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Even though in both stories was a conflict between fathers and sons about their choice of wife, it was
solved differently. In “Marriage is a private affair” the young man decides to marry, even when his
father said that he not supports this idea and doesn`t want to see his son after it. The young man was
afraid to say the truth, but all in all, he did it and wasn`t afraid to decide what will happen in his life
on his own. He bravely accepts his father`s opinion and continues to live as he wants, trying to make
it up to his father. And in the end, his wife’s and his own attempts gave a result, the father starts to
accept what had happened. In “A meeting in the dark” the young man is too afraid of his father, and
can`t make himself tell the truth. He didn`t tell his father about the pregnant girlfriend, even though
he promised to her to tell. The only thing that the young man could do is scare the poor girl, and
accidentally make her to tell everyone everything. I think, that in the first example the young man
wasn`t so afraid of his father, he was just afraid of his reaction, but in the second example the young
man was afraid of his father as well as of his reaction. In my mind, these boys are so different
because their fathers are different too. In the first example, we are not informed, that the father was
rude to his son, he only was fond of the traditional way of living, while in the second example, the
father was fond of Christianity and harmed his son with his violence and austerity.

2. In “No witchcraft for sale” the author shows us that the white people allow the black man to be close
to their son, because of his politeness, kindness, and love of God and of this child. But we can see
that as time passes, this child becomes more separated from the black man, however, he still tries to
be close, but racism spoils that sense of familiarity between them. In “The moment before the gun
went off” the author shows us that blacks attempt to fight for rights for themselves is not valued by
whites, however, makes some people die. Also, it shows that sometimes white people can love and
adore black people, but when something bad happened no one will try to find evidence, they will
simply condemn the one who did it. In “The prisoner who wore glasses” the author shows us, that
white and black people don`t have the same rights even in prison. However, they can work together
and help each other if the situation needs it, or if they show one another that they are the on the same

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