Toefl Exercises Structure 43-45

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TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 43-45): Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best

completes the sentence.

___ 1. Superman made (A) their (B) comic debut (C) in 1938 in (D) Action Comics.

___2. Commercial letters of credit are often used (A) to finance export (B) trade, but them (C)
can have other uses (D).

___3. When children experience (A) too much (B) frustration, its (C) behavior ceases (D) to be

___4. On March 30, 1981, President Reagan was shot (A) as (B) his (C) was leaving (D) a
Washington hotel.

___ 5. Although the destruction that it causes (A) is often terrible, cyclones benefit (B) a much
wider (C) belt than they (D) devastate.

___ 6. President Andrew Jackson had an official (A) cabinet, but him (B) preferred (C) the
advice of his (D) informal advisors, the Kitchen Cabinet.

___ 7. After Clarence Day’s book (A) Life with Father was rewritten (B) as a play, they (C) ran
for six years (D) on Broadway.

___ 8. Almost (A) half of the (B) Pilgrims did not survive theirs (C) first (D) winter in the New

___ 9. There was (A) no indication (B) from the Senate that he (C) would agree with the
decision made (D) in the House.

___10. A baby learns the meanings of words as they (A) are spoken by others (B) and later (C)
uses him (D) in sentences.

TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1-45): Choose the letter of the word or group of words that
best completes the sentence

1. ____worst phase of the Depression, more than thirteen million Americans had no jobs.

(A) It was in the

(B) During the

(C) While the

(D) The

2. When reading a book, you must keep your point of view separate from the point of view in
___you are studying.

(A) that

(B) the material and

(C) the materials that

(D) the materials that are

3. Speech consists not merely of sounds but ___ that follow various structural impressive.

(A) of organized sound patterns

(B) organized sound patterns

(C) that sound patterns are organized

(D) In organizing sound patterns

Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.

___ 4. The latest (A) medical report indicated that the patient's temperature was near normal
(B) and their (C) lungs were (D) partially cleared.

___ 5. Most (A) oxygen atoms have (B) eight neutrons, but a small amount (C) have nine or ten

___ 6. When Paine expressed his (A) belief in (B) independence, he praised (C) by the public

___ 7. A vast quantity (A) of radioactive material (B) is (C) made when does a hydrogen bomb
explode (D).

___ 8. Genes have several alternative (A) form (B), or alleles, which (C) are produced by (D)

___9. A star that (A) has used up its (B) energy and has lost its heat (C) became (D) a black

___10. Each lines (A) of poetry written (B) in blank verse has (C) ten syllables, which are
alternately (D) stressed and unstressed.

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