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Topic: Life Cycle of Class: Kindergarten Science Date: 3/16/23

a Frog

Content Language Objectives:

1. Talk to a partner about what we learned in the book.
1. Answer 2. Be able to have an answer to questions if called on.
about the Level 1: Students talk with a teacher about questions and answers.
book we will
read. Level 2: Students share with a partner about questions and answers.
2. Complete life
cycle Level 3: Students share with class about questions and answers.

Key Vocabulary: Supports:

(For Beginning, Emerging, and Developing)
 Computer
1. Eggs – tiny  Jack Hartmann Metamorphosis Song
jelly circles  From Tadpole to Frog by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld
that hold  Life Cycle of a Frog Worksheet
baby frogs.
 Scissors
2. Embryo – an
 Glue
frog that is  Pencils
inside of an Beginning: Say stages to teacher while pointing to the corresponding
egg. picture in native language. Then doing the same thing in English using
3. Tadpole – a repeat after me format.
fish like form
of a frog. It Emerging: Talk with a partner in English using sentence frame.
has a round
body and a Developing: Talk with a partner in English, identifying the stages
long tail. together.
4. Froglet – a
young frog. It
has a tadpole
tale and legs.
5. Adult Frog –
a fully grown
frog, it does
not have it’s
tail, and its
legs are

Higher-Order Questions:
What are the five stages of a frog’s life cycle?

Time: 15min Anticipatory Set:

Call students over to the carpet for a video. Ask the students to raise
their hands if they like to look for frogs. Ask students to put their hand
on their head if they have ever caught a frog. Allow a few minuets for
chatter of frog stories. Quiet them down and have the listen to the Jack
Hartmann metamorphosis song.

Building Background

Links to Experience:
Talk about children growing, similarly to frogs. Show them pictures
from when you were a baby, them a toddler, then a teen, then an
adult. Explain that frogs are growing just like them.

Links to Learning:
Give samples of other things that grow through life cycles (butterflies,

Introduce Key Vocabulary:

(Point to pre-written words as you speak). Today, we are going to
learn about the life cycle of a frog. After we read a book we will share
with partners something we learned and then complete a worksheet.

Time: 45 Development/Practice:

Student Activities (Circle/highlight all that apply for activities

throughout the lesson):

Scaffolding:       Modeling        Guided        Independent

Grouping:   Whole Class    Small Group    Partners    Independent

Processes:    Reading     Writing     Listening     Speaking

Strategies:    Hands-on1       Meaningful2      Links to Objectives3

1. During reading stop to ask questions about what they are
Ex. Read: Gills on the outside of a tadpole’s body help it
breathe underwater.
Ask: What helps tadpoles breathe when it is underwater?
Call on students after given time to think.3

2. During reading stop to ask questions about what they are

Ask: How many frogs are on this page? What color is the frog?
Call on students after given time to think.3

3. Ask students to think, pair, share one thing they learned with
another student or the teacher.2,3

4. Have 4-5 students share aloud to the class about what they
talked about with their partners.2,3

5. Ask students to show a thumbs up if they understand the


Guided Practice

6. Go through completed worksheet with students. Make sure to

explain and talk slowly.3

Independent Practice

7. Have the students complete the same worksheet. Check in

more often with the ELLs to make sure they know what
they are doing and can understand it.1,3


8. Have students listen to the Jack Hartmann metamorphosis

song. Have subtitles on for native language if there is only one,
if more than one have it on English. Slow the song down if it
seems too fast to comprehend.1,2

Closure: (Circle/highlight all that apply):

       Individual       Group        Written          Oral

Review Key Vocabulary:

I will point to each picture in the cycle and ask students to tell me what
the frog is called in that specific phase.

Review Key Content Concepts:

I will have the students talk to a partner or the teacher about what stage
they think would be the most fun for a frog and why.

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