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 Introduction

Lodestone or magnetite is a natural magnet because it is found in nature.

It is found in very few places. It looks nothing other than an ordinary stone
or rock. Thus, it has no regular shape and size. It has a very low attracting

Fig. Artificial bar magnet

Artificial magnets are prepared by men using elements like iron, cobalt,
nickel or their  mixture with other elements. They are much stronger than
natural magnets. Depending on requirement, these magnets are made in
various shapes and sizes.

 Properties of magnet (Bar magnet):

1. It has a north pole and a south pole at two ends. Even if you break a bar
magnet from the middle, both the pieces will still have a north pole and a
south pole, no matter how many pieces you break it in. In another words
Magnetic monopole does not exists.
2. The magnetic force of it is the strongest at the pole.
3. If this magnet is suspended freely in the air with a thread, it will align in
a north-south position. A Mariner’s Compass uses this property to
determine direction.


4. If two bar magnets are placed close to each other, their unlike poles will
attract and like poles will repel each other.
5. A bar magnet will attract all ferromagnetic materials such as iron,
nickel and cobalt.

 Magnetic Field:

The space around the charge in which magnetic force of attraction or

repulsion is observed is called magnetic field.


The space around the charge in which magnetic magnetic effects are
observed is called magnetic field.

Near the magnet strength is more and vice a versa.

Thus strength of the magnetic field at a point is inversely proportional to the

square of the distance from the magnet.

 Magnetic field intensity or magnetic intensity (H):

(Definition): Magnetic field intensity in the magnetic field is the Force

acting on unit North Pole placed at that point.

It is the vector quantity.

Unit: weber

According to the definition,

Magnetic force
Magnetic Intensity=


Where m = pole strength

We have,

1 (m × m )
Magnetic force , F= × 1 2 2
4 π μ0 μ r r

Put m1 = m1 and m2 = 1 (because H is the force acting on unit

north pole)

1 m
Therefore, H= 4 π μ μ × 2
0 r r

Where μ0 – Permeability of air

μr – Relative permeability
d – Distance between two poles

 Magnetic lines of force:

(Definition): Magnetic lines of force are defined as the paths along

which unit north pole will move in the magnetic field.

 Properties of the magnetic lines of force.

1. They are closed loops from pole to pole.

2. They never cross one another.

3. They all have the same strength.

4. The tangent drawn to the curved part at any point gives the
direction of magnetic field intensity at that point.
5. Their density decreases with increasing distance from the poles.
6. They are not affected by nonmagnetic material but highly affected
by magnetic material like iron, steel etc.
7. They flow from the south pole to the north pole within a material
and north pole to south pole in air.
 Magnetic Flux (ϕ):

The total number of magnetic lines of force in the given field is

called as magnetic flux.

It is denoted by ϕ.

S.I unit of magnetic flux is weber (Wb).

 Magnetic Flux Density or Magnetic Induction (B):

Definition: Magnetic flux density at a point in a magnetic field is defined as

the magnetic flux per unit area at that point.
Magnetic Flux Density or Magnetic Induction is denoted by B.

weber Wb
S.I unit…………….. 2
i .e 2 … … … ..∨tesla
m m

1 tesla = 1 m2

 Relation between magnetic flux density (D) and magnetic field intensity


Magnetic flux density (D) is directly proportional to the magnetic field

intensity (H)

i.e B α H
B = Constant x H
= Constant
B=μH or B = μ0μr x H
Where μ0 – Permeability of air
μr – Relative permeability


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