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Myth-making has played a significant role in shaping national identity and historical

memory. Myths are stories that are passed down from generation to generation, and they often

contain elements of truth mixed with fiction. These myths help to create a shared sense of

history and culture among people who identify as part of the same nation. National myths

serve to reinforce a sense of belonging among citizens, providing them with a common

heritage and shared values. They also help to create a sense of continuity between the past,

present, and future. By creating heroes and villains, myths provide people with a way to

understand their place in the world. However, myth-making can also be used as a tool for

political manipulation. Governments often use national myths to justify their actions or to

promote certain ideologies. This can lead to the distortion or erasure of certain aspects of

history that do not fit into the desired narrative.

The study of history is can contribute to understanding the present and shaping the

future. However, the interpretation of historical events can be distorted or enhanced

depending on various factors. One such factor is the bias of historians who may have personal

or political agendas that influence their interpretations. Another factor is the availability and

reliability of sources. Historical accounts may be incomplete or biased, leading to a skewed

understanding of past events. Additionally, cultural and societal norms can also impact how

history is understood and taught. On the other hand, advancements in technology have

enhanced our ability to access and analyze historical data, providing a more comprehensive

understanding of past events. The use of primary sources such as diaries, letters, and

photographs has also allowed for a more nuanced interpretation of history.


Guardian, D. (2020, December 2). Historical revisionism and historical distortion.

Daily Guardian.

Why Is History Important And How Can It Benefit Your Future? (2020, July 1).

University of the People; University of the People.

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