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No difference, or only a minor difference

Comparison of ISO 22000:2018 vs Yum! Food Safety Standard Requirements Some differences noted

No requirement(s) included

ISO 22000:2018 FSMS Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard Same Different Comment
Clause Requirement Clause Requirement
4 Context of the organization
Understanding the organization and its context
The o rganization shall determine external and internal issues that are relevant to its p urp ose and that affect its ability to achieve the intended
result(s) of its FSMS.
The o rganization shall id entify, review and up date info rmation relate d to these externa l and internal issues. There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
N OTE 1 Issues can includ e p ositive and negative factors o r conditions for consid era tion.
N OTE 2 Understand ing the context can b e facilitated b y considering external and internal issues, includ ing, b ut not limited to , legal,
technological, co mp etitive, market, cultural, social and eco nomic environments, cyb ersecurity and foo d fraud, fo od d efence and intentio nal
contamination, knowled ge and p erfo rmance of the organization, whether internatio nal, natio nal, regio nal or local.
Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
To ensure that the organization has the ability to consistently p ro vid e prod ucts and services that meet ap plicable statutory, regulatory and
customer requirements with rega rd to foo d safety, the o rganizatio n shall d etermine:
4.2 There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
a) the interested parties that are relevant to the FSMS;
b ) the relevant requirements o f the interested parties of the FSMS.
The o rganization shall id entify, review and up date info rmation relate d to the interested p arties and their requirements.
Determining the scope of the food safety management system
The o rganization shall determine the b oundaries and ap plicability of the FSMS to establish its scop e. The scop e shall sp ecify the prod ucts and
services, p rocesses and p rod uction site(s) that are included in the FSMS. The scope shall includ e the activities, p ro cesses, p ro ducts or services
that can have an influence on the foo d safety of its end pro ducts.
4.3 There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
When determining this sco pe, the organization shall consid er:
a) the external and internal issues referred to in 4.1;
b ) the req uirements referred to in 4 .2.
The sco pe shall b e available and maintained as do cumented info rmation.
Food safety management system
4.4 The o rganization shall esta blish, implement, maintain, upd ate and co ntinually impro ve a FSMS, including the pro cesses needed a nd their There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
interactions, in acco rdance with the requirements o f this d ocument.
5 Leadership
Leadership and commitment Food Safety Culture
Top management shall demonstrate leadership and co mmitment with respect to the FSMS b y: The supp lier will establish a foo d safety culture p rogram at all levels of the o rganizatio n. Senio r management will pro vide evidence of the commitment to The po ints of the FSSC 2 2000 clause 5.1, indicated in red, are not
a) ensuring that the foo d sa fety po licy and the ob jectives of the FSMS a re estab lished and are compatib le with the strategic direction of the imp lementing and maintaining the organization's food safety culture. fully add ressed by the current Yum! Food Safety Aud it Standard
organizatio n; 3.1 Supp lier shall have a clearly co mmunicated food safety p olicy that states the facilities intentions to meet ob ligations to p rod uce safe and legal p roducts. The food requirements.
b ) ensuring the integration o f the FSMS requirements into the o rganizatio n’s business pro cesses; safety p olicy shall be :
c) ensuring that the reso urces need ed for the FSMS are available; (Procedures/Record/Ob servatio n)
d ) communicating the impo rtance of effective foo d safety management and conforming to the FSMS re quirements, app licable statuto ry and 3.1.1 Fo od Safety Policy availab le P
5.1 regulatory re quirements, and mutually agreed customer requirements related to foo d safety; 3 3.1.2 Signed b y the senior leader (s) S
e) ensuring that the FSMS is evaluated and maintained to achieve its intended result(s) (see 4.1); 3.1.3 Posted /communicated in languages appro priate to the staff S
f) directing and sup po rting p ersons to contrib ute to the effectiveness o f the FSMS;
g) p ro moting continual impro vement;
h) sup po rting other relevant management roles to d emo nstrate their leadership as it app lies to their areas of resp onsibility.
N OTE Reference to “business” in this document can be interpreted bro adly to mean those activities that are core to the purposes of the
organizatio n’s existence.

Policy Food Safety Culture

5.2.1 Estab lishing the fo od safety p olicy The supp lier will establish a foo d safety culture p rogram at all levels of the o rganizatio n. Senio r management will pro vide evidence of the commitment to The FSSC 220 00 Sche me d oes not currently includ e a specifi c
Top management shall establish, implement and maintain a fo od safety p olicy that: imp lementing and maintaining the organization's food safety culture. FSSC 22000 Add itional Require ment on Fo od Safety Culture,
a) is ap prop riate to the purp ose and context of the organization; 3.1 Supp lier shall have a clearly co mmunicated food safety p olicy that states the facilities intentions to meet ob ligations to p rod uce safe and legal p roducts. The food ho wever, a FSSC 22 000 Guid ance D ocument o n Food Safety
b ) provides a framework fo r setting and reviewing the objectives of the FSMS; safety p olicy shall be : Culture is available which indicates how Foo d Safety Culture is
c) includ es a commitment to satisfy app licable fo od safety req uirements, including statuto ry and regulatory req uirements and mutually (Procedures/Record/Ob servatio n) already ad dressed within the clauses of ISO 220 00:2018.
agreed custo mer requirements related to fo od safety; 3.1.1 Fo od Safety Policy availab le P
d ) addresses internal and external communicatio n; 3.1.2 Signed b y the senior leader (s) S The po ints of the FSSC 2 2000 clause 5.2, indicated in red, are not
e) includ es a commitment to continual impro vement of the FSMS; 3.1.3 Posted /communicated in languages appro priate to the staff S fully add ressed by the current Yum! Food Safety Aud it Standard
f) addresses the need to ensure co mpete ncies related to fo od safety. 3.2 Lead ership and emp lo yees are aware of the foo d safety po licy (e.g. do they know where the foo d safety po licy is and can explain it). requirements.
5.2.2 Communicating the food safety p olicy (Ob servation)
The food safety policy shall: 3.2.1 Interviews with leadership verify und erstand ing of the food safety policy P
a) b e a vailable and maintained as do cumented info rmation; 3.2.2 Emp loyees verify und erstanding o f the fo od safety p olicy S
5.2 3
b ) be co mmunicated, understoo d and app lied at all levels within the o rganizatio n; 3.3 Method s and resp onsibilities related to Fo od Safety Culture are defi ned a nd shall includ e:
c) be ava ilab le to relevant interested p arties, as ap prop riate. (Program/Reco rds)
3.3.1 Policy/program on lead ership respo nsib ilities in supp ort o f Food Safety Culture is established P
3.3.2 Senior management reviews results ( within 30 d ays) of internal Yum! self-audit and all e xternal fo od safety audits S for single incident and P for mo re than one
3.3.3 Ensures all identified food safety non-conformities in the ab ove audits are effectively ad dressed to prevent reoccurrence S fo r single incid ent a nd P for more than
3.3.4 Defined to ols used to measure the facilities food safety culture (e.g. employee foo d safety culture surveys, o ther emp loyee feedb ack gathering mechanisms) and
follow-up actions need ed S
3.3.5 If co mp leted by Brand/BU QA, was pro gress made to the Yum Food Safety Culture & Peop le Cap ability Assessment little or no p rogress sco re S
3.3.6 Whistleb lowe r p roced ures are estab lished in suppo rt of fo od safety S
3.3.7 Reviewed a nnually by senio r management S

Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)
5.3.1 To p management shall ensure that the responsibilities a nd authorities for relevant roles are assigned , communicated and und erstood 2.1 Multi-disciplinary team is established to defi ne and review the H ACCP plan. The po ints of the FSSC 2 2000 clause 5.3, indicated in red, are not
within the o rganization. (Program/Reco rds) fully add ressed by the current Yum! Food Safety Aud it Standard
Top management shall assign the re spo nsib ility and autho rity for: 2.1.2 HACCP team is estab lished to review the HACCP plan P requirements.
a) ensuring that the FSMS confo rms to the req uirements of this d ocument; 2.1.3 HACCP team is rep resented b y all key functions, this includes q uality assurance, maintenance and op erations and may include b ut is not limite d to (e.g.
b ) reporting on the p erformance of the FSMS to top management; engineering, sanitation, pro duct d evelo pment, and finance/p urchasing, etc.) S
c) appo inting the foo d safety team and the foo d safety team leader; 2.7.4 HACCP team will have sp ecific H ACCP training ( internal o r third party is acceptable) P
5.3 d ) designating p ersons with d efine d resp onsibility and authority to initiate and do cument action(s). 2
5.3.2 The foo d safety team leader shall b e resp onsible for:
a) ensuring the FSMS is estab lished , implemented, maintained and up dated;
b ) managing and organizing the work of the food safety team;
c) ensuring relevant training and comp etencies for the foo d safety team (se e 7 .2 );
d ) reporting to top management o n the effectiveness and suitab ility of the FSMS.
5.3.3 All p ersons shall have the responsibility to re port prob lem(s) with regards to the FSMS to identified p erso n(s).

6 Planning
Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.1.1 When planning fo r the FSMS, the organiz ation sha ll co nsid er the issues referred to in 4.1 and the requirements referred to in 4.2 and 4.3
and determine the risks and o pp ortunities that need to be add ressed to :
a) give assurance that the FSMS can achieve its intend ed result(s);
b ) enhance d esirable effects;
c) prevent, or red uce, undesired effects;
d ) achieve co ntinual imp rovement.
N OTE In the co ntext of this document, the concept of risks and o pp ortunities is limited to events and their conseq uences relating to the
p erformance and effectiveness of the FSMS. P ublic authorities are responsib le for add ressing pub lic health risks. Organizatio ns a re req uired
to manage fo od safety hazards (see 3.22) a nd the requirements related to this pro cess that are laid do wn in Clause 8.
6.1.2 The organization shall plan:
a) actions to add ress these risks and o pp ortunities;
6.1 There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
b ) how to :
1) integrate and implement the actions into its FSMS processes;
2) evaluate the effectiveness of these actions.
6.1.3 The actio ns taken by the organiz ation to ad dress risks and op portunities shall b e prop ortio nate to:
a) the impact on foo d safety requirements;
b ) the conformity of foo d pro ducts and services to custo mers;
c) re quirements of intere sted parties in the fo od chain.
N OTE 1 Actio ns to add ress risks and opp ortunities can includ e: avo id ing risk, taking risk in order to pursue an op portunity, eliminating the risk
source, changing the likelihoo d or co nsequences, sharing the risk, or accepting the presence of risk by informed d ecisio n.
N OTE 2 Oppo rtunities can lead to the ado ptio n of new practices ( mo dification of p roducts or p ro cesses), using new technology and other
d esirable and viab le p ossibilities to add ress the food safety needs of the organizatio n or its custo mers.

Objectives of the food safety management system and planning to achieve them
6.2.1 The organization shall establish o bjectives for the FSMS at relevant functions and levels.
The o bjectives of the FSMS shall:
a) b e consistent with the foo d safety po licy;
b ) be measurab le (if practicab le);
c) take into account ap plicab le food safety req uirements, including statutory, regulatory and customer requirements;
d ) be monitored and verifi ed;
e) b e communicated ;
6.2 f) be maintained and up dated as ap prop riate. There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
The o rganization shall re tain d ocumented info rmation o n the ob jectives for the FSMS.
6.2.2 When planning ho w to achieve its objectives fo r the FSMS, the organiz ation shall determine:
a) what will b e do ne;
b ) what reso urces will be required;
c) who will be resp onsible;
d ) when it will be complete d;
e) how the results will b e evaluated .

Planning of changes
When the o rganization d etermines the need fo r changes to the FSMS, includ ing personnel changes, the changes shall be carried o ut a nd
communicated in a p la nned manner.
The o rganization shall consider:
6.3 There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
a) the purpo se of the changes and their p otential co nsequences;
b ) the continued integrity of the FSMS;
c) the availability o f resources to effe ctively implement the changes;
d ) the allocation or re-allocation o f resp onsibilities and authorities.
7 Support
7.1.1 General
The o rganization shall determine and p ro vid e the resources needed for the establishment, implementation, maintenance, upd ate and
continua l improvement of the FSMS.
The o rganization shall consider:
a) the cap ability of, and any co nstraints on, existing internal resources;
b ) the need for externa l resources.
7.1.2 P eople
The o rganization shall ensure that persons necessary to op era te and maintain an effective FSMS are competent (see 7.2 ).
Where the assista nce o f external exp erts is used for the develop ment, imp lementation, op eration or assessment o f the FSMS, evidence of
agreement or contracts defining the comp etency, responsibility and authority of external experts shall b e retaine d as d ocumented
7.1.3 Infrastructure
The o rganization shall provide the reso urces for the determinatio n, establishment and maintenance of the infrastructure necessary to
achieve conformity with the requirements o f the FSMS.
N OTE Infrastructure can include:
— land , vessels, build ings and associated utilities;
— eq uipment, including hard ware and so ftware;
— transportation;
— informatio n and communicatio n technology. There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard addressing 7.1.1 to 7.1.5

7.1.4 Work environment

The o rganization shall determine, pro vid e a nd maintain the resources for the establishment, management and maintenance o f the wo rk
7.1 environment necessary to achieve conformity with the requirements o f the FSMS.
N OTE A suitable enviro nment can be a comb inatio n of human and p hysical facto rs such a s:
a) social (e.g. non-d iscriminatory, calm, non-co nfrontatio nal);
b ) psychological (e.g. stress-red ucing, b urno ut preventio n, emo tionally pro tective);
c) physical ( e.g. temp erature, heat, humid ity, light, air flo w, hygiene, noise).
These facto rs can differ sub stantia lly depending o n the pro ducts and services pro vided .
7.1.5 Externally de velop ed elements of the food safety manageme nt system
When an organiz ation establishes, maintains, upd ates and continually imp roves its FSMS b y using externally d evelop ed elements of a FSMS,
including PRP s, the hazard analysis and the hazard contro l p lan (see 8.5.4 ), the organizatio n shall ensure that the provided elements are:
a) d evelop ed in conformance with requirements o f this d ocument;
b ) applicable to the sites, pro cesses and pro ducts of the o rganizatio n;
c) specifically ad apted to the processes and prod ucts of the organizatio n by the foo d safety team;
d ) imp lemented , maintained and up dated as req uired b y this d ocument;
e) retained as documented information.

7.1.6 Control of externally p rovided p rocesses, p roducts or services

The o rganization shall:
a) estab lish and app ly crite ria for the evaluation, selection, mo nito ring of p erformance and re- evaluation of external providers o f p ro cesses,
p roducts and /o r services;
b ) ensure adeq uate communication of req uirements to the external pro vider( s); Refer to ISO/TS 22002-1 Clause 9 for comparison
c) ensure that externally pro vided processes, prod ucts or services d o no t adversely affect the o rganizatio n's ability to consistently meet the
req uirements of the FSMS;
d ) retain d ocumente d information o f these activities and any necessary actions as a result of the evaluations and re- evaluations.
Competence Food Safety Risk Assessment
The o rganization shall: 1 1.1.3 Risk Assessment training must be co nd ucted for key team members includ ing but no t limited to QA, maintena nce and op erations at a minimum of annually S fo r Yum! Fo od Safety Audit Stand ard includes requirements for
a) d etermine the necessary co mp etence of person( s), including external p roviders, do ing wo rk und er its co ntrol that affects its fo od safety single incid ent and P for more than o ne sp ecific training, whilst Clause 7 .2 of ISO 22000:201 8 requires the
p erformance and effectiveness of the FSMS; Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) organiz ation to d etermine the necessary co mpete nce o f all
b ) ensure that these p ersons, including the food safe ty team and tho se resp onsible fo r the o peratio n of the hazard contro l p lan, are 2.1.3 HACCP team is rep resented b y all key functions, this includes q uality assurance, maintenance and op erations and may include b ut is not limite d to (e.g. personnel that has an effect on the food safety p erfo rmance and
competent o n the basis of ap pro priate ed ucation, training and /or exp erience; engineering, sanitation, pro duct d evelo pment, and finance/p urchasing, etc.) S effectiveness o f the FSMS. It do es no t only req uire training b ut the
c) ensure that the fo od safety team has a co mb inatio n of multi-d iscip linary kno wledge and experience in develop ing and implementing the 2.7.2 The lead ind ividual who is resp onsible fo r the maintenance and up dating of the HACCP p rogram has had demonstration of competence.
FSMS (includ ing, b ut not limited to , the organizatio n’s p rod ucts, pro cesses, equipment and foo d safety haz ards within the sco pe of the FSMS); 2
formal HACCP (or PCQI) training P
d ) where ap plicab le, take actio ns to acq uire the necessary co mp etence, and evaluate the effectiveness of the actio ns taken; 2.7.3 Emp loyees managing/monitoring CCPs are aware of CCPs and the critical limits in their area(s) and what action to take if the limit(s) are exce eded. (D etermined
e) retain app ropriate documented informatio n as evidence of competence. thro ugh b oth interview and training records re view) P
N OTE Ap plicab le actio ns can include, fo r examp le, the pro visio n of training to, the mento ring of, or the re- assignment of currently emplo yed 2.7.4 HACCP team will have sp ecific H ACCP training ( internal o r third party is acceptable) P
p ersons; or the hiring or contracting of competent persons.
6 Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) & Employee Health and Hygiene
7.2 6.1 GMP Program is established and includes:
(Procedure/P rogram/Record s)
6.1.4 All staff are trained o n GMP's (includes pest co ntrol a wareness and repo rting) o n an o ngoing b asis ( at minimum annually) S
6.3 Emp loyee H ygiene p rogram is established that includ es:
(Program/Reco rds)
Minimum pro gram criteria includ es:
6.3.8 Emp loyee Hygiene training cond ucted , to include b ut is not limited to the ab ove re quirements (at minimum annually) S (6.3.1 - 6.3.7)
9 Maintenance and Sanitation
9.4 Sanitation emp lo yees are trained o n each task that they p erform.
(Procedure, Record s)
9.4.1 Sanitation p rocedure/SOPs used to co nd uct the training S for single incident and P fo r mo re than one
9.4.2 On-the-job training/o ther method s o f training available fo r each emp lo yee, when ap plicab le S
9.4.3 Training is co mp leted annually and record s are maintained S fo r single incid ent and P for more than one
Awareness Food Safety Culture
The o rganization shall ensure that all relevant persons doing work under the organiz ation’s control shall b e aware of: The supp lier will establish a foo d safety culture p rogram at all levels of the o rganizatio n. Senio r management will pro vide evidence of the commitment to The po ints of the FSSC 2 2000 clause 7.3, indicated in red, are not
a) the fo od safety p olicy; imp lementing and maintaining the organization's food safety culture. fully add ressed by the current Yum! Food Safety Aud it Standard
b ) the o bjectives of the FSMS relevant to their task( s); 3.1 Supp lier shall have a clearly co mmunicated food safety p olicy that states the facilities intentions to meet ob ligations to p rod uce safe and legal p roducts. The food requirements.
c) their ind ividual contributio n to the effectiveness of the FSMS, including the b enefits o f imp roved fo od safety p erformance; safety p olicy shall be :
d ) the implications of not confo rming with the FSMS req uirements. (Procedures/Record/Ob servatio n)
7.3 3 3.1.1 Fo od Safety Policy availab le P
3.1.2 Signed b y the senior leader (s) S
3.1.3 Posted /communicated in languages appro priate to the staff S
3.2 Lead ership and emp lo yees are aware of the foo d safety po licy (e.g. do they know where the foo d safety po licy is and can explain it).
(Ob servation)
3.2.1 Interviews with leadership verify und erstand ing of the food safety policy P
3.2.2 Emp loyees verify und erstanding o f the fo od safety p olicy S

7.4.1 General
The o rganization shall determine the internal and external communications relevant to the FSMS, includ ing:
a) on what it will communicate;
b ) when to communicate;
c) with whom to communicate;
d ) how to communicate;
e) who communicates.
The o rganization shall ensure that the requirement for effe ctive communicatio n is understo od b y all perso ns who se activities have an impact
on fo od safety.

7.4.2 External communicatio n

The o rganization shall ensure that sufficient info rmation is communicated externally and is availab le for interested p arties of the foo d chain.
The o rganization shall esta blish, implement and maintain effective co mmunicatio ns with:
a) exte rnal providers and contractors; There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
b ) custo mers and /o r consumers, in relatio n to :
1) p roduct info rmation related to foo d safety, to enable the handling, disp lay, storage, prepa ration, d istrib utio n and use o f the pro duct within
the fo od chain o r b y the consumer;
2) id entifi ed fo ods safety hazard s that need to be controlled b y other organizatio ns in the food chain and /o r b y consumers;
3) contractual arrangements, enquiries and ord ers, including their amendments;
4) customer and /o r consumer feedb ack, includ ing co mp laints;
c) statutory and regulato ry autho rities;
d ) other organiz ations that have an impa ct o n, or will be affected b y, the effectiveness or updating of the FSMS.
Designated persons shall have defi ned respo nsib ility and autho rity for the external communication o f any information concerning foo d
7.4 safety. Where relevant, information o btained thro ugh external communicatio n shall b e includ ed as input fo r manageme nt review (see 9.3)
and fo r upd ating the FSMS (see 4.4 and 1 0.3).
Evidence of external co mmunicatio n shall b e retained as do cumented info rmation.

7.4.3 Internal communication Food Safety Risk Assessment

The o rganization shall esta blish, implement and maintain an effective system fo r communicating issues having an impact on foo d safety. 1.2.3 Co mmunicatio n to Brand/BU QA, the b elow are examples, but not limited to: P The FSSC 220 00 requirement is partially add ressed as the Yum!
To maintain the effectiveness of the FSMS, the o rganizatio n shall ensure that the foo d safety te am is informed in a timely manner of changes 1.2.4 Reviewed a t minimum annually or when any of the following occur, b ut is not limited to: P Fo od Safety Audit Stand ard req uires co mmunication to be d one
in the follo wing: o Change in ingred ients and /o r recipe to the Brand /BU QA for certain asp ects, however, FSSC 22 000
a) p roducts or new pro ducts; o Change in p rocessing cond itions, process flow or equip ment requires the foo d safety team of the o rganization to be informed
b ) raw materials, ingredients and services; o Upd ated or new processing line for Yum! p roducts since last Yum! audit of changes as p er clause 7.4.3, includ ing add itional changes over
c) prod uction systems and eq uipment; o Change in food contact p ackaging, sto rage or distribution conditions and above that of the Yum! requirements, as ind icated in red.
d ) prod uction premises, location o f equipment and surro und ing environment; o Change in consumer use o f finished pro duct
e) cleaning and sanitatio n pro grammes; o Emergence of a new risk ( e.g. kno wn adulteration of an ingredient)
f) packaging, storage and distribution systems; o Responding to customer comp laint reviews to prevent reoccurrence
g) competencies and/or allocation of responsibilities and authorizatio ns; 1.2 o Fo llo wing a recall/withd rawal
h) applicable statutory and re gulato ry requirements; o New developments within industry including scientific info rmation associated with ingredients, pro cess or pro duct
i) knowledge regarding foo d safety haz ards and control measures;
j) customer, sector and oth er requirements that the o rganization o bserves;
k) relevant enquiries and co mmunications from external interested p arties;
l) co mp laints and alerts ind icating foo d safety haz ards asso ciated with the end p rod uct;
m) other co nd itions that have an impact on fo od safety.
The food safety team shall ensure that this info rmation is includ ed when upd ating the FSMS (see 4.4 and 1 0.3).
Top management shall ensure that relevant info rmation is includ ed as inp ut to the management review (see 9.3) .

Documented information
7.5.1 General
The o rganization’ s FSMS shall include:
a) d ocume nte d information req uired b y this d ocument;
b ) documented informatio n determined b y the organiz ation as being necessary for the effectiveness o f the FSMS;
c) documented informatio n and foo d safety requirements req uired b y statutory, regulatory authorities and custo mers.
N OTE The extent o f do cumented info rmation for a FSMS can d iffer from one o rganization to ano ther d ue to:
— the siz e o f organizatio n and its typ e of activities, pro cesses, pro ducts and services;
— the co mp lexity o f pro cesses and their interactions;
— the co mp etence o f persons.
7.5.2 Creating and updating
When creating and upd ating d ocumented information, the organizatio n shall ensure ap prop riate:
a) identificatio n and descriptio n (e.g. a title, date, author, or reference number);
b ) format ( e.g. language, software versio n, graphics) and media (e.g. pap er, electronic);
c) re view and ap proval for suitab ility and adeq uacy.
There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
7.5.3 Control of documented informatio n D ocumented info rmation req uired b y the FSMS and by this document shall b e controlled to ensure:
a) it is available and suitable fo r use, where and when it is needed ;
b ) it is adeq uately pro tected (e.g. from lo ss o f confi dentiality, improp er use, or loss of integrity). For the co ntrol of d ocumented information, the organizatio n shall ad dress the following activities, as app licable:
a) d istrib utio n, access, retrieval and use;
b ) storage and p reservation, includ ing preservation o f legib ility;
c) contro l o f changes ( e.g. version contro l) ;
d ) retention and d ispo sition.
Do cumented info rmation o f external o rigin d etermined by the o rganizatio n to be necessary for the planning and operation o f the FSMS shall
b e id entifi ed, as ap prop riate, and controlled.
Do cumented info rmation retained as evidence of co nfo rmity shall be pro tected from unintended alterations.
N OTE Access ca n imp ly a decision regard ing the permissio n to view the d ocumented information o nly, o r the p ermission and authority to
view and change the documented informatio n.

8 Operation
Operational planning and control
The o rganization shall plan, imp lement, co ntrol, maintain and up date the p rocesses needed to meet requirements for the realiz ation of safe
p roducts, and to implement the actions d etermined in 6 .1 , b y:
a) estab lishing criteria for the pro cesses;
b ) imp lementing control of the p rocesses in acco rdance with the criteria;
8.1 c) keep ing do cumented info rmation to the extent necessary to have the confidence to demonstrate that the p rocesses have been carried out There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
as p lanned.
The o rganization shall contro l p lanned changes and review the conseq uences o f unintended changes, taking a ctio n to mitigate any adverse
effects, as necessary.
The o rganization shall ensure that outsourced p rocesses are controlled (see 7.1.6).

Prerequisite programmes (PRPs)

8.2.1 The organization shall establish, implement, maintain and upd ate P RP( s) to facilitate the prevention and/or reductio n of contaminants Although there is no related req uirement within the Yum! Fo od
(includ ing foo d sa fety haz ards) in the prod ucts, p roduct p rocessing and work environment. Safety Aud it Standard specific to establishing PRPs, it do es still
8.2.2 The PRP (s) shall be: add ress P RPs such as:
a) ap prop riate to the o rganization and its context with regard to foo d safety; - Maintenance and Sanitatio n
b ) appro priate to the size and typ e of the op eration and the nature of the pro ducts being manufactured and/or handled; - Sup plier Ap proval
c) imp lemented across the entire p roduction system, either as p rogrammes app licable in general or as p rogrammes app licable to a p articular - Allergen P rogram
p roduct or process; - Foreign Material P revention and Contro l
d ) appro ved by the foo d safety team. - Pest Prevention
8.2.3 When selecting and /o r establishing PRP (s), the organiz ation shall ensure that ap plicab le statutory, regulatory and mutually agreed - GMP and Emp loyee H ealth and H ygiene
customer requirements are identifie d. The organiz ation should consider: Please refer to the sp ecific PRP s under the ISO/TS 22002 -1 ta b.
a) the app licable p art of the ISO/TS 22 002 series;
b ) applicable standa rd s, co des o f practice and guid elines.

8.2 8.2.4 When establishing PRP (s) the organizatio n shall consider: There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard specific to establishing PRPs
a) constructio n, lay- out of b uildings and asso ciated utilities;
b ) lay-o ut o f p re mises, includ ing zo ning, wo rkspace and emp lo yee facilities;
c) sup plies o f air, water, energy and o ther utilities;
d ) pest co ntro l, waste and sewage d ispo sal and sup po rting services;
e) the suitab ility of equip ment and its accessib ility for cleaning and maintenance;
f) sup plier app roval and assurance pro cesses (e.g. raw materials, ingred ients, chemicals and p ackaging);
g) rece ptio n of incoming materials, storage, dispatch, transp ortation and hand ling of p roducts;
h) measures for the prevention o f cro ss contaminatio n;
i) cleaning and d isinfecting;
j) personal hygiene;
k) pro duct informatio n/consumer awareness;
l) others, as a ppro priate.
Do cumented info rmation shall specify the selectio n, establishment, app licable monitoring and verificatio n of the P RP( s).

Traceability system Traceability

The traceab ility system shall b e ab le to uniquely identify incoming material from the sup pliers and the first stage of the distribution route of Supp lier at any given time will be ab le to trace 100% o f the raw and finished prod ucts thro ugh all stages of the p rocess from point of material receiving through The po ints of the FSSC 2 2000 clause 8.3, indicated in red, are not
the end prod uct. When estab lishing and implementing the traceab ility system, the following shall b e considered as a minimum: ship ment to first external customer within a 2- ho ur timeframe. fully add ressed by the current Yum! Food Safety Aud it Standard
a) relatio n of lo ts o f received materials, ingred ients and intermediate prod ucts to the end prod ucts; 11.1 The supp lier will b e ab le to d emo nstrate thro ugh systems, p ro ced ures and associated d ocumentation they are able to trace 100% of all pro ducts prod uced. requirements.
b ) reworking o f materials/prod ucts; (Procedure/Record s/Ob servatio n)
c) distrib ution o f the end prod uct. 11.1.1 Shall have a traceab ility p rogram estab lished F
The o rganization shall ensure that app licable statutory, regulatory and customer requirements are id entifi ed. 11.1.2 Includes one b ack and one forward trace for all foo d pro ducts, primary packaging, semi p rocessed p rod uct, rework, processing aides and non- confo rming
8.3 Do cumented info rmation as e vidence of the trace ability system shall b e retained for a d efined period to include, as a minimum, the shelf life 11 prod uct P
of the prod uct. The organizatio n shall verify and test the effectiveness of the traceab ility system. 11.1.3 For fresh pro duce and animal p rotein foo ds the supp lier, in ad dition, can trace back to its origin (e.g. field/farm) to the first external customer (s) P
N OTE Where app ropriate, the verification o f the system is exp ected to includ e the reconciliation of q uantities o f end pro ducts with the 11.1.4 In ad dition, for b ulk ingredients such as pro ducts stored/received in silo s, the sup plier sha ll a minimum b e able to provide all the lots and quantities that were
q uantity of ingredients as evidence of effectiveness. stored in that silo since the last d etail clean up (silo was emptied and cleaned ) within 2 hours P
11.1.5 Raw ingredients, food contact pa ckaging, prod uct in pro cess and finished p roduct are sufficiently lab eled (b ar- co de system may be used) to allow full traceability
of the p ro cess P

Emergency preparedness and response

8.4.1 General
Top management shall ensure pro cedures are in p lace to respo nd to po tential emergency situatio ns o r incidents that can have an imp act on
food safety which are relevant to the ro le o f the organiz ation in the foo d chain.
Do cumented info rmation shall be established and maintained to manage these situatio ns and incidents.
8.4.2 H andling o f emergencies and incidents
The o rganization shall:
a) respond to actual emergency situatio ns and incidents b y:
1) ensuring app licable statutory and regulato ry requirements are id entifi ed;
2) communicating internally; These requirements are not spe cifically covered within the Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it Standard , however, organiz ations can refer to 11.2.2 which references the Yum! Crisis
3) communicating exte rnally (e.g. supp liers, customers, app rop riate authoritie s, med ia); Management P olicy. This is a sep arate d ocument that details the req uirements fo r hand ling emergency situatio ns.
b ) take action to reduce the co nseq uences of the emergency situation, app ropriate to the magnitud e o f the emergency or incid ent and the
p otential fo od safety impact;
c) period ically test p roced ures where p ractical;
d ) review and, where necessa ry, up date the d ocumented information after the o ccurrence o f any incid ent, emergency situation or tests.
N OTE Examp les of emergency situations that can affect fo od safety and/or pro ductio n are natural disasters, enviro nmental accidents,
b io terrorism, wo rkplace accidents, p ub lic health e mergencies and other accidents, e.g. interruption o f essential services such as water,
electricity or refrigeratio n supp ly.

8.5 Hazard control

Preliminary steps to enable hazard analysis Supplier Approval G eneral 10.4 Specifi catio ns will b e on fi le for all ingred ient & packaging p roducts used in manufa cturing on site. These will include as ap prop ria te , b ut is no t limited to : The po ints of the FSSC 2 2000 clause 8.5.1, indicated in red, are
To carry out the haz ard analysis, p reliminary documented informatio n shall b e collected, maintained and up dated by the foo d sa fety tea m. (Procedure/Record s) no t fully add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it
This shall include, but not b e limited to: 10.4.1 Regularly reviewed, at minimum annually, or when ingred ient a nd p ackaging changes occur P Standard req uirements.
a) ap plicab le statutory, regulatory and customer requirements; 10.4.2 Micro bial to lerances P
b ) the o rganization’ s pro ducts, p roce sses and eq uip ment; 10.4.3 Physical parameters P
c) foo d safety haz ards relevant to the FSMS. 10.4.4 Chemical P Characteristics o f raw materials, ingred ients and prod uct contact materials 10.4.5 Allergen P
The o rganization shall ensure that all applicab le statutory and regulato ry fo od safety req uirements are id entified for all raw materials, 10.4.6 Quality e.g. organoleptic tolerances P
ingred ients and prod uct co ntact materials. 10 10.4.7 Food contact packaging is fo od grad e P
The o rganization shall maintain d ocumente d information concerning a ll raw materials, ingred ients and prod uct co ntact materials to the 10.4.8 Any o ther necessary requirements as req uired b y Yum to mitigate food safety risk P
extent needed to cond uct the haz ard analysis ( see 8.5.2), including the follo wing, as a ppro priate: 10.4.9 Ap pro ved b y the sup plier QA P
a) b io logical, chemical and physical characteristics; 10.4.10 Review and amend ment histo ry / lo g available P
b ) compo sitio n of formulated ingred ients, includ ing add itives and processing aid s;
c) source (e.g. animal, mineral or vegetab le) ;
d ) place of origin (pro venance);
e) method o f p roductio n;
f) metho d of packaging and delivery;
g) storage cond itions and shelf life;
h) preparation and/or handling b efore use or p rocessing;
i) acceptance criteria related to food safe ty o r specifications of p urchased materials and ingredients ap pro priate to their intended use. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)
The supp lier will have an effective, do cumented Hazard Analysis Critical Control Po int (H ACCP ) program (d esigned to ap proved glob al recogniz ed systems) that is fully Characteristics o f end pro ducts imp lemented and maintained to ensure safe pro ducts. The established co ntrol measures must have the id entifi ed scie ntifi c basis fo r b eing an effective control and
The o rganization shall ensure that all applicab le statutory and regulato ry fo od safety req uirements are id entified for all the end pro ducts includ e a robust, d ocumented co rrective action p la n fo r all no n-conformances.
intend ed to be p roduced . 2.1 Multi-disciplinary team is established to defi ne and review the H ACCP plan.
The o rganization shall maintain d ocumente d information concerning the characteristics o f end prod ucts to the extent needed to cond uct the (Program/Reco rds)
hazard analysis (see 8.5.2), including info rmation on the following, as app rop riate: 2.1.1 Documented HACCP p rogram (designed to app roved global reco gnized systems) imp lemented F
a) p roduct name or similar identification; 2.1.2 HACCP team is estab lished to review the HACCP plan P
b ) compo sitio n; 2.1.3 HACCP team is rep resented b y all key functions, this includes q uality assurance, maintenance and op erations and may include b ut is not limite d to (e.g.
c) biological, chemical and p hysical characteristics relevant for foo d safety; engineering, sanitation, pro duct d evelo pment, and finance/p urchasing, etc.) S
d ) intended shelf life a nd sto rage cond itions; 2 2.1.4 Prod uct description and intend ed users is d efined P
e) p ackaging; 2.1.5 Verified p rocess flo w chart estab lished which accurately d epicts p ro cess fro m p oint of mate rial receiving through finished p rod uct ship ping P
f) lab elling re lating to foo d safety and /o r instructions fo r hand ling, p reparation and intend ed use; HACCP system implemented for the id entification, evaluatio n, and control of foo d safety haz ards. The program shall b e b ased on the seven p rincip les:
g) method (s) of distribution and d elivery. Princip le 1 : Conduct a hazard analysis
8.5.1 Intended use Princip le 2 : D etermine the critical control po ints (CCPs)
The intended use, including reasonab ly expected handling of the end p ro duct and any unintend ed use but reaso nab ly expected mishand ling Princip le 3 : Estab lish critical limits
and misuse of the end prod uct, shall b e considered and shall be maintained as d ocumented information to the extent needed to conduct the Princip le 4 : Estab lish monitoring p roced ures
hazard analysis (see 8.5.2). Princip le 5 : Estab lish co rrective actions
Where ap prop riate, gro up s of consumers/users shall be identified fo r each pro duct. Princip le 6 : Estab lish verifi catio n p ro ced ures
Gro ups of consumers/users kno wn to b e esp ecially vulnerab le to sp ecific foo d safety haz ards shall be identified . Princip le 7 : Estab lish reco rd keeping and d ocumentation p roce dures
2.2.4 Hazard analysis co mpleted for each pro cess stage on the p ro cess flow chart (includ ing rewo rk, alle rgens, Flow diagrams and descriptio n of processes foreign material, antibiotic and other add itives, if ap plicab le) P P reparatio n of the fl ow d iagrams 2.3.2 CCP (s) are id entifi ed in the pro cess flow chart S
The food safety team shall estab lish, maintain and up date flow diagrams as d ocumented information for the pro ducts or pro duct catego ries
and the processes co vered by the FSMS.
Flow d iagrams provide a graphic representation o f the pro cess. Flo w diagrams shall be used when conducting the hazard analysis as a basis
for evaluating the po ssib le occurrence, increase, d ecrease o r intro duction of food safety haz ard s.
Flow d iagrams shall be clea r, accurate and sufficiently d etailed to the extent needed to co nd uct the haz ard analysis. Flow d iagrams shall, as
ap prop riate, include the following:
a) the seq uence and interactio n of the step s in the op eration;
b ) any outso urced processes;
c) where raw materials, ingredients, p ro cessing aids, p ackaging materials, utilities and intermed iate pro ducts enter the fl ow;
d ) where reworking and recycling take p lace;
e) where end prod ucts, intermediate p rod ucts, by-p rod ucts and waste are released or removed . On- site confirmation o f flo w d iagrams
The food safety team shall confi rm on-site the accuracy of the fl ow d iagra ms, upd ate the flow diagrams where app ropriate and retain as
d ocumented info rmation. D escrip tion of p rocesses and p rocess environment

The food safety team shall d escrib e, to the extent need ed to co nd uct the hazard analysis:
a) the layo ut of p remises, includ ing fo od and non- foo d handling areas;
b ) processing equip me nt and co ntact materials, p rocessing aid s and flow of materials;
c) existing PRPs, p rocess p ara meters, contro l measures (if any) and /or the strictness with which they are app lied , o r procedures that can
infl uence fo od safety; There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
d ) external requirements (e.g. from statutory and regulato ry autho rities or customers) that can imp act the choice a nd the strictness of the
control measures.
The variations resulting from exp ected seasonal changes or shift patterns shall b e includ ed as ap pro priate.
The d escrip tio ns shall be up dated as ap pro priate and maintained as d ocumented information.

Hazard analysis Food Safety Risk Assessment G eneral Supp lier will have a do cumented Fo od Safety Risk Assessment Program that req uires the review of all po tential foo d safety haz ards. P rogram must includ e review and The po ints of the FSSC 2 2000 clause 8.5.2, indicated in red, are
The food safety team shall cond uct a haz ard analysis, b ased o n the preliminary information, to d etermine the haz ards that need to b e upd ates when there are any cha nges to ingred ients, p rocess, environment, industry o r customer. no t fully add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it
controlled. The d egree o f control shall ensure food safe ty a nd, where app ropriate, a combination o f co ntrol measures shall be used. 1.1 The Food safety risk assessment program shall include: Standard req uirements. Ho wever, there are sp ecific requirements H azard id entifi catio n and determination of accep tab le levels (Program/Reco rds) fo r Fresh Prod uce, Dairy, and Animal P rote in within the add itional The organization shall identify and d ocument all food safety hazard s that are reasonab ly expected to o ccur in relation to the typ e o f 1.1 1.1.1 The facility will have a do cumented Fo od Safety Risk Assessment Program P mo dule s included within the Yum! Fo od Safety Audit Stand ard.
p roduct, typ e of p rocess and pro cess environment. 1.1.2 The fo od safety risk assessments should be co nducted b y the HACCP (o r similarly d esignated) team P
The id entifi catio n shall b e based on: 1.1.3 Risk Assessment training must be co nd ucted for key team members includ ing but no t limited to QA, maintena nce and op erations at a minimum of annually S fo r
a) the preliminary informatio n and data collected in acco rd ance with 8.5.1; single incid ent and P for more than o ne
b ) exp erience; Note: If included as part of H ACCP plan or food safety p lan, the foo d safety risk assessment pro gram shall be clearly d efine d and includ e the required elements.
c) internal and external info rmation includ ing, to the extent po ssib le, ep idemiological, scientific and o ther historical data;
d ) info rmation from the food chain on food safety haza rd s related to the safety o f the end p rod ucts, intermed iate p ro ducts and the foo d at
Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)
the time of consump tion;
e) statutory, regulatory a nd customer require ments. 2.2 All info rmation needed to cond uct the haz ard ana lysis ( Princip le 1 ) are id entifi ed, do cumented and reviewed ; informatio n shall includ e but is no t limited to:
N OTE 1 Experience can includ e info rmation from staff and external exp erts who are familiar with the pro duct and/or pro cesses in o ther (Program/Reco rd/Ob servation)
facilities. 2.2.1 Historical haz ards asso ciated with raw ingred ients, processing and foo d co ntact p ackaging P
N OTE 2 Statutory and regulatory requirements can include food safety objectives (FSOs). The Codex Alimentarius Commission defines FSOs 2.2.2 Und erstand ing and d ocumentation of relevant factors that influence bacterial gro wth, po tential chemical, and physical hazard s that are associated with the raw
as “The maximum frequency and /o r concentratio n of a hazard in a foo d at the time o f co nsumptio n that p rovid es o r contributes to the 2.2 ingredients and sp ecific processed fo od p roducts P
ap prop riate level of protection (ALOP )”. 2.2.3 Identification of scientific ap proach used to determine critical limits and these limits are clearly und erstood and d ocumented P
Haz ards sho uld b e considered in sufficient d etail to enab le hazard assessment and the selection of ap pro priate control measures. 2.2.4 Hazard analysis co mpleted for each pro cess stage on the p ro cess flow chart (includ ing rewo rk, alle rgens,
foreign material, antibiotic and other add itives, if ap plicab le) P
2.2.5 No contaminatio n with b io lo gical, chemical or physical haz ards is o bserved F
2.2.6 No p otential co ntamination with biolo gical, chemical or physical hazard s is ob served P The organization shall identify step(s) (e.g. receiving raw materials, processing, d istrib ution and delivery) at which each fo od safety Food Safety Risk Assessment
hazard can be p resent, be introduced , increase o r p ersist. 1.2 Documented Risk Assessment availab le for all finished p roducts/ingredients, p ackaging, environmental concerns, equip ment and p rocesses. Risk assessments
When id entifying haza rd s, the organiz ation shall co nsid er: includ e:
a) the stages p reced ing and following in the foo d chain; (Procedure/Record s)
b ) all steps in the flow diagram; 1.2.1 What is the food safety risk (e.g. foreign material, allergen, illness, injury etc.) P
c) the p rocess eq uipment, utilities/services, process enviro nment and p erso ns. 1.2.2 Assessment of risk; likeliho od and severity of o ccurrence P The organization shall determine the accep tab le level in the end p roduct of each fo od safety hazard id entifi ed, whenever possible. 1.2.3 Co mmunicatio n to Brand/BU QA, the b elow are examples, but not limited to: P
When determining a ccep tab le levels, the organization shall: 1.2.4 Reviewed a t minimum annually or when any of the following occur, b ut is not limited to: P
a) ensure that app licable statutory, regulato ry and customer req uirements are identified ; o Change in ingred ients and /o r recipe
b ) consider the intend ed use of end p roducts; o Change in p rocessing cond itions, process flow or equip ment
8.5.2 c) consider any other relevant informatio n. o Upd ated or new processing line for Yum! p roducts since last Yum! audit
The o rganization shall maintain d ocumente d information concerning the d etermination o f acceptable levels and the justification for the 1.2 o Change in food contact p ackaging, sto rage or distribution conditions
acceptable levels. o Change in consumer use o f finished pro duct H azard assessment o Emergence of a new risk ( e.g. kno wn adulteration of an ingredient)
The o rganization shall conduct, for each id entified food safety hazard , a hazard assessment to d etermine whether its p revention or reductio n o Responding to customer comp laint reviews to prevent reoccurrence
to an acceptable level is essential. o Fo llo wing a recall/withd rawal
The o rganization shall evaluate each foo d safety haz ard with regard to: o New developments within industry including scientific info rmation associated with ingredients, pro cess or pro duct
a) the likeliho od o f its occurrence in the end prod uct prior to app licatio n of control measures;
b ) the severity o f its ad ve rse health effects in relation to the intended use (see
The o rganization shall id entify a ny significa nt food safety hazard s.
The method ology used shall b e described, and the result of the hazard assessment shall be maintained as documented informatio n. Selection and categoriz ation of control measure( s) Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Base d on the hazard assessment, the o rganizatio n shall select an app ropriate control measure or comb ination of control measures
that will b e cap able of p reventing o r red ucing the id entified significant food safety hazard s to defined acceptable levels.
The o rganization shall cate go rize the selected identified contro l measure(s) to b e managed as OPRP(s) (see 3.30) o r at CCPs (see 3.11) .
The catego riz ation shall be carried out using a systematic ap proach. For each o f the co ntrol measures selected, there shall be an a ssessment
of the following:
a) the likeliho od o f failure o f its functioning;


Validation of control measure(s) and combinations of control measures Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)

8.5.3 2.4

Hazard control plan (HACCP/OPRP plan) Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)




Updating the information specifying the PRPs and the hazard control plan Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)




Control of monitoring and measuring Micro and Analytical Testing and Monitoring

8.7 8

Verification related to PRPs and the hazard control plan Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)


Micro and Analytical Testing and Monitoring


Control of product and process nonconformities Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)

8.9.1 - 8.9.3




8.9.5 11
8.9.5 Withdrawal/recall
The o rganization shall be able to ensure the timely withd rawal/recall of lots o f end prod ucts that have been id entifi ed as p otentially unsafe, 11.2 The supp lier will have a crisis team to d eal with any withdrawals and recalls and can demonstrate: Although the Yum! Req uirements are well detaile d, the p oints o f
b y app ointing co mpete nt p erson(s) having the a uthority to initiate and carry out the withd rawal/recall. (Procedure/Record s/Ob servatio n) the FSSC 22000 clause 8.9.5, ind icated in red, are no t fully
The o rganization shall esta blish and maintain documented informatio n fo r: 11.2.1 Outline o f resp onsibilities for individuals in the sup pliers crisis team S fo r single incid ent and P for more than one add ressed by the current Yum! Food Safety Aud it Standard
a) notifying relevant interested parties (e.g. statutory and regulatory autho rities, custo mers and /o r consumers); 11.2.2 Have access to and confirm annual management training o f the Yum Brands Crisis Management Program (se e Yum! reference site on Crisis Mana gement) – requirements.
b ) hand ling withd rawn/recalled prod ucts as well as pro ducts still in stock; may be verifi ed by print-o ut and sign-o ff sheet P
c) perfo rming the sequence o f actions to be taken. 11.2.3 A minimum of two current sup plier emergency contacts are listed in the plant p ro file on the Yum system P
Withdrawn/recalled pro ducts and end p roducts still in sto ck shall be secured or held und er the control of the organization until they are 11.2.4 Have the current Brand /BU QA co ntacts P
managed in accordance with . 11.3 Has a d ocumented recall/prod uct withd rawal pro ced ure which includ es as a minimum the following elements:
The cause, extent and result o f a withd ra wal/recall shall be retained as d ocumented information and rep orted to the top management as (Procedure/Record s)
inp ut for the management review (see 9.3). 11.3.1 Procedures to id entify, track and lo cate 100% of a n identified p rod uct by cod e date/U se By Date within a 2 ho ur perio d wherever its location within the sup ply
The o rganization shall verify the imp lementatio n and effectiveness o f withd rawals/reca lls thro ugh the use of appro priate techniques (e.g. chain P
mock withdrawal/recall or practice withdrawal/recall) and retain documented informatio n. 11.3.2 The reconciliatio n and disp osition o f reco vered prod uct P
11.3.3 No tification of Brand or Business Unit QA by telep hone within two hours of incident d isco very (leaving a message on voicemail or sending a fax without
perso nal co ntact is not accep tab le) P
11.3.4 Decision p roto col d efining when and if a regulatory agency will be notifi ed P
11.3.5 Rep orting any med ia o r regulato ry officials contact to Yum! Immediately and delaying any contact with media or regulatory officials, unless req uired b y law
(either in p erso n or through statements), until consultation with Yum! Crisis Core Team P
11.3.6 Rep lacement of the affected p roduct at the restaurant level and resp onsibility for all d ocumentation regarding reconciliatio n of quantities shipp ed, recovered,
replaced and/or d estroyed S
11.3.7 All recalls/withd rawals will b e d ocumented with o utcomes, roo t cause analysis, corrective actions, and learnings recorded P
11.3.8 Will have retained samples which can be used for insp ection as required b y Brand /BU QA P

11.4 A mock recovery pro gram is estab lished a nd includ es:

(Procedure/Record s)
11.4.1 Annual mock recovery is available (either ingredient or fo od contact packaging) completed from forward distribution (first external customer) b ack to
ingredients, including gro wer where app licable P
11.4.2 Identification of which raw ingred ient or packaging material tra ced, including summary of calculations. <99.5% o r > 10 5% of p roduct recovered is classified as a
8.9.5 11 failure P
11.4.3 Date and time test initiated and completed P
11.4.4 Overview of record s reviewed to ob tain the amounts of p rod uct involved P
11.4.5 Co mp leted “Pro duct Info rmation Data sheet” (supplier section) or similar d ocument as long as a ll relevant informatio n is cap tured P
11.4.6 Documented review b y the Recall Team of the test's effe ctiveness including amount of p rod uct recovered, outcomes, learning, issues & o pp ortunities to
imp ro ve the system P
11.4.7 Mo ck recall shall be achieved within 2 hours P
11.4.8 In ad dition, for b ulk ingredients such as pro ducts stored/received in silo s, the sup plier sha ll at minimum be ab le to pro vid e all the lots and q uantities that were
stored in that silo since the last d etail clean up (silo was emptied and cleaned ) within 2 hours P
11.4.9 Re- testing any p art of the mock recovery that fails within 60 d ays P
Note: First external customer (d efined as the first customer o utside control of sup plier) can be:
o A d istrib utio n center that distrib utes d irectly to Yum! restaurants
o Co nsolid ato r distrib ution centers who d istribute to distribution centers
o Yum! app rove d supp lier which uses the prod uct as a raw ingredient
o An exp ort facility that will expo rt the prod uct to ano ther country
Freight fo rward ing warehouses contracted by the supplier are consid ered to still be in the supp lier’ s co ntro l and are no t the First External Customer.

11.5 Auditor verifies sup plier can id entity, track and lo cate 1 00% of raw materials used in Yum! Brand s pro duct to finished lo ts. Audito r will select a single raw fo od
ingredient or a fo od contact packaging material and ask the supp lier to trace it to fi nished pro ducts lots to fi rst external customer. For fresh p rod uce and animal
protein fo ods the sup plier, in addition, will trace back to its o rigin (e.g. fi eld /farm).
11.5.1 >99.5% or <1 05% of the ingred ie nt o r foo d co ntact p ackaging material selected must b e traced to fi nished p roduct P
11.5.2 100% of the finished p roduct lo t selected shall be traced to first external custo mer P
11.5.3 Trace co mpleted within >2- 4 hours S
11.5.4 Trace co mpleted >4 ho urs P
Note: If the supp lier uses a theoretical lo ss ( shrink/yie ld ) calculation for ingred ients due to p rocessing, this calculatio n must be completed prior to the test during the

9 Performance evaluation
Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation Food Safety Culture
9.1.1 General 3.4 There shall b e evidence that significant foo d safety performance metrics (e.g., enviro nmental analysis, operators hygiene measures, microb iological analysis/ The po ints of the FSSC 2 2000 clause 9.1, indicated in red, are not
The o rganization shall determine: pathogen testing on prod ucts, id entifi catio n of foo d safety risk /z ones, custo mer complaints) are: fully add ressed by the current Yum! Food Safety Aud it Standard
a) what need s to b e monitored and measured; (Procedures/Records/Observation) requirements.
b ) the method s for mo nitoring, measurement, a nalysis and evalua tion, as a pplicab le, to ensure valid results; 3.4.1 Co mmunicated and reviewed with ap prop riate staff S
c) when the mo nitoring and measuring shall be performed; 3.4.2 Used to assess the facilities overall food safety p erfo rmance strategy S
d ) when the results from mo nito ring and measurement shall be analysed and evaluated;
e) who shall analyse and evaluate the results from mo nito ring and measurement.
The o rganization shall re tain ap prop ria te do cumented info rmation as e vidence of the results.
The o rganization shall evaluate the performance and the effectiveness o f the FSMS.
9.1.2 Analysis and evaluation
The o rganization shall analyse and e valuate app ropriate data and information arising fro m monitoring and measurement, including the
9.1 results of verification activities related to P RPs and the hazard control plan ( see 8.8 and 8.5.4), the internal a udits (see 9 .2) and external aud its. 3
The analysis shall b e carried out:
a) to co nfirm that the overall p erfo rmance of the system meets the p lanned arrangements and the FSMS requirements estab lished by the
organizatio n;
b ) to id entify the need fo r upd ating o r impro ving the FSMS;
c) to id entify trend s which indicate a higher incid ence of p otentially unsafe p roducts or pro cess failures;
d ) to estab lish information for p la nning o f the internal aud it pro gramme related to the status and imp ortance o f areas to be audited;
e) to pro vide evidence that corrections and corrective actions are effective.
The results of the analysis and the resulting a ctivities shall be retained as d ocumented information. The results shall be repo rted to top
management and used as inp ut to the management review (see 9.3) and the up dating of the FSMS ( see 10.3).
N OTE Metho ds to analyse d ata can include statistical techniques.

Internal audit Food Safety Culture

9.2.1 The organization shall conduct internal audits at p la nned inte rvals to pro vide informatio n on whether the FSMS: 3.5 Procedure s are established fo r conducting internal assessments on the Yum! Foo d Safety Audit. There is an established link between asso ciated supplier The po ints of the FSSC 2 2000 clause 9.2, indicated in red, are not
a) conforms to: documents and the Yum! FSA aud it requirements. P roced ures shall include: fully add ressed by the current Yum! Food Safety Aud it Standard
1) the organizatio n’s own requirements for its FSMS; (Procedures/Records) requirements.
2) the req uirements of this d ocument; 3.5.1 Sup plier has estab lished a link, which d escrib es the location o f manuals, p rocedures and records need ed fo r each element in the Yum! Brands FSA audit S
b ) is effectively implemented and maintaine d. 3.5.2 Assessing each element of the Yum! FSA aud it S
9.2.2 The organization shall: 3.5.3 Co nducted b y a qualifi ed aud ito r P
a) p lan, estab lish, imp lement and maintain (an) audit p rogramme( s), including the freq uency, method s, resp onsibilities, planning 3.5.4 Co rrective actio ns/p lans are d efined for all non-conformances S
req uirements and rep orting, which shall take into consideration the importance of the pro cesses concerned , changes in the FSMS, and the 3.5.5 Co nducted at minimum annually P
9.2 results of monitoring, measurement and previous aud its; 3 Note: If the Brand/BU QA has accep ted a G FSI recognized aud it instead o f the Yum FSA aud it, the Yum FSA internal assessment require ments above are still required .
b ) define the audit criteria and sco pe for each audit;
c) select comp etent aud itors and conduct audits to e nsure objectivity and the imp artiality of the audit p rocess;
d ) ensure that the results o f the aud its are rep orted to the food safety team and relevant management;
e) retain do cumented informatio n as evidence of the implementatio n of the audit p rogramme and the aud it results;
f) make the necessary co rrectio n and take the necessary co rrective action within the agreed time frame;
g) d etermine if the FSMS meets the intent of the food safety policy (see 5.2 ) and o bjectives of the FSMS (see 6 .2).
Follow-up activities by the o rganizatio n shall includ e the verification o f the actions taken and the repo rting o f the verification results.
N OTE ISO 19 011 pro vides guidelines fo r auditing management systems.

Management review
9.3.1 General
Top management shall review the o rganization’ s FSMS, at planned intervals, to ensure its co ntinuing suitability, ad equacy and effectiveness.
9.3.2 Management review input
The management revie w shall consider:
a) the status o f actions from previous ma nagement reviews;
b ) changes in external and internal issues that are relevant to the FSMS, includ ing changes in the o rganizatio n and its context (see 4.1);
c) info rmation o n the performance and the effectiveness o f the FSMS, includ ing trends in:
1) result( s) of system upd ating activities (se e 4 .4 and 10 .3 );
2) monitoring and measurement results;
3) analysis of the results of verification activities related to P RPs and the hazard control plan (see 8.8.2);
4) nonconformities and corrective actions;
5) audit results (internal and external);
6) inspections (e.g. regulatory, customer);
7) the p erformance of external providers;
8) the revie w of risks and opp ortunities and of the effectiveness of actions taken to ad dress them ( see 6.1);
9.3 There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
9) the extent to which objectives of the FSMS have b een met;
d ) the ad equacy of resources;
e) any emergency situation, incid ent (see 8.4.2) o r withdrawal/recall (see 8.9.5) that o ccurred;
f) relevant information o btained thro ugh external (see 7.4.2) and internal (see 7 .4.3) communicatio n, including req uests and co mp laints from
interested p arties;
g) op po rtunities for co ntinual improvement.
The d ata shall be presented in a manner that enab les to p management to relate the informatio n to stated objectives of the FSMS.

9.3.3 Management review output

The o utputs o f the management review shall include:
a) d ecisions and actions related to co ntinual improvement o pp ortunities;
b ) any need for up dates and changes to the FSMS, including reso urce needs and revision of the food safety p olicy and o bjectives of the FSMS.
The o rganization shall re tain d ocumented info rmation as evid ence o f the results o f management reviews.

10 Improvement
Nonconformity and corrective action Food Safety Culture
10.1.1 Whe n a nonco nformity o ccurs, the organiz ation shall: 3.6 All corrective actio ns from previo us FSA Yum! Audit have b een add ressed. Different sections of the Yum! Food Safety Stand ard require
a) react to the nonconfo rmity and, as app licable: (Records/Observation) co rrective actio ns to b e taken, ho wever, there is no sp ecific
1) take a ctio n to contro l and co rrect it; 3.6.1 Prima ry no nconformance corrective action imp lemented or comp leted within the time frame allotted P section that add resses no nconformity management as a who le
2) d eal with the conseq uences; 3.6.2 Secondary nonco nformance (s) co rrective actions imp lemented o r completed within the time frame allotted S fo r the entire FSMS, and not o nly for sp ecific nonco nfo rmities,
b ) evaluate the need for action to eliminate the cause(s) of the nonconfo rmity, in ord er that it do es no t recur or occur else where, b y: Note: In this situatio n multip le a udit questio ns could be marked down for the same find ing. such as custo me r complaints or N Cs raised during the Yum!
1) reviewing the nonconformity; 3.7 Fo od safety complaints reso lutio n pro cess is established with risk assessments conducted as needed . P roced ures for resolving customer co mp laints shall include: Audit.
2) d etermining the causes of the nonconformity; (Procedures/Records/Observation)
10.1 3) d etermining if similar nonco nformities exist, or could p otentially occur; 3 3.7.1 Co llect, track/trend customer co mp laints S for single req uirement and P for more than o ne
c) imp lement any action needed ; 3.7.2 Ad dress co rrective actio ns P
d ) review the effectiveness of any corrective action taken; 3.7.3 Roo t cause and effectiveness of corrective actions to prevent reo ccurrences is do cumented P
e) make changes to the FSMS, if necessary. Note: Comp laint analysis and resolution should drive continuous imp roveme nt o f the fo od safety culture. Custo mer complaints, identification o f trends, o r complaints
Corrective actions shall b e appro priate to the effects of the nonconfo rmities encountered . such as illness or foreign material comp laints sho uld d rive a deep er analysis to create effective corrective actions.
10.1.2 The organiz ation shall retain d ocumented information as evid ence of:
a) the nature o f the nonco nformities and any subseq uent actions taken;
b ) the results of a ny corrective action.

Continual improvement
The o rganization shall continually improve the suitability, ad equacy and effectiveness of the FSMS.
Top management shall ensure that the organizatio n co ntinually impro ves the effectiveness of the FSMS through the use of communication
10.2 (see 7.4), management review (see 9.3), internal audit ( see 9.2), analysis o f results o f verifi catio n activitie s (see 8.8.2 ), validatio n of contro l There is no specific related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
measure(s) and co mbination(s) of contro l measure(s) (see 8.5.3), co rrective actio ns (see 8.9.3) and FSMS up dating (see 1 0.3).

Update of the food safety management system

Top management shall ensure that the FSMS is continually up date d. To achieve this, the foo d safety team shall evaluate the FSMS at planned There are requirements in the Yum! Stand ard fo r re viewing of the
intervals. The team shall consider whether it is necessary to review the hazard analysis (see 8 .5 .2), the estab lished hazard contro l p lan (see Fo od Safety Risk Assessment (Section 1 o f the Yum! Standard ),
8.5.4) and the established P RPs (see 8.2). The upd ating activities shall b e based on: ho wever, not for the entire FSMS.
a) inp ut from co mmunication, external as well as internal (see 7.4 );
10.3 b ) input fro m o ther information concerning the suitab ility, adeq uacy and effectiveness o f the FSMS; There is no specific related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard for updating of the entire Food Safety Management System
c) output from the analysis of results of verification activities (see 9.1.2);
d ) output from management review (see 9 .3).
System upd ating activities shall b e retained as do cumented info rmation and repo rted a s input to the management re view ( see 9.3).
No difference, or only a minor difference

Comparison of ISO/TS 22002-1 Food Manufacturing vs Yum! Food Safety Standard Requirements Some differences noted

No requirement(s) included for the related PRP

ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 Prerequisite programmes on food safety - Food Manufacturing Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard Same Different Comment
Clause Requirement Clause Requirement
4 Construction and layout of buildings
General requirements
Buildings shall be d esigned , constructed and maintained in a manner ap prop riate to the nature of the
processing op erations to be carried o ut, the food safety hazard s associated with tho se op erations
There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
4.1 and the p otential sources of contamination from the p lant enviro ns. Buildings shall b e of d urable
co nstruction which p resents no haz ard to the prod uct.
NOTE An example of “d urab le constructio n” is self- draining ro ofs which d o no t leak.

Co nsid eration shall be given to potential sources o f co ntamination from the local environment.
4.2 Food p rod uction sho uld not b e carried out in areas where p otentially harmful sub stances could enter There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
the prod uct.
The effectiveness o f measures taken to p rotect against p otential contaminants shall b e period ically
Locations of establishments Maintenance and Sanitation
The site bound aries shall b e clearly identified . 9.7.10 No weeds, tall grass, or idle equipment sto red within the immediate vicinity (20 feet / 6 meters) o f the build ing. Trees shall b e app ropriately The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 4.3, indicated in red , are no t
Access to the site shall b e contro lled . trimmed to eliminate access by rodents/animals S fully add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it Standard
4.3 9
The site shall be maintained in go od o rder. Vegetation shall be tend ed or removed. Ro ads, yards a nd 9.7.11 No standing water (consider recent rains) / any d rainage issues o r issues with do wn spo uts are add resse d here S requirements. Access contro ls detailed und er the Fo od Defense
parking areas shall be drained to prevent standing water and shall b e maintaine d. 9.7.13 Outside the 20 fo ot (6 m) area, idle equip ment and p ip es must b e sto red in a clean conditio n so a s to not cause rod ent harbo rage o r enco urage section of the Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it Standard .
pest activity (stored at least 6 inches (15 cm) o ff the gro und and pipes must have ends sealed) S
5 Layout of premises and workspace
General requirements
Internal layo uts shall b e d esigned, constructed and maintained to facilitate goo d hygiene and There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
manufacturing p ractices. The movement patterns of materials, p roducts and peo ple, and the layo ut
of eq uip ment, shall b e designed to protect against potential contaminatio n sources.
Internal design, layout and traffic patterns
The b uilding shall p rovid e adeq uate space, with a lo gical flow of mate rials, p ro ducts and perso nnel,
and physical separation of raw from p rocessed areas.
5.2 NOTE Examp les of p hysical separatio n include walls, b arriers or partitions, or sufficient d istance to There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
minimize risk.
Op enings intended fo r transfer of materials shall be d esigned to minimize entry o f fo reign matter and
Internal structures and fittings Maintenance and Sanitation
Process area walls and floo rs shall b e washable or cleanable, as app rop riate fo r the p rocess or Supp lier will establish and maintain the infrastructure o f the build ing and eq uip ment in a cond ition suitable to sup po rt the prod uction of safe, quality and The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 5.3, indicated in red , are no t
prod uct legal fo od p rod ucts. fully add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it Standard
haz ard. Materials of construction shall be resistant to the cleaning system app lied . 9.3.6 Equip ment, flo ors, walls and ceilings cleaned as app rop riate during prod uction to maintain a hygienic environment and in goo d co nd ition/rep air (e.g. requirements.
Wall floo r junctions and co rners shall be designed to facilitate cleaning. cracks, leaks, unsanitary welds etc.) S for single incid ent and P for more than o ne
5.3 It is recommended that wall flo or junctions b e ro unded in p rocessing are as. 9 9.7.8 Walkwa ys and ladd ers over pro duct conveying belts or op en bins of ingredients are shielded with kick p lates to prevent contamination P
Flo ors shall be designed to avoid stand ing water. 9.7.14 Potential p est access p oints are sealed against p est entry and kept close d S
In wet pro cess areas, floo rs shall b e sealed and drained. Drains shall be trapp ed and covered.
Ceilings and o verhead fixtures shall b e designed to minimiz e b uild- up o f dirt and condensatio n.
External o pening wind ows, roof vents o r fan, where present, shall be insect screened.
External o pening d oo rs shall b e closed or screened when no t in use.

Location of equipment Maintenance and Sanitation

Equip ment shall be d esigned and located so as to facilitate good hygiene practices and monitoring. 9.7.9 Idle equipment stored in a clean condition and manner so as to not encourage rodent/pest activity or harborage S The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 5.4, indicated in red , are no t
5.4 9
Equip ment shall be located to p ermit access for operation, cleaning and maintenance . fully add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it Standard
Laboratory facilities Micro and Analytical Testing and Monitoring
In- line and o n-line test facilities shall be controlled to minimize risk of prod uct contamination. 8.5.2 Procedure s and practices are estab lished to p revent any cro ss contaminatio n betwe en laboratory and p rod uction facility P The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 5.5, indicated in red , are no t
5.5 Micro biology laboratories shall be designed, located and o perate d so as to p revent contaminatio n of 8 8.5.3 Lab oratory and testing equip ment is clean and well-maintained S for single incident and P fo r more than o ne fully add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it Standard
peo ple, p lant and p roducts. They shall not o pen d irectly on to a pro ductio n area. 8.5.4 No eating, drinking or smo king allowed and no foo d, beverages or p ersonal items stored S requirements.

Temporary or mobile premises and vending machines

Temp orary structures shall be d esigned , located and constructed to avoid pest harbourage and
po tential contamination of pro ducts.
5.6 There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
Ad ditio nal haz ards associated with tempo rary structures and vending machines shall be assessed
co ntro lled .
Storage of food, packaging materials, ingredients and non-food chemicals Maintenance and Sanitation
Facilities used to store ingred ients, p ackaging and prod ucts shall pro vide p rotectio n fro m d ust, 9.7.6 Chemical storage areas are segregated, clean, organized and secured S for single incident and P for more than one The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 5.7, indicated in red , are no t
co ndensation, drains, waste and other so urces of contaminatio n. fully add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it Standard
Sto rage areas shall be d ry and well ventilated. Mo nitoring and contro l o f temp erature and humid ity requirements.
shall b e ap plied where specifie d.
Sto rage areas shall be d esigned or arranged to allow segregatio n of raw materials, wo rk in p rogress
and finished p roducts.
All materials and prod ucts shall be stored off the floor and with sufficient sp ace between the ma terial
5.7 and the walls to allo w inspection and p est control activities to be carried o ut. 9
The storage area shall b e designed to allo w maintenance and cleaning, p re vent co ntamination and
minimize d eterioration.
A separate, secure (lo cked or o therwise access contro lled ) storage area shall be p rovid ed for cleaning
materials, chemicals and o ther hazard ous substances.
Exceptions fo r b ulk or agricultural crop materials shall b e documented in the food safety
management syste m.

6 Utilities — air, water, energy Micro and Analytical Testing and Monitoring
General requirements 8.4 Water micro and analytical testing p rogram req uirements are do cumented and shall assure the following: The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 6.1 and 6.2 , ind icated in red,
The p ro visio n and distribution ro utes fo r utilities to and around processing and sto rage areas shall be (Procedures/Reco rds/Observation) are no t fully add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it
6.1 designed to minimiz e the risk of prod uct co ntamination . Utilities’ quality shall b e mo nitored to 8.4.1 Water, ice and steam (that comes into co ntact with ingredients o r finished p roduct) shall b e p otable and F Standard requirements.
minimize p roduct contamination risk. 8.4.2 With adeq uate protection thro ugh filtration (10 micron o r < unless to be used at point of use o r
earlier in the flow or as o therwise ap proved b y Brand s/BU s) and backflow preventio n P
Water supply 8.4.3 Water tested at minimum annually (must be d rawn from insid e the p lant from different points of use), supp lier shall test for: P
The supp ly of potable water shall b e sufficient to meet the ne eds o f the prod uction process(es). o Heterotro phic Plate Count
Facilities fo r sto rage, d istrib utio n and, where needed , temperature co ntrol of the water shall b e o Co liform
designed to meet sp ecified water quality req uirements. o E. coli (no t necessary if none d etected on coliform co unt)
Water used as a p roduct ingredient, includ ing ice or steam (including culinary steam), or in contact o Nitrates/Nitrites (p rod ucts affected b y N itrate s/Nitrites, examp le: req uired for poultry)
with pro ducts or pro duct surfaces, shall meet specified q uality and micro biologica l req uireme nts o Heavy metals: lead and mercury
relevant to the prod uct. 8 o Off flavors and o dors
Water fo r cleaning or ap plications where there is a risk of indirect pro duct contact (e.g. jacketed Note: Dry p lants are req uired to test water ( e.g. for hand washing purp oses).
vessels, heat exchangers) shall me et sp ecified quality and microbio lo gical requirements relevant to
the app lication.
Where water supplies are chlorinated, checks shall ensure that the resid ual chlo rine level at the p oint
of use remains within limits given in relevant sp ecifications.
No n-p otable water shall have a sep arate supp ly system that is labelled and no t connected to the
po tab le water system. Take measures to prevent non-p ota ble water refluxing into the po tab le
It is recommended that water that can co me into contact with the pro duct should flo w through pip es
that can be d isinfected.

Boiler chemicals
Bo iler chemicals, if used, shall b e either:
a) app roved fo od ad ditives which me et relevant ad ditive spe cifications; or
6.3 b) ad ditives which have been ap pro ved b y the relevant regulatory autho rity as safe for use in water There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
intended fo r human consumption.
Bo iler chemicals shall b e stored in a separate, secure ( lo cked o r o therwise access-controlled) area
when not in immediate use.
Air quality and ventilation Maintenance and Sanitation
The organizatio n shall estab lish requirements for filtration, humidity (RH%) and micro biology of air 9.7.7 No condition exists which could deposit airborne contaminants S The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 6.4, indicated in red , are no t
used as an ingredient or fo r direct prod uct co ntact. Where temperature and /o r humidity are deemed fully add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it Standard
critical b y the organizatio n, a control system shall be p ut in place and monitored . requirements.
Ventilation (natural or mechanical) shall b e provided to remove excess or unwanted ste am, dust and
od ours, and to facilitate drying after wet cleaning.
Ro om air supp ly q uality shall be controlled to minimize risk from airb orne microb iological
6.4 co nta mination. 9
Protocols fo r air q uality mo nitoring and contro l shall be established in areas where p roducts which
supp ort the growth or survival o f microorganisms are exposed.
Ventilation systems shall be d esigned and constructed such that air does no t flow fro m contaminated
or raw areas to clean areas. Specified air pressure d iffe rentials shall be mainta ined. Syste ms shall be
accessib le for cleaning, fi lter changing and maintenance.
Exterior air intake po rts shall be examined p eriodica lly for p hysical integrity.

Compressed air and other gases

Co mp ressed air, carbon dioxide, nitrogen and other gas systems used in manufacturing and/or filling
shall b e constructed and maintained so as to prevent contamination.
Gases intended fo r d irect o r incidental pro duct contact (including tho se used for transp orting,
blowing or d rying materials, pro ducts or equipment) shall b e from a source ap proved for foo d
6.5 co nta ct use, filtered to remove dust, o il and water. There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
Where oil is used fo r compressors and there is p otential fo r the air to come into co ntact with the
prod uct, the oil used shall be food grade.
Use o f oil free co mp ressors is recommended .
Req uirements fo r fi ltratio n, humid ity (RH%) and microb io logy shall be sp ecified .
Filtration of the air sho uld b e as clo se to the p oint of use as is p racticab le.

Lighting Food Fraud and Food Defense

The lighting provided (natural or artificial) shall allo w p ersonnel to operate in a hygienic manner. 4.3.6 Adequate interior and exterior lighting of the facility S The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 6.6, indicated in red , are no t
6.6 The intensity o f the lighting sho uld b e appro priate to the nature of the operation. 4.3 fully add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it Standard
Light fixtures shall be pro tected to ensure that materials, prod uct or eq uipment are not contaminated requirements.
in the case o f b re akages.
7 Waste disposal
General requirements Maintenance and Sanitation
7.1 Systems shall be in p lace to ensure that waste materials are identifie d, collected, removed and 9.7.5 Trash receptacles are emptied freq uently to p revent overflow and kep t in sanitary co nd ition with no offensive o do rs S for single incident and P for The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 7.1 to 7.3, ind icated in red,
disp osed of in a manner which prevents co ntamina tion o f p ro ducts or pro ductio n areas. mo re than one are no t fully add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it
Containers for waste and inedible or hazardous substances 9.7.12 All trash dumpsters to have and use lids and remain covered with no odo r or trash build up aro und the dump sters S Standard requirements.
Co ntainers for waste and ined ib le or hazard ous substances shall be:
a) clearly id entifi ed fo r their intend ed purpo se;
7.2 b) located in a designated area;
c) constructed of imp ervious material which can be read ily cleaned and sanitized;
d) clo sed when no t in immed iate use;
e) locked whe re the waste may po se a risk to the p ro duct. 9

Waste management and removal

Provision shall be made for the segregatio n, storage and remo val of waste.
Accumulation of waste shall no t b e allowed in food -hand ling o r sto rage areas. Removal frequencies
shall b e managed to avo id accumulatio ns, with a minimum daily removal.
7.3 Labelled materials, prod ucts or printed p ackaging designated as waste shall be d isfigured or
destroyed to ensure that trade marks cannot b e reused . Removal and d estruction shall be carried o ut
by app roved disp osal contractors. The organization shall retain records of d estruction.

Drains and drainage

Drains shall be d esigned , constructed and located so that the risk of contaminatio n of materials or
7.4 prod ucts is avo id ed. Drains shall have ca pacity sufficient to remo ve expected flow lo ads. D rains shall There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
no t pass over pro cessing lines.
Drainage d irection sha ll no t flo w from a contaminated area to a clean area.
8 Equipment suitability, cleaning and maintenance Maintenance and Sanitation
General requirements Supp lier will establish and maintain the infrastructure o f the build ing and eq uip ment in a cond ition suitable to sup po rt the prod uction of safe, quality and The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 8.1 to 8.3, ind icated in red,
Food contact equipment shall be d esigned and constructed to facilitate cleaning, disinfection and legal fo od p rod ucts. The facility maintenance and sanitation p lan will be effectively imp lemented and routinely verified including maintenance fo r foo d are only partially add ressed by the current Yum! Food Safety
maintenance. safety. Audit Standard req uirements.
8.1 Co ntact surfaces shall no t affect, o r b e affected by, the intended p rod uct or cleaning system. 9.3.5 Equip ment is d esigned fo r effective sanitation and sanitation imp act is considered when any up grades o r changes are made to equip ment S
Food contact equipment shall be constructed of durable materials able to resist repeated cleaning. 9.3.6 Equip ment, flo ors, walls and ceilings cleaned as app rop riate during prod uction to maintain a hygienic environment and in goo d co nd ition/rep air (e.g.
cracks, leaks, unsanitary welds etc.) S for single incid ent and P for more than o ne
Hygienic design
Equip ment shall be ab le to meet estab lished p rincip les of hygienic design, includ ing:
a) smoo th, accessible, cleanab le surfaces, self draining in wet p rocess areas; 9
b) use of materials comp atible with intended p roducts and cleaning or flushing agents;
c) framework no t penetrated b y holes or nuts and bolts.
Piping and d uctwork shall be cleanable, drainab le, and with no dead ends.
Equip ment shall be d esigned to minimize co ntact b etween the op erato r’s hands and the p roducts.

Product contact surfaces

8.3 Prod uct co ntact surfaces shall be constructed fro m materials d esigne d fo r food use. They shall be
imp ermeab le and rust or corro sion free.
Temperature control and monitoring equipment
Equip ment used for thermal processes shall b e able to meet the temperature gradient and hold ing
8.4 There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
co nditions given in relevant prod uct sp ecifications.
Equip ment shall pro vide for the mo nito ring and contro l of the temperature.
Cleaning plant, utensils and equipment Maintenance and Sanitation
Wet and dry cleaning p rogrammes shall be d ocumented to ensure that all plant, utensils and 9.3 Documented master sanitation program of all areas o f facility includ ing but no t limited to storage, p rocessing, p acking, prod uct co ntact surfaces, The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 8.5, indicated in red , are no t
equip ment a re cleaned at defined frequencies. maintena nce and employee areas. fully add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it Standard
The p ro grammes shall sp ecify what is to be cleaned (includ ing drains), the re spo nsib ility, the metho d (Procedure, Record s, Ob servation) requirements.
8.5 9
of cleaning (e.g. CIP, COP), the use o f ded icated cleaning to ols, remo val or disassemb ly requirements 9.3.1 Documented master sanitation schedule is established F
and metho ds for verifying the effectiveness of the cleaning. 9.3.2 Cleaning procedures will be sp ecific to site and include what to clean, d efined freq uency, method , b y trained staff, app ro ved chemical used includ ing
concentratio n and to ols need ed S for single requirement and P for mo re than one

Preventive and corrective maintenance Maintenance and Sanitation

A p reventive maintenance p rogramme shall b e in place. Supp lier will establish and maintain the infrastructure o f the build ing and eq uip ment in a cond ition suitable to sup po rt the prod uction of safe, quality and The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 8.6, indicated in red , are no t
The p reventive maintenance pro gramme shall includ e all devices used to mo nito r and/or co ntrol foo d legal fo od p rod ucts. The facility maintenance and sanitation p lan will be effectively imp lemented and routinely verified including maintenance fo r foo d fully add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it Standard
safety haz ard s. safety. requirements.
NOTE Examp les of such devices includ e scre ens and filters (including air filters), magnets, metal 9.1 Documented maintenance program and procedures that cover all equipment and facilities. Record s are maintained fo r all maintenance tasks.
detectors and X- ray detectors. (Procedure/Record s)
Co rrective maintenance shall be carried out in such a way that prod uction on ad joining lines or 9.1.1 A d ocumented schedule of p reventive maintenance activities shall b e established with a reco nciliatio n pro gram to ensure co mp letion of tasks P
equip ment is not at risk of contamination. 9.1.2 Procedure shall define the process b y which facility temp eratures are monitored and do cumented P
Maintenance req uests which imp act prod uct safety shall b e given p rio rity. 9.1.3 Procedure s include tool/part reconciliation following all maintenance tasks. Program eva luates too ls/maintenance workers as p otential sources of
Temp orary fixes shall not p ut prod uct sa fety at risk. A req uest for replacement by a permanent rep air contamination (p hysical, chemical, micro) with necessary contro ls imp le mented P
shall b e includ ed in the maintenance sched ule. 9.1.4 Procedure id entifi es app rop riate sign off b y maintenance, sanitation, QA, etc. to ensure that cleaning and sanitatio n is co mp leted following
Lubricants and heat transfer fluids shall be fo od grad e where there is a risk of direct or indirect maintena nce/emergency repairs where ap prop riate and do cumented P
co nta ct with the p roduct. 9.1.6 Rep airs and eq uipment mod ifi catio ns are p rofessionally co mp leted without the use of string, tap e, wire or other imp rovised materials and in a
The p ro ced ure fo r releasing ma intained equipment back to prod uction shall include cle an up , manner to prevent potential contaminatio n. P
sanitizing, where sp ecified in process sanitation procedures, and p re-use insp ection. 9.1.7 Temp orary rep airs may b e needed to complete the shifts p roduction run and sha ll no t p ose a risk to foo d safety. Rep airs of this nature are
Local area PRP requirements shall app ly to maintenance areas and maintenance activities in pro cess accep tab le as long as the rep airs are lab eled with d ate and time with defi ned completio n for repair indicated . S
areas. 9.1.8 Protection of equip ment and p roduct (within p roduction) ad jacent to maintenance and co nstructio n activities P
Maintenance p ersonnel shall b e trained in the prod uct haz ards a sso ciated with their activities. 9.1.9 Fo od grad e lubricants are used where needed and sto red sep arately from no n- foo d grade chemicals/ materials S for single incident and P for more
8.6 9 tha n one.
9.2 Fo od safety training co mp leted for all maintenance emplo yees.
(Procedure, Record s)
9.2.1 Training must include pro cess used b etween QA/Op erations/Maintenance o r a s defi ned b y supp lier to sign off tha t equipment is ready to re- start
after maintenance P
9.2.2 Training co mp leted annually S for single incident and P for more than one

9.5 A do cumented pre-o peratio nal inspection p rogram is established to assess sanitation effectiveness and line conditions (e.g. co nd ition o f belts, blade s)
prior to startup of p roduction.
(Procedure, Record s, Ob servation)
9.5.1 Pre-o peratio nal insp ections documented and verifi ed S fo r single incid ent and P for more than one
9.5.2 Deficiencies are ad dressed and reco rds are maintained b efore p roduction start-up P
9.5.3 Co rrective actio ns are d ocumented P
9.6 Facility p lan to ad dress to ols and co ntainer cross- contaminations is documented /p osted, imp lemented and und erstood by emp loyees.
9.6.1 Facility p rogram to ad dress too ls and container cross-contaminatio n is established P
9.6.2 Tools and co ntainers o bserved are used p rop erly according to facility p lan S for single incident and P for more than one
9.6.3 Tools and co ntainers are color co ded o r lab ele d to easily do cument use fo r foo d co ntact, non- fo od contact, rework, trash, bottles, etc. S

9 Management of purchased materials

General requirements Supplier Approval
Purchasing of materials which impact fo od safety shall be co ntrolled to ensure that the supp liers The supp lier will have an effective supp lier ap proval and mo nito ring system to ensure that any p otential risks from raw materials (includ ing packaging) to
used have the cap ability to meet the specifi ed requirements. The confo rmance of inco ming materials the safety, authenticity, legality, b rand integrity and quality of the final pro duct are und ersto od and managed .
to specified p urchase req uireme nts shall b e verified. 10.1 A current app rove d ingredient & p ackaging supp lier list is available fo r ea ch p roduction facility and will include:
Selection and management of suppliers (Procedure/Record s)
There shall b e a defined pro cess fo r the selectio n, app roval and monitoring of sup pliers. The p rocess 10.1.1 Emergency co nta ct (at minimum two ) details available (name, phone and email) S for single incident and
used shall b e justified b y hazard assessment, includ ing the p otentia l risk to the final pro duct, and P for more than o ne
shall include: 10.1.2 Site add ress S
a) assessment of the sup plier’s ab ility to meet quality and food safety exp ectations, require ments a nd 10.1.3 Prod ucts sup plied P
sp ecifications; 10.1.4 Current list and lo cation of outsid e storage and cross do ck facilities being used for finished prod uct P
b) d escrip tion of how sup pliers are assessed; 10.2 Sup plier ap pro val will be based o n risk assessment including risk classification which shall includ e but is not limited to:
NOTE Examp les of a d escrip tion of how sup pliers are assessed include: (Procedure/Record s)
1) aud it of the sup plying site p rior to accep ting mate rials for pro ductio n; 10.2.1 HACCP P
2) app rop riate third party certification. 10.2.2 Identification of allergens processed on the same lines, and/or facility P
c) monitoring the p erformance of the sup plier to assure continued app roval status. 10.2.3 Food Fraud & Food Defense p ro gram review including vulnerability asse ssment fo r items pro vided P
NOTE Monitoring includ es conformity with material o r prod uct sp ecifications, fulfilment of COA 10.2.4 Sup plier foo d safety culture (e.g. p ro grams, method s and resp onsibilities related to Fo od Safety Culture) S
requirements, satisfactory audit outco mes. 10.2.5 Effective traceability system estab lished P
10.2.6 Foreign material mitigation p rogram P
10 10.2.7 Visib ility of the sup ply ro utes P
10.2.8 Sup plier/3rd party fo od safety audit rep ort ( for the pro ducing p lant) P
9.2 Note: if mo re than two P is given in the abo ve req uirements score F
If the foo d sa fety aud it ad dresses so me o f the abo ve topics, it can be accepted as the o bjective evid ence

Supp lier ap proval status and risk classifi catio n will be assessed:
10.2.9 For high risk supp liers minimum annually, low risk sup plier freq uency d efine d by the facility S for single incident and P for more than one
10.2.10 Will be in the form o f either or a comb ination of Foo d safety aud it i.e. third party aud it (includ es outsid e storage and cross do ck facilities), sup plier
audits, self- aud it questionnaire ( only for low risk p ackaging supp liers) S fo r single incid ent and P for more than one
Fo od Safety Audits minimum expected elements:
o Pest Co ntrol
o Sanitation
o Op erations and Facilities
o Goo d Manufacturing Practices
o Prod uct Pro tection
o Prod uct Recovery (traceab ility)
o Fo od D efense

Incoming material requirements (raw/ingredients/packaging) Micro and Analytical Testing and Monitoring
Delivery vehicles shall b e checked p rio r to, and during, unload ing to verify that the quality and safety 8.2 Inbo und raw materials and final prod uct micro and analytical testing program requirements are d ocumented and shall assure the fo llo wing: The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 9.3, indicated in red , are no t
of the material has been maintained during transit (e.g. integrity o f seals, freedom fro m infestatio n, (Procedures/Reco rds/Observation) fully add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it Standard
existence of temperature records). 8.2.1 Inb ound raw materials are tested b ased o n risk assessment and app licable Yum! minimum req uirements (e.g., QAP, specifications, antib io tic residue) requirements. H owever, there are specific req uireme nts fo r Fresh
Materials shall be inspected , tested o r covered by COA to verify conformity with sp ecified 8 at the sp ecified frequency P Pro duce, D airy, and Animal Protein within the ad ditional mo dules
requirements p rior to accep tance or use. The method o f verifi catio n shall b e documented. 8.2.2 Hold and release p rogram estab lished (inb ound raw materials and fi nished pro ducts) P included within the Yum! Food Sa fety Audit Standard.
NOTE The inspection frequency and scope can be b ased on the haz ard presented b y the material and 8.2.7 Prod ucts temperatures at receiving, storage and load ing are mo nito red and documented and meet the required sp ecifications S fo r single incid ent
the risk assessment of the specifi c supp liers. and P for more than o ne
Materials which d o no t co nform to relevant specifi catio ns shall be hand led under a documented
procedure which ensures they are prevented from unintended use.
Supplier Approval
9.3 Access po ints to b ulk material receiving lines sha ll be id entifi ed, cap ped and locked . Discharge into
10.3 Mo nito ring the p erfo rmance of raw ingred ients and packaging sup pliers can be demonstrated and shall include but is not limited:
such systems shall take place o nly after ap proval and verification o f the material to b e receive d.
(Procedure/Record s)
10.3.1 Certificate of Analysis (COA) /internal testing for key parameters within an ingredient P
10.3.2 Prod uct must be fully inspected up on arrival for any quality d efects, presence of insects or any o ther foreign material co ntamination, with all
10 incidents investigated, reco rd ed and effectively actio ned P
10.3.3 Receiving p roced ures includ e sanitation and conditio n of the carrier, and requirements for accepting incoming materials P
10.3.4 Transportation of any o ther foo ds, packaging and /o r o ther materials in these trailers/bulk containers will ensure no contamination risk P
10.3.5 Co mp laints/non-co nforming prod uct P
10.3.6 Sup plier p erfo rmance reviews d one at least annually P
10.3.7 Co rrective action taken and record ed P

10 Measures for prevention of cross-contamination Maintenance and Sanitation

General requirements 9.1.5 Segrega ting raw and fully cooked /read y to eat p roductio n areas ( this may be a physical barrier or other means o f controlling foo t and equipment The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 10.2, indicated in red , are
10.1 Programmes shall b e in place to prevent, contro l and detect co ntamina tion. Measures to prevent traffic patterns. A simp le chain or rope d oes not q ualify as a b arrier since it can be easy crossed by employees F for actual contaminatio n, P fo r p otential no t fully ad dressed b y the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it
physical, allergen and microb io logical contamination shall be included . 9.7.3 No p roduct, p roduct contact surfaces, or p ro duct p ackaging material co ntamination observed F Standard requirements.
Microbiological cross-contamination 9.7.4 No p ote ntial pro duct, p ro duct contact surfaces, or pro duct p ackaging material contamination o bserved P
Areas where p otential for microbio lo gical cross-contaminatio n exists (airbo rne or fro m traffic
patterns) shall b e identified and a segregation (z oning) plan implemented. A hazard assessment shall
be carried out to d etermine p otential co ntamination sources, susceptibility o f the pro duct and co ntrol 9
measures suitable fo r these areas as follows:
10.2 a) sep aration of raw from finished or ready to eat (RTE) p rod ucts;
b) structural segregatio n — physical barriers, walls o r separate build ings;
c) access co ntro ls with requirements to change into req uired workwear;
d) traffic patterns or equipment segregatio n — p eople, materials, equip ment and tools (includ ing use
of d edicated too ls);
e) air p ressure differentials.

Allergen management Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)

Allergens present in the p roduct, either by design or by po tential manufacturing cro ss-co ntact, shall 2.9 Documented fo od allergen p rogram that identifies allergens in raw materials and finished prod ucts and d efines the contro l o f the allergens is The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 10.3, indicated in red , are
be d eclared. The d eclaratio n shall b e on the label fo r consumer p ro ducts, and o n the label or the esta blished . At a minimum, the following fo od allergens must be add ressed: peanuts, soybeans, milk, eggs, fish, crustacean, tree nuts, and wheat. no t fully ad dressed b y the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it
accompanying d ocumentation for p ro ducts intend ed fo r further p ro cessing. Ad ditional allergens required by lo cal requirements / regulatio ns o f b oth the country of manufacture and the country of destination must also be included . Standard requirements.
Prod ucts shall be p rotected from unintended allergen cross- contact by cleaning and line change-over Contro l method s are effective and include the fo llo wing:
practices and /o r p roduct seq uencing. (Procedure/Record s/Ob servation)
NOTE Manufacturing cro ss- contact can arise fro m either: 2.9.1 Procedure s are established to manage foo d allergens in the facility P
1) traces of prod uct from the p revious p roductio n run which cannot b e adeq uately cleaned fro m the 2.9.2 Risk assessment d etermined for all ingredients includ ing an established allergen list P
prod uct line d ue to technical limitatio ns; o r 2.9.3 Annual training on allergen hand ling practices and control, including sp ill management S fo r single incide nt and P for more than one
10.3 2.9
2) when contact is likely to o ccur, in the normal manufacturing pro cess, with prod ucts o r ingredients 2.9.4 Where an allergen is present in the fi nal pro duct, there is verificatio n that the allergen is listed on the ingred ient lab el, includ ing any allergens that
that are pro duced o n sep arate lines, o r in the same o r ad jacent pro cessing areas. are p resent in the facility and are a potential cross-contact/cross-contaminatio n risk P
Rework containing allergen(s) shall be used o nly: 2.9.5 Ingredient weighing/handling/storage practices and p roce ssing o rder or change o ver pro ced ures specifi cally ad dress ensuring allerge ns are not
a) in pro ducts which contain the same allergen(s) by d esign; o r transferred to a non- allergen containing prod uct/other allergen prod ucts P
b) through a pro cess which is demonstrated to remove o r d estroy the allergenic material. 2.9.6 Sanitation p roced ures and p ractices d o no t allow cross contact o f allergens to no n-allergen /other allergen pro ducts P
NOTE Fo r general rework requirements, see Clause 14. 2.9.7 Cross contact of an allergen to a non- allergen p rod uct or ingred ient and/or cro ss contact of an allergen to another alle rgen prod uct or ingred ient F
Employees handling food sho uld receive sp ecific training in allergen awareness and associated
manufacturing p ractices.

Physical contamination Foreign Material Prevention and Control

Where brittle materials are used , periodic insp ectio n requirements and d efined pro cedures in case of Supp lier will have a risk-b ased foreign material co ntrol a nd d etection program. Fo reign material d etectio n equipment used will be app ropriate to d etect
breakage shall b e put in place. and remove suspe ct foreign material risks.
Brittle materials, such as glass and hard plastic co mp onents in equipment, sho uld b e avoid ed where 7.1 Fo reign Material Prevention P lan is established with validatio n of each foreign material co ntro l p oint fo r all Yum pro duct and includes Inb ound Material
po ssib le. (foo d p ro ducts, packaging) . Foreign materia l d etection equip ment used will b e appro priate to detect and remo ve susp ect foreign material risks.
Glass breakage record s shall b e maintained . Equip ment will be d ependent up on risk assessment of a p articular p lant/ind ustry. e.g. b ased o n risk assessment a chicken o peratio n with b ones, cartilage,
Based o n haz ard assessment, measures shall b e p ut in place to p revent, contro l o r d etect p ote ntial cutters/shred ders etc. may req uire ma ndatory x- ray All informatio n need ed to establish a risk- based app roach to foreign material elimination is id entified,
co nta mination. documented and reviewed; information shall include b ut is not limited to :
NOTE 1 Examp les of such measures include: (Procedures/Reco rds/Observation)
a) adeq uate covers o ver equipment or containers fo r exp osed materials or p ro ducts; 7.1.1 Fo reign Material Prevention P rogram is establishe d F
b) use of screens, magnets, sieves or filters; 7.1.2 A multi- disciplinary team is established to define and review the foreign material plan. Team is represented by all key functio ns, (i.e. op erations,
c) use of detectio n or rejection d evices such as metal detectors or X- ray. sanitation, engineering, quality assurance, p ro duct d evelo pment, maintenance, and finance/purchasing, etc.) S
NOTE 2 Sources of potential contaminatio n include wood en p allets and to ols, rub ber seals, and 7.1.3 Program is established fo r line pre-start-up , change-over, post- maintenance and shutdo wn checks to ensure fo reign object risk are mitigated. This
personal pro tective clothing and equipment. includ es: S fo r single requirement and P fo r mo re than one
o Inspection o f equipment and exp osed prod uct areas b y ap prop riate p ersonnel fo r foreign ob ject risks such as rubb ing/wearing b elts, gaskets, metal to
metal contact, loose screws or material, missing lock washers, overhead d ebris/risks, co nd ensation points
o Inspection records/checklists are maintained with corrective actions
7.1.4 Multi-disciplinary team and memb ers managing and wo rking in the foreign material areas will have sp ecific foreign material control training annually

10.4 7
Where brittle materials are used , periodic insp ectio n requirements and d efined pro cedures in case of
breakage shall b e put in place.
Brittle materials, such as glass and hard plastic co mp onents in equipment, sho uld b e avoid ed where
po ssib le.
Glass breakage record s shall b e maintained .
Based o n haz ard assessment, measures shall b e p ut in place to p revent, contro l o r d etect p ote ntial
co nta mination.
NOTE 1 Examp les of such measures include:
a) adeq uate covers o ver equipment or containers fo r exp osed materials or p ro ducts;
b) use of screens, magnets, sieves or filters;
c) use of detectio n or rejection d evices such as metal detectors or X- ray.
NOTE 2 Sources of potential contaminatio n include wood en p allets and to ols, rub ber seals, and
personal pro tective clothing and equipment.

7.2 The Foreign Material p rogram will id entify and control known internal plant risks associated with, but no t limited to , the following:
(Procedures/Reco rds/Observation)
7.2.1 Assurance o f zero woo den p allets througho ut the p rocessing area where expo sed p roduct is handled. Wood en p allets are allowed in raw material
and fi nished pro duct sto rage areas S
7.2.2 Wo od p allets used in o ther a reas shall b e o f goo d quality and inspected . Pallets will have no exp osed
nails, broken slats, splinters or deb ris that could cause prod uct contamination or damage S
7.2.3 Metal d etecto r o r x- ray/imaging d evices are required unless otherwise ap proved b y Brand o r Business Unit QA based on risk a ssessment. The
absence of metal detectio n or x-ray/imaging eq uipment will be
based on risk assessment and the use of effective alternative method s (e.g., liquids p ass thro ugh a fi ne
mesh screen, or free- flowing pro duct p asses through magnets, filters, sieves o ther p hysica l separatio n
equip ment/technology) F
7.2.4 Screens, magnets and o ther ap proved alternative methods are regularly monitored with results and
corrective actions recorded P
7.2.5 Fo r metal d etecto rs and x- ray/imaging devices, verificatio n of sensitivity is conducted by passing the
req uired standard s, using ferrous, non-ferrous and stainless steel test p ieces of the app ro priate size, based on the b elo w table or as ap proved b y
Brand/BU QA. P

7.2.6 Unless other methods are appro ved , metal d etection and x-ray/imaging d evice systems testing must be
conducted at a minimum at start- up , at prod uction breaks, after maintenance and when changing
10.4 7 prod ucts and end of shifts / pro ductio n S for single incident and P for more than one
7.2.7 Whenever possible, the fo reign object detection verification p roced ure shall specify p hysical p lacement/ location for the FO standard s to simulate the
conditio ns o f least sensitivity. For example, if a metal d etecto r is least sensitive in the center o f the aperture, this should be taken into consideration in the
placement of the metal standard P
7.2.8 Whenever possible, verifi catio n of sensitivity is conducted by passing each required stand ard three times each in the normal flow of the p roduct with
the standard at the leading, mid dle, and trailing edge of the p roduct. The metal detector must detect and p ositively reject p roduct with the standard s S fo r
single incid ent and P for more than o ne
7.2.9 Accep table rejection d evices should be po sitio ned as close to the final p acking of prod uct as p ossible, the
following are acceptable rejectio n devices: P
o Positive rejection - remo ves contaminated p roduct from the prod uction line to a locked container with restricted acce ss
o Belt stop - sto ps the line when contaminated pro duct is d etected at the metal detector including a visual or audible alarm. This method should have a
documented p rogram o n ho w the system is restarted, and the disp osition o f susp ect p rod uct
7.2.10 If the device fails test, “ap prop riate action” is fo r sup plier to p lace all p roduct between accep tab le checks on hold and rep air the device. Pro ced ure
shall defi ne ho w p ro duct is id entified b etween acceptable checks ( e.g. case number, pallet ticket time, case s time on lab el / bag, insp ection time, etc.)
Prod uct must be then run through a pro perly functio ning d evice b efore release. Any no n-conforming Yum! Pro ducts are fully d ocumented as p er the
sup plier hold policy and corrective action plan P
7.2.11 A ‘materials found ’/ ‘ rejection lo g’ is kept, and includes: S for single incident and P fo r mo re than one
o The siz e and typ e of material fo und
o The quantity of p roduct affected
o False re jections are tracked
o Co rrective actio n including p reve ntative measures to avo id a reoccurrence
o Final d ispo sitio n of the p rod uct is do cumented

7.2.12 The audito r shall ob serve a test and verify that metal detection and x-ray/imaging device units on p roduct lines are functioning prop erly. Auditor
shall co nfirm the app ropriate sensitivity and methods are being used, and they conform to p rod uct sp ecification and QA p rogram. The aud itor will ob serve
tha t the positive reject d evice is o perating correctly. If the metal d etecto r or x- ray/imaging device fails, the aud itor will ob serve that rejected pro duct is
hand led co rrectly. If Yum! Brand s prod uct is not b eing pro duced o n the day of the audit, aud itor will still verify functionality with the sensitivity required by
the p rod uct being run, and will confi rm that wands with the ap pro priate Yum! Brand s sensitivity are available. P
7.2.13 If metal detection and x-ray/imaging device fails auditor’s check and p lant takes app rop riate corrective actio n (all prod uct betwee n acceptable
checks was placed on hold) S
7.2.14 Pens in use can b e detected by the fo reign material control device in use. Pens and thermo meters shall not have removab le clip s S fo r single
incident and P for more than one
7.2.15 Program established to mitigate risk of sharp s (e.g. knifes, b lades, needles) and other materials/ equipment such as thermometers, pallets, gloves,
ingredient packaging with record s, and corrective action ma intained S for single incident and P for more than one

A written, d ocumented glass a nd b rittle p lastic p olicy is established that includ es but is not limited to:
7.2.16 A list of all essential glass and b rittle p lastics with the items o n the list checked , b ased o n risk, but as a minimum mo nthly S for single incid ent and P
for more than o ne
7.2.17 Handling of any glass/brittle plastics that is broken or observed unprotected/unshield ed. P
7.2.18 Disp osition of po tentially co ntaminated p rod uct S for single incident and P for more than one
7.2.19 Incid ent reports/reco rds are maintained S for single incid ent and P for more than o ne
7.2.20 Where app licable, bone elimination p rogram estab lished to control the risk e.g. inspection tab les, e tc. P
7.2.21 Ro ot- cause analysis completed fo r any foreign materials ide ntifi ed (e.g. in ho use, through customer comp laints, Internal / external audits,
regulato ry inspections) P
7.2.22 In the event o f a fo reign material incident found in Yum finished pro duct that has b een released the sup plier must contact the resp ective Brand /BU
QA manager immediately F

11 Cleaning and sanitizing

General requirements Maintenance and Sanitation The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 11.1 to 1 1.3, indicated in red ,
Cleaning and sanitiz ing pro grammes shall be established to ensure that the food -pro cessing 9.3 Documented master sanitation program of all areas o f facility includ ing but no t limited to storage, p rocessing, p acking, prod uct co ntact surfaces, are no t fully add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it
equip ment a nd environment are maintained in a hygienic conditio n. Programmes shall b e monitored maintena nce and employee areas. Standard requirements.
fo r continuing suitability and effectiveness. (Procedure, Record s, Ob servation)
Cleaning and sanitizing agents and tools 9.3.1 Documented master sanitation schedule is established F
Facilities and equip ment shall be maintained in a cond ition which facilitates wet or dry cleaning 9.3.2 Cleaning procedures will be sp ecific to site and include what to clean, d efined freq uency, method , b y trained staff, app ro ved chemical used includ ing
and /o r sanitation. concentratio n and to ols need ed S for single requirement and P for mo re than one
11.2 Cleaning and sanitiz ing agents and chemicals shall b e clearly identified , food grade, stored separately 9.3.3 Standards of accep tab ility are defi ned with individ ual accountability and sign-off for each task P
and used only in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructio ns. 9.3.4 Program in place for testing of food contact surfaces (b io -luminance/micro) to mo nitor the effectiveness of cleaning and/or sanitation p roced ures
Tools and eq uipment shall b e of hygienic design and maintained in a condition which d oes not and corrective actions do cumented P
present a p otential so urce o f extraneous matter. 9.3.5 Equip ment is d esigned fo r effective sanitation and sanitation imp act is considered when any up grades o r changes are made to equip ment S
9 9.3.6 Equip ment, flo ors, walls and ceilings cleaned as app rop riate during prod uction to maintain a hygienic environment and in goo d co nd ition/rep air (e.g.
Cleaning and sanitizing programmes
cracks, leaks, unsanitary welds etc.) S for single incid ent and P for more than o ne.
Cleaning and sanitiz ing pro grammes shall be established and valid ated b y the organizatio n to ensure 9.7.2 Floo rs, walls, drains, equip ment, and ceilings are clean; facility kept clean and litter free S for single incident and P for mo re than one
that all parts of the estab lishment and equip ment are cleaned and/or sanitized to a defi ned schedule, 9.7.6 Chemical sto ra ge areas are segregated , clean, organiz ed and secured S fo r single incid ent and P for more than o ne
including the cleaning of cleaning eq uipment.
Cleaning and /o r sanitiz ing programmes shall specify a t a minimum:
11.3 a) areas, items o f equipment and utensils to be cleaned and/or sanitized ;
b) responsibility fo r the tasks specifi ed;
c) cleaning/sanitizing method and frequency;
d) monitoring and verifi cation arrangements;
e) po st-clean insp ectio ns;
f) p re start-up inspections.

Cleaning in place (CIP) systems Maintenance and Sanitation

CIP systems shall be separated fro m active p rod uct lines. Fo r Clean In P rocess (CIP) systems: The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 11.4, indicated in red , are
11.4 Parameters for CIP systems shall b e defined and mo nitored (includ ing type, co nce ntration, contact 9 9.3.7 Design includ es no potential cross contamination risks P no t fully ad dressed b y the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it
time and temperature of any chemicals used ). 9.3.8 Validate d initially and after changes and monitored per the cleaning p rogram to ensure working p roperly P Standard requirements.
9.3.9 Chemical concentrations, flo w and temperature monitored and d ocumented P
Monitoring sanitation effectiveness Maintenance and Sanitation
Cleaning and sanitation programmes shall b e mo nito red at frequencies sp ecified b y the organizatio n 9.3.3 Standards of accep tab ility are defi ned with individ ual accountability and sign-off for each task P
to e nsure their continuing suitability and effectiveness. 9.3.4 Program in place for testing of food contact surfaces (b io -luminance/micro) to mo nitor the effectiveness of cleaning and/or sanitation p roced ures
and corrective actions do cumented P
9.5 A do cumented pre-o peratio nal inspection p rogram is established to assess sanitation effectiveness and line conditions (e.g. co nd ition o f belts, blade s)
11.5 9 prior to startup of p roduction.
(Procedure, Record s, Ob servation)
9.5.1 Pre-o peratio nal insp ections documented and verifi ed S fo r single incid ent and P for more than one
9.5.2 Deficiencies are ad dressed and reco rds are maintained b efore p roduction start-up P
9.5.3 Co rrective actio ns are d ocumented P

12 Pest control
General requirements Pest Prevention
12.1 Hygie ne, cleaning, incoming materials inspection and monitoring p roced ures shall be implemented to Facility will have an effective p reventive pest management program established to minimize the risk of intrusion o r infestation. Altho ugh the Yum! Requirements are well d etailed, the points o f
avo id creating an environment cond ucive to pest activity. 5.1 Supp lier will have a do cumented pest co ntro l p rogram with service pro vide d by an app roved Pest Management Professio nal (PMP). ISO/TS 22002 -1 clause 12, indicated in red, are not fully add ressed
Pest control programmes (Program/Reco rd/Ob servation) by the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it Standard requirements.
The establishment shall have a nominated p erson to manage p est contro l activities and/or deal with 5.1.1 Supp lier will have a do cumented pest co ntrol program F
app ointed expert contracto rs. Pest contro l p rogram shall include:
Pest management programmes shall b e documented and shall id entify target p ests, and ad dress 5.1.2 The co mp any name and designated pest ma nagement p rofessio nal S
plans, 5.1.3 Co mp any required licenses, certifications, insurance, a nd o ther p ermits as req uired b y government agencies to perform services S for single
metho ds, schedules, control pro cedures and, where necessary, training req uirements. req uirement and P for more than o ne
Programmes shall includ e a list of chemicals which are app roved fo r use in specifi ed areas o f the 5.1.4 Typ es of pests b eing mo nitored and/or co ntro lled P
establishment. 5.1.5 Minimum of mo nthly inspections, and mo re frequent as necessary d epend ing on risk factors P
5.1.6 The number and placement of traps sha ll be effective to control pests and mitigate risk o f entry into facility S for single incident and P fo r more than
Preventing access 5.1.7 Upd ated certifi catio n of pest co ntro l o perators as per local regulation S
Buildings shall be maintained in go od rep air. Ho les, drains and o ther p otential p est access po ints Note: In co untries where there is no lo cal regulations, the supplier shall furnish do cumentation that pest management professio nal has formal and
12.3 shall b e sealed. ongo ing training
External d oors, windo ws or ventilatio n op enings sha ll be d esigned to minimize the po tential for entry 5.1.8 Upd ated contract on scope of service maintained S
of p ests. 5.1.9 How all traps, b ait station, glue board s and insect glue light trap s, etc. shall be labelled with d ate o f inspection P
Harbourage and infestations 5.1.10 Schematic map is current and d ated S
Sto rage p ractices shall be designed to minimiz e the availability o f food and water to pests. 5.1.11 Pesticid es in use must be do cumented and ap pro ved for use by the relevant authority P
Material found to be infested shall be handled in such a way as to prevent co nta mination o f other 5.1.12 Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and p roduct lab els are available for all chemicals used S for single incid ent and P for more than o ne
12.4 materials, prod ucts o r the estab lishment. Se rvice rep orts including logs are current and available fo r review, and include:
Potential p est harb ourage (e.g. burrows, und ergrowth, stored items) shall be removed. 5.1.13 Date o f service S
Where outsid e space is used fo r storage, sto red items shall be pro tected from weather or p est 5.1.14 Ap plication method used S
damage (e.g. bird d ropp ings) . 5.1.15 Chemicals, quantities and concentratio n used S for single requirement and P for mo re tha n one
5.1.16 Signs o f pest activities P
Monitoring and detection
5.1.17 Scheduled follow up based on p est activity, if necessary S
Pest-monito ring programmes shall includ e the p lacing of detectors and trap s in key lo catio ns to
identify pest activity. A map of d etectors and traps shall be maintained. Detectors and traps shall be
designed and loca ted so as to prevent po tential contamination of materials, prod ucts o r facilities.
Detectors and trap s shall b e of ro bust, ta mp er-resistant co nstructio n. They shall be ap prop riate fo r
the target p est.
The d etectors and traps shall be inspected at a freq uency intended to identify new pest activity. The
results o f inspections shall b e analysed to identify trends.
5.1.18 Co rrective actions and recomme ndations are documented for freq uency o f activity o r o ther issues no ted o n se rvice rep orts or may be listed on a
5 separate repo rt S for single req uirement and P for more than o ne
12.5 5.1.19 Ind ividual conducting service S
5.1.20 Evid ence that reports are b eing reviewed by the facility S
5.1.21 Trend analyses are on file for all types o f pest b eing co ntro lled /monito red S
5.1.22 Co rrective actions are d ocumented P
5.1.23 If p esticides are stored in the facility, they shall b e secured in such a ma nner as not to contaminate p rod uct, packing materials o r equip ment P
5.1.24 Pest co ntrol devices are effectively maintained S
5.1.25 No loo se or granular rodenticid e is app rove d fo r use. Bait statio ns (with poison b ait) shall b e used outsid e the facility P
5.1.26 Pest co ntrol devices are located in such a manner as not to contaminate prod uct, packaging materials or equip ment ( e.g. insect light traps that use
an electric grate to ele ctrify flying insects (Insectocutors) are not allowed if they create a risk) P

Eradication measures shall be put in p lace immed iately after evid ence of infestatio n is repo rted . 5.2 There is no evidence of internal and external pest activity
Pesticid e use and app lication shall b e restricted to trained op eratives and shall b e controlled to avoid (Ob servation)
prod uct safety hazards. Internal
Records of p esticide use shall b e maintained to show the type, quantity a nd concentrations used; 5.2.1 Evid ence o f a live rod ent ( not in trap ) or an animal (e.g. cat, d og, deer, goat, bird , etc.) ob served inside the facility F
where, when and how app lied , and the target pest. 5.2.2 Any ob servatio n of contaminated ingred ient, pro duct, food contact packaging or fo od contact surfaces F
5.2.3 Evid ence (isolated occurrence ) of insects, flies, ants and/or single instance o f a co ckroach ob served around the interior perimeter of the facility that
does not imp act foo d safety P
5.2.4 Spiders/webb ing ob served S
5.2.5 Other instances o f pests activity no ted in the interior of the facility S
5.2.6 No d ecomp osed rodent (s) or other animals (frogs, lizards, etc.) in traps S
5.2.7 The interio r traps shall b e checke d often and the de ad rod ent(s) or o ther animals removed. Glue board s shall b e free of significant insect build up S
12.6 External
5.2.8 Evid ence o f signifi cant rod ent activity (burro ws, trails, excreta, tracks) and /o r bird ne sting/significant b ird activity, significant tracks o r trails of other
wild animals (within 32ft/10 meters) P
5.2.9 Other instances o f (p ests or animal )activity no ted in the exterior of the facility S
5.2.10 Numero us instances of d eco mp osed rodent( s) or other animals ( frogs, lizard s, etc.) in a b ait statio ns o r alo ng perimeter S
5.2.11 Unlo cking device fo r bait traps sho uld b e available, with access controlled, at the facility so that the traps may be examined d uring the aud it P
Note: Any live insect activity is an issue and should be graded acco rdingly. Insects sho uld b e at a ve ry minimum o n glue b oards. Active cobwebs with
spid ers are consid ered pest activity; howe ver, old and dusty cobwebs are evidence of poo r housekeeping and should be sco red in section 9.7 and sho uld
not be scored as pest activity

Maintenance and Sanitation

9.7.14 Potential pest access points are sealed against pest entry and kept closed S
13 Personnel hygiene and employee facilities
General requirements Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) & Employee Health and Hygiene
Req uirements fo r p erso nal hygiene and behaviours pro portional to the hazard posed to the process A Goo d Manufacturing P ractices (GMP) and employee Health and Hygiene program is established including use o f app rop riate perso nal pro tective
area or prod uct shall b e established and do cumented . All p ersonnel, visitors and contractors shall be equip ment (P PE) to prevent the risk o f pro duct contaminatio n through employee contact.
13.1 required to comply with the documented req uirements. 6 6.1 GMP P rogram is established and includ es:
(Procedure/P ro gram/Re cord s)
6.1.1 An effective GMP program for all employees, visitors and contractors is d ocumented and co mmunicated/posted P

Personnel hygiene facilities and toilets Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) & Employee Health and Hygiene
Perso nnel hygiene facilities shall be availab le to ensure that the degree of p erso nal hygiene required 6.5 Hand washing facilities are adeq uate and are used : Altho ugh the Yum! Requirements are well d etailed, the points o f
by the organization can b e maintained . The facilities shall be located close to the po ints where (Ob servation) ISO/TS 22002 -1 clause 13.2, ind icated in red, are not fully
hygiene requirements apply and shall be clearly designated . 6.5.1 Be made available in the restro oms, in the area of p roduction p rio r to returning from the restroom to the p roduction area, to all personnel access add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it Standard
Establishments shall: points and in accessible locations throughout fo od hand ling and p rocessing areas P requirements.
a) pro vide ad equate numbers, locations and means o f hygienically washing, drying and , where 6.5.2 Are being used when moving from a raw to co oked area when d ealing with po tentially hazardo us p roduct F
required , sanitiz ing hands ( including wash- basins, supp ly of hot and cold o r temperature co ntrolle d 6.5.3 Have warm water, (temperature that reaches 1 00°F ( 38°C) or as defi ned b y the local regulation P
water, and soap and/or sanitizer); 6.5.4 Disp ensed soap and appro ved sanitizer is availab le P
b) have sinks designated fo r hand washing, whose tap s should not be hand op erated , separate from 6.5.5 Fo r tho se in the areas entering o r in the p roduction areas, have hand s free op eratio n (knee, fo ot p edals o r auto ma ted rather than hand le s) required
sinks for food use and equipment-cleaning statio ns; and p aper towel d ispensers sho uld no t req uire hands to to uch dispenser to exp ose towel for retrieval or as app roved by Brand/BU QA P
c) p rovid e an adeq uate numb er of toilets of ap prop ria te hygienic d esign, each with hand- washing, 6.5.6 Have suitable drying devices, air po wer hand d ryers sho uld b e capab le o f d rying hands within 20 seconds.
drying and , where req uired, sanitizing facilities; Cloth towels of any sort are no t acceptable to Yum! Brands P
d) have employee hygiene facilities that d o no t op en d irectly on to pro ductio n, packing o r sto rage 6.5.7 Hand washing and drying area is mainta ined in a sa nitary conditio n S
areas; 6.5.8 If hand d ip stations are used, they must b e cleaned and free of p articulates, d irt and d ebris and changed often enough with p otab le water at the
13.2 e) have adeq uate changing facilities fo r p erso nnel; 6 appro priate temperature to keep the sanitiz er concentratio n in the acceptable range P
f) have changing facilities sited to enable personnel hand ling fo od to move to the pro ductio n area in 6.5.9 Hand dip stations solution change and sanitiz er strength verification record s are maintained P
such a way that risk to the cleanliness o f their wo rkwear is minimized . 6.5.10 Signs sup porting hand washing are p osted in all app licable languages or as p ictorials S for single incident and P for mo re tha n one
6.5.11 Signs shall be located in the p rocessing areas which d irect employees to wash their hands befo re work, after each b reak, after using the restroom
and when their hand s become soiled o r contaminated S

6.6 Staff facilities shall b e sufficient fo r the req uired p ersonnel and be d esigned and o perated to minimize the risk of p rod uct contamination.
(Ob servation)
Staff changing roo ms
6.6.1 Provided to enable staff and visito rs to change into and o ut o f outer garment and foo twear as required P
6.6.2 Staff to keep their street clothing and personal items ( including medications and cell p ho nes) separate fro m food processing and p ackaging areas.
Cell pho ne use permitted if allowed by co mp any po licy and po ses no fo od safety risk S fo r single incid ent and P for more than one
Restroo ms
6.6.3 Shall not open directly into p ro ductio n or p ackaging areas P
Staff canteens and designated eating areas Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) & Employee Health and Hygiene
Staff canteens and designated areas for fo od storage and co nsumptio n shall b e situated so that the 6.6 Staff facilities shall b e sufficient fo r the req uired p ersonnel and be d esigned and o perated to minimize the risk of p rod uct contamination. The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 13.3, indicated in red , are
po tential for cro ss-co ntamination of p roduction areas is minimized . (Ob servation) no t fully ad dressed b y the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it
Staff canteens shall be managed to ensure hygienic sto rage of ingred ients and preparation, storage Lunch room/canteen Standard requirements.
13.3 6
and serving of p repared food s. Storage conditio ns and storage, co oking and hold ing temperatures, 6.6.4 Maintained a way from the foo d p ro cessing areas and shall be ventilated and have adequate lighting S
and time limitatio ns, shall be sp ecified . 6.6.5 Shall be kept clean, organiz ed and free fro m waste materials and pests S
Employees’ o wn foo d shall b e sto red and consumed in designated areas only. 6.6.6 Fo od is not sto red outside of designated areas, includ ing staff changing rooms S
6.6.7 Where eating o f fo od is allowed outside during breaks, there shall b e designated a reas with app rop riate contro l o f waste and p ests S
Workwear and protective clothing Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) & Employee Health and Hygiene
Perso nnel who work in, or enter into, a reas where exp osed pro ducts and /o r materials are hand le d 6.3 Emp loyee H ygiene p rogram is established that includ es: The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 13.4, indicated in red , are
shall wear work clo thing that is fit for p urp ose, clean and in go od cond ition (e.g. free from rips, tears (Program/Reco rds) no t fully ad dressed b y the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it
or fraying material). Minimum program criteria includ es: Standard requirements.
Clothing mandated fo r foo d pro tection or hygiene purposes shall not be used for any other purpose. 6.3.1 Use of hair and full beard (includes mustache ) restraints mad e o f a fine gauge mesh o r solid material (baseball cap s are no t acceptable) in
Wo rkwear shall not have b utto ns. Workwe ar shall not have outsid e pockets ab ove waist level. Zips o r prod uction, p rocessing and warehouse areas where expo sed prod uct is handled S for single incident and P fo r more than one
press stud fastenings are acceptable. 6.3.7 Use of glove s and arm sleeves that are colored for ease o f identification (as necessary) where there is d ire ct contact with fo od p rod ucts o r as directed
Wo rkwear shall b e laund ered to stand ard s and at intervals suitable for the intended use o f the by Brand/BU QA S
garments. 6.4 Supp lier has established an outer garment p ro gram for persons wo rking in direct contact with food , foo d co nta ct surfaces o r foo d co ntact p ackaging
Wo rkwear shall p rovid e adeq uate coverage to ensure that hair, persp iration, etc. canno t co ntaminate materials.
the prod uct. (Program/Reco rds)
Hair, b eards, and moustaches shall b e p rotected (i.e. completely enclosed) by restraints unless hazard The pro gram shall includ e:
analysis ind icates otherwise. 6.4.1 Emp loyees must wear a clean outer garment that remains within the work area ( does not go to and from wo rk) P
13.4 6
Where glo ves are used fo r p roduct contact, they shall be clean and in go od condition. Use of latex 6.4.2 Dedicated foo twear/shoe covers or fo ot b aths will be utilized to p revent the intro ductio n of contaminates P
gloves should b e avo ided where p ossible. 6.4.3 Where foo t b aths are used , the y must be clea ned and free o f particulates, dirt a nd d ebris and changed often enough to keep the sanitiz er
Sho es fo r use in p rocessing areas shall be fully enclosed and mad e from no n- abso rbent materials. concentratio n in the acceptable range P
Perso nal pro tective eq uip ment, where required , shall be designed to p revent pro duct contaminatio n 6.4.4 Policy relating to the wearing o f outer garment inside the p ro cessing area or away from the p roduction environment ( e.g. removal befo re entering
and maintained in hygienic co nd ition. restro oms) P
6.4.5 Clothing and footwear and PP E worn by staff, visitors and contractors entering the food handling areas o r moving between low and high risk are as
shall be maintained, stored , laundered (changed at least d aily or more freq uent as needed ) and worn so as not to p resent a co ntamination risk to
prod ucts P
6.4.6 The design and conditio n of outer garment should be to prevent co nta mination o f the pro duct; as a minimum co ntaining no external po ckets above
the waist or sewn-o n b uttons S fo r single incid ent and P for more than one
6.4.7 Fo r non-disposable items ( e.g., gloves/aprons/hard hats/PPE) the cond ition and frequency fo r the cleaning and changing shall be established S

Health status
Sub ject to legal restrictions in the co untry o f op eration, emp lo yees shall undergo a medical
examination prior to emp loyment in food contact op erations (includ ing site catering) , unless
13.5 There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
do cumented hazard or med ical assessment ind icates otherwise.
Ad ditio nal medical examinations, where permitted, shall be carried out at intervals defined b y the
organiz ation.
Illness and injuries Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) & Employee Health and Hygiene
Where permitted by law, employees shall b e required to rep ort the following conditio ns to 6.1 GMP P rogram is established and includ es: The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 13.6, indicated in red , are
management for p ossible exclusio n fro m food -handling areas: jaund ice, d iarrhoea, vomiting, fever, (Procedure/P ro gram/Re cord s) no t fully ad dressed b y the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it
so re thro at with fever, visib ly infected skin lesio ns ( boils, cuts or so re s) and discharges from the ear, 6.1.3 A p ro ced ure is established that addresses notification b y staff, contracto rs and visitors of any rele vant infectio n, disease, or conditio n which may be a Standard requirements.
eye o r nose. source of transmission of food bo rne diseases to pro ducts P
Peop le known or susp ected to be infected with, or carrying, a disease or illness transmissible through 6.3 Emp loyee H ygiene p rogram is established that includ es:
13.6 fo od shall be prevented from hand ling foo d or materials which co me into contact with fo od. 6 (Program/Reco rds)
In food -handling areas, p ersonnel with wounds or burns shall be required to cover them with Minimum program criteria includ es:
sp ecified d ressings. Any lo st d ressing shall b e rep orted to supervision immed iately. 6.3.2 Perso nnel who ap pear to have an illness, o pen lesions, o r wound or any other abnormal source of microb ial contaminatio n shall b e exclud ed fro m
NOTE Dressings should be b rightly coloured and metal detectable where app ropriate. any o peration which may result in co ntamination until the cond ition is corrected P
6.3.3 Mino r cuts shall have a b and age (colo red fo r ease of id entifi catio n) and must be covered with a no n-p orous p lastic glo ve P

Personal cleanliness Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) & Employee Health and Hygiene
Perso nnel in foo d pro ductio n areas shall b e required to wash and , where required, sanitize hands: 6.3 Emp loyee H ygiene p rogram is established that includ es: The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 13.7 and 1 3.8, indicated in
a) before starting any food -hand ling activities; (Program/Reco rds) red, are no t fully add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety
b) imme diately after using the toilet or b lo wing the nose; Minimum program criteria includ es: Audit Standard req uirements.
c) immed iately after hand ling any p otentially contaminated material. 6.3.4 Smo king ( includes e- cigarettes), chewing, eating or drinking shall no t be p ermitted other than in d esignated areas. Sp itting is not permitted P
Perso nnel shall be required to refrain fro m sneez ing or co ughing o ver mate rials o r p rod ucts. Sp itting 6.3.5 No expo sed jewelry or watches worn in the in prod uction, p rocessing and wareho use areas where exp osed prod uct is hand led (plain wedd ing bands
(expectorating) shall be pro hibited. and medical alerts are acceptable unless p rohib ited b y the facilities’ pro gram) P
Fingernails shall b e kep t clean and trimmed . 6.3.6 No false eyelashes, false/lo ng nails, hair clips, stro ng perfumes, bo dy glitter or jewels, o r exp osed nail po lish wo rn or other materials that can results
in contamination in estab lished GMP areas P
6.6.2 Staff to keep their street clothing and personal items ( including medications and cell p ho nes) separate fro m food processing and p ackaging areas.
Cell pho ne use permitted if allowed by co mp any po licy and po ses no fo od safety risk S fo r single incid ent and P for more than one
Personal behaviour
A d ocumented po licy shall d escrib e the behaviours required of p erso nne l in p rocessing, pa cking and 6
storage areas. The p olicy shall at a minimum cover:
a) permissib ility o f smoking, eating, chewing in designate d areas only;
b) control measures to minimize haz ards p resented by p ermitted jewellery, such as that worn b y
personnel in processing and sto rage areas, taking into account religious, ethnic, med ical and cultural
13.8 imp eratives;
c) p ermissibility of p ersonal items, such as smoking ma terials and med icines, in d esignated areas
d) p rohib ition o f the use of nail p olish, false nails and false eyelashes;
e) pro hibitio n of carrying of writing implements behind the ears;
f) maintenance of perso nal lockers so that they are kep t free from rub bish and soiled clo thing;
g) prohibitio n of sto rage of p roduct contact tools and eq uipment in personal lockers.

14 Rework
General requirements
Rework shall b e sto red, handled and used in such a way that pro duct safety, quality, traceab ility and
regulato ry compliance are maintained .

Storage, identification and traceability

Sto red rewo rk shall be pro tected from exposure to microbiolo gical, chemical or extraneous matter
co nta mination.
Segregation requirements for rewo rk (e.g. allergen) shall b e documented and met.
Rework shall b e clearly identified and/or labelled to allow traceab ility. Traceab ility records for rework
shall b e maintained . There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
The rework classifi catio n or the reaso n fo r rework designatio n shall b e record ed (e.g. pro duct name,
prod uction date, shift, line o f origin, shelf-life).
Rework usage
Where rewo rk is incorp orated into a prod uct as an “in- process” step, the acceptable quantity, typ e
and conditio ns o f rework use shall b e sp ecified . The process step and metho d of addition, including
14.3 any necessary pre- processing stages, shall be d efined .
Where rewo rk activities involve removing a pro duct from filled or wrap ped packages, controls shall be
put in p lace to ensure the removal and segregation of p ackaging materials and to avo id
co nta mination o f the pro duct with e xtraneo us matter.
15 Product recall procedures
General requirements The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 15, indicated in red , are not
15.1 Systems shall be in p lace to ensure that pro ducts failing to meet required foo d safety stand ards can fully add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it Standard
be identified , lo cated and remo ved from all necessary p oints o f the supply chain. requirements.
Product recall requirements Refer to clause 8.9.5 of the ISO 22000:2018 GAP analysis spreadsheet for further details on product recall requirements.
A list of key contacts in the event of a recall shall be maintained.
15.2 Where prod ucts are withdrawn due to immediate health hazard s, the safety o f other p roducts
prod uced under the same cond itions shall b e evaluated. The need for public warnings shall be
co nsid ered.
16 Warehousing
General requirements Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)
16.1 Materials and p rod ucts shall be stored in clean, dry, well-ventilated sp aces protected fro m d ust, 2.9 2.9.5 Ingredient weighing/handling/storage practices and p roce ssing o rder or change o ver pro ced ures specifi cally ad dress ensuring allerge ns are not The p oints of ISO/TS 22002- 1 clause 16.1 and 16.2, indicated in
co ndensation, fumes, odo urs o r other sources o f contamination. transferred to a non- allergen containing prod uct/other allergen prod ucts P red, are no t fully add ressed by the current Yum! Foo d Safety
Warehousing requirements Micro and Analytical Testing and Monitoring Audit Standard req uirements. However, there are sp ecific
Effective co ntrol of warehousing temperature, humidity and other environmental co nd itions shall b e 8 8.2.7 Prod ucts temperatures at receiving, storage and load ing are mo nito red and documented and meet the required sp ecifications S fo r single incid ent requirements for Fresh Prod uce, Dairy, and Anima l Pro tein within
provided where req uired b y p roduct or storage sp ecifications. and P for more than o ne the add itional mod ules includ ed within the Yum! Foo d Safety
Audit Standard.
It is recommended that where pro ducts are stacked, consid eration is given to measures necessa ry to Maintenance and Sanitation
protect the lo wer layers.
9.3 Documented master sanitation program of all areas o f facility includ ing but no t limited to storage, p rocessing, p acking, prod uct co ntact surfaces,
Waste materials and chemicals (clea ning pro ducts, lubricants, and p esticides) shall be stored maintena nce and employee areas.
16.2 sep arately. (Procedure, Record s, Ob servation)
A separate area o r o ther means of segregating materials identified as non-conforming shall b e 9.3.1 Documented master sanitation schedule is established F
provided . 9.3.2 Cleaning procedures will be sp ecific to site and include what to clean, d efined freq uency, method , b y trained staff, app ro ved chemical used includ ing
Specifi ed stock ro tatio n systems (FIFO/FEFO) shall b e observed . concentratio n and to ols need ed S for single requirement and P for mo re than one
Gaso line- or d iesel-po wered fork-lift trucks shall not be used in food ingredient or p ro duct sto rage 9.7.6 Chemical sto ra ge areas are segregated , clean, organiz ed and secured S fo r single incid ent and P for more than o ne

Vehicles, conveyances, and containers

Vehicles, conveyances, and containers shall b e maintained in a state of re pair, cleanliness, and Ho wever, there are sp ecific requirements for Fre sh P ro duce,
co ndition consiste nt with req uirements given in relevant specificatio ns. Dairy, and Animal Pro tein within the add itional mod ules included
Vehicles, conveyances, and containers shall p rovid e protection against d amage o r contaminatio n of within the Yum! Foo d Safety Aud it Standard .
prod uct. Control of temperature and humid ity shall be app lie d and record ed where required by the There is no related re quirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard, besides for sp ecific requirements for Fre sh P roduce, Dairy, and Animal Protein within the
16.3 organiz ation. ad ditio nal modules included within the Yum! Fo od Safety Audit Stand ard.
Where the same vehicles, conveyances, and co ntainers are used fo r foo d and no n-food prod ucts,
cleaning shall be carried out between lo ads.
Bulk containers shall be d edicated to fo od use only. Where require d by the organization, b ulk
co nta iners shall b e ded icated to a specifi ed material.

Product information and consumer awareness

Information shall be p resented to consumers in such a way as to enab le them to und erstand its
imp ortance and make informed cho ices.
17 There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
Information may be p rovid ed by labelling or other means, such as company websites and
advertisements, and may includ e sto rage, p reparatio n and serving instructions ap plicab le to the
prod uct.
18 Food defence, biovigilance, and bioterrorism
General requirements
18.1 Each establishment shall assess the haz ard to prod ucts p osed by potential acts of sabo tage,
vandalism or terro rism a nd shall put in place prop ortio nal protective measures.
Refer to FSSC 2 2000 Additional Re quirement 2.5.3 on the FSSC 22 000 Ad ditio nal Req uirements GAP analysis spread sheet fo r further d etails on foo d defence,
Access controls
biovigilance, and bioterrorism

Refer to FSSC 2 2000 Additional Re quirement 2.5.3 on the FSSC 22 000 Ad ditio nal Req uirements GAP analysis spread sheet fo r further d etails on foo d defence,
biovigilance, and bioterrorism
Potentially sensitive areas within the estab lishment shall be id entifi ed, map ped , and subjected to
18.2 access control.
Where feasib le, access should be physically restricted by use of locks, electro nic card key or
alternative systems.
No difference, or only a minor difference

Comparison of FSSC Additional Requirements for Category C and K manufacturing vs Yum! Food Safety Standard Requirements Some differences noted

No requirement(s) included

FSSC 22000 Additional Requirements applicable to Category C & K Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard Same Different Comment
Clause Requirement Clause Requirement
MANAGEMENT OF SERVICES AND PURCHASED MATERIALS Micro and Analytical Testing and Monitoring
a) In addition to clause 7.1.6 of ISO 22000:2018, the organization shall ensure that where laboratory analysis 8.5 Laboratories and testing methods are licensed/approved with documented training of lab personnel. The points of the FSSC 22000 Additional Requirement 2.5.1,
services are used for the verification and/or validation of food safety, these shall be conducted by a (Procedures/Records/Observation) indicated in red, are not fully addressed by the current Yum! Food
competent laboratory (including both internal and external laboratories as applicable) that has the capability 8.5.1 Laboratory testing must be in accordance with approved methods such as AOAC, FDA/BAM, or equivalent, Safety Audit Standard requirements. The requirement of 2.5.1 (c)
to produce precise and repeatable test results using validated test methods and best practices (e.g. successful unless otherwise approved by Brands/BUs P is partially addressed by the Dairy and Animal Protein Food
participation in proficiency testing programs, regulatory approved programs or accreditation to international 8.5.2 Procedures and practices are established to prevent any cross contamination between laboratory and Modules within the Yum! Food Safety Standard. *This relates to
standards such as ISO 17025). production facility P raw materials and finished products; Yum! Requirements do not
b) For food chain categories C, D, I, G and K, the following additional requirement applies to ISO 22000:2018 8.5.3 Laboratory and testing equipment is clean and well-maintained S for single incident and P for more than one clearly address the review of finished product specifications.
clause 7.1.6: 8.5.4 No eating, drinking or smoking allowed and no food, beverages or personal items stored S
The organization shall have a documented procedure for procurement in emergency situations to ensure that 8.5.5 External testing is done by an ISO 17025 accredited 3rd party laboratory P
products still conform to specified requirements and the supplier has been evaluated. 8.5.6 In house micro testing is conducted by appropriately trained individuals: S for single requirement and P for
c) In addition to ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 clause 9.2, the organization shall have a policy for the procurement of more than one
2.5.1 animals, fish and seafood that are subject to control of prohibited substances (e.g., pharmaceuticals, o With ongoing verification (i.e. proficiency testing with positive and negative controls). Note: there are non-viable
veterinary medicines, heavy metals, and pesticides); positive control options available
d) For food chain categories C, D, I, G and K, the following additional requirement applies to ISO/TS 22002-1 o Trained by a qualified individual (e.g. a microbiologist or equivalent through experience)
clause 9.2; ISO/TS 22002-4 clause 4.6 and ISO/TS 22002-5 clause 4: 8.5.7 Records are on file and available which establish scientific basis for finished product shelf-life S
The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain a review process for product specifications* to 8.5.8 Any pathogen non-conforming micro for finished product for Yum! Products are fully documented and
ensure continued compliance with food safety, legal and customer requirements. communicated immediately to Yum! with a documented hold policy and corrective action plan F

Supplier Approval
10.4 Specifications will be on file for all ingredient & packaging products used in manufacturing on site. These will
10 include as appropriate , but is not limited to:
10.4.1 Regularly reviewed, at minimum annually, or when ingredient and packaging changes occur P
PRODUCT LABELLING Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)
In addition to clause of ISO 22000:2018, the organization shall ensure that finished products are 2.9 Documented food allergen program that identifies allergens in raw materials and finished products and defines The points of the FSSC 22000 Additional Requirement 2.5.2,
labelled according to all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements in the country of intended sale, the control of the allergens is established. At a minimum, the following food allergens must be addressed: peanuts, indicated in red, are not fully addressed by the current Yum! Food
including allergen and customer specific requirements. soybeans, milk, eggs, fish, crustacean, tree nuts, and wheat. Additional allergens required by local requirements / Safety Audit Standard requirements.
Where product is unlabeled, all relevant product information shall be made available to ensure the safe use of regulations of both the country of manufacture and the country of destination must also be included. Control
2.5.2 the food by the customer or consumer. 2.9 methods are effective and include the following:
2.9.4 Where an allergen is present in the final product, there is verification that the allergen is listed on the
ingredient label, including any allergens that are present in the facility and are a potential cross-contact/cross-
contamination risk P

FOOD DEFENSE Food Fraud and Food Defense THREAT ASSESSMENT Supplier will have a documented Food Fraud and Food Defense Program including Vulnerability Assessments. This Although the Yum! Requirements are well detailed, the points of
The organization shall have a documented procedure in place to: program (s) must be designed to identify and mitigate all risks in the supply chain. the FSSC 22000 Additional Requirement 2.5.3, indicated in red,
a) Conduct a threat assessment to identify and assess potential threats; 4.1 Food Fraud and Food Defense Vulnerability Assessments completed for each incoming ingredient and food are not fully addressed by the current Yum! Food Safety Audit
b) Develop and implement mitigation measures for significant threats. contact packaging material to include internal processing stages. Standard requirements.
(Program/Records) PLAN Food Defense:
a) The organization shall have a documented food defense plan specifying the mitigation measures covering 4.1.6 A Food Defense program is established P
the processes and products within the FSMS scope of the organization. 4.1.7 Food Defense Vulnerability Assessments conducted at each stage, from ingredient sourcing, storage,
b) The food defense plan shall be supported by the organization’s FSMS. processing and shipment P
c) The plan shall comply with applicable legislation and be kept up to date. 4.1.8 Corrective actions are documented for any events P

4.2 A documented program is established for management of food protection

4.2.1 A designated person responsible for the program with name and 24 hour contact information S
4.2.2 A list of governmental and regulatory emergency contacts with strategy for the notification in the event of
crisis P
4.2.3 Physical facility - access to facility and practices related to security are controlled (employees, visitors,
contractors, 3rd party drivers, loss of identification badges, termination of employees, etc.) P
4.2.4 How computer systems used for process controls are secured and access restricted P
4.2.5 Receipt and control of raw materials and packaging P
4.2.6 Control of operations (e.g. security of water and air) P
4.2.7 Finished products control for storage and shipping P

2.5.3 4 4.3 Controls are established at each stage of food protection.

4.3.1 Incoming ingredients, packaging, and finished product are received in enclosed, secured and/or sealed
vehicles/containers/railcars. In case of seals, the numbers are recorded S for single incident and P for
more than one
4.3.2 Staged vehicles containing food products shall remain secured while on supplier’s premises P
4.3.3 All outgoing vehicles (including bulk trailers) shall be locked and/or sealed before leaving the supplier’s dock P
4.3.4 All entries to food handling and storage areas are secured or access restricted/gated P
4.3.5 Laboratory access is restricted including access to sensitive materials (example: reagents and
bacterial/drug/toxin positive controls) P
4.3.6 Adequate interior and exterior lighting of the facility S
4.3.7 Water wells, water storage and water handling facilities are secured P
4.3.8 Securing of external silo’s and bulk unloading docks (e.g. for grains) P
4.3.9 Access to computer process control systems is restricted P
4.3.10 Other controls used to mitigate risk shall be used as necessary (e.g. unannounced inspections, security
guards, supervised management, employee reporting, video surveillance, etc.) S

4.4 Food Fraud and Food Defense programs will be kept updated.
A self-audit program to review food fraud and food defense shall include:
4.4.1 Who is responsible for conducting the internal review S
4.4.2 Conducted at least annually and reviewed by management P
4.4.3 Corrective actions with timelines are developed to address areas of improvement P
FOOD FRAUD MITIGATION Food Fraud and Food Defense VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT Supplier will have a documented Food Fraud and Food Defense Program including Vulnerability Assessments. This Although the Yum! Requirements are well detailed, the points of
The organization shall have a documented procedure in place to: program (s) must be designed to identify and mitigate all risks in the supply chain. the FSSC 22000 Additional Requirement 2.5.4, indicated in red,
a) Conduct a food fraud vulnerability assessment to identify and assess potential vulnerabilities; 4.1 Food Fraud and Food Defense Vulnerability Assessments completed for each incoming ingredient and food are not fully addressed by the current Yum! Food Safety Audit
b) Develop and implement mitigation measures for significant vulnerabilities. contact packaging material to include internal processing stages. Standard requirements.
(Program/Records) PLAN Food Fraud:
a) The organization shall have a documented food fraud mitigation plan specifying the mitigation measures 4.1.1 A Food Fraud program is established P
covering the processes and products within the FSMS scope of the organization. 4.1.2 Food Fraud Vulnerability Assessments conducted on each raw ingredient and food contact packaging material
b) The food fraud mitigation plan shall be supported by the organization’s FSMS. S for single incident and P for more than one
c) The plan shall comply with the applicable legislation and be kept up to date. 4.1.3 Food Fraud Risk Assessment matrix (or similar format) is used to demonstrate severity and likelihood of risk
2.5.4 4
with assigned risk levels for each raw ingredient and food contact packaging material P
4.1.4 Risk levels are used to prioritize responses and resources to mitigate risk (e.g. sampling, testing and
control measures for each level) P
4.1.5 Corrective actions are documented for any events P

4.4 Food Fraud and Food Defense programs will be kept updated.
A self-audit program to review food fraud and food defense shall include:
4.4.1 Who is responsible for conducting the internal review S
4.4.2 Conducted at least annually and reviewed by management P
4.4.3 Corrective actions with timelines are developed to address areas of improvement P
a) Certified organizations, Certification Bodies and Training Organizations shall use the FSSC 22000 logo only
for marketing activities such as organization's printed matter, website, and another promotional material.
b) In case of using the logo, the organization shall comply with the following specifications:


Green 348 U 82/25/76/7 33/132/85 218455
Grey 60% black 0/0/0/60 135/136/138 87888a

Use of the logo in black and white is permitted when all other text and images are in black and white.
c) The certified organization is not allowed to use the FSSC 22000 logo, any statement or make reference to
2.5.5 There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
its certified status on:
i. a product;
ii. its labelling;
iii. its packaging (primary, secondary or any other form);
iv. in any other manner that implies FSSC 22000 approves a product, process, or service.

MANAGEMENT OF ALLERGENS (FOOD CHAIN CATEGORIES C, E, FI, G, I & K) Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP)
The organization shall have a documented allergen management plan that includes: 2.9 Documented food allergen program that identifies allergens in raw materials and finished products and defines
a) Risk assessment covering all potential sources of allergen cross-contamination and; the control of the allergens is established. At a minimum, the following food allergens must be addressed: peanuts,
b) Control measures to reduce or eliminate the risk of cross-contamination. soybeans, milk, eggs, fish, crustacean, tree nuts, and wheat. Additional allergens required by local requirements /
regulations of both the country of manufacture and the country of destination must also be included. Control
methods are effective and include the following:
2.9.1 Procedures are established to manage food allergens in the facility P
2.9.2 Risk assessment determined for all ingredients including an established allergen list P
2.5.6 2.9 2.9.3 Annual training on allergen handling practices and control, including spill management S for single incident
and P for more than one
2.9.4 Where an allergen is present in the final product, there is verification that the allergen is listed on the
ingredient label, including any allergens that are present in the facility and are a potential cross-contact/cross-
contamination risk P
2.9.5 Ingredient weighing/handling/storage practices and processing order or change over procedures specifically
address ensuring allergens are not transferred to a non-allergen containing product/other allergen products P
2.9.6 Sanitation procedures and practices do not allow cross contact of allergens to non-allergen /other allergen
products P
2.9.7 Cross contact of an allergen to a non-allergen product or ingredient and/or cross contact of an allergen to
Good Manufacturing or ingredient
Practices (GMP) F& Employee Health and Hygiene
The organization shall have in place: 6.1 GMP Program is established and includes: Although the Yum! Requirements are well detailed, the FSSC
a) Risk-based environmental monitoring program; (Procedure/Program/Records) 22000 requirement for Environmental Monitoring is not only
b) Documented procedure for the evaluation of the effectiveness of all controls on preventing contamination 6.1.2 Establishing mapping (zone map) for hygienic zoning to differentiate areas based on risk of contaminating applicable to RTE foods and does not only include pathogen
from the manufacturing environment and this shall include, at a minimum, the evaluation of microbiological product (e.g. non-manufacturing, transition /traffic flow, Basic GMP, pathogen control areas, etc.) S monitoring.
and allergen controls present;
c) Data of the monitoring activities including regular trend analysis. Micro and Analytical Testing and Monitoring
8.3 Supplier shall have in place Environmental Pathogen Program essential to minimize the risk of contamination of
Ready-to-Eat (RTE) products:
2.5.7 8.3.1 Environmental Pathogen Program shall be established, based on risk assessment, for RTE foods and products
that are rehydrated or re-thermalized in the Yum! Brands restaurant (e.g., beans, mashed potatoes), regarding
microbial analysis specific to the plant environment and products being manufactured F
8.3.2 The Environmental Pathogen Program shall include: P
a. Sampling plan, identification of sample locations and tests frequency;
b. Definition of target organisms;
c. Corrective actions for positive results and trending;
d. Escalation and communication protocol;
e. Revision protocol, minimum annually or sooner as needed (changes on processing conditions, equipment or
process flow, product failures, consistently negative results).


This requirement is only applicable to Food Chain Category D (Animal Feed Production) and therefore Not Applicable to Yum! Food
2.5.8 The organization shall have in place procedures to manage the use of ingredients that contain nutrients that N/A
can have adverse animal health impact.
This requirement is only applicable to Food Chain Category FI (Retail and Wholesale) and therefore Not Applicable to Yum! Food
2.5.9 The organization shall ensure that product is transported and delivered under conditions which minimize the N/A
potential for contamination.
a) The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain a procedure and specified stock rotation system
that includes FEFO principles in conjunction with the FIFO requirements.
2.5.10 There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
b) In addition to ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 clause 16.2, the organization shall have specified requirements in place
that define post-slaughter time and temperature in relation with chilling or freezing of the products.


b) For food chain
CATEGORIES C & I)category CI, the following requirement apply in addition to ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 clause This requirement is partially addressed by the Animal Protein
2.11 10.1: This requirement is partially addressed by the Animal Protein Food Module within the Yum! Food Safety Standard. Food Module within the Yum! Food Safety Standard.
• The organization shall have specified requirements for an inspection process at lairage and/or at
evisceration to ensure animals are fit for human consumption;
PRP VERIFICATION (FOOD CHAIN CATEGORIES C, D, G, I & K) Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) & Employee Health and Hygiene
For food chain categories C, D, G, I and K, the following additional requirement applies to ISO22000: 2018 6.2 Self-audits on GMP points are established The points of the FSSC 22000 Additional Requirement 2.5.12,
clause 8.8.1: (Program/Records) indicated in red, are not fully addressed by the current Yum! Food
• The organization shall establish, implement, and maintain routine (e.g., monthly) site inspections/PRP 6.2.1 Self-audit GMP program is established P Safety Audit Standard requirements.
checks to verify that the site (internal and external), production environment and processing equipment are 6 6.2.2 GMP self-audits are conducted at minimum monthly S
maintained in a suitable condition to ensure food safety. The frequency and content of the site 6.2.3 Self-audit includes elements of the GMP program (e.g. personal hygiene, outer garment, hand washing, staff
inspections/PRP checks shall be based on risk with defined sampling criteria and linked to the relevant changing room, staff washroom, lunchroom, etc.) S
technical specification. 6.2.4 Results of the audits and corrective actions taken shall be recorded and communicated to appropriate staff S

Maintenance and Sanitation

9.7 Interior/exterior facility cleanliness and all areas are properly maintained to prevent possible product
contamination and to protect product integrity.
9 (Records/Observations)
9.7.1 At minimum monthly facility housekeeping inspections (including production areas, non-production areas and
surrounding grounds) are established. Records are maintained S for single incident and P for more than one


A product design and development procedure shall be established, implemented, and maintained for new
products and changes to product or manufacturing processes to ensure safe and legal products are
produced. This shall include the following:
a) Evaluation of the impact of the change on the FSMS taking into account any new food safety hazards (incl.
allergens) introduced and updating the hazard analysis accordingly,
2.5.13 b) Consideration of the impact on the process flow for the new product and existing products and processes, There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard
c) Resource and training needs,
d) Equipment and maintenance requirements,
e) The need to conduct production and shelf-life trials to validate product formulation and processes are
capable of producing a safe product and meet customer requirements.


In addition to ISO/TS 22002-6 clause 4.10.1, the organization shall have a procedure to ensure that the health
of personnel does not have an adverse effect on the feed production operations. Subject to legal restrictions
This requirement is only applicable to Food Chain Category D (Animal Feed Production) and therefore Not Applicable to Yum! Food
2.5.14 in the country of operation, employees shall undergo a medical screening prior to employment in feed contact N/A
operations, unless documented hazards or medical assessment indicates otherwise. Additional medical
examinations, where permitted, shall be carried out as required and at intervals defined by the organization.


& G) – Central function
a) The management of the central function shall ensure that sufficient resources are available, and that roles,
responsibilities and requirements are clearly defined for management, internal auditors, technical personnel
reviewing internal audits and other key personnel involved in the FSMS. - Internal Audit Requirements
a) An internal audit procedure and program shall be established by the central function covering the
management system, central function, and all sites. Internal auditors shall be independent from the areas
they audit and be assigned by the central function to ensure impartiality at site level.
b) The management system, centralized function and all sites shall be audited at least annually or more
frequently based on a risk assessment.
c) Internal auditors shall meet at least the following requirements, and this shall be assessed by the CB
annually as part of the audit:
Work experience: 2 years’ full time work experience in the food industry including at least 1 year in the
Education: completion of a higher education course or in the absence of a formal course, have at least 5 There is no related requirement within the Yum! Food Safety Audit Standard, however, this requirement is only applicable to Food
2.5.15 years work experience in the food production or manufacturing, transport, and storage, retailing, inspection Chain Categories A (Farming of Animals), E (Catering), FI (Retail and Wholesale) and G (Transport and Storage). It is not applicable N/A
or enforcement areas. to Category C (Food Manufacturing) or Category K (Production of Biochemicals).

i. For FSSC 22000 internal audits, the lead auditor shall have successfully completed a FSMS, QMS or FSSC
22000 Lead Auditor Course of 40 hours.
ii. Other auditors in the internal audit team shall have successfully completed an internal auditor course of
16 hours covering audit principles, practices, and techniques. The training may be provided by the qualified
internal Lead Auditor or through an external training provider.
iii. FSSC scheme training covering at least ISO 22000, the relevant prerequisite programs based on the
technical specification for the sector (e.g., ISO/TS 22002-x; PAS-xyz) and the FSSC additional requirements –
minimum 8 hours.
d) Internal audit reports shall be subject to a technical review by the central function, including addressing
the non-conformities resulting from the internal audit. Technical reviewers shall be impartial, have the ability
to interpret and apply the FSSC normative documents (at least ISO 22000, the relevant ISO/TS 22002-x; PAS-
xyz and the FSSC additional requirements) and have knowledge of the organizations processes and systems.
e) Internal auditors and technical reviewers shall be subject to annual performance monitoring and
calibration. Any follow-up actions identified shall be suitably actioned in a timely and appropriate manner by
the Central function.

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