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Tybalt Capulet: Loyal and High Tempered

Tybalt Capulet, cousin of Juliet and nephew of Lord and Lady Capulet. Tybalt is a loyal

family member to the capulets and always stands by their side. He is proud, passionate, and is

always willing to defend his family with his life. Although, he is also very hot headed with a

high temper. He looks for fights and causes harm in others lives including his own. Tybalt and

his hatred towards all Montagues, especially Romeo, makes him ultimately responsible for

Romeo and Juliets death.

Tybalt was known for being a talented strong-willed swordsman and for being part of the

Capulet family. “Uncle, this is a Montague, our foe, A villain that is hither come in spite To

scorn at our solemnity this night.” “Young Romeo is it?” “Tis he, that villain Romeo.” Tybalt

sees Romeo at the party and thinks he is there to mock him and the rest of the Capulets. This

makes Tybalt want to start a fight with Romeo but is stopped by Lord Capulet because he doesn't

want him to ruin the party. Tybalt's reputation of being hot headed and willing to fight any

Montague makes Lord Capulet stop him from causing a scene and fighting Romeo. “I do but

keep the peace. Put thy sword, Or manage it to part these men with me.” “What, drawn, and talk

of peace? I hate the word, As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee. Have at thee, coward!”

Benvolio has offered peace to Tybalt so they don’t have to fight. But, his stubbornness and anger

toward Montagues makes him start a fight. This allows us to see that Tybalt's aggressive

personality and strong-willed opinions lead to dangerous situations.

Tybats intentions to kill all Montagues backfired on him when he started the fight with

Mercutio while looking for Romeo. “Romeo, the love I bear thee can afford No better term than

this: thou art a villain.” Tybalt was looking for Romeo seeking revenge after he showed up

at the Capulet's party. He was about to start fighting Mercutio when Romeo showed up

and tried to stop them. Tybalt, however, did not want peace because he believed Romeo

did something terrible. This reveals that Tybalt’s hatred toward Montagues, especially Romeo,

will lead him to do things that have serious consequences. The consequence of Tybalt fighting

and killing Mercutio was that Romeo got revenge and killed him. He is led by hate and fights

about all of his problems. He escalates things quickly and looks for trouble.

Although Tybalt hated all Montagues and dreamed of ending them, his attempt of

fighting Romeo resulted in his own death and a chain reaction leading to Romeo and Juliets

death. The only thing Tybalt wanted to do throughout the play was fight with Romeo and bring

the rest of the Montagues to an end. He was not able to do this because he always got ahead of

himself and started fights without thinking. He is offered peace many times but never accepts out

of rage and spite. He hates the Montagues with his life and would rather die than let them have

peace. In the end, his high temper and dream of killing Romeo in a fight along with all other

Montagues, ended in his own demise as well as Romeo and Juliet’s.

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