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Date Night

CATHY and Bill meet on a date in NYC on New Years Eve. The date gets constantly interrupted with calls from Cathys ex boyfriend. Cathys story- CATHY left her boyfriend because he cheated on her. Bills storyBill's ex left him because he wasnt able to go to Thailand in time (because couldnt get Visa) and meet her dad and ask for her hand. So she thought he is 'like all the guys' and gets married to another guy. Bill gets to Thailand a day later. Few months later, CATHY and Bill go on Date. Will he get the girl second time round before CATHY moves to Spain?

Scene 1 FADE IN INT: BEDROOM. EARLY-MORNING HOURS A DOG sleeps on a neatly made bed. A CLOCK reads twenty to six. A SHELF OF BOOKS holds such classics as Dante's Inferno, Beyond Good and Evil, the Catcher in the Rye, and the Dark Knight Returns. A FRAMED DIPLOMA, dusty and unkempt, hangs askew on the wall. A snapshot of a girl is stuck in the corner, and a bra weighs one end down. A PHONE sits quietly atop a bundle of laundry. It suddenly explodes with a resounding ring-once, twice, three times. A CLOSET DOOR swings open, and a half-clad figure falls out. THE PHONE rings yet again, and a hand falls upon the receiver, yanking it off the trash can, O.C. THE RUMPLED FIGURE lays with his back to the camera, phone in hand. INT: BATHROOM. MINUTES LATER

Bill gets ready to go to on date with CATHY. Next scene2 Ext: restaurant William Can I get double espresso? Next scene3 EXT. COMMUTER TRAIN STATION Its gray. The platform is packed with business commuters: suits, overcoats. There is such a lack of color it almost seems as if its a black and white shot, except one commuter holds a bright red heart-shaped box of candy under his arm. The platform across the tracks is empty. As an almost empty train pulls up to that platform, one of the suited men breaks out of the crowd, lurches up the stairs two at a time, hurries across the overpass and down the stairs to the other side, just at the empty train stops. The doors open and the man gets on that train. As the empty train pulls from the station, the man watches the crowd of commuters through the trains dirty window. We see his face for the first time. This is bill. His bright tie has a photograph of a rodeo printed on it. EXT: MINUTES LATER Bill sits down in BK lounge listening to his IPod. Bill is listening to his headphones. CATHY sits down and Bill actively puts on a show to ignore her. CATHY hears the music. CATHY Michael Jackson

Bill gives her an unenthusiastic wave. CATHY I love MJ. Bill, still pretending, takes off his headphones.

BILL Sorry? CATHY I said, I love MJ. You have good taste in music. A beat... as Bill processes this information.

BILL (AMAZED) You like MJ? CATHY (SINGING) Yea, SINGS BEAT IT song." Love it. Next scene 3.1 BILL I have been traveling around NYC in the subway looking out the window has actually been kinda great.

CATHY What do you mean?

BILL Well, you know, for instance, you have ideas that you ordinarily wouldn't have.

CATHY What kind of ideas?

BILL You want to hear one?

CATHY Yeah, tell me.

BILL Alright, uh, I had this idea, okay?

CATHY Um-hmm...


For a television show. Some friends of mine are these cable access producers, And I have this idea for this show that would last twentyfour hours a day for a year straight, right? What you do, is you get A GUY, to do these twenty-four hour LIVE, capturing life as its lived. Um, you know, it would start with uh, a guy waking up in the morning, and, uh, you know, taking the long shower, eating a little breakfast, making a little coffee, you know, and, uh, reading the paper.

CATHY Wait, wait. All those mundane, boring things everybody has to do every day of their fucking life?

BILL I was going to say the poetry of day to day life, but (Celine starts laughing) you know, you say the way you say it, I'll say it the way I say it...

CATHY (Laughs.) I like that.

BILL No listen, think about it like this...

CATHY Who's gonna want to watch this?

BILL Well, alright, think about it like this. Why is it, that a dog, a peacock you know, sleeping in the sun, is so beautiful? You know, it is, its beautiful, you know, but a guy, standing at a bank machine, trying to take some money out, looks like a complete moron?

CATHY So, its like a National Geographic program, but on people?

BILL Yeah!


BILL What do you think? CATHY Yeah, I can. (Laughs.) I can see it. Like twenty-four boring hours. BILL Yeah, you know I mean, and...I mean, that would be a GREAT episode.


BILL People would talk about that episode. I mean, you and your friends could do one here, if you wanted to, I mean.

CATHY Oh, sure. Next scene 3.2 CATHY What's your favorite food? BILL Ice cream CATHY How would you like to die? BILL Eating too much ice cream CATHY So what's the meanest lie you ever told to get someone out first thing in the morning?

BILL I have to meet my wife for breakfast. BILL You've got a little wing sauce... CATHY Where? BILL In this general area. Next scene4 Its a local tourist place, but off-season empty. An old couple drink coffee at the counter. Bill and CATHY sit in a booth. Bill glances at CATHYs bright hair. William Both say hi at the same time and smile. Bill Did my friend (who arranged the date) tell you everything? CATHY Yea he did, that you have a nice job, 200k salary, nice house, sports car. Has job even in recession. William (inquisitively)

That is ok, did he tell about my previous girlfriend (talks about previous relationship). CATHY Yea, he did, even in my past, I had a passing affair. CATHY (continuing) One guy used to be there college he got job in Australia, so he went to Australia , Idiot. Bill (sarcastically) His name is IDIOT? CATHY smiles CATHY I am telling all this because we need to honest with each other

Next scene5 //montage sequences Next scene6 Bill stares at the fountain. CATHY stares at it, too. Bill glances sideways at her then back at the fountain. William So how old are you? CATHY (shocked) What?

Bill How old are you? CATHY (angrily) Dont you think that is a rude question? William No, obviously you are extremely attractive person. CATHY Come here come here. Actually to tell you the truth I am still in high school but dont freak out. I know you want to kiss me, touch me, feel me, you can still come down to my house. CATHY You can come over to my room, it is way down the hall and my dad goes hunting like every weekend. To tell you the truth, William I dont even know if I can wait. My seed is so wet right now. It will be too long if I wait. William (Leaving) What ,are you still in high school, No..? CATHY I am twenty two. William

Oh. William I am glad you are not in high school. CATHY So that now you can kiss me? William (responds meekly) What. No. CATHY Just get a life, ok. CATHY Damn it. I think, we should pray. William Are you serious? CATHY Yes. You have a problem with that. Bill Actually. CATHY Shhh. Close your eyes. Dear god, wherever you are, please help us find whatever we are looking for today. And please let bill know, he is not

getting any kiss from me. I dont want him to be too heartbroken- in God's name, amen. Bill hmmm CATHY It felt really good, I havent prayed in a long time. William So are you religious? CATHY Yeah William So I guess, God is watching over us tonight. CATHY So we can find what we are looking for. William What are you looking for? CATHY Love of my life. William On Craigslist.In a chat room/on a dating website. CATHY No forget it. Montage sequences of NYC.

Next scene 7 EXT: Its a local tourist place, CATHY and bill walking on the sidewalk. CATHY Where are you going? William I dont know, I was following you. CATHY I was following you. CATHY I am not getting in the car with you. William Ok we can stay here if you like. CATHY Ok. Yea thats sound good. Public place, people around, you cant kiss me. Thats great. William You are a real trusting soul. CATHY I dont want to sound rude. I will give you until sunset, I will figure out if I like you or not. If not I will go out with some body else.

Bill You are kidding, right. CATHY No I dont have time to fuck around; so far you seem to be nice guy. I will give you until sunset, I will figure out if I like you or not.

William So have you ever been down to moca? CATHY What is that? William It is museum of contemporary arts. CATHY No. William I guess you never heard of it. CATHY I hate museums. Phone ringing. CATHY picks up the phone and looks at the number, it is ex Boy friends Phone number. Next scene 8 CATHYs Ex Boyfriend talks on a payphone. The wind howls around him. CATHY

O fuck you. As if I am going to pick up. CATHY. Seriously. What is wrong with men? What is wrong with guys in general? William I dont know. Phone message. Hey CATHY, leave a message. I will call you back. CATHYs ex on the Phone Hello it has been five days I have been driving around. Looking for you, I dont know what else to do. If you get this message and if you are ignoring me. If you want to move with life that is fine but I cant let that happen. Call me, I love you. Montage scenes Next scene 9 EXT: Bill and CATHY eating. CATHY Are you virgin? I mean- did you do it with your ex girlfriend or just in the mind. Bill shakes his head, doesnt answer. CATHY I just wanted to see if you are shocked or not. Bill You have something on your nose.

CATHY is embarrassed. Bill dont worry even I drop something or other, every day NEXT SCENE 9.1 CATHY On a serious note,You know my parents Even as a little girl, they wanted me to think of a future career, as a, you know, as an interior designer, or a lawyer, or something like that. I'd say to my dad, I want to be a writer. and he'd say, journalist. I'd say I wanted to have a refuge for stray cats, and he'd say, veterinarian. I'd say I wanted to be an actress, and he'd say, TV newscaster. It was this constant conversion of my fanciful ambition into these practical, money-making ventures.

BILL Hmm. I always had a pretty good bullshit detector when I was a kid, you know. I always knew when they were lying to me, you know? By the time I was in high school, I was dead set on listening to what everybody thought I should be doing with my life, and just kind of (shakes head, shrugs shoulders) doing just the opposite.

CATHY Mm-hmm.

BILL No one was ever mean about it. Its just, I could never get very excited about other people's ambitions for my life. BILL

Well, you know, despite all that kind of bullshit that comes along with it, I remember childhood as this, you know, this magical time. I do. I remember when, uh, my mother first told me about death. My great-grandmother had just died, and my whole family had just visited them in Florida. I was about three, three and a half years old. Anyway, I was in the backyard, playing, and my sister had just taught me how to take the garden hose, and do it in such a way that, uh, (holds his hand up to demonstrate the garden hose technique) you could spray it into the sun, and you could make a rainbow. And so I was doing that, and through the mist, I could see my grandmother. And she was just standing there, smiling at me. And uh, then I held it there, for a long time, and I looked at her. And then finally, I let go of the nozzle, you know, and then I dropped the hose, and she disappeared. And so I went back inside, and I tell my parents, you know. And they, uh, sit me down give me big rap on how when people die you never see them again, and how I'd imagined it. ButI knew what I'd seen. And I was just glad that I saw that. I mean, I've never seen anything like that since. But, I don't know. It just kind of let me know how ambiguous everything was, you know, even death.

CATHY You're really lucky you can have this attitude towards death. I think I'm afraid of death twenty-four hours a day. I swear. I mean, that's I took train here. I could have flown here, but I'm too scared.

BILL Oh, come

CATHY I can't help it. I can't help it. I know the statistics say na-na-na, its safer, whatever. (BILL laughs.) When I'm in a plane, I can see it. I can see the explosion, (BILL makes an explosion sound effect) I can see me falling

through the clouds, and I'm so scared of those few seconds of consciousness before you're gonna die, you know, when you know for sure you're gonna die. I can't stop thinking that way. Its exhausting.

BILL Yeah, I bet. Next scene 10 INT: CONVENIENCE STORE. DAY CATHY //they both discuss about respective families........... When you have five siblings, you know how to just go out there and get what you want. You know, you cant waste time. CATHY I think it is really going to give me edge here in NY. Bill Edge, what you mean- edge. CATHY You know it is a tough world out here, it is survival of the fittest. You know out here are dime a dozen. I dont think people out here have the raw ambition that I do. BILL Alright, I got an idea. Are you ready? CATHY Okay.

BILL Alright, it's Q&A time. We've known each other a little while now, we're stuck together, so we're going to ask each other a few uh, direct questions. Alright?

CATHY So, we ask each other questions.

BILL And you have to answer one hundred percent honestly.

CATHY Of course.

BILL Okay, alright, first question.


BILL Describe for me. Describe for me your first sexual feelings towards a person.

CATHY (Laughs.) My first sexual feelings, oh my God. Um, I know, I know. Jean-Marc Fleury. (Laughs.)

BILL Jean-Marc Fleury?

CATHY I remember we were at this summer camp together. And he was a swimmer.

BILL Um-hmm...

CATHY Yeah, he had bleached out chlorine hair and green eyes. And to improve his times, he'd shave the hair off his legs and arms.

BILL That's disgusting.


Oh, no. He was like this gorgeous dolphin. And my friend Emma had a big, big crush on him. So one day I was cutting, you know across the field, back to my room, and he came walking up beside me. You know, and I told him, you know, you should date Emma, she has a big crush on you. And he turned to me and said, (Making her voice a bit lower.) Well, that's too bad, 'cause I have a big crush on you. (BILL lets his jaw drop.) Yeah, it really scared the hell out of me, because I thought he was so fine. And then he officially asked me out on a date, and you know I pretended I didn't like him. You know I was, I was so afraid of what I might do, you know. Uh, well. So, you know, I went to see him swim a few times, at the swim competition. And he was so sexy, really, I mean, really sexy. You know we kind of wrote these little declarations of love to each other at the end of the summer, and you know, promised we would keep writing forever, and I, you know, meet again very soon, and...

BILL Did you?

CATHY Of course not.

BILL Well, then I think this is the opportune time to tell you that I happen to be a fantastic swimmer.

CATHY Really?

BILL Yeah.

CATHY I'll make note of that.

BILL Okay. Uh..

CATHY So its my turn, no?

BILL Yes, yeah, it's your turn.

CATHY Uh, have you ever been in love?

BILL Yes. Next question. What was the fir--


Wait, wait.

BILL What?

CATHY Wait a minute.

BILL What?

CATHY So I can give one word answers?

BILL Sure, why not?

CATHY No, no. After I went into such private details about my first sexual feelings.


But as far as sexual feelings go, I'll have you know it started with an obsessive relationship with Miss July 1998. Do you know Playboy magazine?

CATHY Oh, yeah, I've heard of it.

BILL Yeah? Do you know Crystal?

CATHY No...(Laughing.)

BILL You don't know Crystal? Well, I knew Crystal. Well...(Laughing.) Is it, turn now. Okay. Tell me something that really pisses you off, really drives you crazy.

CATHY Pisses me off? My God! Everything pisses me off.

BILL Okay, okay, list a couple.

CATHY I hate, I hate that three hundred kilometers from here there's a war going on, you know, people are dying, and nobody knows what to do about it, or they don't give a shit, I don't know. I hate that the media, you know, they are trying to control our minds.

BILL Um, no, alright, I had a thought the other day that was kind of a-qualifies as a problem.

CATHY What is it?

BILL Well, it was a thought I had on the train,, alright. Um, do you believe in reincarnation?

CATHY Yeah, yeah, its interesting.

BILL Most people, you know, a lot of people talk about the past lives, and things like that, you know, and even if they don't believe in it in some specific way, you know, people have some kind of notion of an eternal soul, right?


BILL Okay. Well, this is my thought. Fifty thousand years ago, there are not even a million people on the planet. Ten thousand years ago, there's like two million people on the planet. Now, there's between five and six billion people on the planet, right? Now, if we all have our own, like, individual, unique soul, right, where do they all come from? Are modern souls only a fraction of the original souls?. Because if they are, that represents a five thousand-to-one split of each soul in just the last fifty thousand years, which is like a blip in the earth's time. You know, so, at best, we're like these tiny fractions of people, you know, walking... I mean, is that why we're all so scattered? You know, is that why we're all so specialized?

CATHY Wait a minute, I'm not sure I...I don't....

BILL Hang on, I know, I know, its a totally scattered thought, which is kind of why it makes sense.

CATHY Yeah... (unsure, but laughing.) I agree with you.

Montage sequence Next scene 11 CATHY Did you always want to write software code? BILL Are you nuts? I don't even want to do it now. CATHY What is it that you want to do? Bill Architecture. I love architecture. CATHY That's so cool! What happened? BILL Eh, you know. Same old story. Parents pressure. Studied computers. Needed a job to pay off loans.My friend worked here. Got me software job. CATHY And are you any good? BILL (Points to a computer) Well I wrote this software app. CATHY (READING) Animation program BILL It's a big seller.

CATHY I mean, are you any good as an Architect. Bill shows a building prototype and she is impressed. Next scene12 EXT: crossing the street Next scene13 EXT: inside the train William Have you read the book- city of porch? CATHY No. Books suck. CATHY Hey we should go to the standard. William Yea, what is it? CATHY I guess it is hotel downtown. They have really cool bar on the roof. William Sure we can find it.Yea I mean if you want to go. CATHY I never get to do stuff like that.

William I love doing stuff like that. MONTAGE.. Next scene14 EXT: in different part of the city admiring the city. Bill Wow, Lehman brothers, founded on integrity that is destined to be failure. Can you imagine if all the banks just picked up and left? William You look at our country today and you think you can never fail. And look something like that happens, recession kicks in, makes me wonder if everything good in life- eventually tragically fails. CATHY No, you are cynical. William I am not cynical. CATHY What goes around comes around you know, you have no hope. Next scene15 CATHY and Bill notice another building. Bill passion for architecture kicks in.

EXT: TRANSAMERICA BUILDING - DAY BILL A lot of people have problems with this, but to me, it makes both structures so much more beautiful side by side like that. EXT PALACE OF FINE ARTS - DAY CATHY and Bill in front of the famed Roman-style structure. BILL The guy who made this, Maybeck, he is a God. EXT YERNA BUENA GARDEN - DAY CATHY and Bill sit on the steps which offer a stunning view of the city's architectural marvels. BILL It just makes you feel... peaceful. They really do seem at peace. EXT SONY METREON - DAY Bill and CATHY in front of the gargantuan mirrored building. BILL No. See now, this is torture. CATHY Why?

BILL Over there, that's St. William's church. The beauty of St. William's is its humility. With this giant mirror thing deflecting all the attention away, it's too humble. No one even knows it's there. CATHY How would you change it? BILL There are a million things. First, there's no need for this much glass. You could easily... CATHY Show me. BILL What?

CATHY Don't talk about it. Do it. CATHY gives him a pen from her purse and the underside of her arm. Bill thinks about this. Then he starts to draw a sketch on her skin. We catch her watching his face as he draws. She's attracted to his enthusiasm. BILL See this beam, it steps on the landscape. But if we moved it... just so...

CATHY Oh, look, there's a rabbit. BILL Yeah. Hey there, rabbit. CATHY He's so cute. (Sees a cemetery.) I visited this as a young teenager. I think it left a bigger impression on me at that time than any of the museums we went to. (They go into the cemetery, and walk through.) BILL Yeah? Its tiny. CATHY I know. There was this little old man that talked to us. He was the groundskeeper. He explained that most of the people are buried here that washed up on the bank of the city. BILL How old are these? CATHY Around the beginning of the century or so. It's called the cemetery of the no-name because they often didn't know who these people were. Maybe a first name, that's all.

BILL Why were all the bodies washing up? CATHY I think some were from accidents, on boats and things like that, but most of them were suicides that jumped in the river. I always liked the

idea of all those unknown people lost in the world. When I was a little girl, I thought that if none of your family or friends knew you were dead, then its like not really being dead. People can invent the best and the worst for you. (She sees a gravestone, and indicates it.) Ah, here she is, I think. Yeah, this is, this is the one I remember the most. (Name on gravestone is Elisabeth.) She was only thirteen when she died. That meant something to me, you know, I was around that age when I first saw this. Hmm. Now, I'm ten years older, and she's still thirteen, I guess. That's funny. (They leave the cemetery.) Next scene16 PAINTBALL SCENE EXT. IN THE BAY - DAY William and CATHY peddle a small, rented leisure boat. They are laughing together. WILLIAM (After a romantic pause) Are you up for it? CATHY Up for what? He motions to the SIGN for a paint-ball game. EXT. PAINTBALL PARK - DAY They chase each other around and get covered in paint, having a good time of it. Eventually, they end up falling down and literally rolling in the hay, caught in an embrace and a short bit of lip action before the game continues.

Next scene 17 Montage CATHY Ah, there's an exhibition. Doesn't start until next week. BILL Yeah, I think so. CATHY (Points at art work by Seurat on the poster.) I actually saw this one a few years ago in a museum. I stared, and stared at it. Must have been forty-five minutes. I love it. Ah. (Points to another image on poster.) I love the way the people seem to be dissolving into the background. (Indicates another.) Look at this one. Its like the environments, you know, are stronger than the people. His human figures are always so transitory. Its funny. Transitory?

BILL Yeah. Transitory. Next scene18 CATHY I think it should be really cool to go inside, you know to see what they look like. William You mean one of the theaters. CATHY

Yea yea. Bill You want to? CATHY Yea Bill Alright stay here, dont leave, you promised me until six o clock. Bill Hey do u mind if we take a look at theater. CATHY What did u say to the security guy?

William That he can sleep with you! //Inside the theater, CATHY and BILL enter the theater. CATHY So we got in. William Yes, we got in. CATHY This is so amazing. OMG (admiring the theatre) William

This is incredible. CATHY Can you imagine what the place looks like when it opens? William (looking at the ceiling) Beautiful. CATHY Can you believe this place just sitting here? INT: On the stage inside the theatre Bill Theatre is dead nowadays. CATHY Do you know I was on theater since I was 12? Bill Really. Bill That is why I came here to become an actress. CATHY My friends, threw me the most amazing going away party. CATHY I got drunk, I had a tough time packing in U haul truck and I get here, and I waste all my time with my roommates. William Well, welcome to NY. Embrace the pain. CATHY

I cant believe it. Think about this. Look at this place, empty theatre sitting here, so many out of work people all over town I cant even believe, all these out of work actors and this theatre just sitting here. CATHY You need to write something. You need to get off your ass and write something. Write something really good. William Slow down. It is not that easy. CATHY Write something sexy, something edgy. Something where, I get to use knife. William I only write comedy as a hobby CATHY You write comedy. CATHY You are the least funny person I met. William I kind of had a rough year. CATHY Get over it. Time is ticking. CATHY Think of anything.

We can do it right here.Iam a Prostitute, who has aids and dying of cancer? William Nothing funnier, than aids and cancer. CATHY K .I am a real estate agent. CATHY Who is selling it to young decent looking guy? Little bit of annoying. CATHY No, wait.He has potential. Bill. Thank you. CATHY Decides to buy the theatre, Fix it up. Bring theater back to business. CATHY During all this connection, we fall in love and then we go broke. The end. William That sounds hilarious. William Int theatre. Day. CATHY She is showing him the theater for first time.

Bill Then what happens. CATHY She is hungry and she wants to gets something to eat. Next scene19 //Exit outside the theatre, walking on the sidewalk CATHY K, let us find food. Next scene20 Montage Sequences of the city. Next scene21 EXT: outside, restaurant, DAY William I never have been here before. William Do you miss Texas? CATHY No, I fucking love NY. Bill Have you been auditioning much? CATHY No, This year I will it take more seriously. I need to take headshots and stop wasting my time thinking about my family.

Next scene 20.1 BILL I remember my mother once. She told me, right in front of my father, they were having this big fight, that he didn't really want to have me, you know, that he was really pissed off when he found out that she was pregnant with me, you know, that I was this big mistake. And I think that really shaped the way I think. I always saw the world as this place where I really wasn't meant to be.

CATHY That's so sad.

BILL No, I mean, I eventually kind of took pride in it. You know, like my life was my own doing, or something. You know, like I was crashing 'The Big Party.'

CATHY That's a way to see it. You know, my parents, they're still married, and I guess they're very happy, but I just think its a healthy process to rebel against everything that came before.

BILL Yeah. Yeah.

CATHY You know, I've been wondering lately. Do you know anyone who's in a happy relationship? BILL Uh, yeah, sure. You know, I know happy couples. But I think they lie to each other. CATHY Hmmph. Yeah. People can lead their life as a lie. My grandmother, she was married to this man, and I always thought she had a very simple, uncomplicated love life. But she just confessed to me that she spent her whole life dreaming about another man she was always in love with. She just accepted her fate. It's so sad. And in the same time, I love the idea that she had all those emotions and feelings I never thought she would have had.

BILL I guarantee you, it was better that way. If she'd ever got to know him, you know, I'm sure he would have disappointed her eventually.

CATHY How do you know? You don't know them.

BILL Yeah, I know, I know. It's just, people have these romantic projections they put on everything. You know. That's not based on any kind of reality.

CATHY Romantic projections?

BILL Yeah.

Phone message This is your roommate, hey -wish happy New Year. You are missing. Whatever that means, Jack is little out there, I am little concerned, I love you. Next scene22 EXT: outside, shop, DAY William So how long have guys been broken up? CATHY One month. William O CATHY O what? William I am not thinking of anything.

CATHY Oyo you said o, as if you knew something, I didnt. Bill Ok, I was just thinking, you know. Bill Come on, you know. CATHY I dont know what. Bill Dont make me say it. CATHY Say it. CATHY What is it? Bill Revenge Date CATHY Revenge Date omg ! William You are jealous, you want to hurt him. You can use me. CATHY Excuse me; this is not revenge Date. I dont care what he does, he can go f himself. William

Yea, right. CATHY You are such a fucking smug. Bill You are kidding yourself. CATHY K. I am leaving. Bill Before you leave I have one question for you,Did you trim or not? CATHY I am not answering that. that is none of your f business. William Because, you are afraid of the answer. CATHY I happened to trim regularly. I keep myself well groomed. William You didnt have to trim this morning but you did. Because me or some one else is going to see your vagina tonight. Bill Actions speak louder than words. CATHY You never know the answer to that question, because you is never going see my vagina. William Take it easy.

CATHY Keep dreaming.

Next scene 24 EXT: outside, near a fountain, DAY CATHY Let us play truth or dare. William What, are you like 12? CATHY No, truth or dare. Bill When you get to certain age you stop playing games like truth or dare. , CATHY Wait, wait, stop. CATHY You have a lady bug in your hair. Bill tries to blow it off. CATHY Wait wait. It means good luck. CATHY Make a wish and then you know blow.

William closes his eyes and makes a wish CATHY Wait, what is your wish? Bill If I tell you then it is not going to come true. CATHY No all you have to do is say it out loud. Bill K CATHY Tell me.please. William I wish you wouldnt leave at six clock. But you could with that trust. Bill Well, I guess -we will know at six.

CATHY No, no, no, wait a minute. Talking seriously here. I mean,...I, I always feel this pressure of being a strong and independent icon of womanhood, and without making...making it look whole life is revolving around some guy. BILL

Hmmm. Yeah, I don't know (They sit on a pile of skids in an alley they are walking through.) But loving someone, and being loved means so much to me. We always make fun of it and stuff. But isn't everything we do in life a way to be loved a little more?


CATHY But then, other times, it seems silly. Like it would uh, ruin my whole life. And its not just a uh, a fear of commitment, or that I'm incapable of caring, or loving, because I can. It's just that if I'm totally honest with myself, I think I'd rather die knowing that I was really good at something, that I had excelled in some way, you know, then that I had just been in a nice, caring relationship. BILL Yeah, but I had worked for this older man, and once he told me that he had spent all of his life thinking about his career and his work, and...he was fifty-two and it suddenly struck him that he had never really given anything of himself. His life was for no one, and nothing. He was almost crying saying that. You know, I believe if there's any kind of God, it wouldn't be in any of us. Not you, or me...but just this little space in between. If there's any kind of magic in this world, it must be in the attempt of understanding someone, sharing something. (Sigh.) I know, its almost impossible to succeed, but...who cares, really? The answer must be in the attempt. Next scene 25 Phone message.

Hey, I cant make it to next year I bought two bottle champagne, Iam going to call police if I dont hear from you. EXT: outside, near a fountain, DAY CATHY There was this guy who did this art project. He did post cards. He dropped them all over place in subways, buses. He basically invited ppl to write to him, anonymous confession that they never told anybody in life and drop it off in the mail. And it kind of, made them to be creative with it. Use it almost like a canvas or something. CATHY Well, Within a year, the guy collected 10000 confessions and all of them were completely amazing. Bill What kind of. CATHY Omg, All kinds. CATHY Some totally hilarious. Some totally sad. There is one that said, I wish my mom loved me for who I was, not for what I hadnt become. Bill That is horrible. CATHY I know. This one is really funny in a messed up way. Baby sitter poked holes in owners condoms so she had work to come.

Isnt it crazy? William I need to get a copy of this book. If I ever see you again, can I borrow it? CATHY Sure. Bill So this people just wrote these things themselves. CATHY I think just saying whatever to somebody and not have them totally freak out and completely write you off as a human being is comforting. CATHY Dont you love that? Bill Sure. Next scene 26 EXT: outside, center location of the city, DAY William God, I love it down here. William Metropolitan district established in 1945. CATHY Very good. Bill Well Fargo, where I do all my banking.

CATHY So why dont you tell me a confession that you never told anyone before? William I dont know, I dont think that is a good idea. CATHY Come on, you told me, how much you liked that art project, How healing it was, how cool it was, how it really made everyone feel good after they confess. Bill Yea, I dont want you to judge me. Not that I have something to hide it. CATHY If you do it, I will do it. William I will do it on one condition. William You have to dance with me. CATHY What will I get out of it? William You get a chance to dance with me. CATHY I think I will pass. Bill Then I am not telling you.

CATHY Come on, you told me, how much you liked that art project. ` Bill Ok fine. CATHY Deal. William (bill tells a really bad thing he did to a girl) This is really embarrassing. CATHY That is totally sick. William Now, you have to dance with me. CATHY I am not dancing with you.

Next scene 27 EXT: outside, center location of the city, DAY, CATHY runs off

William Where are you going?

CATHY I am little disturbed. Bill Why are you so mad? William You are brutal. CATHY Do you have pics of other gals with you? Are you planning on meeting other gals after this date? William No CATHY Let me search you. CATHY Omg. Oh- you are such a lair. Bill Let me talk for a second. Bill Stop. Bill Listen.

CATHY Fuck you and all men like you. EXT: central location of the city, DAY. Song plays. //montage sequences with sad song playing in the background.. //outside the subway train station Next scene 28 William Dont go home, can you please just stop. Listen, I have spent the last three months in my room being depressed and it is New Years Eve and I dont want to be left alone. So just stick around for some more time then you will feel better. Then, you can go home and do whatever you want. William It is New Years Eve, at 7 you can go. Bill I mean every year on New Years Eve, I am going to think I just sent this girl home in tears. I mean I want to know, what happened to you etc Bill Let me take you out to dinner.

William I want to do something nice for you. CATHY You dont have to. Bill Honestly let me take you out, you dont have to do this. Bill Let me go to the ATM and withdraw money and we can go to wherever you want to go, any restaurant in this town. Think of it like this. Umm-uh, jump ahead, ten, twenty years, okay, and you're married. So think of this as time travel, from then, to now, uh, to find out what you're missing out on. Bill I mean as long as it not more than 50 per person minus the tip.

Bill Why are you so angry? Listen. Cathy You need to go and test your brains. 10 yrs from now, you might think I never gave this moment a chance. Cathy It is not going to work, Iam sorry Bill Fine life goes on. Even then something was there between us. Because u didnt give it a chance, We will never know.

Bill Come on. William It will make me feel like a man. CATHY Well, there is this Italian restaurant that I want to go. Bill I love Italian. CATHY You do. Bill I love it. Bill You want to go there. CATHY nods her head approvingly. Next scene 29 EXT: central location of the city, in front of ATM Machine, DAY. Bill Look, I can show you. Bill See I will show you. CATHY You dont have to. Bill

Just wanted to show you. CATHY You dont have to do this. Bill I am not lying. William I want to do this. Just wanted to show you. Next scene 30 EXT: inside restaurant, DAY. Bill You know my best friend is proposing tonight, he invited me. If you want, we can go down there. CATHY Where is it? Bill It is in downtown warehouse district. He is a DJ, he plays house music. CATHY Is he proposing to the gal, you proposed to before? Bill Yes. As matter fact he is. William But it is ok, she was not offended. It was flattering to her. CATHY Flattering to her?

Bill She did say that. She liked it. CATHY I have to meet this gal. Bill You will tonight. CATHY So yea, thats good. Bill Cheers to a better year. CATHY Better year. Next scene 30.1 Inside Bills apartment Bill roommate plays music Bill Stop the music. Bills roommate Bill! You know, I just thought maybe it'd be fun if I DJ'd your hookup. Bill What was rule? Just because I can hear you through the wall, doesn't mean I get to participate. Right

Next scene 30.2 Bills apartment CATHY Okay, now I'm going to call my best friend in la, who I'm supposed to have lunch with in eight hours. Okay?

BILL (Nods.) Okay.

CATHY (With her hands mimicking a telephone, lifting it off the base, and putting it to her ear.) Dring-Dring. Dring-Dring. Dring-Dring. Pick up! BILL What?

CATHY Pick up the phone!

BILL (Also mimics a phone with his hand, puts it up to his ear.) Oh, hello?



BILL Mm-hmm. CATHY Yeah, okay, that's a good idea. Ummm...I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it for lunch today, I'm sorry. I met a guy. We're still there.

BILL Are you crazy? (Playing the role.)

CATHY Probably.

BILL (Mocking a shocked expression.) Why'd you go on a date with him?

CATHY Well...he convinced me. Well, actually I was... (Smiles) I was ready after talking to him a short while. He was so sweet, I couldn't help it. He began to talk about him, as a little boy, seeing his greatgrandmother's ghost. I think that's when I fell for him. Just the idea of this little boy with all those beautiful dreams. He TRAPPED me.

BILL Mm-hmm. (Emphatically.)

CATHY And he's so cute! I love it. He's kind of tall, and a little clumsy. (Softly.) I like to feel his eyes on me when I look away. (Pauses, then smiles while BILL fixes his eyes on her.) BILL (Indignantly.) What?!

CATHY As the day went on, I began to like him more and more. But I'm afraid he's scared of me. You know, I told him the story about the woman that kills her ex-boyfriend, and stuff. He must be scared to death. (BILL begins to shake his head, slowly.) He must be thinking I'm this manipulative, mean woman. I just hope he doesn't feel that way about me, because you know me, I'm the most harmless person. The only person I could really hurt is myself.

BILL I don't think he's scared of you. I think he's crazy about you.

CATHY Really?

BILL I mean, I've known you a long time, and I got a good feeling. You gonna see him again?

CATHY We haven't talked about that yet. (Pauses. Hangs up.) Okay its your turn. You call your friend.

BILL Uh...


BILL (Hangs up phone, too.) Alright, alright. Umm...(Thinks.) Uh, (Picks up 'phone', puts to ear.) Bring-Bring-Bring. Uh, I usually get this guys answering machine. Brawwwwwwng.

CATHY Hi dude, what's up?

BILL Uhhhh...Hey Frank, how you been? Glad you're home.

CATHY Cool. Yeah. So, how was ny?

BILL Uh,...SUCKED. CATHY Oh. Too bad. I told you, no?

CATHY So are you okay, now?

BILL Yeah. Yeah, no, no, yeah, I'm great, I'm great! That's the thing, I'm...I'm rapturous. And I'll tell you why. I met somebody. Can you believe that?

CATHY Ah, that's incredible.

BILL I know, I know. And you know how they say we're all each others' demons and angels? Well, she was literally a Botticelli angel. Just telling me that everything was gonna be okay.

CATHY What do u think of her?

BILL She's super smart (She shifts uneasily), very passionate, um...and beautiful And I was so unsure of myself. I thought everything I said sounded so stupid.

CATHY Oh, man, I wouldn't worry about that.

BILL No...

CATHY No, I'm sure she was not judging you. No...and by the way, she sat next to you, no? I'm sure she did it on purpose.

BILL Oh, Yeah?


Yeah. Us men are so stupid. We don't understand anything about women.

BILL Mm-hmm.

CATHY They act kind of strange. The little I know of them. Don't they?

BILL (Pauses, then nods.) Yeah Next scene 31 EXT: outside the restaurant, DAY. Bill Your phone rings off the hook. Answer it. Bill I love this ring tone.

CATHY You do. Bill I dont. Bill You should really think about changing your ring tone. Your ring tone can be used to torture terrorists in jails.

CATHY It is not that bad. It is on my to-do list. Bill So, Jesus, are you going to turn it off or are you going to answer? CATHY I can't, I cant. Bill Are you kidding? Why do you have a phone? If you dont want to answer, why do you have a phone? CATHY I dont want to answer because it is my stupid ex boyfriend calling me. He is driving me crazy. Bill Pick it up and tell him to stop calling. Bill He is not going to stop calling unless you tell him. CATHY You dont even know. Bill I dont what. CATHY He is calling me like crazy. I will call later. I just dont want to do it right now. Bill I just dont want to listen to your phone ring.

CATHY I am having an amazing time right now. If Iam going to pick it. He is going to f it up, so bad. William You are overreacting. No, we are not getting more wine. It is New Years Eve, He is not going to stop calling. Bill You want to have this pain on your head for another year. CATHY picks up her phone. EX boyfriend talks on a payphone. The wind howls around him. CATHY Yes. Ex boyfriend Honey. Honey, are you alright. CATHY Yes. Ex boyfriend Your mom has been calling me, she called the FBI. CATHY Omg Danny gives me a break ok. I am fine. Ex boyfriend

I dont know, what else to do. Where are you? CATHY Dont even worry about it jack, we are over. It is totally over. You have to understand that. We are through. Ex boyfriend We can work this out right. CATHY Its over. Ex boyfriend We both going to NY and become stars. CATHY O well o well, you should have thought about that when you fucked that gal. Ex boyfriend O well we were just hanging out. CATHY (with anger) Hanging out.huh. That is strange, that is not what David told me. Ex boyfriend David is a compulsive lair. CATHY You know what. It doesnt even matter what David told, because I saw you.

I saw you with my own eyes. Ex boyfriend Honey, calm down. CATHY It doesnt even matter any more. It doesnt even matter you know, why. Because I am on a date tonight. I am on a date with this amazing guy. CATHY He thinks I am beautiful. Swear to god. I like this guy so much that I am going to fuck this guy tonight. I am going to fuck him over and over again. Bill That would be awesome. Ex boyfriend Put him on. CATHY You want to talk to him because he is standing right here. Ex boyfriend I want to talk to this son of bitch. You have a fucking friend, I want to hear from him. CATHY (giving the phone to Bill) He does not believe me. Just say anything. Bill What do you want me to say? Ex boyfriend

Put him on the phone. Next scene32.3 William Hello. William Hello. Ex boyfriend Who the fuck are you? Bill I am just a guy. Ex boyfriend You so much touched her anywhere. I would come over with a shotgun. I am going to tie both of you in my house and pour some gasoline on you and Burn you. Listen to me. What I will do to you, not even Freddy Krueger would do it to you. Ex boyfriend She is mine, she is mine. She will always be mine. You are already dead.

William You can say what you want. It is New Years Eve. Listen. William

Your beautiful girlfriend is out with me. That is something you have to deal with. Bill He wants to talk to you. Ex boyfriend Put CATHY on the phone. Honey, I am driving to your place and burn all of your shit. Next scene32 Bill What did he say? CATHY He said he is going to my place and burn all my stuff. We can take south and cut through traffic Because there is lot of traffic right now on I 95. CATHY You need to help. Bill I am not going to. CATHY We can get there even before he gets there. Bill No. CATHY I dont have time to argue with you he is going to burn pictures of my grandmother. There is so much stuff to save. I am begging you.

William I wont come in. I will drive. William I am the driver. CATHY Ok. Bill I am not getting out the car.

INT: Inside Cathys apartment. Bill Oh so your cute. CATHY Get my bongo drum. I have lessons on Tuesday Next Scene 32.6 CATHY Now let's just be rational adults about this. We, maybe we should try something different. I mean, its not so bad if tonight is our only night, right? People always exchange phone numbers, addresses, they end up writing once, calling each other once or twice... BILL Right. Fizzles out. Yeah, I mean, I don't want that. I hate that.

CATHY I hate that too, you know. BILL Why do you think everybody thinks relationships are supposed to last forever? CATHY Yeah, why. It's stupid. BILL So, you think tonight's it, huh? I mean, that tonight's our only night. CATHY Its the only way, no? BILL Well, alright. Let's do it. No delusions, no projections. We'll just make tonight great. CATHY Okay, let's do that. BILL Okay.

Next Scene33 EXT. CHARLES RIVER - NIGHT Bill and CATHY lie together holding hands on the frozen river. They look up at the stars.

Bill and CATHY kiss Next Scene 34 Next Morning BILL What's the first thing you'll do when you get back? CATHY Call my parents. BILL Yeah? CATHY What about you? BILL Dont know...I'll probably go pick up my dog. He's still with a friend of mine. CATHY You have a dog? BILL Yeah. CATHY I love dogs. BILL

You do? CATHY Yeah. BILL Oh shit! CATHY What? BILL Oh, I don't know. We're back to real life. Yesterday was so surreal. CATHY I know. I hate that.

They move in


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