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Josh Roquie R.


Reaction Paper
Chapter 15
This chapter describes the basic beliefs that cultural diversity can affect
cross-border economic justice, not as a major barrier to its realization. It
suggests that it can be seen as a means. This theme is based on the
principles of good governance and diplomatic indigenous models that
characterize the rich cultural diversity of West Africa today and ease the
harsh economic pressures of its long history. This chapter also discusses
economics and ethics. From the perspective of these business ethicists,
the intercultural exercise of social responsibility seems to be about a fair
balance of contradictory tastes. We agree that the ability to make ethical
judgments and decisions requires language inheritance and the innate or
learned ability to speak to ourselves. gain. Some people use this feature
to talk to themselves about what is right and what is wrong. The fact that
morality can only be seen in linguistic and cultural traditions, on the one
hand, follows cultural customs or social norms, and whether given
customs or norms are ethically correct or incorrect. .. That doesn't mean
you're trying to determine what you're doing.

Chapter 16
Base on the topic it states that corporate social responsibility (CSR) must
be realistic in order to be both a sustainable and prudent business
investment. Company executives need to act visibly, consistently and
ethically, both internally and externally. CSR is transparency within an
organization, ethical behavior, building trust, extensive information
exchange among all employees, interdependence in ethical agreements
between employees of a company, and corporate image. The person
who sees the whole and your identity in it. Therefore, management
needs to create conditions in the work environment that enable open
dialogue and support honest exchanges and questions. Answers to
questions should be quick and comprehensive. This makes it accessible
to anyone who believes they have the information they need for their
job. These discussions can open the company, ask questions, and gain a
better understanding of the rules, procedures, and processes. This high
level of transparency helps everyone know what is happening and why.
This leads to more confidence.

Chapter 17
In this chapter, the terms of the marketing perspective have been
explained so clearly that they can be related to CSR, which states that
corporate governance and accountability are important ethical
parameters that need to be addressed. fully integrated into the truth. On
this basis, according to the United Nations General Assembly, Nobel
Prize-winning Professor Robert Shiller remains vulnerable and
vulnerable to the global economy after the financial crisis that began at
the Conference The International Fund of the International Labor
Organization 2007. In Norway, the number of unemployed people in the
world has increased dramatically, to just under 30 million people. A few
years. In addition, the growth rate of real gross domestic product is not
good globally. This shows that sustainability and its inseparable pillars
need to be improved.

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