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Cuadernillo para el Estudiante

El objetivo de este Cuadernillo es que fortalezcas las áreas del campo de comunicación que
te serán evaluadas en la prueba DOMINA – CENEVAL, en este caso se refiere a:
 Inglés

Para lo cual es importante que te comprometas con las siguientes acciones:

 Resuelve los ejercicios trabajando individualmente para que identifiques cuáles

conocimientos dominas y cuáles te falta fortalecer.
 Comunica al docente tus comentarios y preguntas para garantizar la efectividad de tu
proceso de aprendizaje.
 Realiza los ejercicios complementarios que el docente te asigne.

Lee atentamente el enunciado e identifica lo que se te pide.

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I. Read the paragraph. Choose the correct answer (a, b, c or d)


Two climbers stranded on a Swiss mountain during a snowstorm were rescued by a

helicopter yesterday. Two days before, they had sent an SOS text message from a cell
phone to a friend in London.
Rachel Kelsey, 34 and Jeremy Colenso, 33, both experienced climbers, had checked the
weather forecast for a week before they set out. And on the way up the weather was
perfect. However, as they were climbing down from the summit of Piz Badile, they were
forced to stop and take shelter behind a large rock. A severe snowstorm had suddenly
begun and their descent became impossible. At 1:30 A.M. Kelsey sent a message asking
for help and providing details of their location. By 5:00 A.M., Kelsey’s friend in London
had responded, saying that she had made contact with a team of rescuers. It was snowing
heavily. The climbers got messages from the rescue team telling them to be strong. The
helicopter had been unable to take off due to the severe weather. By the time the
helicopter found the climbers their food supplies were running out. Kelsey explained “We
knew that if they didn’t reach us soon, we had little chance of surviving.”

1. It took 2 days for the rescue team to find them.

A) Yes
B) No
C) Doesn’t say
D) It took them 4 days

2. They checked the whole month’s weather forecast.

A) Yes
B) No
C) Doesn’t say
D) They only checked 2 weeks.

3. They hadn’t reached the top when they got stranded in the storm

A) True
B) False
C) Doesn’t say
D) They escaped the storm

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4. Their first message asking for help was sent at midnight.

A) Yes
B) No
C) Doesn’t say
D) They asked for help during daytime

5. They were positive that they were going to be rescued.

A) Yes
B) No
C) Doesn’t say
D) They never got rescued

II. Write the correct answer inside the brackets on your left ( ).
6. ( ) Where’s Bob?”
“I just saw him in the _________.”

A) lunches room
B) room of lunches
C) room for lunches
D) lunch room

7. ( ) Let’s get a cup of coffee.”

“Not now. I don’t want to stop _________ yet.”

A) study
B) to study
C) for studying
D) studying

8. ( ) “Have you seen Frank recently?”

“No, I guess he must _________ away on vacation.”

A) be
B) being
C) been
D) to be

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9. ( ) “Did you hear that Bill finally sold his house?”
“Yes, but I don’t know who _________ it.”
A) bought
B) buys
C) had bought
D) did buy

10. ( ) “No one was prepared for Dr. Grey’s questions.”

“We _________ have read the lesson last night.”

A) should
B) can
C) would
D) ought

11. ( ) “I wish we’d gone to the beach this weekend.”

“You should _________ it sooner.”

A) mentioned
B) had mentioned
C) to mention
D) have mentioned

12. ( ) “Won’t Mark come with us?”

“No, he said he wasn’t interested _________ swimming.”

A) in going
B) for going
C) going
D) to going

13. ( ) “The children are coming back from their walk.”

“Don’t let them come in without _________ their wet shoes.”

A) they’ve taken off

B) to take off
C) taking off
D) they’ll take off

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14. ( ) “Was the job difficult?”
“Yes, we found _________.”

A) the work hard for doing

B) hard to do the work
C) it hard for doing the work
D) the work hard to do

15. ( ) “I’d met Mr. Jones many times before last night.”
“So _________.”

A) did I
B) had I
C) I had
D) I did

16. ( ) “Can you carry all those boxes?”

“Yes. They’re _________ than they look.”

A) more lighter
B) much lighter
C) more light
D) very lighter

17. ( ) “Did you have lunch with your brother yesterday?”

“No. I waited _________ two hours, but he never came.”

A) by
B) since
C) for
D) until

18. ( ) “Someone left this book in the classroom”

“See if _________ a name inside it”.

A) is there
B) it may be
C) there is
D) it is

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19. ( ) “I saw the Johnson’s at the bank today.”
“They’ve been on vacation, _________?”

A) aren’t they
B) haven’t they
C) weren’t they
D) hadn’t they

20. ( ) “Do you want to go to the bank with me?”

“No, thank you. I think I’ll wait until the mail _________.”
A) should come
B) is coming
C) comes
D) will come

21. ( ) “I see the Director coming down the hall.”

“Then we’d better quit _________ and get back to work.”

A) talk
B) from talking
C) talking
D) to talk

22. ( ) “Mary had had a lot of teaching experience, hasn’t he?”

“Yes, indeed. _________ English since 1970.”

A) she’s taught
B) she’s teaching
C) she was teaching
D) she’d taught

23. ( ) “Let’s stay in New York another day.”

“Fine, but we _________ better change our plane reservations then.”

A) have
B) would
C) will
D) had

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24. ( ) “We just saw John at the bookstore.”
“That’s strange; I didn’t think he _________ back until tomorrow.”

A) will come
B) was to come
C) is coming
D) is to come

25. ( ) “Haven’t you eaten yet?”

“No, and I’m not used _________ so long without lunch.”

A) to go
B) to going
C) that I go
D) of going

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