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Student Name: Diarmuid Butler

ID: G00393839

Subject: WT Topic(s): Wood Turning

Pupil Year Group: 2nd years No. of Pupils: 16
Lesson Number: 12 Length of lesson: 60
Date: 24th January 2023 Time of Lesson: 3:00


Previous Knowledge

Students have gained previous knowledge on how to apply measurements to accurately mark out
their piece for their model project (Numeracy). They have learned how to visualize the joint from a
working drawing and apply the construction lines to the marking out of their piece (Graphicacy). They
have also learned new terminology during this project such as bridle joint, dowel, shoulder of a
mortise (Oracy)

Previous Skills

The students have picked up skills in previous class such as hand tools skills where they applied their
skills to construct joints using tools such as a marking gauge, tenon saw, chisels, mallets and sanding
blocks. They have gained knowledge of ensuring always to sand with the grain to prevent scratching
of the surface of the wood and they have also learned to use a marking gauge or a sharp edge when
marking out cuts as this will break the fibres of the wood to ensure for a cleaner joint and prevent
tear out/splitting.

Teacher Observation

There is a high differentiation between abilities within this group. There are a number of students
who work very fast and get the work done quickly and there are also a number of students who
struggle with the work and need additional guidance.

Brief outline of WHY this content is the basis of the lesson and why you have selected these KEY*
particular teaching, learning and assessment strategies- a justification for the lesson.

In previous classes students have been applying themselves to gluing their mirror frame
projects together. We have finally glued all the pieces together and some have moved onto
design research of the design they aim to put into the frame. In today’s class we will be RL
recapping on the previous learning we had of the lathe and wood turning. As we were in an
alternative classroom due to flooding, we didn’t get a chance to physically use or even see a
lathe in person. With the aid of the lathe I will be using it to reinforce the learning and also
highlight new learning which had been left out in the previous classes.

*KEY: RL=Reinforced Learning, NL=New Learning


*KEY: C=Cognitive, PM=Psychomotor, A=Affective

1.1 explore key elements required for the completion of tasks

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Success Criteria for Key

At the end of this lesson the students will be Learning LI’s
enabled to:

Prepare stock to use on the lathe Visual inspection Students will

correctly prepare
timber before
fastening to the PM
1.7 explain the function and application of a range of tools, equipment, fixtures and fittings

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Success Criteria for Key

Learning LI’s
At the end of this lesson the students will be
enabled to: Verbal Questions Students will C
Recite important tools and parts which are and assessment confidently
involved in wood turning. sheet. communicate their
knowledge of wood
1.10 apply recognised health and safety practices in the use of tools, equipment and
Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Success Criteria for Key
At the end of this lesson the students will be Learning LI’s
enabled to: C
Integrate health and safety protocols into Visual inspection Students will stay
their practice on the lathe
safe when using




15.00 – Keeping up with the rules and Students will enter the classroom
routines of the classroom: as normal, entering in an orderly
15:15 L
fashion and taking their seat. They
 Students will enter the will leave their jackets outside the
room in an orderly fashion, door as we will be doing practical
leaving their jackets class today and loose clothing is a O
outside the classroom as safety hazard when working with
loose clothing can be a machines
safety hazard in the work
bench room. The students will engage in the
 Roll call is taken recap activity of the knowledge
 Quick recap on our learned in previous classes and
previous class where we answer a number of higher and
were gluing up our pieces lower order questions if their name
using PVA and sash is picked from the random name
clamps. With the aid of a generator. If some students
random name generator, I struggle to answer other students
will ask random students a will be allowed to help.
number of questions in
relation to the gluing
processes we have been
working on.


15.15 – Moving onto the main aims of  Students will listen to the L
today's class, we will be diving into recap of woodturning
woodturning and the lathe. refreshing their minds on O
the topic.
 Recap on woodturning to CL
 Students engage in the
refresh the students minds group demonstration and
on the topic as we haven’t answer any questions
covered it in a while. which may be asked of
 Group demonstration on them.
preparing stock to use it  They take on board the
on the wood lathe. new learning to complete
Outlining important the processes involved in
factors such as: woodturning in their
1. Marking the centre point  The students ensure to
of each end of the stock to practice good health and
ensure the centre is safety protocols when
correctly fastened to the using the lathe.
2. Cut diagonal groves at one
end of the piece of wood
to help the drive centre
prongs to grip the wood.
3. Option to plane some of
the waste off the piece to
make it easier starting off
on the lathe.

 I will then move on to

outlining some of the main
parts and functions of the
lathe while also showing
the chisels we use when
working with the lathe.
 A quick demonstration will
be shown to the students
of me removing waste
from the stock before
getting the students to
break up into groups the
have a go themselves.


 while I am giving the

demonstration I am
outlining health and safety
rules to follow when using
the machinery.


15.45 Coming towards the end of the Students will apply their L
lesson I will hand out assessment knowledge to answering the
sheets of the material we have assessment sheet given to them. G
covered in wood turning and the
wood lathe. The students will be MA
self-assessing their work from Students will listen up to the recap
todays class. (Socrates) I will be of todays lesson and write down a
walking around and assessing their part of the lathe they have learned
work (Piaget) today on the exit card they have
I will then take up the sheets and
recap on the learning we have
covered today while handing out
exit cards to the students asking Students will then follow the rules
them to outline a part of the lathe and routines of class and tidy up
they have learned today. (Dewey) any equipment or waste created in
todays class to keep the work
I will ask the students to tidy away bench room safe and easily
their equipment on their desks and accessible for all users.
clean the floors of any waste.

*KEY: L=Literacy, N=Numeracy, O=Oracy, G=Graphicacy, SEN=Special Educational Needs, MA=Mixed Ability,
CL= Cooperative Learning, GI=Gender Inclusion & MI=Multicultural Inclusion.


Random Name Generator


Assessment Sheet
6. Lesson Reflection

Q. What went well in this lesson, and why? (1 para- show depth of reflection)

The students were reinforcing their learning of the lathe with a practical demonstration and hands
on work themselves. Before Christmas we covered the lathe in the alternative classroom due to
flooding. In this class I was recapping on that learning with a hands-on class with the actual lathe.
There was clear evidence of eagerness and excitement in many students as they awaited to use
the new machine. The students took on the learning very well and was evident in their answers on
their assessment sheet at the end of class.

Q. What did not go as well as hoped, in this lesson, and why? (1 para- show depth of reflection)

As we were doing this work in groups, the students were all up on top of each other using the
lathes. This was a bit concerning as a health and safety issue and I spent a bit of time asking
students who were watching to stand back from the machine as it is dangerous.

Q. What might I do to improve this lesson, were I to deliver it again? (1para- show depth of

If I was to do this lesson again, I would have had a waiting are for students who could wait safely
until it is their time to use the machine. I would also talk more through the demonstration
outlining different techniques and feelings that were happening while I was using the lathe to
outline to students what to expect when using the lathe.


Q. What did I observe today, in general terms, that I need to follow up on, next class? (e.g.
student engagement, classroom management issues, poor/unwieldy entrance and exit from the
classroom, lighting in the room, visibility of the screen from the back of the room, absenteeism,
SEN challenges, H&S, etc.). Bullet points.

· Unwieldy entrance. Some students are arrived n late and had to leave again to retrieve
their pencil cases.

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