Graduation Report

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Throughout 15 weeks of having the internship, I have absorbed a variety of
knowledge for my teaching path. Therefore, I would also like to extend my
deepest gratitude to those who supported me during my graduation internship.
First and foremost, I am extremely grateful to my supervisor at Nguyen Trai
primary school, Ms. Tran Thi Khanh Trang. Ms. Trang gave me a lot of
valuable advice and sincere feedback thanks to her observations in my class.
Ms Trang also assisted me when I had difficulties during the teaching time.
Besides, I would like to thank the Principal - Mr. Nguyen Van Chau, the Vice-
Principal - Ms. Kim Anh, and the Vice-Principal - Ms. Ngoc Anh, the teachers
who accepted a young student like me.
My second deepest gratitude goes to my dedicated instructor, Mr. Nguyen
Van Chuong. In addition to teaching very enthusiastically, Mr. Chuong spent a
lot of time helping students understand the lesson and complete their reports.
As well as making relevant suggestions, Mr. Chuong closely monitored my
progress and demonstrated how I should create this report in an academic
manner. His support helped me pursue my goals with greater tenacity since
he encouraged me to do so regularly.
Lastly, I would like to extend a special thank you to Hoa Sen University and
my colleagues for their support and their willingness to help me with this
internship report, as well as to the teachers from Nguyen Trai primary school
for providing me with this wonderful opportunity to grow as an English teacher.
I would not be able to complete this report without the assistance of my lovely
supervisor, Ms. Khanh Trang, and my colleagues and teachers. It was
extremely rewarding for me to get to know these people.

The following report reflects my internship at Nguyen Trai primary school in

District 12 from September 12 to December 24, 2022. My responsibilities
included teaching English to three classes of grade 5 and one class of grade
1, as well as working as a teaching assistant in the other classes. This period
of time has allowed me to experience many real-life situations in which I have
to deal with more than 40 students at once. Furthermore, I obtain a wealth of
valuable teaching insights that differ from what I learnt at Hoa Sen University.
Several people assert that each senior's graduation internship is only the last
step to earning their bachelor's degree. It should be noted, however, that
instructors expect learners to accomplish several objectives over the course of
a semester. Further, my faculty expects all students to attain the following
general objectives:
- Integrate the intern into the workplace so they may adapt what they
acquire to the challenges they are given at their work environment.
- Offer a better learning atmosphere with challenging and rewarding work
- Inspire the intern about future job paths in business, translation,
corporate communication, and English language teaching.
- Enhance their interpersonal skills and support them in identifying their
talents and shortcomings.
In addition, I also motivate myself to reach some of my own goals as an intern:

- Apply the knowledge I have acquired in university to real-life- life

circumstances and my teaching career.
- Resolving the limitations I identified during my internship
- Have the opportunity to master a wide range of skills, including office,
administrative and classroom management skills.
- Discover a large number of approaches or tactics for my teaching
methods in the future.
Based on my experience teaching at Nguyen Trai Primary School, I have
formulated the following research topic: “the effect of extrinsic motivation in
activating elementary students in a public school”. Creating lesson plans and
teaching have led to the discovery that I am passionate about creating games
and rewards for students. My classes are mostly grade 5 classes, and
students at this level are often less motivated to learn English. Consequently, I
observed, applied and modified a number of strategies to motivate the
students. In chapter 4, I want to examine the effects of external motivation on

It took place at its predecessor school, Tan Thoi Hiep II Secondary School,
before it became Nguyen Trai Primary School. It was founded before 1975, in
Hoc Mon district, under the name Tan Thoi Hiep II School. As a result of
separating from Hoc Mon District in 1998, the school was renamed Hiep
Thanh Primary School. Nguyen Trai Primary School has been in operation
since 2009 and its name remains unchanged. The following details provide a
better understanding of the organization:
- International name: Nguyen Trai Primary School
- Vietnamese name: Trường tiểu học Nguyễn Trãi
- Tax identification number: 0309337760
- Address: 170/40A, Hiep Thanh 31, Hiep Thanh Ward, District 12, HCMC.
- Capacity: rooms
- Website:

2.2. Business Activities

Nguyen Trai school in Ho Chi Minh City offers classes from 1st to 5th grade
with more than 3000 students. Using the standard curriculum, this primary
school uses the "Smart Start" and "Family and Friends" programs of the Ho
Chi Minh Ministry of Education and Training. Those in grades 1 to 3 will follow
the "Smart Start" textbook program, while those in grades 4 and 5 will take the
"Family and Friends" textbook program.
In the public school system's English program, students must take 4 English
classes a week, including one day with a foreign teacher and another day with
a Vietnamese teacher. Additionally, the Ministry of Education has modified
grade 3 to include 6 periods each week. At Nguyen Trai School, each lesson
lasts 35 minutes. Besides, two sessions of English will be taught by a
Vietnamese instructor for a total of one hour and ten minutes. It is therefore
essential that the two lessons be taught in succession to allow the teacher to
interact, correct, and allow students to take notes in between.

Competitors: Numerous public primary schools in District 12 have achieved

great success, including Vo Thi Sau Primary School, Nguyen Khuyen Primary
School, Nguyen Thi Dinh Primary School, and others. The majority of primary
schools in district 12 can compete with Nguyen Trai primary school in all
areas, including infrastructure and teaching quality. Nevertheless, despite
having been in existence for a long time, Nguyen Trai School continues to
grow and develop to cope with the 4.0 era and compete with those of several
nearby primary schools.

2.3.Organizational structure

Over the course of this internship, I taught at Nguyen Trai Public Primary
School for 15 weeks. With the assistance of my supervisor, Ms. Khanh Trang,
I was able to overcome many difficulties when working with a large number of
students. Furthermore, I obsorbed valuable teaching experiences from my
supervisor's valuable training sessions, which will prove useful for my future

3.1. English teacher

Based on the information I received from my supervisor, I have been told that
English is taught as a secondary subject in public primary schools, so
students believe that the subject is not important at all. Due to too many
difficult vocabulary and grammar rules, there are still many students who have
difficulties learning English and feel bored while studying it. It is my goal to
motivate students through my lesson plans, which are always designed in a
fun and creative way so that they can learn while playing games and
participating in different activities.
In the first two weeks of my probationary period, I observed my supervisor and
noted some of the tips that she used in order to control the students in the
classroom in a well-organized manner. In the third week of this internship, I
was officially given the opportunity to begin teaching as well. Since every
lesson lasts only two periods, I only instruct one lesson to grades 5 and 1. I
prepare lesson plans and PowerPoint presentations weekly and send them to
Ms. Trang for evaluation and consideration.
In my role as a teacher, my primary responsibility is to inspire learners'
learning by sharing my insights and establishing activities to assist them in
their learning. Due to the fact that I used to be a teacher's assistant, which
means I had to spend all my time practicing ahead of time. During the class
time, I am in charge of explaining, organizing games, and checking their
This place gives me the opportunity to gain a great deal of experience for my
future teaching career, which will benefit me greatly. Firstly, since I was
merely a teaching assistant before, I now have direct contact with students
through lectures. As a result of the teaching sessions I attended at the school,
I was able to put into practice what I had learned at Hoa Sen University
through practical experience. Secondly, it offers me the opportunity to teach
classes to a large number of students. Consequently, I am able to practice
skills such as classroom management and time management. In addition, I
learned to be patient with the younger students, because the 1st graders are
very young and quite active. In some classes, there are some students with
mental illness, which requires teachers to be really attentive and patient when
teaching. Thirdly, I learned a lot of ways to handle situations when there was a
lack of equipment and had to adapt and change the lesson plan immediately
to fit the class.
Aside from the beneficial lessons provided by Nguyen Trai School, there are
some drawbacks and challenges encountered throughout this internship. A
first difference between public schools and English centers is that public
schools rarely have teaching assistants to support them. The fact is that
without teaching assistants, there would be no one to provide support and
observe the entire class of students at all times. My understanding of the
students' behavior was improved thanks to Ms. Trang, who supported me to
observe and remind them to be exemplary. As a substitute for my supervisor, I
had to conduct lessons alone in class when she went to an important meeting
and keep the class on track. As a new teacher, I found it really difficult to
control such a large class of students. Thanks to this, I discovered that
stickers and candy are indispensable items in the lesson, because it is the
motivation to promote the students' obedience and diligence.
A second challenge I faced was the extremely large number of classes I was
assigned, 49 students per class. Having such a large class of learners is
something I have never experienced before. Therefore, I was supported by
Ms. Trang when teaching at school because she said that without a
microphone, teaching 2 classes in a row would make my throat hurt.
Last but not least, the classes lack equipment, so teachers must prepare
materials as well as supporting devices such as laptops and microphones.
Teachers must prepare their own laptops to connect to the TV screen to show
Powerpoint slides for students to copy. However, during the teaching process,
class 5A12 had a problem with the TV because the TV was damaged and
could not connect to my device. This caused me to change the entire lesson
plan that day to fit the class and save time so that the students had enough
time to take note of the vocabulary.

3.2. Teaching Assistant

Along with becoming a teacher in the morning, in the afternoons and on other
days I often work as a teaching assistant to support foreign teachers, so that I
can observe better how teaching methods differ between the two teachers.
The most common way I observed the students' progress was to sit in the
back of the classroom and observe the entire class. In case the learners fail to
understand what their native teacher teaches, I will translate Vietnamese for
them. Additionally, a supervisor's assistant's job involves grading students'
assignments and booklets to make sure they have completed the assignments
the teacher requested, and then reporting them to the class homeroom
teacher for feedback. As a result, I have plenty of time to observe, conduct a
survey, and conduct analysis for chapter 4 of this report during the time I have

3.3. Working experience

I have accumulated a great deal of experience in students' management as
well as classroom instruction due to my position as a trainee teacher during
the fifteen-week internship. The experience will certainly improve my ability to
adapt and learn new skills and methods as a future teacher as I am eager to
adapt and learn from it. I will highlight the following competencies, along with
logistical reasons.
Patience: Teachers must possess an incredible amount of patience because
most public school classes have more than 40 students. Working as a
teaching assistant, I dealt with two mentally ill kids who constantly bothered
their classmates. It is essential for teachers to be gentle with these children
and avoid scolding them as this will easily provoke them. As part of my
courses, I always include happy music so that students can learn words and
relax at the same time.
Classroom organization: My class 5A12 that I was assigned to instruct has up
to 51 students with a wide range of personality types. Thus, This class is quite
noisy and frequently has conflicts with each other. As a consequence, I
learned how to manage a class in a good and fair manner so that the
youngsters do not have to argue in class. Before beginning an activity, I
always explain the rules of the game as well as the instructions for subtracting
and adding points. Hence, if individuals keep arguing, I can gently repeat it for
the students to understand.
Time management and lesson planning: As two periods of only one hour and
ten minutes last, the time management skills and lesson planning are
meticulous and do not waste the teacher's time in the following shift. Every
evening, I also took the time to prepare a powerpoint presentation to present
to my students so that they can easily take notes and I also do not need to
spend time writing on the board. Furthermore, the games were incorporated
into the textbook by integrating the questions so that the children could play
the game and do the exercises simultaneously. In case some students write
and work slowly, which affects the class time. Thereupon, I usually motivated
the whole class to write faster by giving instant stickers rewards to the 10
fastest students who take notes correctly. Afterwards I asked these students
to lend the books to those who were being a little slow at taking notes.
Office skills: (học được những kỹ năng cơ bản về máy tính để khi gặp sự cố
sẽ biết xử lý. Đa phần các lớp học đều có dây cáp để kết nối từ laptop tới TV.
Tuy nhiên, sẽ có một số phòng học không có dây cáp thì phải chuyển qua
dùng bluetooth)

Discipline Skills:

4.1 Issue identification and description

4.1.1 Learners’ description

During the internship, my supervisor offered me the privilege of teaching 4 of
her fifth-graders and one class of grade 1 that are 5A12, 5A13, 5A14, 5A15
and 1/8. Most of the classes I was assigned were in grade 5 with 49 students
in a class. With a large number of students in the same class requires
teachers to be fair when teaching as well as meticulously planning so that
every student in the class can have time to interact and take notes. Public
school 5th graders use the book "Family and Friends 5" to study and do
homework. In fact, this is the first time I have been exposed to a class with
such a large number of students. Hence, I feel very grateful to Ms. Trang for
always encouraging me and providing feedback when I submitted the lesson
plans for the class I was going to deliver to the fifth grade. It may be claimed
that fifth grade is a particularly rebellious age at the elementary level;
therefore, there are plenty of different personalities in a class, which makes it
difficult to manage the whole class. My supervisor has dedicatedly helped and
warned the students in advance so that they can unite when studying the
lesson I teach. In addition, I constantly include game activities to stimulate
learners' interests since I recognize how crucial it is for them to learn while
playing games. Moreover, I know that at this age, students often love small
gifts to reward them. As a result, whenever I go to teach, I usually bring a lot
of lovely stickers to encourage the teams to stay united and focus on learning.

4.1.2 Reason for choosing the topic

It is agreed that teaching is not an easy task for teachers, especially for
trainee teachers such as myself. With almost 50 students and a course which
can last barely 1 hour and 15 minutes, instruction is incredibly restricted. This
increases the obligation of a teacher to take their job more seriously. Due to
the overcrowding in the class on the first several days of my observation, I
also encountered difficulty. Consequently, I was quite nervous the first day I
taught class 5A12 because I feared my voice would not be loud enough to
handle the whole class. Despite my best efforts to encourage the students to
learn English because it is very important, they didn't pay attention to the
lesson and often showed their bored and sleepy attitude. Accordingly, I
researched and discovered some extrinsic motivation strategies to encourage
public school students.
With my experience as a tutor and teaching assistant at English centers, I
have handled a variety of personalities and interests in a class. However, no
matter what level a student is at, I have found that rewards, gifts, and praise
have always been an effective way to motivate students to learn. The majority
of students practice discipline well if they are recognized by their teachers and
peers. The more colorful stickers that teachers give to students when they
obey or perform well, the more they will respect the teacher. As a result,
learners will find learning English interesting and useful.

4.2 Issue Analytical Interpretation

4.2.1 Definition of motivation

When coming to motivation, it is defined as the involvement in the process of
energizing, directing, and sustaining behavior. Specifically, in L2 learning,
motivation is a key element (Gardner, 1959; Lambert, 1972). According to Lier
(1996, p.98), motivation exerts important effects on education even the most
talented students who do not own at least a motivation are likely to find it hard
to reach their goals. Moreover, motivation not only plays a central role in life
but also possesses a vital role in learning a language (Coleman, James,
Galaczi, & Astruc, 2007). Motivation is classified into 2 different types: intrinsic
and extrinsic motivation which are followed by a huge number of differences.
However, this study only focuses on extrinsic motivation which refers to doing
something with an aim to achieve something else (Santrock, 2006). According
to this author, extrinsic motivation is regarding external incentives such as
rewards and punishments. For example, a student tries his/her best to study
hard for the test to get a good grade in the course, or a child plays baseball to
please his/her parents or win a prize. To sum up, based on Wigfiels (1997) a
sum of recognition, grades, and competition are considered extrinsic
motivation in
4.2.2. Extrinsic motivation

4.2.3 The disadvantages of extrinsic motivation in learning

4.2.4 The advantages of extrinsic motivation in learning

4.2.5 Procedure

4.2.6 Participants

4.2.7 Methodology


4.3 Issue enhancement (kết luận + đề nghị)

4.3.1 Conclusion

4.3.5 Recommendation

5.1. Strengths

5.2 Weaknesses

5.3 Suggestions for self-improvement


6.1 Conclusion

6.2 Recommendation

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