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Rare and mostly monogenic disease

Validation(aim and utility of the test or assay)

↗Exclude Diagnosis
Clinical Practice
( Laboratory) ↘Confirm Diagnosis


↙ ↙ ↘ ↘
Mutation scanning Mutation screening Exome sequencing. Whole genome seq.
(Extension of mutation scanning)
A. Individual gene A.Targeted capture genes A.Known genes & unsolicited findings Additional as-
pects beyond
Or or ↓ the
current guidelines.
B. Small sets of genes B. Amplicon sequencing Extensive informed consent (The basic will apply, including
( Known disease) B. Novel genetic defect (realm of research) tech.achievements,
↓ Utility & informed consent)
Trio( Patient &parents)

Many genes at once, relatively short time & low cost

I.Different Strategies
↙ ↓ ↘
Panel Genome Exome
Targeted analysis
of a selected set of genes

A.Not including in enrichment
B. Filtring Bioinformatic analysis

II. Method of enrichment

A. PCR based→ (limitation: Sensitive to allelic dropout caused by SNPs at the primer annealing site
(advantage:- Less expensive and laborious
-Easily applied to small number of patient)
B. Capture based→(limitation: Sensitive to CG content
(advantage:-Less sensitive to allelic droupout
-Simultaneous enrichment of multiple patients in one reaction

III. Diagnostic yield

( The chance that a disease causing variant is identified and molecular diagnosis can be made).
1. It is not a lab quality parameter, so sensitivity & specifity are used.
2. Good indicator to measure the efficiency of the test beyond its analytical aspects.
Exp. CFTR is only gene causing (CF) in 98% of patients so using NGS as first approach for all patient
does not increase diagnostic yield but in Cardiomyopathies , there are many genes which are in-
volved without contribution by single gene so Diagnostic yield could increase with NGS analysis.

IV. Core disease gene list

(The aime is to compile the list of genes that constitute the diagnostic offer, minimally.)
1. Genes with a lower contribution to the disease can be added. Optionally.
2. Transition from Sanger to NGS (in order to increase diagnostic yield by additional genes) should not be at the
expense of missing mutations that would previously have been detected by Sanger.
3. Complete areas of low coverage in NGS → additional Sanger seq.
4. Badly covered exon by NGS could not be identified by Sanger if this later has never identified it.
5. the use of core gene panels must lead to better diagnosis of the group of disorders, if not it lacks clinical util-
6. One might consider defining a core 1 and a core 2 list: core 1 meaning filing up with Sanger, while for core 2 the
NGS coverage would suffice.
7. ‘core disease gene lists’ should be established by the clinical and laboratory experts.
8. Consensus between labs about the core set promotes uniformity in testing between different laboratories

V.Diagnostic routing
( The diagnostic approach that is to be offered by the diagnostic laboratory for a specific disease or set of diseases. )
The laboratory procedures, including the genes tested, are recorded
in a publicly available document describing this complete ‘diagnostic routing’.

1. Single gene with high mutation rate→ Sanger if no mutation found→NGS panel
Exp. Marfan with one major gene (FBN1), and many minor genes.
2. Clinical subgroups with a few genes with a high mutation detection rate.- Breast cancer. For this entity, the sensi-
tivity of BRCA1 and BRCA2 testing should not be reduced as compared to Sanger plus MLPA/QFPCR.
3. Strongly heterogeneous disorders -Connective tissue disease.→ Core list
-Intellectual disability→Fragile X, CGH→NGS ( may be in future just NGS)
-Cardiomyopathy→Core list
(But some mutations in the core genes will be missed that would have
been found by Sanger sequencing. The discussion should be referred to
expert groups. For some genes the evidence is still weak. Inclusion of
those genes is optional and different quality parameters may apply for
the analysis of this set. Similar considerations apply for deletion and
duplication testing: MLPA for LMNA is included in the diagnostic routing
(only) when the phenotype of the patients is suggestive of a LMNA de-
fect (DCM and conduction defect).
4. Disorder with frequent deletions or duplications -hereditary spastic paraplegia, where deletions in
SPAST are detected in 20% of the patients with
most common dominant form (SPG4),
- Charcot Marie Tooth disease, where the PMP22 (aka
17p11) duplication accounts for the majority of
CMT1A cases.

(These molecular defects should be excluded before continuing with NGS panel)
5. Imprinting disorders Imprinting defects are not detectable with the (currently used) NGS approaches, and such
disorders should thus not feature on the list of diseases tested by NGS.

VI. A new rating scheme for diagnostic NGS

1. Type A test: This is the highest level of exactitude a lab could offer for NGS at the current stage. In a type A
test, all genes of the panel are comprehensively covered. (fills all the gaps with Sanger
sequencing (or another complementary sequencing analysis)
2. Type B test: This would be a respectable assay for confirming a diagnosis, but not for excluding it. fills some
of the gaps with Sanger (or other) sequencing
3. Type C test: The type C test solely relies on the quality of NGS sequencing, while no additional Sanger (or
other) sequencing is offered.(The results of a type C test would often not fulfil the criteria for
core gene list. The lab would still be bound to specify what the reportable range would

* Admittedly, the scoring system will have to be updated when deletion and duplication analysis
will be intrinsically covered by NGS, but the principles would remain the same

** Rehm et al. (2013) propose to first perform a disease-targeted panel test. In such a test, only
genes with sufficient scientific evidence for a causative role in the disease should be included and
physicians must have the possibility to restrict analysis to a subpanel if genes with multiple over-
lapping phenotypes are included in the panel. Disease-targeted panels offer a higher analytical
sensitivity and specificity than exome and genome sequencing and gaps can be easily completed
by Sanger sequencing (or other techniques).

Chapter 3
Genetic testing needs:
1. informed consent---> the patient should clearly understand a. the facts
( child & person uncapable to make desicins) b.implication of test
↓ c. future consequense of test
another person authorised to give consent on his behave.
2. Pretest oral counseling → different aspects of genetic tests are discussed
(benefits, potential risk, the chance of unsolicited findings)
The role of the laboratory geneticists in the clinical setting is :
A. Informing the clinician and to help them to inform the patient correctly about the features and dig-
nostic NGS test.
B. Question the usefulness of the test (propose a test for CAG-repeats instead of NGS panel for certain
neurological diseases.
C. . Redirect the request from the AR to AD on the basis of the family tree.
• But the responsibility for the informed consent is with the referring clinician).
• If NGS is only replacing Sanger seq. without affecting the clinical sensitivity and without introducing
a chance for secondry or unsolicited findings(as in the case for BRCA1& BRCA2 in many laboratories) No
need to adapt the informed consent.
The implication of a diagnostic test based on NGS depend on:
1. The procedures
2. Platforms
3. Filtering processes
4. Data Storage used in the lab.
• The Physician should be fully informed about The limitations
Possible adverse effects of a genetic test
If it is a gene panel, exome or genome seq.
If the data analysis involves only known genes
involved in certain disease (gene panel) or all
variants in an exome or a genome

When a gene panel is prescribed Either by targeted capture,

↓ Or by targeted analysis of an exome or genome
Knowledge on the genes involved in the panel is required

The laboratory has to provide for each NGS test:

1. The disease it targets
2. The name of the genes tested
3. The reportable range
4. The analytical sensitivity and specifity
5. The disease not relevant to the clinical phenotype that could be caused by mutations in the tested genes.
Adverse effects or implications of NGS test :
1. Unsolicited findings are in genes linked to the tested disease.
2. Secodary findings are in genes not implicated in the etiology of the tested disease.( so it is not in gene panel ap-

➔ Since the results should be primarily directed towards the medi-

cal condition of a patient

It is advised to use a gene panel approach
either targeted capture or targeted analysis
( It could avoid the chance of secondary findings)
There are two issues which should be dealt separately in the report of the NGS test:

1. Un solicited findings which are mainly dependent on the genes involved

For example: a. Finding genes for Usher syndrome in deafness gene panel
b. Finding breast cancer susceptibility in movement disorders gene panel

2. Heterozygous mutations in recessive condition detecting disease carriersconsequences for reproduction

The Lab. might have to provide a general statement about the fact that the results of gene panel analysis
might involve broader phenotypes than the disease initially tested for.
A number of features which sould be consideres by the phyician before prescribing a NGS test:

1. Be aware that this is a comprehensive test versus simple gene test

limited sensitivitydepending on the disease
2. The risk for unsolicited and secondary findings
3. The diagnostic indication appropriate test has to be prescribed(chapter 2)
4. Affording clinical information to the laboratory which is essential for the correct interpretation
of the results.
• If the doctor is uncertain about these features, he or she should contact person responsible for NGS test the laboratory should an-
nounce whom to contact.

Procedure for dissemination of unsolicited and secondary findings:

1. The patients should be offered an opt-in, opt-out options to get additional information besides the initial diag-
nostic result.
2. The different outcomes should be classified based on the severity of a disease,
the age of onset
Existence of effective treatment
3. The options should depend on local policies.
4. The procedure should also specify whether unsolicited findings and carrier findings in genes linked to the tested
disease are reported and it should be reported in the main report.
5. Secondary findings should be described in a separste report.
6. A multidisciplinary committee of experts or a local ethical board to discuss the return of a debatable secondary
findings to the referring physician is optional.
7. In case of a commercial laboratory offering NGS testing, when there is no ethical board, a board of experts
should be consulted on a regular basis to discuss on how to deal with unsolicited findings and to determine
whether the results are actionable or not
8. The board could consist of at least 3 experts with clinical experience, including human geneticists and the clini-
cian(s)of other specialties, who are directly involved in the individual case.
9. The cases and the outcome of the discussion should be documented and signed by the board members.

Counselling for NGS diagnostic tests:

1. Pre-test genetic councelling is necessary discussion should be on :

a. Expected results, interpretation and the fact that this
interpretation may alter with increasing knowledge
b. The potential for unsolicited and secondary findings.
c. The policy of the laboratory on the dissemination of
those findings should be clear for the patients.
d. Awritten informed consent is recommended but it is
required for the returning the results of unsolicited and
secondary findings .
e. The consent must include a section on sharing
anonymized variants in population and disease specific
databases and it should be comply with privacy and
security laws in each countries.

2. If a gene panel did not resolve the diagnosis, a second councelling should be done before WES or WGS
is analysed, and new informed consent should be made.
3. Providing a written information leaflet or online available information for the patients.

--.Chapter 4: Validation
Valaidation should be determined empirically and validated during validaion
- analytical precision/
-analytical sensitivity/
-reportable range of test results /
- reference range

All are assessed during platform, pipeline and/or test validation.

Since these all are highly inerlinked it is not possible to validate independently of the other

This chapter for development optimization and validation of the diagnostic test

Platform include:
1. Next generation sequencer
2. DNA isolation
3. Enrichmeny methods,
4. Library prepration
5. Data analysis

Platform validation the process of establishing that massive parallel sequencing system

correctly read DNA sequence
Evaluate how accurately each type of variant can be detected (some variant will not be
correctly identified using other technology)
if they are not included in the test it would not be problematic
Determination of possible combination of assay and analysis
It strongly depends on the pipeline validation because of massive data
Specifity and sensitivity of the analyse should be inferred during pipeline evaluation
and confirmed during validation

Test validation Validation of the DNA sample and the reportable list of variants
Identical sample identical clinical conclusion
with the samepipeline
different operator on a different day
it should prove the ability of the diagnostic test to detect varients in the region under
It includes and depends on the platform validation and the informatics pipeline validation
Analysis pipeline description based on:
bioinformatics tools,
software packages,
the appropriate hardware for the downstram data analysis

( some are mature softwares which are sold directly some the data analysis pipeline of the lab itself based on
FASTQ* files)

• The files that are mixed of sequence reads and corresponding quality scores for each position in the reads

Three different files are produced during processing :

2.BAM (Binary version of the Sequence Alignment/Map or SAM file, describes how the reads are
mapped to the reference genome position of mapping quality scores, number of matching and
mismatching bases and contains the reads sequences and quality scores.
3.VCF files contains for each variant the chromosomal position, name and build of the reference genome
Reference and alternative alleles and various quality scores.

Analaysis pipeline consists : 1.Base calling and demultiplexing using vendor software of the seq.platform
the output files would be FASTAQ file
` 2.Primer trimming could be done by CutAdapt & BWA and the ouput are FASTQ
&BAMfiles (if softclipping by a mapped such asBWA
3. Adapter trimming and low quality trimming are optional and are done & BWA and the
output are fastaq
4. Mapping -> should always be performed against the full reference genome even when
small gene
panels sequenced paired - end/ single-end reads are mapp to the reference genome
allowing for base
changes and indels ,the tools are--> BMA, Novalign,Stampy,lifeScope,Bowtie and the
out put BAM files,
5. Duplicate removal --> optional but in amplicon shold not be removed the tools is
Picard and the output is BAM files
6. Indel realignment (indels often leads to multiple single matchs around these sites) so by
alignement reduce the amount of mismatching and increasing the acuracy of the calls while
minimising false positives
7. Quality score recalibration --> is optional , performing by a sle base calling or using databases of
known polymorphisms such as [dbSNP]. The tools are GATK &ReQON , the file is BAM file
8. Variant calling --> consists of detecting and gentyping differences to the reference genome (base
changes and small indels) the tools are samtool ,GATK unified genotyper&HaploypeCaller,
Platypus And the output is VCF file
9.Annotating A.basic annotations--> gene name,region
(exonic,splicing,intronic,intergenic,etc.) Coding change information.
B. Additionally --> minor allele frequency(MAF) for
known polymorphisms, pathogenicity ,conservation scores ,clinical
database. The tools are Annovar,SNPeff, Cartagenia, dbSNP,1000
genomes, ESP6500,SIFT,MutationTaster,
COSMIC, OMIM, ClinVar,HGMD , and the output are CSV ,TSV,TXT,
excelfiles or databases
10.Filtering --> to find disease related variants in large variant lists rigourous filtering is
needed ( to exclude quality variants, intronic / intergenic variants
synonymous SNPs or known polymorphisms with low frequency in the
population), at the end it selects deleterious ans false-positive varient calls.
--> to remove the false- positive an in-house database(which contains all
the processed sample of a lab) s often applied. the tools are SnpSift,
Cartagenia, and the outputs are CSV ,TSV,
TXT, excelfiles or database.

Quality parametres--> only good quality samples must be analysed

Criteria to characterize high quality targeted gene panels, exomes or genomes:
I. The quality of samples should evaluated at three levels-->
1. Technical target --> it is kit dependent, the target defined by the kit should be used.
2. Clinical target ( region of interest
ROI)--> to define the reportable range and design the
diagnostic test
3. List of transcripts --> the kits used for exome or gene panel capture , quality criteria
could be calculated according to a list of transcripts such as all coding transcripts from
II. The amount of data produced.
III. the proportion of clusters assigned for each sample(when multiplexing )
IV.The proportion of PCR duplicates
V. The coverage, the raw one is not enough it should be based on informative
coverage. (Genes with pseudogenes or repetitive elements may show high raw
coverage but low informative coverage.
Enough informative coverage is necessary to call genotype accurately
If all steps of the sample preparation have succeeded this number should be high and reproducible Exp. --> the
presence of lots of PCR duplicates due to a failed library preparation --> it means it would decrease the overall
coverage and informative coverage , both reduce the number of sites reliably genotyped.

Quality metrics of NGS: It sould be defined and documented in a uniform terminology

and standardized file formats
Exp.: qcML project maintains a generic XML file format for storing QC data and an on-
tology terms for proteomics and genomics

Monitoring and sample tracking

NGS requires monitoring : 1. The number of the samples pooled
2. The proportion of clusters assigned to each
3. The base quality score by position.
Every sequencing run should be monitored to see if the instrument specification
are met
There should be a definition of minimal requirements for important quality mea-
sures( base quality, read length , etc--> depending on platform characteristics)
5. Informative coverage 6. Strand bias 7. GC bias ,
8. Mapping quality 9. Proportion of reads mapped 10.
Uniformity of coverage. 11. Proportion of duplicated reads .
12 proportion of target covered at minimum coverage depth, 13.
proportion of target not covered , 14. mean coverage, 15. calling accuracy, 16. num-
ber of variants and transition/ transversion
* details in appendix 1.

A sample tracking method should be used since NGS workflows are very complex and
comprise multiple processing steps --> in lab and during the computational analysis
- common SNPs should be included as enrichment targets and genotyped by indepen-
dent methods.
- Samples that have been swapped and for which the swap can not be explained
should not be considered for the diagnostic report.
# A structured database is necessary for the diagnostic laboratory to measure the
quality of 1. Platform 2. All assays. 3. All sample processed
# Bar-coding the samples in order to tracking the samples and it should be included in
platform validation. And dealt with during the evaluation of the assay

To identify deviant samples / analysis ( due to contamination during workflow).

It is necessary to track the un mapped reads and un assigned MIDs .

* Comparisons and monitoring between different assays should be achieved by

Generic Enrichment contents.
* 1.Adding quality control region
2.calculating the number of aberrant base calls
3. Invalid base calls ( denoted as N )
4. Sporadic indels
All these helps to identify the deviant samples

Benchmaking these parameters --> allows for direct comparison of different ver-
sion of a diagnostic test as well as for inter- test comparison.
* of course the variants called in quality control regions have to be excluded from
the quality metrics calculations.?

Suggesting as quality control region three large exons on different chromosomes that
do not contain many known polymorphisms especially indels , to be used. Exons are
used since they are already contIned in exome enrichments and thus have to be added
as custom content to panel only. (Table 2 p.32).

Priory chance of finding a variant:

1. Recessive disorders: WES--> if 75% covered at 20X --> 2 compound htz v.

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