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Throughout your life you would come across several people who you would call a friend but what makes
a good friend is the ability to share your interests with them, their presence when you need them the
most and someone who you could share your secrets with and trust them to keep it.



The ability to share your interests and nerd out with a good friend makes you feel refreshed and
energetic from time to time.


When you are not feeling the best, a good friend would be there for you to unload all your worries and
troubles and would console you with the right words.


A good friend is a trustworthy being with whom you could share your darkest secrets without the worry
of them judging you.


Having a good friend is crucial in life. It is not a one-way road and you would have to put in work to
build a strong friendship. It is built on understanding, trust and love hence they will stay with you for a
long time. Cherish your good friends and hold onto them as long as you can!


A Good Friend

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