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Calynn Quinn

James Smith

English 1010

May 2, 2023

Self- Reflective Essay

Looking back at the RA essay was something that I should not have procrastinated on. I

struggled a lot on focusing this semester, so I had a harder time actually sitting down and doing

assignments. Because I procrastinated on my paper and really the whole class I was really

stressed when there were three weeks of school left. I needed to get the assignment done but I

have so much in my other classes that I would use those classes as an excuse for not getting this

class done sooner. However, if I wasn’t stressed out, I don’t think I would be done with this class

by now. This may sound weird, but I think being stressed and not wanting to do this class again

in another semester is what motivated me to get it done. The main lesson that I hope I actually

learn is to not procrastinate in school. I was so stressed to the point that I had to take a month off

of work so that I could get caught up on homework. Even during that month, I was still

procrastinating on my homework, so next time I am going to have someone hold me responsible

and help me get assignments done on time. Some of the revisions that I made were grammatical,

because I type really fast and Word is trying really hard to understand a lot of the sentences I am

writing but sometimes it doesn't realized that it should be typed in a different way so it doesn't

tell me to change and when I read it again I realize it does not make any sense so I have to make

it make sense so that my readers can understand it. I also had to make the paper longer because it
did not meet the guidelines and I didn’t want to be docked points for it. My honest grade that I

would giv myself is probably between an A- and a B.

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