Ava Brocchini - Formal Asb MTG - December

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December 2022

Ava Brocchini
Athletics Commissioner
15 December 2022

Position Assessment: This is not a busy time of year for athletics commissioners. We made
posts for athlete of the month, trying to include all sports. We planned a little routine for Spencer
and Gideon's video, along with coordinating outfits. We also started talking about dodgeball in
the Spring and planning on how we can make improvements from last year. Other than that, I
have been helping my class plan for winterfest by designing our giant gym poster and shopping
cart float.

Standing Committee: I am a part of Link Crew. We had study buddy night on December 12 and
13 which was super fun and a successful event. I am also a part of the Spirit committee for spirit
counts every dress up day. For November and December, I helped with Friday spirit days and I
also helped during winterfest.

Special Committee: I was a part of the door decorating committee, along with the rest of my
class. I was grouped with Jenna, Mak, and Kaiya, which was super fun. We got a difficult group
of doors on campus, so we did the best that we could with measurements and cutting and they
actually turned out pretty great. It was awesome to see all of the decorated doors around campus
to spread the Christmas spirit.​

Concerns: One concern I would like to address is that more and more people are showing up
late to class. I don't know why they think that they can show up whenever it's convenient for
them. This is a class like any other that these people have throughout the day, so it is concerning
to see that many people don't care enough to be punctual. I hope that this is not a reflection of
their performance in this class as well because I think that there are some people that are lacking
effort in this class.

Positive Comment: I really enjoyed the thorns and roses activity that we did as a class. I think
that it helped me to get to know my classmates a little better and understand their current
situations. I know that it was difficult for me to share my negatives because it required me to be
vulnerable, but I did it and it wasn't that bad. I think that we should do activities like that as a
class more often because I think that it was a good way to get our minds off of school and enjoy
each other's company.

Change: One change I would like to see is more involvement from commissioners. I think that
some people get too comfortable with not working because they aren't in the middle of planning
an event, but there are other people that could use help. I always try and help the junior class
with upcoming events so that I am showing my continuous support, which I think needs to be
seen more in and out of class from others.

​My Impact: The theme I chose for this school year has been to inspire others. I have been
working hard to stay positive and set a good example for my classmates. For spirit days, I always
dress up to inspire those who may not be as outgoing to dress up as well. I have also been
interacting with new people. I have made a surprising amount of underclassmen friends this year,
which is super awesome. I like to be able to connect with them and help guide them throughout
high school, especially freshmen.

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