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Distributionof Hardness of Hardened Sample



Surface Centre
Distance from surface
Denartme of Maalureialand Materials Engineering, NIT HWarangal DepartnLent of MetallurgicalandMfaterials Engineering, NIT Warangal

Difference between the Hardness and Hardenability

Hardenability can be defined as the ability of material to Steei S
harden (or ability to get austenite to Martesnite or ability
to suppress austenite to Pearlite transformation) and it is Hardness
a measure of depth and distribution of hardness across
the cross section of sample. Steel 'A

Significance of Hardenability:
> It determine the rate at which given steel should be
> It also tells about the maximum hardness that can be
achieved on the surface. Surtace Centre Surface
Distance from centre

Depurtmeut of Metallurgical and Muteriuk Engincering, ITlarangal

Departnent of Metulluricaland Materiuls Engineerine,. NIT Wurungul
Concept of Hardenability Measurement Hardenability Measurement
70 Hardness of
65 100% martensite
R. 60 > M. A. Grossman Critical Diameter Method
Hardness of 50%
L50 martensite.
50% pearlite >Jominy End Quench Test
L Fine pearlite > Chemical Composition

>Fracture Test

Distance from centre
Departnent of Maallurgical and Mfaterials Engineering. NIT Warangal
Department of 3Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. NIT Warangal

Hardenability Measurement by M. A. Grossman Method |Hardenability Measurement by M. A. Grossman Method

>L/D of different ratios are hardened (1/2, 3/4, 1&1.5" dia, L/D25 Ideal Quenching Medium: It cools uniformly ie. heat
> Hardness distribution across the cross-section of samples transfer is uniform from all the cross-section of sample
>Find the critical Diameter (D) wherein 50% Martensite is obtained and this way we can get Ideal Critical Diameter (D). Now
at Centre.
> Any Diameter > Dc will be considered as non-harden sample.
D is to be measures with respect to D So that effect of
However, the D, will vary with the type of quenching media, In order quenching media can be eliminated.
to avoid complexity the Dc is considered as to be measure with
respect to Ideal i.e Ideal Quenching Medium. Severity of Quenching Media (H):
>It can be expressed as the ratio of heat transfer
100% Martensite co-efficient between the steel and medium to thermal
Hardness,t S0% Martensite
54s0% Peartite
conductivity of steel.
> Hvalue for Ideal, air, oil, water and brine are o, 0.02,
0.2-0.3, 1-1.5,2-5 respectively.
Plot between the D, & D,: Dc can be calculated from the
Department ofMetallurgical andMaterials EngueerÜLg, IT Warangal
Department of Metallurgical and faterials Engineering, NIT Warangul
Hardenability Measurement by M. A. Grossman Method M. A. Grossman Method AT A GLANCE

H-values 9
>It is the most fundamental method for explaining the
concept of hardenability and ideal critical diameter.
3.0 A0.2
Hvalues >Method requires large number of samples of varying dia.
20 0.1
>Time consuming process.


1012 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6,0

D,values, in
Department of Maallurgical and Materials Engineering. NIT Warangal Department of Metallurgical and .Materials Engineering. NIT Warangul

Hardenability Measurement by Jominy End Quench Test

Hardenability Measurement by .Jominy End Quench Test
Features of Jominy End Quench Test:
Jominy bar <«« sample size 60
>Cooling from end. .end quench test HardoneSs tests

> Method
>Plot between the Hardness &Distance from quench end Jorminy bar
jominy bar

>Expression of Hardenability
>P/lshow vide0.. Free jet height
of water
O 61 2 18 25 31 37 43 50 56 62 68
Jominy End Quench Test AT A GLANCE: -V Oritice Distance from guenched end, mm
>It is fast process (a) (b)
>It is widely used in Industry

Departwnt of Metullurgical und Materials Engucering. NITWurungal

Depore lateri Engineering, IT Wurun yul
Hardenability Measurement by Jominy End Quench Test Hardenability Measurement by Chemical Composition
Expression of Jominy Data: (). J O = 5 ie. 50 Rc
Hardness is obtained from the quench end of 5/16 inch.
(i).Compare D, and D, Features of Chemical Composition Method:
> This method is based on the fact that the hardening of
c 60
steel which depends on alloyings and grain size.
>D, =D, x (Fun x Fcr x F)...
»Find the Multiplification for each elenent from Chart
critical >Find Dc value from the plot
3.0 D,=14 >Calculate the D
ldeal >Compare this D, value with other methods.


2 16 20 24 28 32
Distance. (1/16") Units, Joniny bar

Department of Meaalurgical and Materials Engineering. NIT Warangal Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, NIT Warungal

Hardenability Measurement by Chemical Composition Hardenability Measurement by ChemicalComposition

n z
N e
0.38 3.40 Mn
0.34 N

o .



s i z e

N o .

G r a i n

s i z e

0.30 G r a i n


0.26 1.80

1.00 2.40 3.20 3.60
0.20 0.80 1.60
Aloying alement, wt. %

0.16 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00

Carbon, wt.% Engmeeriug, NIT Warangal
Departmwut ofMetallureicul and Muterials

Engineering, NIT Warangal

Departnnent of Mdallurgical and Mfuterials
Hardenability Measurement by Fracture Test Factors influencing Hardenability
Features of Fracture Test:
> This method is based on the analysis of fracture surface Austenite Grain size

Alloying Element
Homogeneous Austenite
Presence of Nonmetallic inclusions/ Carbides

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, NIT Waran gal

Department of Mlaallurgical and faterials Engineering, NIT Warangal

Ferrite (Alfa) Stabilisers Austenite (Gamma) Stabilisers

Elements: Ni, Mn, Cu
Elements: Cr, Si, W, Ti, V and Si Basic features of Gamma Stabiliser:
Basic features of Alfa Stabiliser:
Min Quantity Required for stabilisation of Ferrite: 12.8% Cr, 2% Si,
6% W, 0.75% Ti, 4& Mo and 2% V
1539N -i517°c

1539 1400

912 821°

600 475° 80
Nickel, wt% -
20 40 60 80 Cr
Fe Chromium, wt.%
NIT Warangul
Depurtment of Metullurgicul andWaterials Engneering,
Depgrtueut ofMetullureicul und Muteriuls Engineerine, NIT
Effect of Chromium (Cr) on Eutectoid Temperature Effect of Manganese (Mn) on Eutectoid
1500 1400

1400 -Temperature,"C
‘ 1300 1200

1200 1100 6.5


1100 1000

5% Or 0% Cr

o35% Mo Carton steel

0.35% Mn
800 100% Ma
700 0.6 0.8 1.0 12 f.4 1.6 1.8 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 12 14 16 1.8
Carbon, wt.% Carbon, w.%’

Departnet ofMaallurgical and Materials Engineering. TT Warangai

Departent of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. NIT Warangal

Effect of Stabilisers Effect of Stabilisers on TTT Plot



4 1100









O2 Alloying Bemert, w.%+

NIT Warangal
Departnnent of Metallurgical und Materials Engineering.

NIT Warangul
Departnent of Mfetallurgical and laterials Engineering,
Quenching Media Cutting Tools
V Mechanism of Heat Transfer during Quenching: >The materials which are used as tool may be called as
Cuttingtool and it finds different types of applications.
Different Media: Water, Aqueous Solution, Oil, Air, Gas,
Salt Bath and Polymer > The most common steel i.e. tool steels should have hot
Features of Polymer Quenchant:
hardness, hot strength, resistance to wear/ oxidation,
easy fabricability etc.
> organic materials are dissolved in water i.e. the cooling
rate can be varied by adding different amount of >Performance of tool is characterised by tool life. The
polymer. tool steels fail due to faulty steel (defects), faulty Heat
> Negligible vapour film.uniform. cooling rate. Treatment, Faulty tool design, Mechanical Overloading and
>No distortio Operator mistakes etc.
> NO polution problem
> Agitation of bath is not required. >What is High Speed Steel(HSS)?
> It can be used in room temperature
> It ís wel suitable for mass scale > Heat Treatment of HSS
> it íscostlier than other media
Department of Maallurgical and Materials Engineering. NTT Warangal Department ofMetallurgical and Materials Engineering. .VIT Waran gal

Cast Iron (CI) History of Cast Iron (CI)

Features of CI:
>Development of CI by
Difference betweeen the CI & Steel:
>Pollution problem while using coke-fired furnace..
History of CI:
>Brass was being extensively used as utensils as it was developed 500 BC. >Rapid growth of Foundry Industry in Third World Country.
Discovery of furnace at 513 BC in China shows the path of pouring of non
ferrous metals into mold. >Concept of the use of Coke-less Cupola..
>1700 AD: First CI pot came by using coke fired furnace. >Rapid growing of Coke-less cupola in Europe...
> 1776: Adam Smith reported in his book 'The Wealth of Nations - The >Report of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) reg pollution at AGRA
wealth of nation was not its gold but in itsmanufacturing of pots and pans.
>Research on Coke-less Cupola in Industry....
>1800: George Wshington's mother used CI pot and became popular in pot
application. Then users understood that it is not eco-friendly materials for >Possible measure is being taken/ to be taken in Indian Industry
|pot application and they found its other applications.
Depurtmnt of Metullurgiralund Muterials Engineering, NTIT Wurangal Department of Mletallurgicul and Muleriuls Enguneering. NIT Wurangal
Types of Cast Iron(CI)
Manufactur ing of White CI
>Differentiate between the Different CIs:
(). Name
(ii). Manufacturing Process
(iii). Structure .*presence of Carbon
(iv). Properties stn
(v). Applications Fer;te Evtee

>Manufacturing of White CI:


>Manufacturing of Gray CI: Fertine

>Manufacturing of Malleable CI:

>Manufacturing of Nodular / Spheriodal Graphite (SG) CI:
Cost inns
eçet rcent ce tot

Departnent Maallurgical and Malerials Engineerng. NTT Warangal

Typical Microstructure of White CL.
Departntent ofMetallurgical and Mfaterials Engiuneering. NIT

Typical Microstructure of White Cast Iron

Manufacturing of Gray Cast Iron
Features of White CI:
>» Microstructure
>» Basic Properties
» Application

>Manufacturing of Gray CI:

» Type of Matrix
» Ferritic Matrix ..<complete dissociation of Fe,C (Graphitisation)
>» Pearlitic Matrix
» Strength =f (type of matrix)
» Typical Chemical composition
» Role of C, Si, Mn, S, P as basic alloying elements
>» Damping capability
» Corrosion Resistance ..<« qraphite corrosion (Selective Leaching)
» Applications
(a): 20 X and (b): 250X
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. NT Warangal Departnent of Metullurgical and Malerials Engincering. NIT Warangal
Typical Microstructure of Gray Cast Iron Stable iron-graphite system superimposed on
Metastable Iron-iron carbide system

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. NIT Warangal Department of Metallurgicaland Materials Engineering. NIT Warangal

Manufacturing of Malleable Cast Iron Manufacturing of Malleable Cast Iron

>Cementite is metastable phase i.e. it may dissociates (FezC ’ 3Fe + C). Steps Volumetric Change /Stress Setup
This reaction is favoured by high temperature. This decomposition is done P y just above LCT Line (727° C) and this y can dissolve more FesC
by Annealing / Malleabilization process. Malleabilization converts during heating toAnnealing temperature (900 to 950° C)
combined carbon of white CI into temper carbon and ferrite.
> Graphitization starts at malleabilization temperature and as a result, the
graphite nucleiforms which grow in all direction and ultimately appears
as irregular nodules (Temper Carbon).
> Nucleation and Graphitisation are accelerated by Temperature, presence
of submicroscopie particles, Alloying elements (Si, C).
> Malleable Clis made from hypo-eutectic Clonly.
> Rate of Annealing =f(Chemical comp, Nucleation rate, Holding
> Long holding time (24 to 32 hrs) breaks all massive carbides
> This is called as Istage of Annealing/ Graphitisation
Temperature is decreased to 730 to 740° C and a slow cooling rate (1.5 to
12"C / hr) is adopted for complete transformation ofy ’ . This is called
as llstage of Annealing/ Graphitisation
-Ferrite Matrix
MATRIX -Pearlite Matrix
-Ferrite-Pearlite Matrix
Mfr of Malleable CI
Depurtment of MMetullurgical and Materiuls Engneering. .NITWurangal
Depurtmwt of Metallurgical und Muterials Engineering. NIT Wurangul
Microstructure of Malleable Cast Iron Microstructure of Malleable Cast Iron



car bon

(a). Unetched (b). Etched sample

Department of Meallurgical and Materials Engineerins, NIT Waranual Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, NIT Warangal

Gray Cast Iron

Properties & Applications of Malleable Cast Iron >Gray CI is favored by controlling alloy composition and cooling rate.
Gray CI are hypoeutectic alloy containing 2.5 to 4 wt% C.
>Strength of gray CI depends on type of matrix, which is affected by
chemical composition and cooling rate.
» Strength of Pearlite matrix is better than Alfa matrix
>» Properties =f (size and shape of temper carbon) Alloying Effects:
>» Properties can be enhanced by further heat treatment
>» (). C: favours Graphitisationreaction
>Applications: » (i) Si : increases fluidity by decreasing solidification temp ie. increases
>» Si acts as graphitiser....see the plot <« During solidification, presence of
» Crankshaft, camshaft,gears, pumps, nozzles, pistonparts etc. Si promotes 'C" as graphite flake......fixed structure)
>» (iii) S; FeS< Hot shortness......».NMns
» (iv) Mn: Carbide stabiliser.. shallow effect after MnS formation
» (v) P: Fe,P..»> cold shortness
Departnent of Mletullurgical and Mlaterials Engineering, NIT Warangal
Engineerug, NIT Wurangal
Department ofAlAallureical ad AMaterials
Effect of Si Model of Graphite (Morphology)



2.0+White Pegri:c Ferr1tic

cos! iro0

20 3.0 4,0 6.0 7.0

Slicor, percent

Department of Mletallurgical and JMaterials Engineering. NIT Warangal

Department of Mtallurgical and Materials Engineering. NTT Warangal

Graphite Flake Measurement

Role of Graphite Flake in Gray CI
Large flakes of graphíte interrupt the continuity of the matrix by
reducing strength and ductility than smaller size flake..
>Graphite sizes are measured by joint proposal of American Foundrymen's
Society (AFS) and ASTM
>Graphite flake size is measured as per ASTM A247-67 (1971)
>Largest flake size is measured at 100 X and expressed by a Number.

AFS-ASTM No Length of Longest Flake (Inch)

1 4 or above
2 2-4
4 1/2 - 1
5 1/4to 1/2
8 1/16 or less

Depart1nct of Mktullurgical and Mluterials Engincering. NIT Warangal

Depurtment of letallurgical und Wuteriuls Engineering. NTIWurangul
Graphite Flake Measurement TypicalGraphite Flake Morphology

(1).Uniform distribution random orientation, (2) Rosette grouping random

orientation, (3) Superimposed flake size random orientation and (4)
Intermediate segregation random distribution and (5) Interdendritic segregation
Departnuent offAalurgical and Materials Engineering, NIT Warangal
preferred orientation. Mfr of Nodular Ci.
Departnent of Metallurgicul and Jlaterials Engineering. NTT Warangal

Manufacturing of Nodular Cast Iron

Microstructures of Nodular Cast Iron
>It is also known as Ductile Iron or Spheroidal Graphite (5G) Iron.
>Graphite is present in the form of balls or spheriods
>It has better properties than malleable/ gray CI
> Manufacturing of 5G Iron:
>> Innoculant (Mg or Cerium) is added in liquid metals which control
the graphite morphology. Misch metal is also as innoculant.
>» Mg-Ni mixture is another innoculant because Ni acts as
graphitiser (1/4 effect of Si)
» Addition technique of innoculant in Liquid Metals
>» Innoculants are added in desulfirized condition (5 < 0.015..Mg/Ce-5)
» Cooling rate control the matrix...ferrite/ pearlite
Alloying Effects: Microstructure of the as cast samples: a) before etching (l40 nodules per mm2)
Similar to Gray CI and b)after etching:perliteferrite microstructure of metallic matrir
(15% offerrite and 85% ofpearlite)
Properties: =f (matrix,shape/ size distribution of nodules)
Applications: Extensively in Agricultural and auto-sectors... Warangal
Departwnt ofMetallueical and Materials Enginderug, NIT
NIT Warangal
Department of Metullureical and Materials Eneineering.
Manufacturing of Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) Microstructu res of ADI

Heating850°C. 60 min

370°C. 90 min

Time. min

Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, NIT Warangal Departnnent of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. NIT Waran gal

Microstructure of ADI Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI)

>Properties of ADI:
» Higher Strength and Hardness than SG Iron.
» High Wear Resistant
» High Fatique and Impact Resistant
» High Fracture Toughness
» Good m/cability
>» Automotive parts >> gear, crank shaft, cam shaft
» Pump and Compressor parts
>» Railway couplings
>» Agricultural equipment parts

Depurtment of Metallurgical and Muterials Engineering. NIT Wurangul Depurtmnent of Metallurgical and Maleriuls Engineering. NIT IWarangul
Summary of Cast Iron Microstructures Manufacturing of Chilled Cast Iron

r Basic aim is to make hard surface with soft

core by controlling the cooling rate only.
rAddition of alloying has another effect to
control the chill depth.
- Weldingof chilled CI willchange the chill
-It is used as railway car-wheels,
rolls and heavy duty machinery partscrushing

Department of Maallurgical and Material Engineering, NIT Warangal Department of Metall1urgical and JMaterials Engineering, NIT Warangal

Alloy Cast Iron

Alloying elements: Ni, Cr,Mo, Cu, Ti, Al, Vetc. Industrial Approach
Properties enhancement by further Heat Treatment
ºApplications: Pumps parts etc. ºAnalysis of liquid metals just before pouring..
> Carbon Equivalent Value (CEV) =wt% C+ /3(Si +P)
>CEV will be in the range of 3.8 to 4.0

º Online Analysis of CEV &Microstructure

ºReady for pouring or wait to get required condition

ºDefects <5% ..> recycle..
> Manufacturing cost

Departmwt of Metallurgical and . Malerials Engincering. NIT Warangal

Depurtnent of Metallurgical and Materiuls Engineering, NIT Warangal

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