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Conference on Structural Dynamics (DinEst 2018)

Madrid, 20–21 June



Christian A. Barrera Vargas† , José M. Soria† , Xidong Wang† , Iván M. Dı́az† , Jaime
H. Garcı́a Palacios† ,
† ETS Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
28040 Madrid, Spain

Abstract. The design and installation of a Tuned Mass Damper (TMD) to reduce the vibration response
level of a structure has been widely studied. This type of passive control system loses efficacy and
performance due to its detuning when the modal parameters of the structure change due to external
factors or model uncertainties. Under these circumstances, the use of several TMD, also known as multi-
tuned mass dampers (MTMD), could be a solution to be explored. However, the design of these TMDs is
not obvious: i) configuration to be adopted (several TMDs in parallel or in serie), ii) number of devices
to be considered, and iii) tuning of each single TMD parameters. Thus, this paper studies the tuning
parameters and MTMD configurations as well as their performance compared with the classical TMD
approach with the same mass ratio, in order to compare TMD configurations with the same total inertial

Key words: Vibration control; Tuned mass damper; Multiple tuned mass dampers

1 INTRODUCTION substituting the original idea of a simple degree of

freedom system with a multiple degree of freedom
Tuned Mass Dampers (TMD) are devices used system. Under this new concept, Yamaguchi and
to control and cancel vibrations in structures, Harnpornchai [3] studied the response of this Mul-
which is achieved through the dissipation of energy tiple Degree of Freedom system under Harmoni-
that provides the damping of that device when is cally Forced Oscillations, adjusting each TMD to a
connected to a structure or primary system. A lot close frequency for each vibration mode of the main
of researches have been carried out about the de- structure; this feature was also studied by Xu and
sign and optimization of TMDs [1]. However, as Igusa in [4]. MTMDs have two presents two con-
it is well-know, TMDs suffer from detuning when figurations, in Parallel and in Serie and some of
modal parameters of the structure change over time these investigations were carried out by Hong and
and their performance degrade drastically. Multi- Xiang in [5] and Zuo in [6], respectively.
TMDs (MTMD) and semi-active TMDs are de-
In this paper, the tunning frequency necessary
signed to reduce such detuning issue.
for a system of MTMDs is evaluated in parallel and
Zuo and Nayfeh [2] studied the use of MTMD, in serie, and compared with a single TMD with the

Christian A. Barrera Vargas, José M. Soria, Xidong Wang,Iván M. Dı́az and Jaime H. Garcı́a Palacios

same inertial.

2 Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers - Parallel

and Serie

A structure that has a TMD attached, can be

considered as a system of two degrees of freedom
(figure 1), where each DOF has modal parameters
of mass (m), damping (c) and stiffness (k), while
the MTMDs are considered as a system of mul-
tiple degree of freedom, where the mathematical
problem is more complex to solve, and their behav-
ior over the main structure depends directly of the
configuration adopted, Parallel (figure 2) or Serie
(figure 3).

Figure 3: Series MTMD.

2.1 Mathematical solution

The dynamic of system with N -DOF, is defined

by the equation of motion.

M ẍ + C ẋ + Kx = F (1)

Figure 1: Classical TMD
N =n+1

and n = number of TMDs

The TMDs generate inertial forces that are ex-
erted on the structure to reduce its vibration. The
Laplace domain is used here for dynamic analysis
in such a way that transfer function (TF) between
relevant magnitude are derived and analysed.

2.2 Transfer Function MTMD Parallel

The equations of motion for this configuration

(figure 2) are:

Figure 2: Parallel MTMD. mp ẍp + cp ẋp + kp xp − f ti = f (2)

Christian A. Barrera Vargas, José M. Soria, Xidong Wang,Iván M. Dı́az and Jaime H. Garcı́a Palacios

with i = 1, ..., n and r is (i) or (i + 1), with 1 ≤ i ≤ n

The force balance for primary mass is:
mi ẍi + f ti = 0 (3)
mp ẍp + cp ẋp + kp xp − Ft1 = f (9)
Where f ti is the force transmitted to the pri-
mary mass by TMD i:

The Laplace transform of (9) is as follows:

f ti = ci (ẋi − ẋp ) + ki (xi − xp ) (4)

The Laplace transform of (2) is as follows:

Xp (s)(s2 mp +scp +kp +sc1 +k1 )−X1 (s)(sc1 +k1 ) = F (s)
n (10)
Xp (s)(s mp +scp +kp )+ (s2 mi Ti (s)Xp (s)) = F (s)
i=1 Where the Laplace transform for each TMD is:
In which Ti (s) is the TF between TMD displace-
ment and structure displacement:
Xi+1 (s)(sci+1 + ki+1 ) + Xi−1 (s)(sci + ki )
Xi (s) =
(s2 mi + sci + ki + sci+1 + ki+1 )
Xi (s) (sci + ki )
Ti (s) = = 2
Xp (s) (s mi + sci + ki )

The TF between the primary mass movement The TF between the primary mass movement and
and the external force is derived from (s) as fol- the external force is obtained from (10):

Xp (s) 1 Xp (s) 1
= 2 = 2
(s mp + scp + kp ) + ni=1 s2 mi Ti (s) (s mp + scp + kp + sc1 + k1 ) − X1 (s)(sc1 + k1 )
F (s) F (s)
(6) (11)

2.3 Transfer Function MTMD Series Note that TFs (6) and (11) are the objetive TFs in
which Xp (s) should be minimized. Note also that (11)
The equations of motion for this configuration should be derived recursively from TFs of all coupled
series TMDs.
(figure 3) are :

3 Efects in Variation of Frequency Tuning

mn ẍn + Ftn = 0 (7) Using the Den Hartog formulation to derive TMD
parameters, it is obtained a mass ratio (m) = 0.01 · mp ,
frequency (f ) = 0.995·fp , damping ratio (ζ) = 0.061 for
mi ẍi + Fti − Fti+1 = 0 (8) a single TMD (figure 1). The frequency tuning for paral-
lel and serie MTMD is studied. Two parallel TMDs and
Where the force transmitted by each TMD is: two serie TMDs are considered (n=2), with the same to-
tal mass of the single TMD: m1 = m2 = m2t , so that the
effect of f1 and f2 is studied (figure 4) and (figure 5).
The same damping ratio as the single TMD is assumed
Ftr = cr (ẋr − ẋr−1 ) + kr (xr − xr−1 ) ζ1 = ζ2 = 0.061.

Christian A. Barrera Vargas, José M. Soria, Xidong Wang,Iván M. Dı́az and Jaime H. Garcı́a Palacios

FRF: Structure Displacement/Input Force 4 CONCLUSIONS
1.2 Detunning - The parallel system requires for the tuning fre-
Tunning quencies and upper and a lower value than the
main frequency of the structure
Magnitude (abs)

- If we increase the mass ratio, it is possible to sep-
0.6 arate the frequency of TMDs from the frequency
of the main structure, increasing the wide-band.

- The serie system for a mass ratio of 1% kg and

ζ = 0.06 in each TMD, requires a frequency tuned
0 at 1.6 · fp in each TMD, but if the damping value
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Frequency (Hz) change drastically, it is necessary change the tun-
ning frequency.
Figure 4: Parallel Two MTMDs (f1 < fp <
f2 )(solid),(f1 = f2 > fp )(dash),(f1 = f2 <
fp )(dash-dot) REFERENCES
[1] SAMCO “Final Report 2006 F05 Guidelines for
FRF: Structure Displacement/Input Force
Structural Control ”
Structure [2] Zuo Lei and Nayfeh 2002 “Design of Mult - Degree
-of - Freedom Tuned - Mass Dampers: A Minmax
Structures, Structural Dynamics and Materials
Magnitude (abs)

0.8 Conference, AIAA Paper No 2002-1283

0.6 [3] Yamaguchi, H., and Harpornchai, N., 1993, “Fun-
damental Characteristics of Multiple Tuned Mass
Dampers for suppressing Harmonically Forced Oscil-
0.2 lations, ”Earthquake Eng. Struct Dyn., 22,pp 51-62.
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
[4] Xu, K., and Igusa, T., 1992, “Dynamic Character-
Frequency (Hz) istics of Multiple Substructures With Closely Spaced
Frequencies, ”Earthquake Eng. Struct Dyn., 21,pp
Figure 5: Series Two MTMDs (f1 = f2 >
fp )(solid),(f1 = f2 < fp )(dash)
[5] Hong-Nan and Xiang-Lei 2007, “Optimization
After obtaining the criteria to tune the frequency, of non-uniformly distributed multiple tuned mass
it is observed the behavior compared with a classical damper ”Journal of Sound and Vibration 308 (2007)
TMD 80-97.
[6] Zuo, Lei., 2009, “Effective and Robust Vibration
FRF: Structure Displacement/Input Force
1.4 Control Using Series Multiple Tuned Mass Dampers,
1.2 TMD
”Journal of Vibration and acoustics.
Parallel 2TMD
Serie 2TMD
Magnitude (abs)





0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Frequency (Hz)

Figure 6: Classical TMD, Parallel Two MT-

MDs and Serie Two MTMDs

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