Ava Brocchini - Formal Asb MTG - Adapted

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October/November 2022

​ va Brocchini
Athletics Commissioner
16 November 2022

Position Assessment: This is not a busy time of year for athletics commissioners. We ordered
the plaque for the powder puff winners. We made posts for athlete of the month, trying to include
all sports. We have also been working on making posts for all of our seniors who participated in
sports this season. A lot of seniors did not send in pictures, so we were trying to find a solution
for that problem. Other than that, I have been helping my class plan for the holiday tree
competition and winterfest.

Standing Committee: I am a part of Link Crew. We did not do any activities in September. I am
also a part of the Spirit committee for spirit counts every dress up day. For October, I helped with
Friday spirit days and I also helped during “Dude Be Nice” week.

Special Committee: I have been involved with a few different special committees this month. I
participated in the “Dude Be Nice” rally by assisting the junior class when needed and by writing
Miss Van Vuren a card because she was our winner this year. I am also a team leader for the
CASL project. Our topic is about how our class has learned from failures this year, so my group
has been brainstorming ideas on how we have done that and I have started the write-up.

Concerns: My only concern is that some work days weren’t being used wisely. I saw a lot of
people talking and on their phones while the rest of the class was working. I find it disrespectful
and distracting when people are being loud and obnoxious while there are people in class that
actually need to get work done. I think that if we do more workdays, some people need to quiet
down a bit.

Positive Comment: My positive comment goes to the Junior class. I know that the officers are
working diligently to get ahead for the Christmas tree competition and Winterfest. They also did
a great job with “Dude Be Nice” and I think the event was very successful.

Change: One change I would like to see in class is everyone working together effectively. I think
that some people are taking advantage of our time in that class to do other things, whether that be
working for another class or not working at all.

My Impact: I joined leadership to play a part in school activities and create an inclusive
environment on campus. With my help, along with the rest of the leadership class, I have been
able to accomplish this. I am making an impact by participating in events and helping to plan
events. Currently, I am helping the Junior class prepare for Winterfest in January.

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