SCP-M-022 - Pipette Calibration

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Glaxo Inc.
Engineering Division
Maintenance and Technical Services JIJV 9 1995

Standard Calibration Procedure

SCP-M-022 Rev 1

Supersedes: SCP-M-022 Rev 0 Effective Date: 02/13/95

Approved: Date:
Jim Bufano, Supervisor, Calibrations

Approved: Date:
Glen Blanchone, Manager, Technical Services
Glaxo Inc. Standard Calibration Procedure
Engineering Division Number: SCP-M-022 Rev: 1 Date: 02/13/95
Maintenance and Technical Services Title: Micropipettes
Page 1 of 2

1. Purpose
To define the procedure used to calibrate micropipettes.

2. Scope
This procedure applies to micropipettes used at the RTP facilities of Glaxo Inc.

3. Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the Director, Maintenance and Technical Services (MTS) or designee, to
properly implement and administer this document. It is the responsibility ofthe technician(s)
performing this calibration to comply with the steps of the procedure.

It is the also the responsibility of the Laboratory Supervisor to inventory pipettes in their laboratory
and to update this listing as required. The Laboratory Supervisor will also supply updated listing to
Glaxo Technical Services Calibration Coordinator to schedule pipettes for calibration.

4. Procedure
4.1 Equipment Required

• NIST traceable balance

• 0-ring (replacement part)
• Teflon seal (replacement part)

4.2 Range and Accuracy

Pipettes are verified at 20% of full range to an accuracy of5%, and 100% of full range to an
accuracy of 1%.

4.3 Calibration

1. Ensure work areais free from significant shock and vibration to avoid erratic indications
during measurements.

2. Ensure work area is clean and free from drafts.

3. Ensure micropipette is clean and free from defects that would impair its operation.

4. Select 20% and 100% full range of the micropipette to be tested.

5. Obtain a new tip before each calibration point.

Glaxo Inc. Standard Calibration Procedure
Engineering Division Number: SCP-M-022 Rev: 1 J Date: 02/13/95
Maintenance and Technical Services Title: Micropipettes

Page 2 of 2

6. Place the weight boat/container on the balance and tare balance.

7. Select range. Dampen tip before actual test.

8. Place tip in appropriate solution and draw volume to be tested.

9. Dispense volume under test into container, take readings, and record the data. Assume a
density of .998 gms/ml for water at 20-23°C.

10. If indications are within required tolerance, record “As Left” readings and return to
service. Ifindications are out oftolerance, replace defective parts and document on data

11. Repeat steps 1 through 10 and document readings in “As Left” column.

12. Document the standard deviation, mean value, inaccuracy, and imprecision of readings

5. References

6. Attachments

Revision History
Revision Date Summary ofChange
1 02/13/95 General conversion to MTS format. Changed responsibility from Calibration
Planner to Calibration Coordinator.

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