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NUTR 150: Essentials of Human Nutrition

Final Case Study Review

Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Please use the following information to answer the case study questions below

Zane is a 24-year-old male. He is a senior in college and is studying Business Management. Zane is
helping you complete a project for your nutrition class, and this is what you found out about him:

Height: 5 feet 11 inches (71 inches or 1.8 meters)

Weight: 198 pounds (90 kilograms)

Waist circumference: 38 inches

Body fat percentage: 16%

Blood pressure: 122/76

Family History: Father has high blood pressure and is overweight based on BMI. Mother has no
conditions and is in a healthy weight range based on BMI. He has no other significant family history.

Estimated Energy Requirement: 2835 Calories/day

Dietary intake: Total Calories: 3014 Calories/day

Food Group Zane’s intake Zane’s Recommendation

Fruits 1 cup-equivalent 2 ½ cup-equivalents

Vegetables 2 cup-equivalents 3 ½ cup-equivalents
Grains 12 oz-equivalents 10 oz-equivalents
Protein Foods 9 oz-equivalents 7 oz-equivalents
Dairy 3 ½-cup equivalents 3 cup-equivalents

Exercise: Zane jogs 1-2 days a week for about 30 minutes


1. What is Zane’s BMI? 27.6

2. What classification is Zane’s BMI in? overweight

3. Highlight all the following which would be a risk factor for Zane’s health:

BMI Waist circumference Body fat Blood Pressure Family history Dietary intake Activity
4. For which nutrients do you think Zane is at risk of being inadequate?

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NUTR 150: Essentials of Human Nutrition

a. Potassium, Iron, Calcium, Thiamin

b. Iron, Protein, Carbohydrates, Niacin

c. Potassium, Fiber, Vitamin C, Folate

d. Fiber, Zinc, Phosphorus, Riboflavin

5. Zane consumed a total of 505 grams of carbohydrates and a total of 3014 Calories.

a. Did Zane meet his RDA for carbohydrates?

b. Calculate grams of carbohydrates to Calories and determine which percentage of his

Calories came from carbohydrates. Was his carbohydrate intake within his recommended
Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR)?

6. Zane consumed a total of 127 grams of protein and a total of 3014 Calories.

a. What is Zane’s RDA for protein? Did he meet this recommendation?

b. Calculate grams of protein to Calories and determine which percentage of his Calories
came from protein. Was his protein intake within his recommended AMDR?

7. Zane consumed 54 grams of total fat including 40 grams of saturated fat and a total of 3014

a. Calculate grams of total fat into Calories and determine which percentage of his Calories
came from total fat. Was his fat intake within his recommended AMDR?

b. Calculate grams of saturated fat into Calories and determine which percentage of his
Calories came from saturated fat. Was his saturated fat intake within recommendations?

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NUTR 150: Essentials of Human Nutrition

8. A dietary analysis program indicated that Zane consumed a total of 48 mg of Vitamin C. What is
Zane’s RDA for Vitamin C? Did he meet his recommendation?

9. If Zane’s intake is inadequate in a certain vitamin or mineral, but he is consuming excess

Calories, what is this referred to?

a. Undernutrition

b. Overnutrition

c. Double Burden of Malnutrition

d. Balanced diet

10. A specific eating plan was created to help individuals lower their blood pressure or lower their
risk for developing high blood pressure. What is the name of this eating plan?

a. STOP eating plan

b. QUICK eating plan

c. DASH eating plan

d. SHAKE eating plan

11. Referring to the eating plan above, what nutrients are low in this eating plan?

a. Protein, Calcium, Iron

b. Sodium, Magnesium, Saturated fat

c. Saturated fat, Sodium

d. Protein, Sodium

12. Referring to the eating plan from #10, which nutrients are high?

a. Sodium, Protein, Calcium

b. Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium

c. Saturated fat, Sodium

d. Calcium, Iron, Protein

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NUTR 150: Essentials of Human Nutrition

13. You informed Zane that he could benefit from making a few adjustments to improve his health
and reduce his risk for heart disease. If he were interested in weight loss, what would be an
appropriate amount of Calories to recommend?

a. 500-800 Calories/day

b. 1214-1588 Calories/day

c. 2514-2764 Calories/day

d. He should maintain his current Calorie intake.

14. What is a healthy recommendation for weight loss?

a. Up to 2 pounds per week

b. 2-4 pounds per week

c. 4-5 pounds per week

d. It doesn’t matter, as long as he is losing weight.

15. When you suggest Zane could take steps to eating healthier, his response is, “I recently found out
about my dad’s high blood pressure and have been wondering if there is anything I can do to help
prevent from getting it. I may be interested in making some changes.” What stage of change is
Zane in for making healthier choices to prevent high blood pressure?

a. Precontemplation

b. Contemplation

c. Preparation

d. Action

e. Maintenance

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