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Name:[insert name] Period:[insert Period] Date: [insert date]

1. Explain what would happen to photosynthesis in each of the following situations:

there is insufficient water, NADP+ is inefficiently regenerated, and something blocks
cyclic electron flow.

2. Why have some plants developed different forms of photosynthesis? Explain how
and why they are different.

3. Describe how NADPH may act as a negative feedback inhibitor for the light
reactions of photosynthesis. Why is this important?

4. Compare and contrast chemiosmosis in both cellular respiration and photosynthesis.

5. Many plants have accessory pigments. Explain what these are, what they do for a
plant, how they work, and provide some examples.

Accessory pigments are chemical compounds that absorb light. The pigments of the
plants are absorbed by the accessory pigments and reflected by light. They increase
the amount of colors that influence photosynthesis. For example, chlorophyll A uses
accessory pigments to trap violet-blue and red lights which make a reflection of a
yellow-green color. They pass through the absorbed energy of chlorophyll instead of
converting energy sources. Chlorophyll only has access to a certain amount of light to
absorb, and accessory pigments increase the access to wavelengths. They absorb
excessive light energy that could harm the plant cells and photosynthesis process.

6. Explain how cellular respiration and photosynthesis are both REDOX reactions.
Identify where in each biochemical pathway the steps of each redox reaction occur.
Name:[insert name] Period:[insert Period] Date: [insert date]

7. Why can the number of ATP molecules made during aerobic respiration fluctuate
between 36 and 38 ATP? Explain.

8. Identify where in each step of the aerobic respiration biochemical pathway ATP is
made and by what process it is made.

9. Both aerobic respiration and photosynthesis involve a cycle. Identify each of these
cycles and outline how they are similar and different.

10. Both aerobic respiration and photosynthesis involve electron transport chains.
Identify where these chains are located in each process, what their purpose is, and
how they are similar and different.

11. Why do photosynthetic organisms conduct aerobic respiration when they can
produce their own ATP through photosynthesis? Be specific.

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