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Box Modal

- General
Week3 | Chemical Oceanography & Mass Balance

- Steady State - Large reservoir
- Large scale Biochemical Cycle
- Phytoplankton & Photosynthesis
- First Order & Function -
- Sediments records (e.g.BIF)
Elements Speciation – Link to Concentration
- Smallest -> Truly dissolved (passes through 0.45 um filter)
- Largest -> Particulate (anything bigger)
 sub Fout into General
- Middle -> Colloidal
- *Observed both high dFe & pFe around hydrothermal vents  Colloids

At Steady State Concentration of Elements

- Variability: Spatial & Periodity
Salinity = ‘Conservative Tracer’
- Trace the mixing of water  Ocean circulation
Temperature & Salinity coeffect on Ocean Circulation (Salinity Depth profile)
AAIW AAIW: Surface water & Fresh water input
NADW: High Salinity but Warmer
AABW: Low Salinity but Colder
Concentration Depth Profile
Examples Box Modal
- Conservative - Fin: river, hydrothermal fluids, dust, atmosphere | - Fout: sediments
- Fout: is a function of ocean concentrationnegative feedback
- Tres= 1/k, also, Tres= Inventory/Fin OR Tres= Inventory/Fout
- *Steady State Concentration depends on Input flux (Fin) and Rate of removal (k)
Concentration Depth Profile (Tres Compare to Ocean Mixing Time-1000 yrs)
- Conservative-Mg, no spatial variability (Large inventory, Long Tres, )
- Scavenging -particulate - Scavenging- Al, high Surface, low middle, increase deeper
& Sticky with organic  Particulate matter (Often coated with organic molecules)  Dust  High Surface
 No dustno fresh water inputLow Middle
 DeepwaterDeep Ocean Circulation Increasing Deeper

Scavenging-Major processes for Al (Constant of removal by scavenging  tiny InventoryLow

- Nutrients
- High at surface Fin wins (High Fin > High k )
- Decreasing at middlek wins (Low Fin < Low k)
Spatial variability
- Increasing at deeper  Fin from dissolution particles due to ocean circulation
- Residence time
- Ocean mixing time Depth profile of N Atlantic is different (>>) N Pacific  due to freshwater input & dust

Terms & Concepts
Tres = (MAocean/Fin); Residential time is Elemental Inventory / Flux IN or OUT
Long Tres (e.g. Mg-13.2Ma)Spatially constant, responds slowly to perturbations
Mg -- conservative -- long Tres
Short Tres (e.g. Al-156yrs) Spatially variable, responds quickly to perturbations
Al – scavenging – short Tres
Whole ocean Mass Balance maintained by negative feedback, removal flux, Fout = f(C)
ESSENTIAL FORMULA: τres = M ocean / Fin
Dissolved <0.45<particulate
Be careful! Units when doing calculations
Ocean mixing time:-1000yrs
MAocean = CAocean × Mwater
FAin. mol yr-1 FAout mol yr-1
Moles mol kg-1 kg
Exercise week3.1 Q7

1. How are the very different oceanic residence times of Mg and Al reflected in their oceanic depth profiles? Sketch an
example profile for each element.

Magnesium has a conservative oceanic depth profile, because its residence time is much longer than the mixing
time of the ocean (~1000 years).
Aluminium has a scavenged-type depth profile, because it is removed more quickly than the oceanic mixing
Mg Al


Mg- conservative depth profile


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