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It’s crazy that in today's world how many people know very little about building wealth or money
management. The fact of the matter is, basic Financial literacy should be taught in School, it
would be way more useful than a lot of the subjects we waste years on for sure!

But it’s not. Part of the reason is of course that it is in the government's best interest to keep us
working and paying taxes for as long as possible.

Now I don’t think I’m particularly advanced in wealth management but I’ve still managed to save
enough money that I’m on the brink of retirement at 35 - and I did it using the simple tenets

1) You really really need an emergency fund

a) The creation of an emergency fund (or as I like to call it, the F-YOU fund) is the rst and most
important step here. As you probably guessed, this ensures that an unexpected emergency
doesn't put fuck up your nances.

b) After your mandatory spending, your money should go toward building an emergency fund -
this should typically be 3-6 months of your essential expenses.

c) So, don’t wait until you have an emergency to start building your emergency fund. That'd be
like buying a re alarm after your house has already burnt down - start now.

2) Use it to improve your work life, like, a lot

a) When you know that even if you lose your job, you’re ok for months while you look for a new
one, your attitude to work and how people treat you completely changes.

b) Just like how people know when you badly need a job and treat you as such by trying to
walk all over you, they also know when you're not scared of losing your job and automatically
treat you with more respect.

c) This is especially useful during pay rise and promotion negotiations and in a lot of cases either
enables you to improve your working conditions, leading to a promotion and increased salary
at your current job or quit your job for a higher paid one.

3) Get the hell out of debt

a) Pay o your debts with a vengeance, when I was in debt it was all I thought about, side
hustles or gigs to try and pay it o asap - compounding debt can be a vicious cycle so do
everything you can to break out of it.

b) Something that worked for me was using the “Debt snowball” method where you focus on
paying the smaller loans/card balances rst while making minimum payments on any larger
ones - it gives you the mental motivation of fast results that keep you going!

4) Invest early and often

a) Einstein called compound interest the 8th wonder of the world, make sure it’s working for you
and not against you, and you do this by investing, and then re-investing your pro ts.

b) People overestimate how much money they can make in a year but underestimate how much
they can make over decades.

c) If you invested just £15 a week from when you were 18 till you were 65, how much money do
you think you’d have? Curious to see what you guess.




You’d have £700,000

5) Keep calm and carry on

a) The people who make the best returns who just save the money and then don’t touch it
for ages, it’s that simple - but, people get scared from wars, recessions, crashes and panic,
making changes that lose them money.

b) It’s scary to invest when the market is down, but the markets always doing something, there
will always be something new to worry about, but all you have to do is automate your
investing and forget it for years to come, resisting the urge to keep meddling with it and
you will be wealthy.

I hope you get a taste of life where you never have to worry about an abusive boss trying to take
advantage of you ever again, please feel free to download our calculator below to help get you


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