Module 5 Lesson Plan A

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English 8
Learning Area

Learning Delivery Modality Face-to-face with Supplementary e-activities

School Zamboanga City HS Grade Level Grade 8

Student Kristine Mae Isabelle D. Learning Using Cohesive Devices
LESSON Teacher Segayo Area
Teaching Quarter Third Quarter
Teaching 10:20 – 11:15 am No. of Days 4 days

classify the different types of cohesive devices;
use appropriate cohesive devices in a paragraph;
create a speech using appropriate cohesive devices; and
realize the importance of using cohesive devices in a speech.
II. CONTENT  Cohesive Devices
 Types of Text

A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide Zamboanga City Division Capslets -Quarter 3
b. Learner’s Material
Pages Zamboanga City Division Capslets -Quarter 3

c. Textbook Pages pp. 4-15

d. Additional Instructional ppt lesson, Google drive cloud data collection,


B. List of Learning Zamboanga City Division English 8 Capslets – Quarter 3 pp. 4-15
Resources for PowerPoint Presentation


What I need to know?

A. Introduction
The learners will do the walkthrough of the lesson objectives.
Teacher presents lesson expectations.
In this part, the content of the lesson will be presented.
Learning objectives will also be introduced to guide the learners on the
learning targets founded on KSAV principles.
Teacher establishes the policies and guidelines to be followed by the

What’s In

Activity 1: Dragon’s Tail

1. The class will be divided into two groups.
2. The groups should form a line and choose a leader and a tail. The
tail (student) is assigned to keep the scarf and should stand at the
end of the line while the leader of the group is the first one in line.
3. Once the two groups are ready, both leaders of the group should
try to get the scarf of the other group and defend their own tail.
Whoever group gets the scarf first is the winner.

Pin on S C H O O L taken from

Guide Questions:
1. What is your strategy to keep the line intact?
2. What do you think was the activity about?

Activity 2: Read the Dialogue (Lesson Proper)

Directions: The class will be grouped into two with 3 subgroups per group and
shall be given 10 minutes to brainstorm using the handouts given.
B. Development

1. What is the dialog all the about?
2. What is the concern of Anna’s parents in enrolling her to class this school
3. How did Mrs. Cruz convince Anna and her parents to attend school?
4. How did Anna explain to her teacher about her whereabouts during the
present situation?
5. Why is it important that our ideas are interconnected?
6. How can we ensure that our ideas are linked together?

Activity 3: What is it?

Directions: Study the sentences below. These are some responses which are taken
from the previous dialogue.
Concept Notes:

What is Cohesion?

Cohesion means “sticking together”. It is a term used which aims to connect.

Cohesion in writing may be achieved through the following means:

1. Repetition of words or ideas.

C. Enrichment Most people find contemporary art difficult to understand. Contemporary art
is purposely abstract, leaving the viewers wondering what they are looking at.

2. Use of Synonyms for keywords and phrases.

At the end of the run, he was suddenly afraid. The height of the tree terrified

3. Pronouns/Determiners
Mr. Noviel Fraga is the CEO of Fraga Fisheries and Company. He became the
CEO in 2018.

4. Use transitional devices (linkers, conjunctions or connectors)

In conclusion, the study seeks to provide alternatives in the given policies.

“ We use them to link sentences, paragraphs or any pieces of texts.”

Types of Cohesive Devices

1. Conjunctions
a. Coordinating Conjunctions - These conjunctions connect words,
phrases, and clauses of equal value. Clauses or equal value are
called independent clauses and can stand on their own as separate

Cohesive Description Examples

For for explaining He gains more weight, for he eats
why too much sweets.

And the same, similar, His favorite snacks are apples and
or equal; without bananas.
Nor for two He doesn’t like soft drinks, nor hard
noncontrasting liquors.
negative items
But for contrast I eat vegetables, but I never eat junk

Or an alternative Would you like bread or cookies

with your coffee?

Yet contrast, despite, He is still young, yet he is already

something very responsible.

So for showing the He was very hungry, so he ate the

consequence of remaining fruits.
because, so, to express cause As he was feeling sick, Pedro didn’t
that, as, since or reason go to work yesterday.

1. Conjunctions
b. Subordinating Conjunctions - The clause beginning with the
subordinating conjunction is always the subordinate clause, which
depends on the main clause and cannot exist without it.

Cohesive Description Examples

before, after, to express time The baby cries whenever he feels
until/till, hungry.
when, as soon
as, whenever,

unless, if, even to express I’ll lend you my phone, provided

if, in case, condition that you will use it carefully.

although, even to express Joy loves outdoor activities,

though, contrast or whereas her sister prefers to stay
whereas concession home.

1. Conjunctions
c. Adverbial Conjunctions - These are words that join
independent clauses into one sentence. A conjunctive adverb helps
you create a shorter sentence. When you use a conjunctive adverb,
put a semicolon (;) before it and a comma (,) after it.

Cohesive Description Examples

also, besides,
finally, adding something It rained hard;
furthermore, moreover, lightning
in addition, flashed and thunder
moreover, still, boomed.

also, as well,
alike, similarly comparing Sleeping early makes
me feel relax; also,
makes me active for
the next day.

at the same
time, in contrasting I wanted to finish
contrast, in answering my activity
spite of, on the in this module; even if,
other hand it takes longer time to
even if do it.

definitely, emphasizing Following health
indeed, in fact protocols is; indeed,
very important for us
to be safe.

for/as an
example, for giving example There are different
instance, in symptoms of
other words, COVID19; namely,
namely, such cough, fever and sore
as throat.

as … as, both
… and, either showing equality Neither the minors nor
… or, neither the senior citizens are
… nor, not allowed to go out
only … but during the pandemic.

as it was/has
been said, in summarizing, concluding COVID-19 is a serious
conclusion, disease; hence, we
finally, in need to follow health
short, in other protocols.
words, hence

Activity 4: Family Feud

1. Assign each subgroup with a certain round.
D. Assimilation 2. In every round, one subgroup participates in the Family Feud.
3. The teams will only have to guess/give answers according to the
prompt given.
4. Winning subgroups per round will receive points.
5. The team with the most points wins.

Activity 5: Supply the Cohesive Devices (20 minutes)

Directions: Choose the correct conjunction from the list to complete these

while because but and so when then

1. The weather was very cold _____ John wore gloves.

2. Paul was sad ______ cricket team had lost the match.
3. I gave the shop assistant five dollars ____ I had two dollars change.
4. We waited for Sue _____ she didn’t show up.
5. Mary had her dinner ________ went to bed.
6. The children washed their hands ____ they had finished gardening.
7. We wanted to go to the beach _____ it rained.
8. Charlie read a book _____ he waited for the train.
9. Paul dropped the cup ____ it broke.
10. Julie was a good girl ____ she got a sticker.

Activity 6: Appreciation (20 minutes)

Directions: Compose a short essay on the importance of cohesive devices.
Limit your answers with 30 sentences only.
What I have learned
The activity below aims to develop what you have learned in class for the
week. This will also serve as your recap and guide on the topics discussed
to better understand the concepts presented. Furthermore, these will
show how much you have learned.

Activity 8: My Realizations
Directions: Complete the paragraph with what you have learned, realized,
and resolved. Copy the chart and write your answers on a separate paper.

Name: _______________________ Section: _______________

Date: _________________

1. In this lesson, I learned…


2. I want to know more about…


E. Reflection

Prepared by:
Kristine Mae Isabelle D. Segayo
English – Student Teacher, Zamboanga City HS

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