longer fits your
our market. needs and wants. Success comes in all sizes. Ultimately,
We ended up moving three blocks over to a studio reducing my expenses has allowed me to maintain a
with 800 square feet of movement space plus 200 quality business, while also enjoying a quality personal life."

Pilates methodolgy Photo courtesy of rachael lieck bryce

SUMMER MONTHS.”—Rachael Lieck

Bryce, co-owner and senior instructor, Pilates Methodology, Dallas

Summers can be hard for us, with clients leaving

town on vacation or just busy with kids’ summertime
schedules. We brainstormed ideas for helping our
students get the most use out of the studio at a
time when we didn’t need to worry about running
out of space in our classes. So we came up with the
idea of a “Methodology Staycation.” We typically
offer unlimited packages for mat classes, but not for
our equipment classes, so we decided to offer an
unlimited pass to all of our group classes (including
PILATES METHODOLOGy mat, Tower and Reformer) for July and August. We
charged $299 for one month or $549 for both. We 145
Building your Business felt that would make it a great deal
for students who wanted a chance to
really kick it up over the summer.

with a Referral Network It was so successful we extended it

through September!
Even though we may have lost
some revenue on a per-class basis,
Two teachers share how we absolutely made up for it because
there were students who normally
connecting with local health pros would not pay for the higher price
point [of the unlimited pass], but
increased their client base. decided it was a good deal and
something they could use to its
Networking with physicians, physical therapists and other maximum, so we came out ahead, no
medical practitioners in your area is a great way to get more question. And I absolutely think our
clients in the door. But how do you actually make this happen? clients felt very taken care of, came to
Two veteran studio owners explain how they fostered those class more than they normally would
relationships in their towns. and saw greater results. It improved
client loyalty for sure!
opened my studio, I went to talks and seminars that medical
professionals in the area were conducting and introduced
myself,” says Patricia Massey Welter, co-owner of Suncoast “I STICK TO My
Pilates in Palm Harbor, FL. “As a result, I worked for two
general practitioners (who were partners) and ran their fitness GUNS REGARDING
program. Of course, I put in many long hours working two

jobs during the early years of owning my studio, but as a

result, I built an amazing network of client referrals.”
FEES.”—Jill Hinson, owner, Core
“We have over a million people on our island, but it is still a
small town,” says Lisa Ortega Robertson, owner of On Balance As I enter my fifth year as a studio
Pilates in Kailua, HI. “It just took a few success stories, and owner, I am learning that I must stick to
people knew about us through word of mouth. Now we have my policy regarding late-cancel fees.
a network of professionals who regularly send us new clients, When you have wonderful clients who
including a pain-management doctor who calls us his ‘ace in have a good reason for cancelling,
the hole’; several chiropractors who realize their adjustments this is hard to do. But it is a must for a
need the support that Pilates can offer; and physical healthy business, even though it is easy
therapists whose clients have finished with their limited for those of us with a passion for Pilates
sessions. Also, Pilates has withstood the test of time and is still to want to give it all away.
evolving and growing, so that speaks volumes.”


with the Arthritis Foundation in my area, volunteered and “I USED
actually became regional program director for its regional
office,” Welter reports, resulting in another continuing source TECHNOLOGy TO
of clientele.
been an insulin-dependent diabetic for years, plus I have OF STUDIO
arthritis, so for many years, both my endocrinologist and
rheumatologist referred clients to me,” Welter adds. SPACE.”—Alisa Wyatt, owner,
Pilatesology, Hermosa Beach, CA
years ago, I sought out a Registered Dietitian, who works at a We’ve added a new program that
local hospital, to work with our clients on a contract basis, and allows clients to work out using
she has referred people to us for years,” Welter says. Pilatesology videos in the studio.
[Pilatesology is a streaming video
RETURN THE FAvOR. Ortega Robertson sends her clients to service Wyatt founded.] They work
the doctors, physical therapists and chiropractors who refer their out independently while watching
patients to her. “When we refer our clients to them, it builds a the video on an iPad and listening to
sense of community and is a win-win for everyone,” she says. it using SoundPEATS Bluetooth Mini
Headphones. We had many requests

146 january • february 2016

for group classes but no room in our schedule, so
this provides a way for clients to get in a second
(or third) workout each week at a lower cost ($25
per one-hour session) than privates, with minimal
supervision from teachers.
Clients can choose a flow class on one piece
of apparatus, or they can take a mixed apparatus
session. If they’re familiar with Pilatesology, they
can choose their own video (or videos); otherwise,
their regular teacher will get them started with some
suggestions. Folks who weren’t comfortable doing
a workout on their own will try it when they know
they have a video to guide them. Our goal is for our
clients to do more Pilates independently, and we’re
finding that using videos is a step in that direction.
Regular studio rules (e.g., cancellation fees)
apply. Clients can book Pilatesology sessions when
their teacher is in the studio—clients know that
they are on their own but that it’s okay to ask a
question if necessary. (In our studio, the teachers
are all independent contractors, but studios that
work with employees could make this work by
designating one teacher who is on the floor as the
video supervisor—and perhaps pay them for that SUNCOAST PILATES
additional role.)

"Our clients love to easy to work with—very knowledgeable and helpful.
ClassPass has been great for Brooklyn Pilates, and I
participate when we invite have suggested many friends who are studio owners
that they should get on board.
top Pilates presenters to
offer master classes or
privates or duets when
they come to our studio."
CLIENTS.”—Patricia Massey Welter, co-owner,
“I SIGNED UP FOR Suncoast Pilates, Palm Harbor, FL

CLASSPASS.”—Barbara Sampson, owner of Offering continuing education has been instrumental

Brooklyn Pilates, Brooklyn in employee retention. We have been able to build
our own staff, our clients realize our staff stays on top
ClassPass has been a great way for us to bring in new of employee education, and it creates excitement in
clients. [ClassPass members pay a monthly fee that the studio.
allows them to take classes at a number of boutique It has improved client retention vastly as well:
fitness studios in cities across the country and Our clients love to participate when we invite top
internationally.] ClassPass is such a better option than Pilates presenters to offer master classes or privates
doing Groupon. Groupon clients are studio hoppers or duets when they come to our studio. Where else
suncoast Pilates Photo by exulting images

and not loyal, as they are only looking for a cheap class. can a client say they took a workshop from Lolita San
ClassPass students are truly interested in Pilates and Miguel, a mat class with Benjamin Degenhardt or a
become loyal to studios they attend. private or mat class with Siri Dharma Galliano or Vil
At my studio, ClassPass members can take any Shaynurov, all here in the Tampa Bay area? All this
group classes except for the pre/postnatal and muscle education has inspired many of our clients to take
release classes. It fills more empty spots in your studio, Pilates instructor training as a second or third career,
then those clients end up buying group class packages or to advance their own practice.
from us. ClassPass limits how many times their In March of 2016, we will be hosting Kyria Sabin
members can come—only three times a month. Waugaman, a Ron Fletcher protégée who will be
We make decent money from ClassPass and are paid conducting a workshop presenting the new Balanced
twice a month, without any issue. Plus, the staff is so Body Guillotine. Ps 147


1980 EAst rIvEr roAD BAsI PIlAtEs stuDIo

tuCson, Az 85718 3080 BrIstol strEEt, stE. 500
520-323-7070 CostA mEsA, CA 92626 Kathy Corey Pilates Since 1979
11901 n. 1st AvE.
oro vAllEy, Az 85737 Kathy Corey Pilates is one of the original
• 1 week FREE Apprentice founding companies of the Pilates Method.
and regular Group classes*.
Body Works Pilates is headquarters for Promotion runs from January 1st-
Fletcher Pilates® International, offering February 28th, 2016. Use Promo
a state-licensed comprehensive Pilates Mentorship Program, Lausanne, Switzerland
Code #GetFitPilates2016 Fitness 4 You Workshop, Kiev, Ukraine
teacher training as well as a wide variety of
• Spacious 9,000 square foot studio
continuing education opportunities. FEBRUARY
with panoramic views Mentorship Program, Del Mar California

The premier Pilates and movement • Studio available for observation February Fitness Conference, Leon Spain
center in southern Arizona, Body Works is and teacher training to BASI MARCH
designed to maximize focus and relaxation
students Care Pilates, Seoul Korea
in a soothing, serene environment. Our
studios feature dedicated classroom and APRIL
equipment spaces, a complete massage * New clients only. Cannot be Core Band Course, Tokyo, Japan
department and the Body Works Boutique. redeemed after February 29, 2016 Breast Cancer Recovery Course, Tokyo Japan



tHE sHEPPArD mEtHoD tHE stuDIo At PADAro BEACH Winsor Pilates West
2180 wEstwooD BlvD. suItE 2E 3749 sAntA ClAus lAnE, suItE C Mari Winsor
los AnGElEs, CA 90025
CArPIntErIA, CA 93013 2530-B sAn vICEntE BlvD
310-470-2828 sAntA monICA, CA 90402 PH 310-576-2530 FAx 310-576-2502
Discover your own personal
perfection. The Sheppard Method
Teacher Training inspires the Located just south of Santa Barbara,
professionalism necessary to properly California, The Studio at Padaro Beach Winsor Pilates
and effectively teach others to achieve is a fully-equipped studio offering Mari Winsor
their personal best. Attention is paid breathtaking ocean views, world-class 8204 mElrosE AvE.
not only to technique, but to the joy instructors, and group and private los AnGElEs, CA 90046
of movement and inspiration to go Pilates instruction. Welcoming all PH 323-653-8767 FAx 323-653-5198
beyond ones limits. Come and study clientele levels, it is also the host
with Risa Sheppard, Pilates master for
studio where the online Pilates classes
35 years, and her staff of top teacher
trainers and professionals.
for Pilates Anytime are filmed. Teacher trainer for Romana’s Pilates.

148 january • february 2016


535 w. soutH BoulDEr rD., #210 5500 FlAtIron PArkwAy, stE. 110 BEyonD motIon®
lAFAyEttE, Co 80026
BoulDEr, Co 80301
(720) 961-5131 239-254-9300 303-494-3400
nAPlEs, FlorIDA
Pilates & Co. provides private (one-on-
one) Pilates and Yoga Therapy sessions, PMA Certified Pilates Instructors
Amy Taylor Alpers and Rachel
small and medium group fitness classes, Balanced Body Equipment
Taylor Segel, trained under Romana
including Pilates, Yoga, TRX, BARRE,
Kryzanowska, Joseph Pilates' protege and
and Boot Camp Fitness. We seek to BEYOND MOTION® where Pilates
inheritor of his studio in NYC. This lineage
redefine how movement is utilized in our meets athletic performance.
is significant because Amy & Rachel have
lives which is why we provide Fitness/
strived to foster the legacy and tradition From our Pilates Studio and barre
Rehabilitation classes and programs for
of the original, classical method of Pilates. classes, to personal training and
Cancer thrivers and survivors. Our highly
They founded their studio in Boulder in

trained and certified instructors, lead athlete performance, as well as
1990. These women make it their mission
by June Kahn, Master Certified Pilates nutrition and massage therapy,
to heal the world by teaching Pilates,
Instructor, possess the experience and
and their passion and commitment to BEYOND MOTION® has the tools
education required to assist all individuals
maintaining the integrity of the method you need to transform your body
in achieving a more productive and
inspires others to become teachers.
fulfilling quality of life. and your life.



561-626-1032 / 954-736-0080 7300 n. kEnDAll Dr., stE.105 34080 u.s. Hwy 19 nortH
lolItAPIlAtEs@yAHoo.Com mIAmI, Fl 33156 PAlm HArBor, Fl 34684 786-888-8898
LOLITA SAN MIGUEL 727-772-6772
Resource center for Polestar Courses,
First Generation Master Teacher with experts available six days a week. Suncoast Pilates is Clearwater/Tampa Bay
Florida area’s oldest and premier Pilates
PILATES MASTER Public offerings: studio, established in 1997, and specializes
MENTOR PROGRAM Group/Individual classes with PMA® - in private, duet and group Pilates
equipment sessions. Suncoast Pilates is
CPTs • Reduced-rate individual
a fully equipped Pilates center, offering
TEACHER TRAINING PROGRAM sessions with Polestar Students clients the finest in Pilates instruction.
LOLITA’S LEGACY Studio Pilates instructors’ credentials are
student offerings: unmatched in the area. Suncoast is an
Pilates Day Conference in Open Gym • Group circuit classes that authorized training center for Balanced
focus on curriculum • Observation Body Pilates instructor training, offering
Monchengladbach, Germany
hours to gain knowledge from Polestar comprehensive Pilates and CoreAlign®
May 5-7, 2017 instructor training, continuing education
Mentors and Educators • Internship
workshops, and is listed under the PMA®
Registry of Schools. 149

PErsonAl BEst PIlAtEs stuDIo Four locations. 2249 wEAltHy st. sE stE. 230
6600 CollEGE BoulEvArD, stE. 210 one goal. GrAnD rAPIDs, mI 49506
ovErlAnD PArk, ks 66211 616-242-9595
14 nEwBury st., 4tH Floor
913-345-8787 Boston, mA 02116 617-262-3333

448 Common st.

As featured in Pilates Style BElmont, mA 02478 Pilates in East: West Michigan's only
magazine, we’re Kansas City’s 617- 484 -7711 Balanced Body Pilates teacher training
premier studio devoted exclusively 91 mAIn st. 3rD Fl . center and full service Pilates studio.
to Pilates exercise. ALL our ConCorD, mA 01742 Master trainer Ahmé Bovée and the
instructors are PMA™ Certified highly trained expert staff offer group
Pilates Teachers. We offer personal 1387 wAsHInGton st. mat, Reformer and Barre classes along

w. nEw ton, mA, 02460

and group equipment training, mat 617-964 -2673
with private training. New clients start
classes, Golf Conditioning, Massage with two private sessions for $99 or
and our Instructor Academy. 1 week UNLIMITED Mat and Barre
classes for only $20. Join us for a class!



FusIon PIlAtEs AsHEvIllE PHysIo loGIC PIlAtEs & movEmEnt 939 8tH AvE., #207 (Btw 55tH & 56tH st.)
120 CoxE AvEnuE, stE.1B 718-852-8349 212-247-9603
AsHEvIllE, nC 28801 |
A fully equipped Pilates studio located
Because we're all a little twisted… at the original site of Joe and Clara
Unwind at Physio Logic. Pilates’ New York studio.
Fusion Pilates Asheville is a
full service state of the art • BASI Pilates teacher training center
Pilates and GYROTONIC® of NYC Director Roberta Rose Kirschenbaum,
• State-of-the-art studios in Brooklyn M.A., LMT, has taught for over 25 years
studio located in downtown Heights and Manhattan
Asheville, North Carolina. The in the authentic way she learned from
• A unique team approach of inspired
studio is also the home base, educators and practitioners
Pilates Elders Carola Trier, Kathy Grant,
video studio, and laboratory • Fully integrated with our clinic in Naja Cori, and Romana Kryzanowska.
for and our Brooklyn location including, PL
Rehabilitation, PL Medicine, Fresh We offer Teacher Training and Functional Medicine, and The Brain apprenticeships following the PMA
Center at PL. guidelines for Certification.

150 january • february 2016



ExCEllence in second
generation teacher trainers

PHI PIlAtEs stuDIo 2612 3rD AvE. ExCEl PIlAtEs AnnAPolIs

PIttsBurGH, PA AnnAPolIs, mD
sEAttlE, wA 98121 410-897-0550
206-283-2884 ExCEl PIlAtEs DC
tHE stuDy oF movEmEnt wAsHInGton, DC
Atlas Pilates trains next generation
Phi Pilates Studio of Pittsburgh,
Pilates instructors in the knowledge-
conveniently located in the south ExCEl PIlAtEs nortHErn vIrGInIA
hills of Pittsburgh, offers Pilates rich and supportive environment of our mClEAn, vA
classes privates, semi-privates, vibrant Seattle studio. Lori Coleman-
Physical Therapy and teacher Brown directs our comprehensive
training on all apparatus. Directed teacher training and continuing Our mission is to preserve and share the life's work
of Joseph Pilates with the integrity and spirit in
by world- renowned Pilates expert education programs. Her approach is which it was taught to us as second generation

Christine Romani-Ruby PT, MPT, rooted in the sound fitness principles teachers. Our program est. in 2001, is a high-caliber,
ATC, we specialize in the study of at the heart of the Pilates Method, 700-hour comprehensive program.
movement for all types of clients. If and it has evolved through decades of
you have a movement problem, we Program Faculty: Kerry De Vivo, Lesa
experience preparing confident new McLaughlin, Peter Fiasca, Alexandra Adams,
have the answer.
instructors for professional success. Amanda Smith Breon


USA INTL IDN SANCTUARY 1-800-910-0001 PlAtInum stuDIo BAnDunG

GAlErI CIumBulEuÍt APArtmEnt 2
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Now’s your chance to get barre BAnDunG
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training. We’ll show you how to access to a wealth of educational PlAtInum stuDIo JAkArtA
DHArmAwAnGsA squArE tHE CIty wAlk
format a class, set up positions, programming no matter where Jl. DHArmAwAnGsA vI & Ix
build sequences, and other class you are located! Whether you’re a soutH JAkArtA
essentials. Live what you love and seasoned instructor, just starting +62 21 21739 2872

share your passion with the world! your career or simply interested in
learning more about our branded
The biggest wellness center in Indonesia,
Visit programming, we have a course or
Svarga e-motion Sanctuary offers you a
for more information. workshop to meet your needs.
unique and private ambience to help you
increase your fitness level, correct your
Early bird rates available. posture as well as reconnect your body,
mind and spirit holistically. 151

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the purpose of

all our exploring will be to arrive where we started...

...and know the place for the first time.”

—T.S. Eliot

Wendy LeBlanc Arbuckle, director of education at Pilates Center of Austin, uses

these words to empower other teachers. “It moves us from a place of ‘being told
what to do and how to be,’ to our own direct experience of what is happening and
how our body functions,” she says.

152 january • february 2016

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