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El lugar m s pequeo Docum entaries Mexico, 2011, 100 min


dir Tatiana Huezo prod Nicols Celis scr Tatiana Huezo cam Ernesto Pardo editor Paulina del Paso, Tatiana Huezo m us Leonardo Heiblum, Jacobo Lieberman source Centro de Capacitacin Cinematogrfica, Calzada de Tlalpan, 1670 Col. Country Club, 04220 Mexico City DF, Mexico. EMAIL:


To w alk into the jungle-shrouded village of Cinquera, El Salvador, is to enter a w orld w here ghosts w alk, passing back and forth betw een the past and present. Here, decades after a brutal civil w ar annihilated the village, survivors return to bury their dead and rebuild the community from the ashes. During the 198092 civil w ar, Cinquera w as invaded by the National Guard, w hich targeted it as a potential haven for guerrillas of the FMLN opposition. Cinquera w as literally w iped off the map, disappearing temporarily from official charts in a conflict that resulted in 80,000 deaths w ith tens of thousands more disappeared. We see the result of that devastation on the resolute and composed survivors now sow ing new seeds in Salvadoran-born Mexican filmmaker Tatiana Huezos stunning debut feature. In an unobtrusive portrait of collective memory, w e mingle w ith villagers as they recall horrifying ordeals of rape, mutilation and torture; a man talks about the madness that consumed him; an old lady habitually talks to her dead daughter. Of those w ho managed to escape into the w oods, many joined the FMLN (w hose rebel flag still appears painted on the sides of houses). A remarkable example of Mexicos bourgeoning documentary scene, The Tiniest Place guides us through this landscape w ith a contemplative, poetical eye, as the deep forest looms in mute w itness to the testimonies w e overhear. Battle scars and w ounds may run deep but they prove unable to destroy the soul of Cinquera. Christine Davila Special support for this program generously provided by the Consulate General of Mexico, San Francisco. Presented in association w ith Galeria de la Raza. GGA Documentary Feature Contender. International Premiere.

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