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FCI Process Monitor - Instructions

Changed 08/05/2019 - 8:42 am by Florian Endres

Instructions for the FCI Process Monitor

# Install #FPM #FileProcessMonitor via SMC

Open the SMC with administrator rights

on theservicesin the left tree structure
In the right-hand window, use the context menu to select another service
'Add' from the drop-down module 'FciProcessMonitor'
Assign the service to the computer via the SMC and install the service via the SMC

In the registerC:\ProgramData\FCI\the fileFpmStandardConfig_sample.xml after

The newly installed serviceFciProcessMonitorvia the Windows Services window and
store a local admin as the login user
Now the FciProcessMonitor can be started and stopped via the SMC.

Operation of the FCI Process Monitor with the FpmTerminal

Precondition:To be able to use the FpmTerminal, the FCIProcessMonitor service must be


Path: Use CMD to switch to the directory in which FpmTerminal.exe is located (e.g. C:
\Program Files (x86)\FIS\FCI )

There are the following input parameters:

- jstart, stop, kill, restart, config, list, listjson, session, loglevel -Specification of the
job to be carried out
begin-Starts the process
stop-Ends the process. Waits for the configured time (see
'SmoothStopTimeout') to elapse before ending the process. kill-Stops
the process immediately. No waiting time.
restart -reboot. The process is halted (stop) and then restarted (start) .

At the parameterstart, stop, kill, restartat least one of the following

parameters must be used:
- mAllesor amr, say,... -Process name(s) for which the specified job is to
be run. Separation of multiple modules by comma. It is important here
thatnospaces in the listing
- xAllesorix_amr,ix_fzy -Module names for which the specified job is to
be executed. Separate multiple modules with a comma. It is important
here thatnospaces in the listing
- mand-xcan be used together. This makes both operations apply to
the specified process(es). Example:-j stop -m amr -x ix_fzystops the
amr process and ALL fuzzy processes.
config-reloads the configuration.
At the parameterconfigis necessary:
- f[path to configuration file]-This causes the old configuration file to
be overwritten by reloading the new configuration file. IMPORTANT:
this is the only way to overwrite an existing configuration without
having to restart the FciProcessMonitor service. When the alternative
config file is loaded, all processes are stopped and then have to be
restarted (e.gfpmterminal -j start

- m all). Display of the currently loaded configuration file: see option

list-shows a list of all processes. The currently loaded confourtion file
is also displayed here.
listjson-shows a list of all processes in JSON format. The currently loaded
configuration file is hereNot displayed.
For the parameterslist, listjsonthe following parameters are available:
- p[config(c), nameAlpha(na), moduleAlpha(ma), ram(r), cpu]-This
sets the sort order of the list. To sort in descending order, add 'd' to the
end of the respective name (eg cd, ramd, cpud). If two list entries are the
same, this list is sorted according to descending process name.

config - sorting as specified in the configuration file (order)

nameAlpha - sort by process name

moduleAlpha - sort by module type
ram - sorted by memory usage cpu - sorted by CPU
If the input values differ from those specified, the default
sorting is used: first all running modules, then the rest.

session-shows an overview of the existing and current sessions loglevel-Setting

the report depth (log level)
For the parameterloglevelthis option is required:
- e[error, warn, info, debug, trace]-Description of the reports
- p[port number]-Port number for communication with the FciProcessMonitor. The
default value is 16384. This parameter can be used together with any other parameter
(e.gFpmTerminal -j list -p 12345

Adjust configuration file

Path: the configuration file is in the directory C:\Program Files (x86)\FIS\FCI . Format is XML.
Name is e.g. config.xml

<Path>"C:\Program Files (x86)\FIS\FCI\ix_amr.exe"</Path> <Params>-
pm -tracefile:C:\fci\app\common\log\ix_amr.log</Params >
<Sessionless>true</Sessionless> </Process>


<Process Name="AMR"> Unique name of the process. Is required to assign a user-

friendly name to a process.
<Module>ix_amr</Module> Type of process / module. The type determines which
license is requested from the server. Using a correct value is very important here
(Documentation pending! )

The following XML schema becomescurrently not used . It supports correct naming.
<Path>"C:\Program Files (x86)\FIS\FCI\ix_amr.exe"</Path> Path to the executable file of the
<Params>-pm -tracefile:C:\fci\app\common\log\ix_amr.log</Params>Any extra parameters
module requires to run, e.g. path to the log file for this module,-pm is necessary!
<Sessionless>true<Sessionless> [accepted values: true/false, default value: false] Sessionless
flag enables possibility to run FPM and IA modules at the same time. When Sessionless is set
to true Params section requires additional parameters
- connection:ConnectionName where ConnectionName is the name of the IA connection as in
SMC, eg -connection:IaConnection

<MemoryLimitToForceRestart>0</MemoryLimitToForceRestart> [optional parameter]

Memory used (as in-j listdisplayed). The process is restarted when this value is reached.

<UtcTimeOfRestart>07:38</UtcTimeOfRestart> [optional parameter] Time in UTC when

the module is started.
<MinutesToPassBeforeForceRestart>x </MinutesToPassBeforeForceRestart> [optional
parameter] "x " is the amount of time in minutes that the module runs normally until it is
<SmoothStopTimeout>30</SmoothStopTimeout> [optional parameter] After sending a
stop/restart command, the FciProcessMonitor service waits this time (in seconds) before
killing the process
Please note:The <UtcTimeOfRestart>xx:yy</UtcTimeOfRestart> option cannot be used multiple
times in a row.
For entries like
only the first entry is executed.

Restoration / Recovery

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