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Individual Requirements – Fundamentals of Descriptive Analytics

Individual Topic Presentation (70% of your grade)

Each student is required to present an assigned topic from the instructional materials. A copy of
presentation materials must be submitted via USB drive using the file name format below:

File name format: (LAST NAME – REPORT.pdf) or (LAST NAME – REPORT.mp4)

Example: POBRE – REPORT.pdf or POBRE – REPORT.mp4

The USB Drive containing all the presentation materials should be handed over to the instructor during
the last day of the face to face meeting.

Final Examination (30% of your grade)

Final Examination can be found in your instructional materials. For those without access to
computer / laptop, answers can be written in 1 whole yellow pad / bond paper. Once completed,
scan or take a photo of your essay to be uploaded in FINAL folder. Student will be graded based on
the applicability of answer and logical reasoning.

File name format: (LAST NAME – FINAL.pdf)

Example: POBRE – FINAL.pdf

Due date to upload your final exam answers is July 25, 2023.

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