JBA Trust Large Hydraulic Flume Technical Factsheet ORIGINAL

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Large Hydraulic Flume

Technical Factsheet

The large hydraulic flume shows the flow of
water in a simple channel and is driven by a
system of re-circulating pumps.
Scale models of a variety of engineered
structures can be introduced to the channel,
including weirs, bridges, culverts, debris
screens, a fish pass and a hydrobrake.
Observers can see in real time how these
different structures interact with the flow
and what happens under flood conditions.

Demonstration capabilities
• Open channel flow and the effects of
channel slope
• Impact of blockage on culvert flow
• Trash screen hydraulics
• Hydraulic jump
• Bridge/flow hydraulics
• Impact of different channel roughness
• Fish pass
• Hydrobrake
• Sluice flow (free and submerged)
• Orifice flow (circular and rectangular
orifice), free flow and submerged
• In line weir and skewed weir (modular and
• Arched culvert flow (all 6 flow types plus
overtopping flow)
These can be demonstrated in supercritical
or subcritical flow.

Registered Charity in England and Wales, No. 1150278 www.jbatrust.org info@jbatrust.org

Large Hydraulic Flume
JBA Trust Physical Models
Technical Factsheet
Facilities required
• A demonstration space on level ground with sufficient room to park the van, unload the
flume from the rear of the van and for the audience to gather around.
• Access to water (the flume needs around 150 litres to operate). The flume has a 50 metre
hosepipe so the tap doesn’t need to be near the demonstration (but it helps!).
• Within 50m of a 13amp/240v mains socket to power the pump.
• Access to a drain to empty the tank at the end of the demonstration.

Flume dimensions (approximate):
Length: 3m, Width: 0.3m
2x submersible pumps – each motor 1000W

JBA Trust van

The flume is housed and transported in a
custom built van, along with other JBA Trust
river and coastal demonstration models.
Van dimensions (approximate):
Length: 6.85m, Width: 2.1m, Height: 2.6m

Watch the film!

This short film on our website shows a
typical demonstration using the original
flume mounted on a trailer:

If the JBA Trust models would be useful for your work with students, professional groups
or communities, please contact us to discuss how we could share our models.

Registered Charity in England and Wales, No. 1150278 www.jbatrust.org info@jbatrust.org

Please use, share and adapt this resource with attribution to JBA Trust.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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