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Lilian Slater Schulz

Classroom Management Philosophy

CATE 4052: Senior Seminar

Dr. Sheri Deaton


My classroom management has evolved ever since I stepped foot into the classroom full

time. I have seen what works and what does not. I have seen what the students learn best with

and what tears them down. The one thing that will always stand firm and encourage students no

matter the content is student-teacher relationships. This tactic goes far beyond any form of

curriculum you can teach a student. If that student knows you do not care about them they will

not care about that content. I agree wholeheartedly with Glasser’s approach to meeting students'

needs in the classroom. Glasser’s approach to the classroom is who I would say I closely align

with because cultivating relationships with students in the classroom would benefit the learning

process and will result in better achievements due to the trust built with teachers and students.

I believe that learning should be done in the way that most fits the students. I will take

one to two weeks during the beginning of each semester to get to know my students and lay out

the groundwork. This will help me guide the students but also in a manner that is shaped around

them and their needs. Building a foundation and relationship with each student will allow me to

work to obtain their trust and give them room to grow. Encouragement through this process is

the best way to achieve the end goal here, which is ultimately student growth. Taking it at the

students pace is the key to success. Meeting their needs through responsibility, productivity, and

accountability will scaffold them to ultimate improvement.

My four classroom norms are to be present, be prepared, be productive, and be positive.

If a student decides not to follow the rules, I will follow the school handbook when providing

consequences, but my personal steps for action would be to first give a warning. If it happens

again, then we would talk in the hallway. If it happens again, they will receive a call home and

lunch detention. If the student decides not to follow the rules yet again, the fourth step would be

an office referral, detention, and a call home.

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