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¨ How to Install . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

¨ New Aspirations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

¨ New Traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

¨ New Careers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

¨ Etiquette Skill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

¨ Animated Fans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

¨ Ball Event . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

¨ Social Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

¨ Estates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

¨ Presentation to Society/Scandal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

¨ Lady Whistledown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

¨ Config File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

¨ Cheats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

How to Install


This mod must be unzipped and installed directly in your mods folder, not in any
subfolders. There are a handful of package files, a script file, and a config file.

For easiest installation and updates, keep the mod in its enclosing folder, which will be
named with its version numbers. If you are updating, delete any loose files with the
prefix simsten_regency. Note that the objects are no longer in a separate folder and
should be at the same level as the other files.

The config file, if you plan to use it, must be in the exact same level as the other files.

New Aspirations
Two new aspirations are associated with this mod, Accomplished and Reformed Rake.


Found in the Knowledge aspiration

category, this aspiration takes its
inspiration from Darcy and Bingley’s
conversation about what makes a
person “truly accomplished”. The third
level of this aspiration requires the
development of the Etiquette Skill
included with this mod.

Sims who complete this aspiration will

be rewarded with the Accomplished
trait, which will cause every Sim they
meet to be immediately impressed with

Reformed Rake
Found in the Romance aspiration
category, this aspiration is inspired by
the male main characters in the first
two seasons of Bridgerton. The first
half of the mod requires the Sim to
explore romantically, and the second
half asks them to find their soulmate.

Sims who complete this aspiration will

be rewarded with the Settled trait,
which will give periodic positive buffs
and increases Charisma, Parenting,
and Friendship gain.

New Traits

The only new personality trait that actually made it into the
mod is the Rake trait. Rakes are lovable scoundrels, and
have much greater success in romance, and especially in
bed. They have special buffs when woohooing and can
perform a “Rakish Introduction”, which will start new
acquaintances off on a steamy footing.

Many other traits are included in this mod, but they are all gameplay traits described in
other sections. (See: incomparable, wealth traits, class traits, reward traits, and others).

New Careers

There is a new rabbithole or work-from-home servant
career that has four possible branches: Cook, Gardener,
Maid, or Footman. There are new cleaning interactions for
the servants, such as Polish Silver and Scrub Floor. There
is also a new interaction to designate a serving table,
where you can have Servants leave food by clicking on the
dish itself. Sims with the Servant trait will also socialize
with Gentry Sims much less often. This trait can be added
without needing to join the career.

There are three components to the Military career. Any
Sim can join as an Enlistee, but to join the Army or Navy,
one must first purchase an Officer’s Commission from the
Mailbox. Alternatively, the overmax reward for the Enlistee
Career is an Officer’s Commission.

Sims who have joined the Military will go to Battle during

their regular work hours each Friday. There is a maximum
20% chance that a Sim may die in the line of duty – but
this chance decreases with each promotion and increase
in fitness skill.

House of Lords
Sims can now join the House of Lords – a respectable
career for the gentry. If your Sim has the Aristocracy trait,
they may claim a seat for free from the mailbox –
otherwise, there is a cost to purchase a seat. Afterwards,
you can join the career from the career menu.

Etiquette Skill

The Etiquette Skill is a new minor skill available for Teen and
Adult Sims. It allows you to send letters and learn to curtsy or
bow. Sims who send letters will sometimes get a message
back from the friends they contact!

This skill is unlocked by choosing

Practice Calligraphy on the new
Parchment Paper object. Parchment
Paper can be purchased from
Build/Buy Mode. Sims will
automatically write with a quill when
using the Parchment Paper.

¨ Level 1 – Unlocks the ability to Practice Curtsy or Bow

¨ Level 2 – Unlocks the ability to Send Mean and Friendly Letters
¨ Level 3 – Sims can now perform a Gentlemanly or Ladylike Introduction and
Send Romantic Letters
¨ Level 4 – Unlocks the ability to Introduce Sims at social gatherings and send
Letters of Introduction
¨ Level 5 – Sims can now Redirect Conversation, which gets rid of any negative
social context

*** Reading Lady Whistledown’s Society Papers also increases Etiquette.

Animated Fans

Sims can now use animated

fans! These interactions are
all on the Sims themselves,
not the object. Click on your
Sim and select “Fan Self”
under the new Regency pie

To change the color of your

fan, purchase the fan object
from Buy Mode and place it in
your Sims inventory. To
switch between colors, choose
“Select Preferred Fan” on the
object in your Sim’s inventory.

¨ "Fan Self” – Available to all Sims
¨ “Slap With Fan” – Available to all Sims
¨ “Flirt With Fan” – Unlocked at Etiquette Skill level 2
¨ “Society Gossip” – Unlocked at Etiquette Skill level 2

Ball Event

A ball operates just like any other

social event, with associated goals
and achievements, except that they
may be mentioned in Lady
Whistledown! Sims will autonomously
ask each other to dance if they are
guests. It is recommended that you
have a piano, and hiring an
Entertainer will accomplish one of
your event goals.

Social Classes
Part of this mod is an attempt to simulate Regency Era social dynamics. Social class of
this era was determined by wealth, land ownership, and parentage.

Wealth Traits
All Sims will automatically be assigned a wealth trait according to their money and lot
value. Right now, these traits do functionally nothing except help limit which Sims will
react to scandal and what kinds of buffs they might get from reading Lady Whistledown,
but I have plans to expand the inter-class dynamics in a mod update.

Class Traits
Your Sims can rise in social class by purchasing Estates. Owning an Estate will
automatically grant your Sim the Landed Gentry trait, and growing that Estate to a
Dignified level will make your Sim part of the Aristocracy. Sims who are part of the
aristocracy will be referred to as “Lord” or “Lady” by Lady Whistledown.

Inheriting Class Traits

Sims will pass down class traits to their children, but I wanted a way for it to die out if
you let your estate fall to ruin. For this reason, the trait will always pass down one level
below until the next generation inherits the estate.

For example, if your Sim with the Aristocracy trait becomes poor and loses the estate,
the next few generations will inherit traits like this:

Gen 1 (Aristocracy) à Gen 2 (Landed Gentry) à Gen 3 (Gentry) à Gen 4 (no trait)

But when your Sim inherits an estate, their trait and their spouse’s trait will automatically
update to whatever their earned level should be. Spouses will also inherit whatever the
better trait is between the pair when they get married.

Purchasing An Estate
Estates can be purchased directly from the mailbox for §100,000 and will immediately
grant your Sim the Landed Gentry trait. You will be asked to name your estate, and
then it will be delivered to that Sim’s personal inventory. Hover over the estate in the
inventory to check its stats, name, and improvements. On the owner’s death, if there is
an eligible heir (a spouse or child), the estate will automatically be passed down.

Earning An Income
Sims can make a pretty penny by investing in their estates. When maximized, a single
estate can yield over §100,000 daily. An estate’s dividends are influenced by its land
leases, grandeur, and maintenance. Your Sim’s new income will arrive at
approximately 10am daily.

Maintaining An Estate
Estates need to be maintained to continue earning an income. Improve an estate’s
maintenance by choosing any of the rabbithole events that are always available or
selecting Drain Marshes and Treat Soil when they become available. You can also Hire
a Steward, which will cause the maintenance to decrease more slowly but costs money.

As an estate grows in size and improvements, it also grows in esteem. Improving an
estate’s grandeur can unlock new types of investments, and increase its income, but it
can also increase your Sim’s social status. Once a Sim grows their estate to the
Dignified level, they will be granted the Aristocracy trait, and will be referred to as Lord
or Lady when mentioned in Lady Whistledown’s Society Papers.

Grandeur Levels
¨ Homely
¨ Comfortable
¨ Dignified
¨ Grand
¨ Regal

Improvements become available as your estate’s grandeur increases. Purchasing any
improvement costs money, takes one day to finish building and will increase your
estate’s grandeur. Certain improvements will also unlock new land investment types or
improve money earned from certain types of leases.

Improvements include:
¨ Manor
¨ Stables – increases income from leasing lands for hunting
¨ Terrace
¨ Home Farm – increases income from lands leased for farming
¨ Garden – increases income from lands leased for lumber
¨ Park – increases income from lands leased for housing
¨ Statue Garden

Leasing Land
Newly purchased estates come with 100 acres, but extra land can be purchased or sold
at any time, provided that it isn’t currently leased. Land costs $100,000 for every 100
acres but will always be sold at a loss, so be careful not to overspend.

Land must be leased in order to earn an income. You’ll unlock new types of land leases
as your estate’s grandeur increases, which will pay increasing dividends.

Leases include (in order of income earned):

¨ Fishing
¨ Hunting (can be improved by purchasing stables)
¨ Farming (can be improved by purchasing and improving a Home Farm)
¨ Housing (can be improved by purchasing and improving a Park)
¨ Lumber (can be improved by purchasing and improving a Garden)

You can also earn bonuses from having land invested in multiple types of leases and
from increasing your estate’s grandeur value. The lands leased and maintenance also
factor into earnings, like so:
Let’s say your estate has 500 total acres, with 250 leased in farming, with
150 leased in hunting, and 100 leased in fishing. Your maintenance is at
82%, and your estate is Dignified. You have an improved home farm.

250 acres * 17 = 4250

150 acres * 12 = 1800
100 acres * 10 = 1000
Subtotal = § 7050
* grandeur bonus (1.2)
* diversity bonus (1.15)
* maintenance (0.82)
Total earnings = § 7978

Presentation to Society and Scandal
Bachelor and Debutante Presentations
Teen and young adult Sims who are Rich can make their entrance to society by being
presented to the Queen. This interaction can be found in the Regency pie menu on the
mailbox, and will take Sims to a short rabbithole. When they return, they will have the
Bachelor or Debutante trait, and will be subject to the effects of Scandal.

It is possible for your Sim to return from the presentation as the Incomparable of the
Season. Multiple incomparables can be chosen. Incomparable Sims will receive more
invitations to events and will have much greater success in building friendships and

Bachelors and debutantes must adhere to a
very strict set of social rules in order to stay
out of the gossip papers. Sims can be caught
in a scandal if they are found kissing or
woohooing, or if they reach the third trimester
of a pregnancy. (Yes, men who are abducted
by aliens are subjected to the same rules!)

If only one other Sim sees, the Sim who was

caught can beg their friend not to leak their
secret. This interaction may succeed or fail
depending on the Sim’s friendship score. By
default, siblings and parents will not leak
scandals because their reputations would be
affected, too! If you’re playing as a Sim who
knows another Sim’s secret, you can choose
to leak it at any time. As a warning, it will take
a heavy price on your friendship!

When a scandal gets leaked, chaos ensues for the unfortunate Sim. Family members
will have new social interactions such as “Accuse of Bringing Shame on Family”, and
non-family members will have a temporary lock on all social interactions except a
precious few. Note that these reactions will only affect Sims who are Middle Class,
Rich, or have one of the Gentry/Aristocracy traits.*

Eventually, a scandal will blow over, but to speed up the process you can try to
convince others of your innocence. Choose interactions like “Plead Case” or “Apologize
for Scandal” to Sims that aren’t family, and eventually your Sim may be forgiven.
Marrying or aging out of the Bachelor or Debutante phase will immediately fix the
problem as well.

You can also duel for another Sim’s honor. In the Mean category, you can choose Duel
for Honor or Duel to Death for Honor, and yes – your Sim might actually die.

* Want to make sure a Sim won’t react to scandal? Cheat add the Servant Trait to them, which will auto-assign their
wealth trait as Poor even if they’re living in a mansion.

Lady Whistledown
Lady Whistledown releases gossip
papers which comment on weekly
happenings. Marriages,
bachelor/debutante presentations,
balls, and scandals can all be
mentioned in the paper, which is
delivered at 10am. Lady Whistledown
only reports on Sims with the
Bachelor/Debutante trait.

You can change the settings for Lady Whistledown in the config file. By default, the
paper arrives on Monday, Thursdays, and Saturdays, but this is changeable, or can
even be completely disabled. You can also choose to allow Lady Whistledown to leak
scandals that haven’t yet been discovered (this is disabled when first installed).

You will receive a notification when there is a new Lady Whistledown, but you can
always read the current issue by reading the Society Papers which can be purchased
from the bookshelf. Your Sims will receive different buffs depending on their social
class and if they are mentioned in the current issue.

Config File
The included config file allows you to customize some aspects of this mod. If you don’t
want to change any of the included settings, it can be safely deleted with no impact on
the mod’s performance.

Social Classes
The first section allows you to change the thresholds for setting social classes. By
default, every Sim is given a wealth trait (Poor, Middle Class, or Rich), which is
determined by both cash on hand and lot value. Sims who earn below the amount
listed for middle will be given the Poor trait, and Sims below the upper value will be
given the Middle trait, while any Sim at or above the upper threshold will be Rich.

Lady Whistledown
The next section has settings for Lady Whistledown. Change Enabled to False if you
want to completely disable gossip papers. If you live for torturing your Sims, change
Leak Scandals to True to allow Lady Whistledown to discover scandals that haven’t yet
been leaked, which will ruin your Sim’s reputations.

You can also change the arrival days to anything you want. Note that you can add
more days using slashes, but the mod will only recognize it if the days are listed in
English with the first letter capitalized.

Some cheats can be found by shift-clicking on your Sim and locating the Regency pie
menu. Here are some others which can be typed into the cheat console.

Cheat Menu Cheats

Some cheats are available by shift-clicking on your Sim in a pie menu called “Regency

There is also a new Cheats pie menu for estates, in case you ever need them.

Console Cheats
Social Class Cheats
¨ simsten.cheat_aristocracy {Sim Name}
¨ simsten.cheat_landedgentry {Sim Name}
¨ simsten.cheat_gentry {Sim Name}
¨ simsten.cheat_servant {Sim Name}
¨ simsten.cheat_outinsociety {Sim Name} (Adds the Bachelor/Debutante trait)

*** These cheats will work even if your Sim is not currently on the lot, which means you
can mass-add these traits!

Scandal Cheats
simsten.shun {sim_id}
simsten.shun_stop {sim_id}

Skill Cheats
stats.set_skill_level simsten_RR_skill_etiquette {level}


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