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Tutorials exercices

Problem I Image enhancement 5 marks

Problem: You are working with a satellite image that appears blurry and lacks detail. You
want to improve the visual quality of the image using image enhancement techniques. Which
technique(s) would you use for each of the following scenarios?
1. You want to increase the contrast of the image and improve the visibility of features
that are difficult to see. Which image enhancement technique should you use?
2. You notice that the image appears to have a lot of noise and graininess. Which image
enhancement technique should you use to reduce the noise and improve the clarity of
the image?
3. The colors in the image appear to be distorted and unbalanced. Which image
enhancement technique should you use to correct the color balance and make the
image appear more natural?
4. The edges in the image appear to be blurry and indistinct. Which image enhancement
technique should you use to sharpen the edges and improve the detail in the image?
5. You notice that there are scratches and other imperfections in the image that are
detracting from the overall quality. Which image enhancement technique should you
use to remove these imperfections and restore the image to its original quality?

Problem II Elements of Interpretation of Digital Satellite Image 5marks

You are working with a digital satellite image of a forested area and want to interpret the
features present in the image. Which interpretation keys and image processing techniques
would you use for each of the following scenarios?
1. You want to identify the type of vegetation present in the image. Which interpretation
key should you use?
2. You notice that there are several water bodies present in the image. Which image
processing technique should you use to enhance the visibility of these water bodies?
3. You want to distinguish between natural and man-made features in the image. Which
interpretation key should you use?
4. You notice that the edges of certain features in the image appear blurry and indistinct.
Which image processing technique should you use to sharpen the edges and improve
the detail in the image?
5. You want to identify areas of the image that are experiencing high levels of vegetation
stress. Which interpretation key should you use?

Problem III
Problem: You have been given a digital image that has several issues, including noise, poor
contrast, and color imbalance. Which image enhancement techniques would you use to
address these issues and improve the quality of the image?

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