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Hello, my name is Darius Moti and here is my written interview.

In high school I tried to do my best in mathematics, physical sciences and computing

as they were my favorite subjects. Also I was good in biology class too. What I really
loved in exact sciences was the logical aspect in every subject and how everything
matched if you knew the right formula. My strengths were and still are that I am a
logical person and I try to understand how it works and I understand abstract
subjects pretty quickly. My rank was among the first of my class in these subjects
and I also attended various local competitions.

I attended one of the highest rated high schools in my town, and I was a member of
a class specialized in mathematics and computer science. Outside of my required
work, I really enjoyed everything tech related. I remember being obsessed by the
latest smartphones back then (like the Nokia n95) and fascinated about how the
technology evolves and its rate.
I think that my high school peers remember me as a hard working student and pretty
competitive study wise.

I was an overall good student and excelled in all my classes, but that doesn’t mean
that I actually enjoyed all of them. I really loved studying English and foreign
languages in high school but there were some classes that were not quite my cup of
tea like chemistry.

One achievement that I am quite proud of and I think my peers and staff members
remember me for is in computer science when I reached one point where my teacher
actually let me explain to all of my peers the subject we were studying. I really
enjoyed explaining as I mastered the subject better.

I think that’s why I chose to study computer science in university. That and the fact
that I really loved the logical aspect of it and also the fact that it kept me in the tech

One university course I remember I really loved was cryptography. I really loved the
encryption and decryption aspect of it as it made me feel like some sort of Indiana
Jones of computers. Obviously I aced that subject.

Outside of university, I started working in the field as a web designer where I really
loved the fact that I could code but also design and deal with the more artsy part of
the position.

I don’t remember achieving something exceptional in university as I was focused

more on my career.
Regarding the web engineering experience, I can’t really tell which frameworks will
succeed and what are the strengths of Python as I don’t have much experience in it.
Using design systems such as tailwind however I believe it’s very useful, as it cuts
down the time of front-end development.

I have been working mostly as a front-end developer using HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
jQuery and some PHP and MySql.
I don’t describe myself as a strong coder as I always find new things to learn and

I believe open source development is a great way to develop your personal skills and
also contribute to society. Unfortunately I haven’t been an open source maintainer.

My Python software engineering experience is somewhat minimal as I have used it

only in my spare time for fun.

My experience in web programming is a bit more extensive as I have been a web

programmer for more than 2 years now, building landing pages and web

I have been using SQL databases in my work but I haven’t done extensive work on it
as I have been mainly a front-end developer.

I believe that the mission of Canonical is great, focusing on delivering, maintaining

and securing open source solutions for everyone. I think that’s the purpose and the
best thing about technology, especially high-quality technology, being accessible to

I think a competitor of Canonical is: Docker.

I would like to work for Canonical because I would like to be a part of something
greater and be able to learn from some of the best.

I think I would like to work on ubuntu but on the front-end aspect of it as I think I am
more comfortable in that position, but in reality it would be a great opportunity to
work on something completely new and be able to learn and build something that
everyone would enjoy using.

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