Education System Essay

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Education System Essay

Inês Marques de Almeida

It is very difficult to prepare people for today’s society. The economy is constantly evolving and
as a result, society becomes more demanding towards young people. Universities and schools
continue to use old fashioned methods to help students find suitable jobs, and I would like to
discuss them in this essay.
The providence of courses and qualifications is the main method used by universities and
schools. Of course the efficiency of this method depends on a lot of things, like how the classes
are taught. But it is highly efficient, because it gives the students a panoramic view of the
profession and its specificities. Working always requires knowledge, in order to solve problems
and understand the type of challenges that come with the profession in question.
This knowledge must be put into practice and this brings us to the second method I would like
to discuss, which is the work experience programmes. With these programmes people acquire
practical knowledge about the profession. It is effective because it provides a “learn by doing”
experience to students, who come into contact with their professions directly and personally,
learning how to deal with the inherent pressure associated with having a job.
Altough these two methods are effective and work well in helping students find suitable jobs, I
would argue that the mentorship programmes should be more common. Young students would
be more prepared for their jobs if they had a mentor, which is someone who works in the field
of profession, to guide them.

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