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General Surgery Theory Quiz - Group B (5 marks

• The questions here just give a rough approximation of the actual cases in
the quiz and are not fully accurate representations.
• Answers are opinions and may not necessarily be correct.

1. Which one of the following is not a complication of Ectopic Testis

A. Trauma.
B. Malignancy
C. Delayed secondary sexual characteristics
D. Infertility
2. Which of the following Hernia is most common in females
A. Inguinal Hernia.
B. Femoral hernia
C. Umbilical hernia
D. Incisional hernia
3. Patient had lump in her neck that moved up with sip of water
A. Thyroglossal Duct Cyst.
B. Branchial cyst
C. Sebaceous cyst.
4. A 3 months-old infant was brought to the emergency department with para-
umbilical swelling with bluish discolouration. What will you do?
A. Reassure and give conservative treatment.
B. Surgical Resection
5. Patient had a colonoscopy for pelvic mass 3 days ago. On examination, they had a
distended abdomen and no bowel sounds. She’s vitally stable and comfortable.
The free air under her hemi-diaphragm is due to what
A. Normal 4 days after laparotomy.
B. Leakage
C. Diaphragm injury
6. Which of the following is not a content of the spermatic cord
A. Ilioinguinal Nerve.
B. Vas deference
C. Testicular artery
D. Pampiniform plexus
7. There was swelling in the scrotum.You can get above it. Can’t be differentiated
from the rest of the scrotal contents. Brightly transilluminates. What is your
A. Hydrocele.
B. Direct Inguinal hernia
C. Indirect Inguinal hernia
D. Femoral hernia
8. Which of the following does not cause palpable mass in RIF during examination?
A. Ulcerative Colitis.
B. Tuberculosis
C. Appendicitis
D. Mucocele
9. On doing surgery, the surgeon accidentally found a looped hernia of bowel
content. What is the best way to describe it
A. Strangulated.
B. Obstructed
C. Reduced
10. A patient with para-umbilical ecchymosis and...You send for which investigation
A. Amylase.
11. If you suspect Intestinal Obstruction, which investigation is the best initial
A. Plain Abdominal X-Ray.
B. Barium meal
C. CT-Scan
D. Colonoscopy
12. A 23-year-old female patient, that took contraceptive pill for 3 months and found
a mass in her breast a month ago that wasn’t there previously. On examination,
the mass was non-tender, rm, slightly mobile, no lymphadenopathy. What is the
most probable cause
A. Fibroadenoma.
B. Lipoma
C. Ductal carcinoma
13. A male patient had chronic peptic ulcer with non-bilious vomiting. What is the
most probable diagnosis
A. Pyloric Malignancy.
B. Fibrotic Stricture
C. Pancreatic head cancer
14. Patient had slit-like nipple. With greenish discharge. What is the diagnosis
A. Mammary Duct Ectasia.
15. A 16-years-old patient has a mass in the left side of their neck, anterior to their
sternocleidomastoid. On examination there was no uctuation. What could be
the mass
A. Branchial Cyst.
16. Patient has a pulsatile mass in their anterior neck that can be moved from side to
side only. What is the most probable diagnosis
A. Chemoductoma.
17. Patient with small bowel obstruction and air in the bile duct.
A. Gallstone Ileus.
B. Gallbladder perforation
18. Patient with abdominal pain, rectal bleeding. History of atrial brillation presents
with tachycardia, hypotension, raised respiratory rate (given as numbers).
Previously presented with intermittent pain, especially after meals. They did
colonoscopy for him that was normal. What is most probable diagnosis
A. Mesenteric Atherosclerosis.
B. Pyloric thrombus ??
19. Elderly patient with left lower abdominal pain. Fever and raised in ammatory
A. Diverticular Disease
B. Diverticulitis.
C. Diverticulosis
20. Patient with previous attack of acute pancreatitis came to outpatient clinic after 8
weeks with epigastric pain and an amylase level of 7800IU. What is the diagnosis
A. Pancreatic Pseudocyst.
B. Recurrent acute pancreatitis
C. Chronic pancreatitis
21. What is the most common site of colon cancer
A. Rectum.
B. Transverse Colon
C. Descending Colon.
D. Sigmoid
22. A patient was being prepared for appendicitis operation and was given 3 doses of
antibiotics, the rst dose is given
A. 1 hour before the surgery.
B. 1 hour post op
C. Given just before making the incision
D. None of above
23. A perforated duodenal ulcer posteriorly caused excessive bleeding what artery
could be the cause
A. Gastroduodenal artery.
B. Splenic artery
C. Gastric artery
24. A young female with history of 6 weeks of bloody stool associated with weight
loss, fatigue, abdominal distention and constipation. She admitted to using
laxatives. What is your diagnosis
A. In ammatory Bowel Disease
B. Colon cancer.
C. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
25. A 37 year old man had done appendectomy for a perforated appendix and has
now developed dyspnea, and pain at the tip of his right shoulder after the surgery
was done. What could be the diagnosis
A. Subphrenic abscess
B. Cholecystitis
C. Gallstones.

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